THE PUBLIC LEDGER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO PltUSPECT. WOMAN AND HOME. WORKING GIRLS AS WIVLS AND MAK ERS OF HAPPY HOMES. The Old Friend And tlio Lest friend, that never i'uls you, is Simmons Liver Iiegu hitn (the Bed Z) that's what you hoar at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not he persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It acts directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and give3 new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be takerr diy or made into a tea. KVEflY ICIIAt;C l lid 11w Z Stump in inl iviwpper. J. 11. ZE1LIX A- CO.. Pliiia.k-lr.iiia. Fa. i 9 9 Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are caused by an impure blood, which will f result in a more dreaded disease. I Unless removed, slight impurities I v.ill develop into Scrofula, Ecze- f rrsa, Salt Rheum and other serious results of ad food J I have for some time t een "a suiterer from a severe 5 blood trouble, for which I .took many remedies that did me no good- I have rwir tnlATl fnur hotting of gry with tlie most wonderful results j Am enjoying tlie best health ! pvpr lrnpv ha f pal ne(l twent v pounds and my friends say they never saw me as well. I am iVehmi quite like a new Government Print-nt :S -e, u nn.s'tun, U. C. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. DO YOU EXPECT TO BECOME A MOTHER ? 66 MOTHERS Friend" fp.kes child birth easy, Av.:-,i. Nature, Lessens Danger, and Shortens Labor. "Lly wife suffered more in ten minutes with her ether children than she did all together with her last, after having used lour bottles of MOTHER'S FRIEND," says a customer. IltNUEiiSON Dale, Druggist, Carmi, 111. Sent by express on receipt of price, $1.50 per boi ila. iiook " To Mothers " mailed free. BR ADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., fOR 6ALE BY ALL DfiUGCICTS. ATLANTA, QA W. L. Bqwqlab IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING. $5. CORDOVAN, FREHCH& ENAMELLED CALR 43.sp FINE CALF& KANGAROO. o.5P0UCE,3 Soles. o5?.$2.V0RKINGMen extra fine. 2.l.7-5 Boys'SchoolShoes. LADIES' . Am &f4 J T SEND TOR CATALOGUE v BROCKTON, MASS. Von rnn save monny by piir-hiiHiii2 V. L. !;iiul;in Shoe, localise, we are the largest manufacturers of ndverlistl shoes in the world, and guarantee the value ly stamping the name and price on tlie bottom, which protects you against high pticc s and the middleman's profits. Our shoes fjiial custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at low r prices lor the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by 2. T. EAWLINS, Oxford, XT. C. Administrator's Notice. A V IN;. ON '1 II K 1 DAY OF SEl'TEM- .i r, l '.il, duly (iiiidilicd af administrator ii coil tin- c-tati- of the late Dr. J'atrick Booth, 1 do tiT-hy notify ail peifonf, havinsr claims a'iiin-t r-aid estate, t pieHcnt them to me for p.'iyinciit on. or Ixrlore. t he 1ft day of October, l'-s'.C, r t hi- not ire will be plead in tar of their recovery. All perroiiH indebted to said estate are rei'icHted to make immediate payment to me. heiitemher r.'Olh, lM'.U. cept il W)l, T. LYON, Administrator. Land Sale. Y VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST MADE 1 by Robert A. Williams and wife on the 8th rlay of May, iswt, which i duly recorded in the licgicter'H Olliee for Granville county in Hook '-'.. at page aO", I will, on Saturday, th 20th day of Oct., ih'.it, at the courthouse door In Oxford, N. :., seli to the highest bidder, for cash, all the real ci-tate conveyed in t-aid ("eed of trust. The mint: hoing situate in Fishing Creek township, in said county, and adjoins the lands of Adol phns Montague, Charles Averett, Charles Mays and others and is known as lot No. 2 in the di vision of the real estate of the late Benjamin and Henrietta Williams, ar.d allotted to the said Kobert, A. by order of court, containing fifty acres more or less. Terms of sale cash. Sale at Vi o'clock m. N. U. CAN NAD Y, Att'v. Oxford, N. C, Aug. lS'.H. aug.l7-4t. Sale of Land. 1)i:iiSUANT TO A JUDGEMENT AND DE cree of the Superior Court of Granville county, marie at the July term. 1894, thereof, in the case of L. C. Edwards vs. John A. Puryear, I shall, on Monday, the 5th day of November, 1894. (it being the first Monday iu November) sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door "m Oxford, the lands described iu the wlead iiis of said case. Said land contains about UK) ac Vs and is bounded by the Virginia State line on the Nort'i, the lands of John Puryear and Ki( hard Thorp on the East, the lands of the late G. W. Mulchi on the South, and the lands of Kebecca West and others on the West. It being the same tract of land conveyed to L. C. Ed wards by Kutlin Stone and Susan M. Nelsou by Deed dated 22nd Sept , 1885, Deed Book 39, page 171, Kcister of Deeds office, Granville county. Time of eale 12 o'clock, m. This Oct. 4th. 1894. oc.5-4t. ii. s. EoysTEli, CommiBBioner. Women as Designers The Evolution of the Daughters The Long Gown Age The Girl Journalist Stylish Women Pulled the Nail Miss Kepplier. The best and happiest wife in this and the next generation is and will be the s If supporting woman. It is so evident that argument and proofs seem superfluous. From a severely praetieal standpoint, a woman who has made her own living knows the value of money, lias had ex perience in making it go as far as possible, has sown all the wild oats of small extrav agances and subsequent scrimping that make trouble in many new homes. A dol lar to her represents so many hours' work, jiot a few coaxing words addressed to pa pa. She knows what kind of home it is pleasant to come to after a tiring day's work and what sort of breakfast is the best foundation for eight hours' toil. She has been used for so long to look aft er herself that it is almost heaven to have some one ask if she had her rubbers on this morning, and the trifling attention will be repaid by a devotion to socks and buttons which the masculine mind will enjoy while it may not entirely under btand. No matter how plucky and successful she has been, the self supporting woman has been for years very tired, mentally and physically, with tlie weight of responsibil ity she has carried. If one week has been brought to a close sxiccessfully, in compar ative comfort and with no debt incurred, she can only draw a very short breath be fore the next one commences. It may bo very selfish, but isn't it delicious to feel that some one else, whose shoulders are stronger, has taken this wearing burden from j-ou and carries it easily too? What can be more delightful, after years of rush ing down town immediately after break fast or shutting oneself up in a study or office early in tlie morning, than to draw a comfortable, happy breath at the table and then set about domestic duties? The sheltered feeling is indescribable and ono that cannot be appreciated by any woman who has not fought her own battles. Men as a general thing are good natur ed and pleasant enough to women whom they meet in a business way, but however kind they may be the woman never can feel that she is at her best outside of her home. Do you think a self reliant, plucky breadwinner, who is, after all, the more a woman for all her brave march abreast with men, is going to toss her head and given utterance to the hackneyed state ment about not giving up her liberty for the best man living, and is there anything particularly desirable in the liberty which consists in working day after day for food and clothes and a place to sleep, barely gained by wages which will be lost the moment some one else is willing to do the same work for less money? This applies to every wage earning woman, from the girl who spends her weary days behind a counter to the successful brain worker, who is more envied becauso less under stood than any of the women who eat their own bread. Jessie M. Burogyne in Don ahue's Magazine. Women as Designers. The cheap production of machine mado ornamentations is doubtless thwarting to truly artistic and original design, but tlie demand for new patterns and new designs is overwhelming, and manufacturers, be ing for the most part practical business men and not conscientious artists, natural ly seek to meet the denwmd by every sea son producing some novelty in the decora tions of their goods. Many manufacturers keep their own designers on the premises. Yet many of the best makers are not averse to buying designs from otttsiders, as they obtain thereby greater novelty and change. Herein comes the opportunity for wrork by trained women designers. I Jut woman must first bo schooled as to tho needs of manufacturers. She must learn the business side of her art. In these days of overcompetition any scheme that promises even a possibility of helping women to help themselves should arouse interest and attention. The grow ing desire among the rising generation of drafters to earn their own living does not, I think, proceed from a desire to be selfish ly independent of men, but from the nat ural and healthy wish to bo free and hon est in their thoughts and actions and to have some higher aim in life than the so ciety girl's wearisome search for pleasure and a husband. If all women in their youth received a practical training in some practical craft, so that if necessity demand ed they might be able to earn ji living, they would be saved from the fear of sordid poverty and lie enabled to work out their own destinies, and if Providence did not see lit to provide them with a congenial mate they would still be able tolind a fair field for tho employment and rem u dera tion of their talents. Hut even if woman does marry it by no means follows that she is provided for for the term of her nat ural life. The vagaries of an inexorable destiny in these days of speculative busi ness and bank failures often leave a widow and orphans dependent upon tlie unselfish ness of their relations. It would bo inval uable under such circumstances for a wom an to have a working knowledge of Homo art or craft, so that sho might be able to earn a decent living for herself and her children. Mrs. J. K. II. Cordon in Fort nightly Review. Tlie I)imileI Clieek Village Mind may not retain her dimples and rosy cheeks "blooming with health," until she finds a good husband. A little neglfct or accident may bring about some one of the many "female" diseases and "weak nesses," to which the sex is subject, and health may be forever impaired, and hopes and happiness be at an end. Thanks to Dr. Pierce, his Favorite Prescription, prepared by him for women, cures tlie worst cases of uterine diseases, nervous ness, neuralgia, irregularities, and "weak nesses." It is a great invigorating tonic and nervine, and rapidly builds up the health and strength. Dr. Pierce's Tellets, for constipation sick headache, biliousness, indigestion Once taken, always in favor. WlialSlie Says-furpd. Mrs. Belle Paterson, " os Atlanta, Ga. had a distressing case of confirmed dys pepsia, and after using one bottle of Ty. ner's Dyspepsia Kemedy she wriles: "The very first dose gave rae releif, and a short continuance effected an entire cure." Thousands of others attest its wonderful virtues A single dfse will prove its rfficacy. For sale by all drug gists. Send for book of full particulars See advertisement elsewhere. (aI fTT iS 1 ak1 ii ii. fHWf hiillhullllll l fir Nurse Now, Mamie, how would you like to have a brother? Little Mamie (gloomily) Who's go ing to propose to me, I'd like to know? Truth. A HEARTLESS MOTHER-IN-LAW Mrs. Van Million But, Mr. Mari gold, if you marry my daughter how do you and she expect to live without money? Jack Marigold Do you mean to say that you would allow your son-in-law to starve? Frank Leslie's Weekly. SHE WOULD MAKE AN EFFORT. -.uiillliimrSj ft i. ii.lJ- ni . ill (I "Now, Neddie, learn your lessons and mamma will love you." "Will .you love me as much as you do the pug?" "I'll try to, dear." Demorest's Mag azine. FOREWARNED FOREARMED, Male Voice from Above (sw-eetby) Has that young man gone yet, Tilly? Tilly (hesitatingly) Why er no Popper! Male Voice from Above (more sweet ly) Will you please bring me up that pair of boots you see hy the door? The Young Man (tremulously) Ah er Miss Till'! While you are up I guess Id better be going. Puck. ROOM FOK DGUliX. IT Wuz she razzre-dazzled when she Been me in my Sunday clothes, or wuz it indifference she intended toconwey? Brooklyn Life. L1 . Executor's Sale of Real AND Personal Property. rpUKSDAY T11K .(Itii DAY OK OCTOHEH, ,, Uat tlie late i residence of IIvvelI Gor don, deceased, 1 will well to tlie highest bidder, toolHfM '1rUSl!ho11 f"i're and plant.Uion id'?, i Zn dCnW?l!ud; At U)e time and VU 1 ,WI" ,He" the tract f 'and on which naid deceased lived and died, containing U0 acres u a credit of si, months lor one half or t he ih Vr c hase inoney and of twelve month for the nil iVir, C lurch!l money to be secured by Administrator's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED AS THE ADM IN is - BJar-.-j rSlHL, Jill fi 'in mm it, iff ni i ui ti n m I I IB 1 FALL WINTER We would be pleased to have you call and in spect our line of Dress Goods and Trimmings. We have the handsom est and most complete line in this department that has ever been shown in this town. We have a large stock of Carpetings, Mattings and Rug s, and they are 20 to 25 per cent, cheap er than ever before. We have everything you want such as Ho siery, Vests, Gloves, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Laces and Fancy Goods. We carry the best shoes in the world. They fit better, wear better and are prettier than you find elsewhere and the prices are right. Our goods were all bought in the last two weeks so as to get the benefit of the new tariff law which is 20 to 25 per cent, lower than be fore. We will save you that amount on every bill you purchase of us. Standard Ginghams 5 cents. Standard Colicos 5 cents. Bleached and Brown Domestics are cheaper than you ever heard of before. Flannels, Piece Goods and Table Linens are much lower. We take great pleas ure in showing you our goods. All we ask of you is a call and we will con vince you that our prices are right. - PiPIS BROS WE, ARE If TOU ARE For the past 15 years I have served the ood people of (iranvillo and I feel much satisfaction when I realize that 1 have done so hon estly and have at all times furnished the choicest and best jjoods that could be procured. Again I invite all to call, look to your hearts content at the immense stock of wearables and if my prices, styles, lits and quality are not all I claim, I have made the first mistake of my Inwnes career. Lowef Goods all along the line are lower. Your Money has increased purchasing power. Little Boys Suits. Big Boys Suits. Men's Suits any size. Little and Big Overcoats. Extra Pants. Rubber Cape Overcoats. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Merino Shirts, Dress Shirts, Socks, Suspenders, Collars, Cuffs and II;mderehiefs. Cotton, Wool and Skin Gloves, and jrreat'jst Hue of Neckties at 25 cents in the State. Come along and I can fit you out whether for business or dress, marriage or school. What you want is here. Wo are not doctors, but "Bang Up Clothiers," Kfonheimef's, Main Street. "Haxci TlITCS, LIKETHE ARAB, WILL FOLD HIS TENT AMD Silentlj T Steal Away BEBXJRE THE Top of the Market Prices THAT Knott & Cooper ARE Procuring For the Farmers AT THE OLD Minor Warehouse ! n H M M S3 iU a-!rsr'-s? rices ! Oxford, N. C '"We intend to occup3T ,Ije Band W agon, and lead the proces sion.1' No back seat for us, -while haul work, courteous attention and BIG PRICES will FOBGE US to the FRONT. All grades of Col or y Tobacco are in active demand and prices an; rulin: high. We are in tho business to stay anl will always use OUR BKsf EFFORTS IN YOUR INTEREST. We congratulate the farmers and the trade generally upon the flatter ing crop prospect. Don't forget tint our market is lirst-chtss in every pai ticular. Our Buyers Hold Lan e Orders for all Grades and are ex tremely anxious for tho weed. Re member that (iranville County To bacco stands higher with the trade than any other, and commands high er prices nowhere else than on the Oxford Market. So come right alou z to the Minor a ad you shall have high est market prices at every sale. Yours to relv on, KNOTT fc COOPER, Proprietors Minor Warehouse. b MTV b K f hi ra t P 11111181(11 3' 1 3 1 !