THE PUBLIC LEDGER. EW ADVERTISEMEXTS. IF EPHR1KM HAS CiOT THE RANDOLPH X GO. HAVE THE Groceries, Crockery, Shoos, Confections, Christmas Novelties, Fireworks, Etc. Sag?-Ve keep a full stock of fresh poods on band. Give us a t ial. W. H. Randolph & Co dec.14. HOI A GOOD TIME! 4 XMAS GOODS! Pulling For R. L Pitch ford's, The place to buy your Christmas Goods at prices to suit your pocket-book. Big stock of Fresh Chinawares, Vases, &c. A large find varied assortment of the roost choice Confectioneries, Heavy and F.ncy Groceries, Canned Goods, Cigars and Tobacco, Toilet Soaps, Cheese, Crack ers, Do not. buy your Christmas Goods until you have examined my stock, as 1 am in i he fwiin for trade and my goods must U s..ld. li. L. PITBHFOKD, Commercial Ave., dec. 11. Oxford, N. C. JUST THE THING FOH Christmas and New Year Presents ! Here is a Il-d of suitable presents whhh may be of as much service to yon as the person you might give them lo: Rocking Chairs 5 -IN OAK, Elegantly Finished. LEA.TH.Elf, PLUSH, SILK, TAPESTRY, c , Choice Cords- Ladies' Desks, 1 1 all Hacks, beau tifully finished Center Tables, Mirrors, Picture?, Parlor and Bed Boom Suits. ('all and ee our display which is equal to any found in cities. J. A. Webb dec 14. LANDIS BLOCK. Notice. TNDEIi AMD BY VIRTUE OF THE POW lJ er of sale conferred upon me in a mortgage executed on the 23rd cay of March, 1SJJ-3, by S. M. Aiken, and duly register d in mortgage book 38 page 3-20, in the office ol the Register of Deeds of Granville county, default having been made in paymen of the debt secured thereby, I shall sell for cash, by public auction to the highest bid der, at the couithouse door in Oxford, Granville county, .N. C, on the 14th day of January, 1895, the real estate described and conveyed in said mortgage, to-wit : In Dutchville township, ad joining the lands of Mrs. Lizzie Aiken, Ralph Jurrin, Willis Suit and It. P. Aiken. For an ac curate description if which ref. rence is hereby made to said mortgage Time of sale 12 m. Dec. 11th. 1S94. W. S. Br CK, decl4-4t-pd. Mortgagee. Sale of Land. BY DIRECTION OF THE CESTUI-QUE-trutt, A. Mar, in a deed in trust to me exe cuted on the 27th day of May. 18!U, by R. L. Hunt and duly recorded in book 4a. pages 4 and 6, of the records of the office of Register of Deeds of Granville county, I will sell to the highest bidder for ca h at the courthouse door in Oxford, on Monday, the 21st day of January, 1891, lots Nos. 10, 15, 16, 20, 29 and 30 in the di vision of the Robert L. Hunt, Nr. lands, as re corded on pages 355 to 3G0 in Book 40 of the Records of Deeds of Granville county. A. W, GRAHAM, Truetee. December 20, 1894. dec2l-4t Firewls, Toys, Daly Dolls, NATIONAL CAPITAL. NEWS OF THE WEEK BOILED DOWN. What Is Going On In and Around the Capital of the Nation. 013 Sixth St., N. E., Washing ton, Dec. 17. Congress spent a con siderable portion of last week in con sideration of the "Pooling Hill." This is ostensibly for the purpose of allowing railroads to pool their earn ings. Whether it will benefit, the country or not I cannot say, but usu ally when legislation of this kind passes, the railroads get ihe long end of the rope. The Senate h;ts had very little to do, as all measures of finance, t!ce., originate in the House, and are sent up from there to the Senate. Peffer and his crank bills have largely come in for attention, and the fact "rows plainer every day that every well regulated legislative body ought to have a graveyard attachment for the special interment of P li'erian bills. The highest matter of privilege which can come before either the Senate or the House of Representa tives is conceded to be the decision of the right of a member to his seat in either house of Congress. The fact that this matter of highest priv ilege is constantly disregaided- in modern times was emphasizt d by the notification given by Mr. Brown, of Tudiana, that on January Jo he will call up the contested case of Wil liams vs. Settle, of North Carolina. The Fifty-third ('ongiess will ex pire March 4 next and this contested election case has been set aside again and again, until now notification is given that within one month and a half of the expiration of the two years' term the case will be brought "to the consideration of the house. In the meantime Mr. Settle, whether entitled to the seat or not, has been drawing the salary and emoluments of the office. Secretary Carlisle has made an es timate that it will require something like a million dollars and five hun dred new officers to collect the in come tax. This will no doubt create a big fight this week, as some Dem ocrats and all the Republicans will oppose the appropriation for this purpose. Men whose incomes range from $4,000 to hundreds of thousands per year, as a rule do not pay tax, and the more their income the less tax they pay in proportion. Hence they will fitrht this bill to the death if they can. As long as the Demo cratic part7 is dependent on the mugwump element of New York and the East for assistance in legislation that benefits the masses and is against the gold-bugs, just so long it will be sure to be disappointed. The income tax should be collected from these millionaires, if it takes half of the estimated amount of the tax to do it. Every time an effort is made in this direction and fails, it but draws the links closer, and makes it that much harder to accomplish at any future time. In England, the richest country on the globe, the largest tax collected is on incomes, and I think they also have an inheritance tax. This is as it should be, and the law which makes the man of moderate means pay more tax than the rich man, in pro portion to his possessions is all wrong, and should be remedied at all hazards. William R. Morrison's name is being mentioned in connection with the Democratic Presidential nomina tion in 1S9G. It is not believed he will williugly oppose Stevenson for it, but he may be pushed forward by his friends. Just now Stevenson is far ahead of all his opponents, and were the convention tomorrow he would be unanimously nominated. But Morrison also is a good man. He is an anti-Cleveland, anti-mugwump Democrat and has long been in favor of lower tariff and better finances. He has never crossed the threshold of the White House since Cleveland has been President. John Randolph Tucker once said to him, "Bill, if you ever get to be Presi dent there will be more honesty and less politics there than ever before."' Mr. Bland, of Missouri, who was defeated in the last election, says that more Populist orators were im ported into his district than ever be fore; that he could not tell where they came from or who paid them; that the so-called Republican Pops voted the Republican ticket and the so-called Democratic Pops voted the Populist ticket. Mr. Bland is the greatest and best known advocate of free silver. He has been fighting for it for twentv years. Now if the Pops are in earnest in their demands for free silver, they take a poor way of getting it by defeating "Old Dick Bland, the Silverite," as he is famil iarly called, and such warm friends of the white metal. I see that part of the county offi cers elect aie allowed 30 days to complete their bonds. The Demo crats should stand with hands off and let them make it by their own efforts and among their own follow ers. The Democrat who assists them on their bonds is many times worse, as a matter of party principle, than the Republican. He stultifies him self in that he voted the Democrat ticket, and then takes the strongest means of all to nullify his vote help them make their bond. If he does it as a matter of financial gain, it is ten times worse, in that he lends himself to a thing which his con science and principles tell him is wrong, in order to reap a paltry gain lor himself. Every Democrat should be consistent and stand with hands I off. Any one who helps not only does violence to his own feelings, but sets at naught the efforts of every other Democrat in the coun : try. If the elect do not have their : bonds ready in a reasonable time, ' and after a fair extension of time, ; th office should be declared vacant, and promptly filled by one who can i give the bond. Again I say, hands off and let them work out their own ! salvation. R. L. B. Pretty flarriage. The Sunset section enjoyed a pretty home wedding on Wednesday morning. At 10 o'clock a. m. Mr. H. H. Hobgood, son of Dr. R. W. Hobgood, and a prosperous young farmer of Pitt countv, and Miss Cor- uelia Pruitt were joined in holy wed lock at the home of the bride by Rev. Mr. Hill in the presence of many rel atives and friends. As soon as con gratulations were over the happy couple left for Oxford where they took the 12 o'clock train for the home of the groom near Grimesland, Pitt county. May happiness, peace, con tentment and prosperity go with them along the journey of life. Alary Potter Memorial School. We will close the fall term of our school wtth a Demorest Contest in the Opera House, Friday night Dec. 21st. The object of this contest is to give the scholars an Elocution ary training and also to kindle a sen timent, not only in their minds, but in the minds of the community against intemperance. The contest will be conducted on the same prin ciple as the one we had at the clos ing exercises of our school in the Spring. The programme wjll not be more than an hour and a halt long. The white citizens are respectfully invited ts attend. G. C. Shaw, Prin. A Romantic Marriage. The Oxford correspondent writing to the Richmond Dispatch under date of December 14th says: Quite a romantic marriage took place at Wilson last night, in which two prominent young people of Ox ford figured as bride and groom. They were Miss Cora Taylor and Mr. William Smith. Miss Taylor, who is only 17, was on a yisit to friends in Wilson. Miss Taylor is deservedly one of our most popular young ladies, pretty, bright, and attracttve. Young Smith is 20 3rears old, and a favorite among his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Smith reached here this morn ing. Mr. Smith is a nephew of M. T. Smith, of Richmond, and Miss Taylor is a niece of Wiley Grandy, of Norfolk. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a cooy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. J. G. Hall, druggist. Remember you can get the very nicest Fruit Cakes at Pendleton's. "decl4. Big Shipment of Tobacco. Oxford is rapidly gaining a wide reputation as a first class tobacco market, and large quantities are being sold here every day. The des mand for all grades by our extensive buyers is great and hence they buv largely. One day last week Mr. W. B. Ballou, one of our liberal buyers, shipped seven car loads to fill one order, and will in a few days ship five car loads more. Several other buyers are rapidly filling orders and consequently large shipments are being made daily. Some days ago 300,000 pounds of tobacco changed hands in Oxford and will also be shipped, thus adding largely to the bank account of our most liberal buyers. Farmers, come right along as there is dead oodles of money in Oxford to pay you for the weed. "It is a pleasure to sell Chanberlain's Cough Remedy," says Stickney & Dent ler, druggists, Republic, Oeio, Because a customer after ooce using it, is almost certain to call for it when agsin in need of such a medicine We sell more of it than of any other cough medicine we handle, and it always gives satisfaction." For coughs, colds and croup, it is with out an equal. lYr sa'e by J. G Hall, druggist. Tobacco Humming. Our market continues to expand and widen out daily, and large breaks are the regular order of the day. Big prices are the ruling spirit and money continues to flow from our two banks into the pockets of the tillers of the soil, and they go home with broad smiles overspread ing their faces. Tuesday was a regular field day and all our warehouses had good breaks, but the Minor took the lead in quantity and Knott & Cooper were on their mettle and used every effort to satisfy all. In fact it is the motto of all our splendid warehouse men and tbeir drummers to please their patrons. Our market is steady and reliable, not being up one day and down the next, so come along and reap the benefit of high prices. The market will close after to day's sales (Friday) until Tuesday, January 1, 1S95. Go to Pendleton's and e-et vnnr Vmnn j Fruits, Confectioneries, etc. He has a 1 full line of Xmas Goods. decl4. OLD NORTH STATE. What Has Taken Place Within Her Borders From flountains to Sea, The Rutherford Democrat reports the burning to death of a child of D. M. Westbrooks, of Rutherford, and a child of James Gilbert, o Polk. The safe of W. P. Neal & Co., of Louisburg, was robbed on the night of Dec. 13th of $1,200 and some valuable papers. There is no clue as yet to the thief. Rev. Jesse Cunningham, who has been made presiding elder of the Durham district, has decided to make his home in Greensboro for the next year, at least. The Corpening boy, who accident ly shot and killed his friend, Her bert Barnes, at Statesville, Monday night, has a card in the Landmark this week warning boys to let pis tols alone. He is represented as being dreadfull distressed 011 ac count of the occurrence. The Stanly News says that on Wednesday, the 5th inst., Mr. Lum Hall was standing ou the doorsteps loading his gun when the gun slip ped and the hammer struck against the steps. The entire load was dis charged in Mr. Hall's body, inflict ing a. wound from which he died on Sunday. The Wilmington Messenger says that in view of the fact that II. K. Ruark, the Populist clerk-elect of the Superior Court of Brunswick county failed to give bond and qual ify, Judge James D. Mclver has appointed Mr. Samuel P. Thorp in his stead. Mr. Thorp is a Demo crat and has been clerk for the past, two years. He has given bond and assumed the discharge of his duties. At Kinston on Tuesday of last week, Mr. N. J. Rouse was attacked by Levi Dawson and his three sons, knocked down and his clothing slashed with knives. The difficulty arose over supplementary proceed ings that were being taken in favor of creditors to examine into the business transactions of the Daw son's the examination being by or der of the Superior Court, before the clerk and by request of Mr. Dawson his daughter's examination was at the store. Rouse was falsely accused of discourtesy to Miss Daw son. The attack is described as cowardly. Fayetteville Observer. Marion Gray, the three-year-old son of our townsman, Mr. J. IL Van 11, has been suffering for the past three weeks from a severe pain in his left ear, which came on periodically. He would plaT about the house most of the time and suffer no pain, then suddenly he would put his hand to his ear and scream as if on the verge of spasms, and continue to suffer for an hour or two, when he would get quiet and go to sleep. The fam ily physician was called diagnosed otitis, and prescribed accordingly. On last Saturday the child began screaming as before, when Mrs. Vanu pulled off his hood to examine his ear, and saw protudiug there from a worm in doubled form. She pulled it out, and found it to be about five inches long, of the asca ris lumbricoldes variety. The child immediately got quiet, and has suf fered no pain since. For rheumatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It. relieves the pain as sorn as applied. .1 . W. Young, West Liberty, W. Va. The prompt relief it affords is alone worth many times the c :st, 50 cents. Its con tinued use will effect a permanedt eiire For sale by J. G. Hall, druggist. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins. Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Rono. Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Cowghs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottl8. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J G. Hall, druggist, Oxford, N. C If you want to give your friends a nicn Christmas present, Landis & EasfJm have a nice line of Rugs, China Tea Sets, Lin en Table Sets. Towels, Napkins and Doylies, Ladies and Gents' Kid Gloves, which make useful as well as ornamental presents. It3h on human, mne on horses, dogs and all stock cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitarj' Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. G. Hall, drugalst, Ox ford, N. C. When Baby was sick, we gave ner &sv.bvu. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Drop around and lav an order for your Christmas supply of Oysters at Pendleton's. dec! I. If you want a pretty lamp for a Christ mas present ca'l on Landis As Kaston. Everybody wants pretty handkerchiefs for Christmas, an I Landis & East on have them. Just louk in the window as you pass by. Choice line of Fresh Candies always on hand at Pendleton's. decl4. "IN THE ARMS OF JESUS." Death Robs a Home of a Dear Little Rose Bud. With much sorrow we chronicle the death of little Hannah, infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crews, which occurred Thursday, Dec. 13th. She was 2 years and 7 months old. Only a few days ago her sweet and beautiful form was the delighful cen ter of a happy home. We can hard ly realize that it has been broken so soon, and we see her bright and beau tiful little face no more. But that fell and dire disease, membraneous croup, so fatal to the ruddy rose buds of so many happy hearthstones, laid its greedy and unyielding talons upon her young and tender form, and in a few hours her gentle spirit took its early fight. Hannah was a very bright and at tractive child, gifted with many little winsome ways that so easily made her a pet and favorite. A taste and talent for music was strikingly man. test in one of so tender years. Often she would sing part of songs that her parents were utterly unaware that she knew. Her fayorite song was "Tell it to Jesus alone." On the night before she passed to the realm of bliss her mother began singing "Rocky-bv-Baby," and she said "Don't sing that mama," sing "Tell it to Jesus Alone." But while that little voice is now forever hushed to the songs of earth, yet it is not silent; it still sings; it is vocal with sweeter music, and henceforth it will be atuned to the anthems of angels and of the spirits of the just made perfect. No longer will she "Tell it to Jesus alone," but with the happy children that have gone and are going up from every land and every home, she will join to sing his praises in "higher notes above." Stricken father and mother, weep not; God has your little darling "safe in the arms of his infinite love" and though you know not now you shall know hereafter, why her angelic spirit was no longer per mitted to roam the shores of earth. A Friend. X E W inVKRTISEMEXTS. OLD SANTA CLAUS HAS ARRIVED AT- J. G. HALL'S Willi A HEAVY LOAD OF ALL KINDS OF XMA3 PRESENTS -FOR THE- Boys and Girls. jgST-Big Display. Be sure to call and see them. decl4. WE ARE FULLY PREPARED! We are fully prepared for the Holiday Season in anything and ever3Tthing' in our line of business. ;HEISTMAS 1894 ! NEW YEAE 1895 ! RBROUGHTON'S HEADQUARTERS For tine Corn and Rye Liquors, ((iordon's Perfection, ) Pure Ap-jj-e Brandy, just the thino- to make nog of. Beer, Choice Wines, ic. Special prices in quantities. decl4 2t. Executor's Notice. HAVING QUA I IFIEI) AS EX ECLTOK OF the Last Will and Teetamnt of N. E. C'an n itiy, deceased, lite of Grauville county, N. C, t his it to notify all persons having claim against the estate of the said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned ou or before the 23.d day of November. 1895, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All psrsons ludebted to said estate wi'l please make immediate pay ment. Oxford, N. V., Nov. 23rd, 1S94. PAUL. P. UANNADY, uov30 6t. .Executor. LIVE STOCK. Do Yon want Horse Fli? We Can Furnish You From $25 Up ! Our Mr. E. A. Kobe ts liat just n-iri ! the Weet with a nice lot of i,.,, , . r ,. price from 25 up. If you want horse flesh either i -vi , trade we are iust the men to , I Remember it will pay you to r.-,ll ,' iore yon ouy or trade hordes. Utii.LOCK A kOHj.;!; JKWi:i,itv. NEW OF- Having just received : i(V stock of Jewelry, I nin prcp;;i to show you the handsomest lii.i r. of Silver Belt Buckles, Solid ver and Plated Ware, Hpt ! ::ci, Eyeglasses, etc., ever shnwi! m Oxford before. Watches From $1 Up Latest styles in Link Cull' Pm tons and Scarf Pins Latest novelties in iNecUur.-:-. and Hair Pins. Handsome line of gold ned h; ver Stud Buttons, Walch Ci.;di. Charms, and Plain and Sol lui : Childrens dmmond set Pu'iie; . Repairing done on short ncii -. Respect fu II v, I). LYNCH, College St., Oxford, N . . ;ico$i:ici es. u PUREST AND BEST ! ! ALWAYS - ON - HAND AT - UtUi RememlK-r you can l- 1 all i- i. goods suitaMn for preparing af.u- for Holiday eating. (J ill and We are headrpiaitprs f;r all kit: i -id - Ml HEAVY AM) FANCY ;K)t"Ki!l Ballard's best hi amis of Fi.ur, 1! Ship Stufl.' and Hay, Choice Cui . , gar, Lard, Hams, Cheese, htc. When you need anything in o'u give us a call and we vviil do our U send you away satisfied. i: hi, "Ml line t to J. S. BROWN O ld Fel'cws TempK - Ovfo l.N 1 Mortgage Sale. 1)Y VIRTUE OF A AiORTOAOK I t I ) ecuted 1y J. W. .Marrow, 1 will -'' lie auction at the courthouse in Oxl'on'. "' day, the I-kh day of January, 1 !).", h!I ' est of J. W. Marrow in a certain tr.i' ' : situate in Sas-safrns Vork tow n-!i v- 1 -county, and Townesville township. ' : ty, adjoining the John Marrow. .)!ii: Ales. Saitarwhite and oilier luiids, :im: the William Marr w tract, contun.:' seven hundred acres, 'hi Dcc m r - K . I'OT'J ON, Thos. M. Pittman, Attorney. -: ' r. . M "! Notice. NOTICE IS II lkehy OIVI.N seizure at A. W. Jones' irm I'1 Grauville county, N. C, on 1,'cn'iiiU r of the following articles ot pcr-oiia! for violations of various fed ions ol tl -i ; ! ' V l! 'I lit i ( Revenue Law s : Two r- Copper SUIIh. Still hi" Twentv two (v-2 packages of Com W ' Any person claiming any of the :i!"lV must make claim for the same mi'l 34o, li. H. II. S wiih''n oil da s I e F. M. SIMMONS, Colli ctor J. A. Thomas, Deputy Collator. n ; ! - ' e.j'- :.-K. 5TCK EW ELK V prop uLRlLUi Browns,