i ; 1 i ' ' ;:i;f : : i k iii.il mi 1 : i . i - ' t ? ; i t . t i i $ t ' I i - ' : v' J i. ; i ! -i i ill "1 i s s ; 'J ' ; 'I ' 1 :4 it : " - OUR COUNTY NEWS. As Dished up By Our Regular Cor respondents. CONDENSED FORM AND READABLE. Personal. NrrlHSeS, Deaths, Go-l, Politic tne Fireside, Chnrclies, (Schools. Farmins, Ac, Ac. News from Ontsilers. r We would be glad to receive local news troni trv nortion of Granville, as well as adjoining ery portion ui " ' . pIlnI T T.wiiftKi: rmitities.as we want to ma .u" i - --- every portion rvmHen8 W( a first-class local newspaper Send us the items Wend? and we will put' them in shape Uon ne backward, fnenas, lei luc I'r'Vi going on in your section. H.ditob.J Oransje Oracles. Corn planting is progressing. Miss Mattie Green and other la dies of the Institute spent Easter at their homes in Granville. Humbug has the mumps, and Oh, don't they make one's jaws acne a Pocrffv Wilkerson, who lives near here, hns reached her TGth year and can read the iinest print wuuuu specks. While Mr. Sam Walters was com Durham last week two burley negroes attacked him about three miles from Durham, and at tho nnint nf a. nistol. demanded his monfiv. he threw up his hand intend ing to knock the pistol out of the r,aAC lianrl. snd the neerio iired on him. the ball went through his v;t Hip, thiflves then took to their heels. We have not yet learned whether they got any money or not. While Messrs. Newland Smith and Georsre Rav were attending the bed 1 f'rmrr at Greensboro last week some unknown fiends burnt Mr Smith's repair shops and stole Mi- Ray's horse and has not been heard frnm since. It is supposed to be a blockade grudge. I will say to the dear old editor and the many able correspondents that I will have to retire from the field until the fall. Realizing that there are many more competent to fill the space that I have occupied than I, which would make the Pub lic Ledger (which is already good enough) better. Wishing both edi tor and correspondents a most pros perous and happy year. I am as ever a lover of the Public Ledger. Humbug. We part with Humbug with re gret and with the hope that he may be prosperous and happy. We ten der our warmest thanks for the in terest you have taken in the Public Ledger. Ed. Mr. Bert Mountain Rattles. Rufus Bowen has gone to Bethel Hill to see his daughter (Miss Nola) who is sick. We do hope she will soon get well. Mr. Geo. P. Jones went to Dur ham Sunday. Mr. W. E. Hall is getting in a nice spring stock qi dress goods and the ladies can now get a new dress without going to Durham or Rox boro. After an absence of eight months flR. F. W. HANCOCK. What the Druggist Circular and Chemical Journal Says About Him. "Snooks" paid his parents, near Toler's, N. C, a visit last Saturday. Surely it was a great treat to be at the old home once again, and there were words never truer uttered than "There's no place like home." Won't you agree with me, dear correspond ent., on this? Snooks. Miss Lillie Bowling is visiting t'riends and relatives in Oxford. Which is the loftiest town in the United States and where is it situ ated, and why is North Carolina called the Tar Heel State? Tally Ho Tips. Some of the progressive farmers have started to planting corn. Mr. J. B. Thomasson has fronted his residence with a nice porch. Mrs. Ed Roberts visited Mr. C. R. Thomasson and family last Sunday. The cold weather killed a great many tobacco plants in this section. Mr. Lee Minor is now confined to his bed. Hope he will be out again soon. Mr. Frank Eakes, who has been very sick for the past week, is much improved. Mr. Stephen Minor and family, of this place, visited Mr. Lee Minor last Sunday. Mr. Bud Beasley, of Louisburg, passed thicugh this place last Satur day on his way to Stem. Mr. P. L. Thomasson sold a load of tobacco in Louisburg last week and reports it low there. Mr. B, T. Thomasson, who has been kept from his work for some time on account of risings, is much better. The Presiding Elder will preach at the M. E. church at Stem the third Sunday evening, and there will also be preaching at this place in the morning. The farmers alliance of this place has been reorganized by the help oi Capt. Peace, of Oxford, who deliv ered to them an able speech on last Friday night. Tad Pole. Help Your Town. Help 3rour home town by encour aging everything that adds popula iion or strength to its business in terest. Help your town by giving em ployment if you are an employer, io every one you can. The work man must eat and wear, and lie or she it is who spend what the' spend at home. Help your town by speaking well of it at all times especially when away from home or in the presence of strangers, who may for aught you know, be contemplating living with you. Help your town by buying what vou buy at home, even if it is not the exact thing you want, Iliac kind keeps money in circulation at home where it is always needed. Help vour town by helping all who are trying to help it either by their means or pen. Say kind words, do kind deeds. Help your town by patronizing its newspaper with subscriptions and advertisements, thus helping yourself and doing a double deed of vinduess. Help, help, help Oxford by in vesting at home every dollar you can invest giving employment to he idle. Help only, never be a dummy, a irone or a deadweight. Southern Baptist Convention. On account of the forty-first ses sion of the Southern Baptist conven tion, which is to be held in the his torical city of Chattanooga, Tenn., May 7-14, 1S96, the Southern Rail- wav win sen rouna trip ticKets to Chattanooga at greatly reduced rates from all points on its line as ollows: Washington, D. C, $10 50: Charlottesville, Va., $15.15; Lynch burg, Va., $13.35; Richmond, Va., 15.25; Danville, Va., $13.35; Golds We take pleasure in printing the following very complimentary no tice of our to wnsman, Mr. F. W. Hancock who is opening up in this place in the Odd Fellows Building, next to Post Office one of the nicest and neatest Drug Stores in the State His advertisement appears in anoth er column. This notice is from the Druggist Circular and Chemical Ga zette, one of the largest and best Pharmaceutical Journals published in the United States. We publish this notice to show our people the estimate placed upon his ability as a Pharmacist by the Druggists of the State. "Frank W. Hancock, one of the best known druggists in North Car ilina, has announced that he will ipen a store at Oxford. Mr. Han cock was formerly in business at Newbern, and for a number of years was on tne roaa in tne interest oi Parke, Davis & Co. After marrying an Oxford lady he resigned the lat ter position to go into the banking business at Oxford. He now re turns to his first love pharmacy Mr. Hancock was one of the organ izers of the North Carolina Phar maceutical Association, and largely through his influence and energy the Pharmacy law of the State was passed. He was elected third vice president of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association at its meeting held in Charlotte in 1884; the next year at Greensboro he was made second vice-president; at the Fayetteviile meeting in 1SS0 he was again promoted, and became the pre siding officer and executive at Ashe ville in 1887. Just after this meet ing he was appointed by His Excel lency Gov. A. M. Scales a member of the Board of Pharmacy of the State. In 1890 the Association met at Morehead City for the first time, and Mr. Hancock was the local sec I A i I 1 i 1 retary. At tnis meeting ne was elected secretary, succeeding E. V r w ii et m i t ycoeiier, ot larooro, ana was re elected three times. Llr. Hancock 1 Oil A Tl 1 is a memoer or tne American riiar- maceutical Association, and now he has re-entered the business, will doubtless be again heard from in the meeting of druggists' organiza tions. It has been demonstrated that Oxford will support but two drug stores, and as the field is now occupied it shows a willingness to fight against big odds for any one to open a third store there, but as Mr. Hancock has. large family con nections in the vicinity, and being a good druggist and most affable man, he will doubtless wring success from failure. "What makes you think women boro, N. C, $16.75; Raleigh, N. C.,a11 h0ate one another?" $16.00; Durham, N. C, $15.15; Greensboro, N. C, $13.35; Salisbury, N. C, $12.05; Charlotte, N. C, $12 05; Spartanburg, S. C, $9.80; Asheville, C, $7.4o. Rates from intermedi ate stations in proportion. Tickets of iron clad signature form, limited to continuous passage n each direction, to be sold May 5th, 6th, 7tn, and Sth, limited fifteen days from date of sale, with the privilege of naving same extended and made good within fifteen days additional if deposited with Joint Agent at Chattandoera on or before May 15th. For full information with reference to schedules, rates, etc., apply to your nearest Agent, or address the undersigned. W. A. Turk. O. P. A., 1300 Petiua. Aye., Washington, D C. visiting Stovall Short Slops. Miss Ida Gregory is friends in Oxford. The beautiful Spring has come at last, the time of singing birds, bud ding leaves and blooming flowers. Key. J. A. Stradley filled his ap pointment here last Saturday and Sunday, preached most excellent and practical sermons both days. On Sunday there was an unusually large crowed in attendance. There is one of the oldest, most handsome guitars on record at Stov all, it is buff and ebony and the mounting is silver and pearl, but the instrument is not as handsome as its fair owner, Miss Nannie Gregory. She sings and plays beautifully. Come around boys and hear the sweet music. One of our townsmen is having a house finished up on Beauty St., and will, so we learn, bring one of the tair ones from northern Gran ville to live among us. One of our oldest and best citi zens, Mr. Jno. W. Stovall, has been quite sick for the past few days with a cold. Farmers are quite busy planting corn. Mr. Smith has resumed work on his large and commodious building. Judging from present indications it will soon be completed. Norman. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. It3h on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion. This never falls. Sold by J. G. Hall, druggist, Ox ford, K. C. Farmers National Insurance Co. In answer to various questions asked me in regard to the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance I have re ceived the following information: "Under the charter of the Company each member agrees in case of loss to pay his pro rata assessment ac cording to the amount of insurance held by him and no more. Tbe mem bers are in no respect endorsers for each other." As to moitgaged property, 1 am informed that the insurance is valid unless there is concealment or mis representation by the insured. Neither this company nor other in surance companies refuse to insure mortgaged property; and the money, if there is a loss, goes to the insured unless the policy states that it is for the benefit of the mortgagee, or un less the mortgagee protects himself in the matter. I hope this is so pUin that no one will misunderstand or fail to remem ber the above statements. It is hoped that all who have not paid their assessment will do so at once as the time for paying wi'l ex pire on May 5, 1S9G. If the assess ments are not paid it may be neces sary to collect same according to law. Yours truly, C. J. Cooper, Sec. and Treas. Because a woman so seldom brings up a son fit to be another woman's husband." Chicago Re cord. Car load of Wagons. Car load of Buggies. Car load Feed Cutters. Car load of Lime and Cement. Car load of Mowers and Binders. Car load of Plows and Castings. Car load Cook Stoves. ( -ar load of Sheet I-on and Flues. Bitr lot of uge:y Harness. Prices are coi i f ot. Let us 11 you. mch 13. Edwards & Winston. A NICE LINE I -OF solid silver and silver plated ware ! Call in if you need any thing of this kind. I am sure l can suit I always keep a stock of you. niee watches, clocks, jewelry and spectacles. No small ejection which young folks had to the old-time spring-medicines was their nauseousness. In our day, this ob jection is removed and Ayer's Sarsaparil la, the most powerful and popular of blood-purifiers, is as pleasant to the palate as a cordial. FIXE HORSE FOR SALE. One of the best harness horses in North Carolina, very fast, gentle and sound. He is standard bred, five years old and big style. A beautiful harness horse at a sacri fice. Apply to THOS. WINSTON, mch27 at Edwards & Wiuston's. Highest prices paid for old Gold and Silver. Respectfully, W. D. LYNCH. Administrator's Notice. TTAVING BEEN DULY QUALIFIED XX as administrator of the estate of Cynthia B. Adcock, deceased, and admin istrator de bonis non c. t. a. or the estate of the late David Adcock, notice is here by given to all persons indebted to either of said estates to come rorwaru ana set tie the same at once. Persons holding claims against either of said estates will present them to me for payment on or before the 10th day of April, 1897, or tLis notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. This April 10th. 189(5. RALPH CURRIN, Administrator d . b. n. c. t. a. of David Adcock, dee'd, and Adm'r of Cynthia Adcock, dee'd. apil7 tt. CALENDAR OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GRANVILLE COUNTY, N. C. APRIL TERM, 1896. Commencing MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1896, it being the 7th MONDAY after the 1st MONDAY in MARCH, 1896. HON. ALBERT L. COBLE, Judge Presiding. RULE I. Criminal Docket will be called Monday and Tuesday of the first week and continued from day to day until disposed of. RULE II. Suitors and witnesses will not attend until the day on which their cases are set. Witnesses in cases on the Motion Docket need not attend at all. RULE III. The Motion Docket will be called per emptorially on Wednesday of the first week, and may be taken up at such other times as the court may order, RULE IV. Cases not reached on the day for which they are set will go over until the succeeding day and take place at the head of that day's calendar. Wednesday, April 22, 1896. Xo. 453 William ditcher vs. Fielding Knott. " 463 A. B. Spencer and wife vs. Commissioners and Mayor of Oxford. " 476 D. A. Moore vs. W. N. ditcher. Thursday, April 23, 1896. No. 404 S. A. Fleming, Administrator, vs. T. V. Pitchford and others. " 446 L. T. Huddleston and others vs. J. L. Sanders. " 451 Alex J. Feild, Receiver, vs. S. M. Wheeler and Dub Waller. " 460 W. C. Powell & Co. vs. Eliza Emory and J. M. Sikes. " 471 M. Millheiser & Co. and others vs. J. R. Burnett & Bro. et. al. Friday, April 24, I806. No. 148 G. M. Bragg vs. J. 1.. Saunders. " 421 A. E. Bobbitt vs. George Blackwell and others. " 461 R. H. Marsh, guardian, and Jno. Wyche and others vs. Amanda Ross, Administratrix. " 470 G. W. Martin vs. II. H. Martin. " 474 E. H. Crenshaw &Co. vs. W. S. Cozart, Sheriff. Saturday, April 25, i896. No. 420 Jane Jones vs. Daisy Jones. " 455 Sidney Bailey vs. Louisa Bailey. " 472 Isaac Marrow vs. Elizabeth Marrow. " 473 Bettie Jeffreys vs. William Jeffreys: " 475 Lee Chavis vs. Loula Chavis. 466 J. E. and R. H. Pleasants vs. R. D. Dickerson. Monday, April 27, 1896. No. 444 Henry Bryan vs. John Bullock and R. T. Smith. No. 459 Mary B. Gregory, A. A. Chapman and others vs. John Bullock and R. T. Smith. " 462 J. B. Williams and A. S. Davis vs. John T. Thomas. " 468 W. L. Oakley vs. Frances Oakley and others. " 441 R. R. Holmes ami others vs. E. G. Davis. Tuesday, April 28, I896. No. 392 Davison & Baker, Trustees, vs. West Oxford Land Co. et. al. " 414 J. C. Horner and others vs. Richard Thorp. 457 George B. Harris vs. R. R. Callis and wife and others. " 467 W. II. Gooch vs. G. II. Faucett. Wednesday, April 29, 1896. No. 439 C. II. Landis, Administrator, vs. R. J. Mitchell and others. " 45S S. W. Travels & Co. vs. E. C. Allen and others. " 477 Sallie liass, Guardian, vs. Alex Crews and wife. " 47S William Thorp vs. Jeff Satterwhite. " 479 Jackson, Oglesby & Co. vs. J. R. Burnett & Bio. " 469 J. Y. McGhee vs. A. F. Breedlove and Hunt & Williams. " 436 Ben C. Barnes and wife vs. W. A. Davis, Administrator, et. al. Thursday, April 30, i896. No. 410 Jake Webb vs. John F. Jones. " 437 State of N. C on relation of T. D. Waller, Chairman, vs. J. A. Norwood and others. " 438 Mary Beck vs. S. V. Ellis, Administrator. ' 443 C. Y. Mangum vs. Ed Barnes. " 435 Sarah G. Davis vs. John N. Davis and wife and others. MOTION DOCKET. No. 4 T. B. Kingsbury vs. John W. Days, Trustee. " 0 Sallie H. Roys ter, M. P. and R. P. Holt ex parte. " 7 J. A. Cheatham vs. W. A. Bobbitt. " 13 L. C. Edwards vs. Archibald Kersey. " 25 Fielding Knott vs. B. E. Parham. " 27 E. J. Forbish, Administrator, vs. Lawson Forsyth and others. " 32 A. B. Andrews vs. W. J. Robards. " 52 Wm. Cheatham and wife vs. Peoples Building and Loan Associa tion and others. " 5 J- Heggie vs. People's Building and Loiin Association et. al. " 73 J- Hegg'e vs- People's Building and Loan Association et al. " 183 A. J. Tyler vs. "Archibald Kersey. " 206 Oxford & Coast Line Railway Co. vs. Elizabeth Hunt. " 207 H. Cone & Son vs L. Meadows. " 244 J V. Rice vs. West Oxford Land Co. " 281 S. J. Jarrell vs. John Daniel. " , 312 Ridgeway Alliance Joint Stock Co vs. Wilkins & Peace. " 359 Old Dominion Guano Co. vs. Washington & Stem. " 370 D. M. Roberts vs. A. XV. Woods. 382 Union Bank of Richmond, Ya., vs. the Comm'rs and Mayor of Oxford. " 395 W- H. Hunt, Administrator, vs. XV. T. Wheeler and wife et. al. " 400 Eliza Cash vs. T. Y. Stanley. " 401 Zack Daniel vs. Ben Overby. " 412 Rachel Quails vs. Robert Quails. " 4r6 Mrs. Lucy B. Smith, Executrix, vs. A. L. & A. D. Frazier. " 423 XV. II. Osborn and others vs. Wm. A. Cheatham and wife and the B. and L. Association. " 424 XV. II. Osborn and others vs. R. XV. Lassiier, Adm'r of J. M. Heggie, and the B. and L. Association and others. " 425 Henry A. Crenshaw, Executor, vs. Walter C. Johnson and others, caveators. " 429 Wrought Iron Range Co. vs. XV. S. Cozart. " 432 R. T. Smith and wife vs. Old Dominion B. and L. Association. " 434 J- N. Gorman & Co. vs. W. A. Davis and N. A. Gregory et. al. 440 R. XV. Lawson & Co. vs. Wm. Pannebaker and others. " 445 Pinnix & Blackwell and Bank of Reidsville vs. W. A. Davis, N. A. Gregory and others. " 449 Louis Evans and wife vs. Davis Daniel and wife. ' ' 450 Aaron Allen and Amanda Ross vs. J. M. Davis. " 456 Julia Clay vs. Freeman Clay. J. M. SIKES, Clerk Superior Court. (COL. J, S. AMIS, Approved - P. C. GRAHAM, (A. A. AICKS, Committee. TAX 5dLE! PURSUAKT TO PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 218 of the Laws of 1889, I shall, beginning on Monday, May 4th, 1896, at 11 o'clock, a. m., in front of the courthouse door in Oxford, eell the below deecribed land and town lots for Taxes due for the year 1895, and nnpaid thereon, and cost for advertising the same. W. S. COZART, Sheriff of Granville County. FISHING CREEK. Allen, L. M., 100 acres $ Amis, Armstead, 22 1-2 acres Andrews, Louisa and sister 10 acres Harnett, W. A., 98 acres Brandon, tsnean, 5 acres Brandon, Icaiah, 17 1-2 acres Coley. John, 33 acres Cousins, Esaw, 1 1-5 acres.. Crews, Tim, Ex'r , 8 acres Crews. Tim, 16 acres Garrett, Mrs Emma, 10 acres Graham, A. W., Agent for D. W., 22 acres Grandy, Mrs. Lottie, 10 1-2 acres Harrig, William. Jr., 2 aces Hunt, Strong. 1 lot Kearsey, Baldy. 1.36 acres Kearsey, George, 60 acres Mays, Charles, Sr., 263 4 acres Mc'-tnire, Mrs. R. H., 132 acres Mitchner, Thomas, 5 acres Meadows, Jolyi, 2-3 acre Parrish, Mrs. M. K., 2i acres Robards, W. J., 100 acres Taborn, W. II , 50 acres Taylor, Frank, 25 acres White, Mrs. W. II , 75 acres Weaver, W. G., 44 acres..... Wells. K. L , 144 acres Wilder, Mrs. Carrie 642 acres Williams, Mrs. Susan B., 230 acres Cawthorn, Mrs. L. H., 20 acre Norwood, J. T. C., guardian. 22 a "res. ... DELINQUENTS. Beasley, II. T., 162 acres Curtis, James, 5 acres Davis, Jackson, 1 acre Harris, Albert, 15 acres Mitchell, K. J., 141 acres Paschall. Mrs. M. A , 62 acres Elilngon, J. M.. 132 acres Hawkins, Smith. 23X acres n'iiliama, K. A., 50 acres BRASSF1ELD. Alien, Mrs; Emma, 210 acres Chappell, Mrs. M. K., 30 acre Champion, J, 1 , 171 acres Champion, W. H., 171 acres Champion, W. II & J. I., 106 acre- Currin, Mrs. Annie, 30 acres Chavis, J. H.. 104 acres Fuller, Washington D , 52 acres Freeman, Mrs. K 11., 105 acres Freeman, Miss M. S , 26 acres Jenkins, Juda A., 384 acres Jenkins, R. G 123 acres Kearney, L. C , 28 acres Lawrence, W. T., y, acre Mcghee, Mosea L.. 1 acre McGuire, R H., 88 acres Moore, Garaldine. 100 acres Mathews Amanda, 25 acres Peddy, Lavina, 45 acres Peace, J C , 3 acres Perry, Thomas, 50 acres Quails, Mis. Eliza, 57 acres Sharon, Jamas F., 59 acres Turner, C, F , 3 acres Tharrington, M. A., 63 acres Mathews, Amanda, allowed to list 28 3-4 acres DELINQUENT. Davis, J. D., Agent, 100 acres Lawrence, Mrs. L. H 21 acres Perry, I. II., 08 acres Ross, Amanda, Adm'x , 217 acres DUTCH VILLE. Bnllock, Henry, 128 acres Sherron, Mrs. Betsy, 15 1-2 acres Wilkins, Betty A., 112 acres DELINQUENT. Smith, Mrs T. J., 1 lot 6 80 3 80 1 50 3 72 1 44 3 54 1 13 3 86 1 50 2 08 1 57 1 87 1 52 1 32 2 64 5 57 2 14 3 71 5 17 3 46 2 H6 1 74 3 60 4 86 4 10 8 36 2 61 4 80 24 34 15 Ot 1 71 1 79 Venable, Mrs. T. B., 1 lot. Thornton, Mary 7-8 acre. . ! Walen, James, X acres...' ' Glenn, Bedford, 8 y3 acres. Currin, J. A., 75 acrps ... Hester, N. H 15 X arrea.. Parham, W H , 1 lot Hestr. Moses, 20 acres.. Roberson, R. S.. 1 lot Smith, Mrs. L. B , Ext'x. 'one'io't a , : I', - ; Bicycles '96 MODELS $50, $55, $60, $75 AND '1 II K RAMBLERS VICTOR AT $100.00. Come in and let niu hov v.hi m,,. ., v , A. T. SMITH, fl.l 1 -l m . 1 r rLw 2 46 Sv 10 61 NA 9 20 . ) 2 6i Cy-y 3 87 9 20 2 40 10 a 61 4 75 2 00 5 28 2 n: 3 97 1 H' 12 36 8 00 1 74 1 87 3 34 4 21 4 56 1 71 2 21 2 84 2 53 2 86 5 14 1 76 3 20 1 60 8 53 9 86 7 57 6 94 3 97 1 4 53 2 64 TALLY HO. Allen, E. C, 165 acres r.. ... Allen, E. L., 1 lot Buck. William. 2o acres Cozart, Brandy, 75 acres uarreii, Joseph, lb acres Carey. Moses. 80 acres Day. J R., 100 acres Goss, David, 25 acres Harris, Fielding, 146 acres Jones, Mrs. V C, 156 acres Mortgage Co. British American 260 acres Mays, Charles, 48 acres... Minor, R. V., estate, 52 acres Petty, II L., 1 lot Saunders, Rebecca, 26 acres Wheeler, S, M., 138 acres Wheeler, W. T., 254 acres DELINQUENT. 12 34 3 36 4 28 4 1 4 4 1 5 6 4 Bowling. Wm., Capt , 93 acres Cozart, W. W., Dr., trustee, 121 acres. Cozart, W. W., 37 acres Crabtree, C. W., 47 acres Hundley, J. C, lo3 acres WALNUT GROVE. Allen, W. C agent, 386 acres. Gooch, Mrs. Lucy, 250 acres Morris, Francis, 5 acres Thorp, Rose. 50 acrea Thorp, Mrs. S. U.,561 acres 7'borpe. Mrs. Ann B., 855 acres Webb, W. P., l.o acres DELINQUENT. Frazier. A. D., 250 acres Thorp, Wm. Jr , or Mrs. W. T. Alston, 316 acre Thorpe, Dr. William, 200 acres OAK HILL. Davis, Mrs-. Martha, 40 acres Aieisuo, mra a. o , iiu acres Logan & Rife, 85 acres Morris, Mrs. Nannie, 1 acre Norwood. Mrs. S. B- 312 acres Owen, Bob, 40 acres i homas, 1. W., 134 acres DELINQUENT. Hunt, Mrs. Nicey, 4 acres SASSAFRAS FORK. Aron, Tbomott, 4 acres Bu lock, R. A trustee, 4(H) acres Bullock, Herndon, 2 acres Overby, David, 56 acres Parham, i. I ., l iu acres Ross. Mrs Jane, 98 acres Royster, T. D., 197 acres Wo tham, Adolphus, 24 acres Wilson, Mrs. M. V Ex'tx., 418 acres.... DELINQUENT, Jenkins, TV. K., 1 lot Marrow, C. T., Jtot) acres Eakes, D. W., Guara., 130 acres Pittard. Aaron, 244 acres Satterwhite, S. R., 116 acre OXFORD TOWNSHIP. Anderson, William, 2 acres Bass, Arthur, Adm'r, 1 lot MpaMev. W. v.. 1 lot Beasley. H. T., 1 lot Burwell. Dicey. 1 lot Badgelt, Mrs. M. S., 1 lot Bullock, John, 2 acres Busgen, Miss L , 1 lot Cm tie. Hawkins, 20 acres Daniel, Ben, 1-5 acres Daniel, Dennis, lu xcres Davifi, W. T"., 66 teres Daniel, R. J., 1 lot Ellington, Mrs. A. W ., 1 lot Edward", Mies Tempie, 1 acre Fuller, J, A., 1 lot Gilliam. Fr-ncis, IX acres Gilliam, Fannie, 1 W acres Green. Knlus, l lot Gregorv. N. A., 2000 acres Garrett, Rufus, 1 lot Griffith, Mrs. J. R.. 1 lot and 101 acres. Hobliston. W. al., 3 lots Hester, Smith, IX acres Harris. Aramitta, 2 acres He ter. T. T and Bros., 25 acres Harris. H. P.. V acres Joyr.er. Hins, 1 lot Kingsoury, donn m , acre Kittrell, Robt., 1 lot Kearsey, George, 26 acres I.ittlejohu, John, 1 lot Lee Ottoway, IX acre and 1 lot Lewis, C harles, not Lynch, Mrs. E. S., 1 lot and 106 acres..., Mobs, Willis, 1 lot Marrow, Anderson, 15 acres McGuire, Mrs. M E , 1 lot Neil, John. 1 lot Owen, Moses, 1 lot Oyerbey, Sam, acre Pntyear, Mrs. Kiia, l lot and 40 acres... Richmond, I. C, 2 lots Roberts, Celia, 10 ares 2'avlor, William, IX acres Tucker, Jordan, 1 lot Taylor, Richmond. X acre Turner, L, N , 1 lot Taylor, William, 1 lot Thorp. Wesley. 100 acres Townes, Morton, X acre It llliams. John. 1 lot Wilson, Mrs. A. E., 1 lot Wainwright, Charles, 53 acres White. Mrs. W. K.. 3 lots and 69 acres. White, J A . 1 lot WhUe, Mrs. J. A.. 2 lots Williams, A. H. A., 3 lots Williams. J. A.. Agt.. P. M. C. 3 lots... Williams, J. A , for Miss K. W., 2 lots. ALLOWED TO LIST, Hughes, H.. T, 1 lot Bjoth, Mrs. Pat, 1 lot 34 80 58 5i 74 52 04 80 06 3 28 3 40 2 94 6 (it: in :m 2 52 13 40 5 52 20 3S 5 20 14 53 5 87 1 49 2 50 12 36 1 53 5 20 17 00 15 20 7 87 2 00 6 61 3 24 1 46 7 57 2 53 3 87 1 16 1 54 9 20 3 40 3 20 6 hi; 3 20 5 51 1 54 11 20 6 53 26 53 6 75 10 53 6 75 1 39 3 89 2 36 87 5 4 27 97 6 5 4 1 3 89 2 18 1 82 3 fc9 3 89 5 41 1 97 7 00 2 54 2 IS 2 30 47 20 2 54 1 59 3 87 4 54 4 66 5 03 5 6i 32 2 70 16 11 2 93 2 54 21 90 2 36 2 74 i m 53 i 4 1 2 2 5 4 DELINQUENTS. Howard. Sam, 20 acres Jones, Mrs. V. P., 1 lot Mallory, Horace, 1 acre Marable, Armstead, 2'acres Howard, E. K., I lot." Hoyster, Mrs, Martha. acre , Venable, Mrs. T. B Ext'r. 3 lota 09 97 73 36 99 90 2 73 4 66 3 It 4 74 3 87 4 39 24 50 3 11 12 70 63 37 28 03 28 03 4 06 6 32 2 36 8 10 2 27 1 97 16 53 2 73 1 33 TEIN'J Com. Avenue. OXFORD. N. C. CHEAP CLOTHING1; Fox ZLVEezn., For 11. Lowest Prices, Correct Style and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. We have the Prettiest iiihI lothiug you ever saw before. A trial. Come to see us whet her you or not. Yours to serve, II wi l.ii.i !l-l. A. STEIN. Messrs, H II. Eat man am) John U . Hum With me nd will be pleased to have t!i. ir li,.i. i. call on them before buying elsewi ere ai.nu Sale of Valuable Farm. B y viifTUE of the row i i, - in a Mortgage exeeut l on M i by J 1. Champion and 1- iota C'Ikhi.mi i, io A. B. Wester, and rluly reeorded in I Mortgages 43, at. patre "Jiil of the (.Hi i Register of Deeds of tirauviile couui v. I Mouday, the Uth day of May, lv.ti;, I r at public auction, at he court house i!im, forc!,N.C, the following tract of I -1 1 1 and being in (iranyille e un' Suite al in Brasslie d township and de-r ril.ed ed as follows, torwit : Bounded on tin byiaiidsofVV.il. Champion's children, East by the lands of II". 11. and .1 . 1.(1 on the South by lands of (1. W. I'.r.i:' am the It'est by the larboio Koad. the sum sixty two and one half ani oi land, ho J. 1. Champion from Jerc P. citiic and as the Kittle land. '1 his April 9;h, I".".. JUMll'll UM I T AsfliMiee of Mm I . Winston, Fuller A Bijis, Ally's. ui.M Sale of Land. T Y VIRTUE OF THK AI TIIOKn ferred upon me by a certain moit ', cuted on the 10th day of De'einin i, Cameron Green, rego-teied in ho ik of.M' 2.", I'age 508 in the otl'iee. of the ; em-ier of Granvil e county, N. ('., 1 wi'l sell l by public auction al the coin! In ue Oxford, on Monday, the 11th day of u the house and lot ucscnbtd mortgage: Situate iti Oxford, udj i;h lands of Willis .Mo-s. K. W. lUrri and as follows, l'ro-nl i ng on llillshoro St .J i at a stone corner of W i I lis Jin.' lot llillshoro street, thence West Willi- ( South 151 3i feel Io a stone Southwest ' said Willis Moss' lot and line of K. U . lot, t hence West on line w iih said It II. lotf;0'j feet, being 56' j feet from Oram t thence North to llillshoro street l.'l ', stone 56 'B feet from corner OraiiL'e ai boro streets t henie liast with 1 1 1 i ! -1 . 56 1 3 feet, to the beginning, containing more or lees. Time of sale l-i, m apllO-lt. J. MATT TllOKI'. .Mot .i k: Mi. !-'' in - w e, h .1 'I; i'.i. ih V.! i..lli.h I o;, l) i.-'h! Uie hi:. ' I' ii n , .i.di ir ii, ii ii M el I II Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE OF A DKKD IX I I k 1 Vijll(, f .II tlw Illl ll I lilt. V. II Lv VI WU IHV. I y in '.iti 1893, by E. L. Allen, and bydmc.i cestui que trust, I will sell In tlu- bidder lor cjish at the cuinthe'.iM: Oxford, on Monday, the 4U1 day 1896, the follow.no; doscn!c of land in Granville county, ' and described as follows: I'.cinnii' iron spike in tlie Providence road, the Howard lot, running thence l.v Howrrd lot S. .degrees 1, 1. iron spike thence VV. 57 deiei - feet to an iron spike, thence N. v' VV. 200 feet to the Providence road spike corner, thence along said to degrees W. Sj',i feet to the lu j;mi. taining one rod and 24 poles. A. XV. CKAHAM, 1 1 March 24, 1S96. im i I VI I ,,' Ma on o! ;; 1 M 1 . ; .1. '. !''' al: ; N Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS aD.MINi with the will annexed of Pink ows, late of tirauviile county, i. ('.. indented to the estate of the said : hereby notified to make prompt pajm aud all persons to whom the said 1 debled are hereby notified and r j u 1 sent their claims to me before .Man) or this notice will be pleaded in liar o covery. WILLI A M I . Administrator with the will annexe ney Meadows, deceased. Oxford, N. C, -March U.-, 1806. '! i' I'-' l.'l " I .! 7JAKTOX, rn-i.Kii V ltl.. Attorneys and Coun OXFORD, N. C. Judge Winston can be found at o Oxford the vnd and lib Fridays of c ana at such other times as occasion Ue will attend all courts held in Oral . II. IIAVIS, D.t. I ? ( Den teil Siui ,n ; ' OXFOltD, N.C., er h''s pr fM slo u 11 service' to tie- ,' ' '' Oxford and Granville couniy. Office over J. C. Cooper A Son's I".- Office hours from 0 to .1 p. m. 1 l; ' '! '"" Notice of Sale. ( IN ACCORDANCE WITH IN''EKV ',,1 nue Laws tbe following articles e! ; property will be sold at bullock. N. nesday, April 2:2nd 18H6, t wo roppi r -' ' ' ;,, and worms, four barrels corn whlsUe;. ferment era. F M. MM Col'eetor It h ; -, J A. Thomas, Deputy Collector. " t s y 1 y ; I : : 4 X - : t x t ( - t 1)1 LA an : a o. A: I