, K I zeccq Satterwbitc Sayings. Knap of Reeds Knots. 1 A smart o.rl. i ""' A From strt to Finish Sell Your Tobacco AT THE FflBl ma y y 2j r n n m rprin 0 Ska OXFORD, N. C. iaJlLJ& if pPl Ds W ffl ffi I m WMmk r :rf pi JMt iH liR If fe; telpti mi 1 iSSi S P? 1 1 We are going to sell this season if the season lust closed, and we want your tobacco as tnere is large last Farmer if you will sell your tobacco this season from "start to finish" at the Farmers Ware house we nromise you that in the wind up you will be pleased as our motto is never to leave a single uile of tobacco until the top round is reached on prices i-w-vccHil r1mihl tlip n mount of the seasor order men want more than was sold on our market m.lluiiui: iui iuu.iii.u v-i w.v. ...... . ill season The fact is you have ot the kind of flavor they all want and must have to please the trade. Come to the FARMERS WAREHOUSE -first and last and you will find us fully equipped in evorv wav to take care of you. Warehouse right in the heart of town. Gene Crews, our auctioneer, and our entire force of help is second to none. We want your trade, and will prove to you by hard and close and personal attention to your every interest that we appreciate it. Your friends, sept.c,. ' HUNT & WILLIAMS. tw "tasaiw sew "s5jc FTkw. "wr& rww bw. ,g',w I Have "STo-cl Seen Mr. J. T. Morton lost a barn of to bacco last week along with a nic9 cow. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Evans spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Currin. Dr. Nat Daniel, of Adoniram, spent a few days here last week visit ing his parents. Mr. J. C. Satterwhite is seemingly quite happy on account of a new ar rival at his home. Mrs. Willie Frazier continues to be in feeble health, and we wish her a speedy recovery. Wardens have played out, but our people have sweet potatoes, cabbage and turnips growing well. Mr. J. B. Currin and Emily Sat terwhite, col., burned a barn of to bacco each last week. Messrs. S. M. Evans and D. W. Adcoek caught the buggy fever and have repainted their vehicles. Mr. Daniel Booker and wife, of Richmond, Va., spent 8 or 10 days in this section visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Sol Frazier cut one of his forefingers off a few days ago in the feed cutter, and it will put him out in saving his crop. The writer has some corn that is 14 feet and 9 inches high, and the ear is 10 feet and 8 inches from the top of the ground. Can any of the correspondents beat that? Mr. W. C. Daniel, son of Mr. G. B. Daniel, while riding horse back a few days ago, the animal stumbled and fell with him, bruising him up right badly, but we are glad to learn he is improving fast. Our farmers are full of work now curing tobacco and saving fodder. Nearly all tobacco cured thus far is of good color, the kind that the warehousemen have been wanting for several years, but we fear as they have got it there will be a de mand for green, red, brown or black. Did you ever hear of a forward Bird? Let me tell you about one, but will not call his name. On or about the 27th or 28th, he had cured all of his tobacco, ploughed up all the stubbles and knocked them all to pieces and is now ready to sow wheat. He then said to the old negro he had working for him, "you can go down on the bottom and get up scraps for tne next corn crop, as this is all I have for you to do." P. M. There is no Word so Full of Meaning and about whirh such tender recollec tions cluster as that of "Mother" she who watch ed our helpless infancy and guided our first totter ing step. The life of every Expectant Mother is beset with danger. School opened here Monday. Messrs. King and Smith, of Ox ford, were pleasant visitors here Sunday. Rev.- Mr. Aired filled his regular appointments here Suaday at the M. E church. Misses Hattie Atwater and Ethel Finlator, of Oxford, are visiiting relatives here. Mrs. Conrad Walters, we are sor ry to say, is on the sick list. Hope she will soon recover. What has become of old Sleuth? Has he let another horse run over him? Write often old boy. Old Tall wore a long face last week because he broke his buggie and could not fill his appointments. Mr. John Adcoek died at his home near here Friday morning at two o'clock. Paralysis said to be the cause of his death. A certain young man near here calls on a bachelor to make his en gagements with the girls. He asked him to make one with a girl at Bed Mountain, and the Sunday he was to carry her to church he did not go, so the bachelor had to carry her. Bob White. yon$ EinKs. Miss Loretta Parrott left last week to attend the Oxford Seminary at Oxford. Curing tobacco and fodder pulling is about over in this section, all re port good crops. Miss Janie Lyon, who has been on a visit in this section, has returned to her home in Raleigh. We enjoyed the match game of base ball played last Saturday at Robertson's grove by the Lyon and Fish Dam c ubs. The score was 40 to 1G in favor of Lyons. Mr. W. H. Averett and little daughter, Florence, returned from a visit to his parents near Providence Sunday, and reports his nephew, Claude Averett. who has been seri ously sick, is improving. We were pained to hear of the sad accident and death of our esteemed friend, Hollie Holloway, of Durham, while coupling cars on the Durham & Northern R. R., yard at Durham last Friday the 3rd of September. Mr. Frank Wheelis and Miss Espa Clark, also the writer of Lyons, Mr. Jim Parrott, of Hesters, Lack Land with many others from and around about Stem spent Sunday with Misses Lucy and Cora Jones, of Stem, which seemed to be greatiy enjoyed by all. Hummer. Mr. Reynolds to Pay $i00 to Make Him a Suit of Clothes. The Orphans' Friend, the organ of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, says: "When the singing class left Greensboro Saturday morning, Mr. R. J. Reynolds, of Winston, was at the station, seeing them off. He had heard of the talent of Miss Eugenia Tucker in the use of the needle, and said to her ,hat he wanted her to make him a suit of clothes; would furnish the material and pay the sum of one hundred dollars. She is anxiouslv looking for the material. "Little Miss Tucker's Asylum friends claim that she is a wonder as a clothes maker that she is not only able to make a suit in first class style, but that she can give an accurate fit without the use of the u-ual tape line, depending solely upon her eye for the measurements. After Mr. Reynolds made his offer, Miss Tucker took a good look f t his tall, well proportioned form, and re quested him to extend his arms. All rignt, said sne. 1 have your measure now." As a test, Mr. Reynolds put a few questions to her, as to his height his waist measure, etc., and her an swers came promptly and correctly The material for the suit will be sent to her in a few days." tching, j Is the external i:r dition of the hloo.l w ; fiery irritation ahnM a mistake to think ; h tion is the disease it evidence of adisonlei. i blood. The seat of t':. blood, and this is wl, . and ointments usu;,ii effect whatever. TL, reach the origin of i ;; blood remedy can ., without an equal for ,. promptly and pennai: and removes all taint. Much torture cou! ' 1 first itching symptom- . acourse of S..S.S. U,V: :: parently insignificant usually develop int.. of Eczema unless pro, It matters not vli..: has been tried in van: pets at the seat of ti forces it out. Mr. William Arnmtr. dent and highly re- De Pere, Wis., writes ; 1 it. ?.. il Durham Dashes. sit Contains-- "Victor Grade" material and Victor Grade workmanship all the way through, hut it has all the little toucdes which brings a bicycle "Up-to-date." Experienced road riders fall in love with it. It will bear the closest inspection. See the Victor with both eyes, both hands and both feet before you buy a bicycle. If you do you will be glad. We have given all the different makes of wheels a very close examination and know we are right when we say the "Victors' arc the finest and best wheels sold in the United States. We have the best wheel ever offered in Oxford for $35. Fairly good ones for $20 and $25. Ex changing a specialty. Our prices will suit you. ' S H. SMITH a, t! smith! Mr. Editor: Having read the many interesting letters from your numerous correspondents, and being aware of the fact that it adds so much to your paper, I thought per haps you would like to add to vour list one of Durham's fair sex, though a little old, just enough to begin to see things just like thev are and just the right age to wed. From time to time I will endeavor to show some of the young girls the mistake they make, if yuu will allow me the privilege of joiuing your band. Hallie Holloway met with a sad accident last Friday evening he was killed by a train on the South- so assists Nature in the change taking trn yard- The funeral service was place that the Expectant Mother is ??11,?"01 morning at Mr. (inoWaH 1-rlr fryrwrorrl vtntTmnf rlrMrl I Holloway S by Rev. G.J. Dowell, to the hour when she experiences the y joy Of Motherhood. t insures Safety Holloway 'a old home place, 14 miles A to both Mother and Child, and she is from Durham. found Stronger after than before COn- Saturday was Public Library Day I JliC-illC.il L ill onui I) il iiiciivw) vuiiu- 1 1 11 juiuaiuj 1 urj lajiu; ui lllc? CUiilci birth easy." as SO many have Said, stone by the Masonic Fraternity was Don't be persuaded. Use nothing but grand and will be long remembered 1 vy me people 01 uuruam, most cer FriCnd I ian'y v some or our girls who was in mcu a strain ro nave on inf-ir prettiest looks. mm. "Mother's Friend "Moth or s Tax Valuation in the State. There is an increasing tax valua tion in North Caiolina over the pre ceding year, but it is noticeable that me increase comes rrom tnree or four counties. If those four fine counties in the west Rockingham, Cabarrus, Rowan and Gaston had not snown up witn large increase there would have been an actual de cline. It is noticeable that the fine tobacco county of Granville shows a decline of nearly $200,000. The cig arette trust has hit the farmers of that county very heavy blows. Tbey amount to a quarter of a mil lion dollars since the octopus fixed its grinders upon them. Madison and Person, two other flue tobacco counties, show even a heavier de cline than Granville, and they are all sad victims of the rascally trust. A well informed gentleman recently in formed us that in the Pie mont sec tion the farmers had lost by the trust not less than $1,500 000. Wilming ton Messenger. A Tobacco Farm for Rent. For rent a large tobacco farm in Wake cmnty, 8 mil East of Wakn Forest Col lege. Appiy to this office tor further in formation. sept2 4t-pi. What the Populist Has Wrought. The only thing the Populist part 1 - ' - 1 a T . 1 t nas wrougnt in xscrrtn Carolina is the revivilyingr of the old Radical party and giving it control of the judicial, executive and legislative departments of government. Fusion with a corrupt party of directly opposing principles has given us higher taxes and shorter school terms. It has given us a bandrupt treas ury which cannot pay the just claims due by the Mate. It has given us negro office-holders and put hundreds of negroes in authority over white men. It has given us corrupt and drunk en legislators. It has given us depleted c-mnty treasuries and made it impossible for the holders ot couuty orders to et them eishf d. It has given us a lower tone of official life. It has lowered the moral standard V El It ; I ;Tfi;a 1 iU::. ca: t 1I1V ' 1H s It to MR. WILLIAM ARM 'I have been a sufferer f. with that horrible ciiVv i . times all over my bo'l v, ,u can describe the burning ; had to endure. "The extent of my tuiik appreciated when I state dition was such that I en my bed, ami for three in laid down, but was com;. i-'. my chair when not movn. was treated b' the be-a with no success, and tried, medicines recommended without any good results, to the Indiana Mud baths, 1 results, and then to Mt. 1. celebrated medical resort treatment partially helprd disease shortly returned. Florida, thinking that a elm mate and water and the e: might cure me, but found ir c 'I then tried S.S.S.and .iiur the burning and itching I continued to improve tc.s !,' was well entirely cure mencing S. S. S. I never . nal application to my bin' of mv body. You may reH-r person suffering from lieuii:!. l j always keep the S. S. S. in ray tof for I consider it the best bio i i r.;e r, s of the present age. I am seventy y-i of age and am now in perfi-d bca!:. For real blood diseases i !: f cm be obtained bv using a real l.l'i re j dy. So many people v,h arc siia from an obstinate or dei p-vja'.t A . disease make the mistake f U';;r.::j edies which at best are ::'.y t-:: a; .; cannot possibly reach their t; : ' j is in just such cases which ft;.er w-tj blood remedies cannot reach ta it has made some of the mot oaaji : cures. S. S. S. cures nerm am-ntiv Catarrh, Rheumatism, l a . i:h, Contagious Blood Poison, .-ava;a all other diseases having their or the blood. It is a ua-'e ne, b:t I e of citron :: care. rtnn-e ' -i-I-d ! After v ! :t an e: or anr: ! to rae a . 'fc'.' I If Business Booms This Fall "Af -v xrif a nnflFfirnd more in ten minutes with either of her other two children, than she did altogether with her last, having previously used four bottles of "Mother's Friend." It is a bless ing to anyone expecting to become a mother, says a customer." Henderson Dale, Carmi, 111. Sent by Mail, on receipt of price, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Book To Expectant Motners manea tree, containing valuable information and voluntary testimonials. The BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO..ATLANTA.G. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DO YOU NEED PAINTING OR PAPERING DONE? II YOU DO 7X. BRYANT OXFORD, N. C, Will do it as good and as cheap as anvbodv See him befo-e yon place yonr order as it will be money in your inside pocket, aprl5-6m. Sunday at 11 o clock Rev. ft. J. Doweil preached a t-ptcla.1 seriuou to the aged of his congregation, which tbey say was good, of course I did not go, as I was looking for my fel low and didn't feel old. Well, for fear of the wast basket, I will wait to know if you want to hear from me again, if so I will try to give more news next time which I hope will be more interesting. Sallie J. - e o 1 01 me people. . . . 1 T" A It has put a premium upon hypoc- J Real JDIOOCl LZTP& nsy auu ireacnery. 1 be sin ot the ropu'ist party 1? that it has been a party to this I debauching of the public morals and thr- elwvatton ot lad ine.i. News and Observer. In the World of Art and Letters. The Warehousemen and Business Men who adver tise will get the most of it, as they always do in good times or dull times. Those who are after their share of the business, and as much more as they can get, are now making their preparations to secure it. To advertise in the most effective, economical and expeditious manner, they should secure the services ol the As the result of the development of our public school system and the cheapening of books, there has grown up a large c'a-s of men and women who seek broader education, or desire to extend their knowledge along special lines. Their duties in life, or lack of means, exclude them from the universities. The Cosmo politan Magazine has undertaken the task of bringiug iiberal educa tion, in its broadest sense, within thereby, i shall sen for cash by public auction the reach of those who have the aDi to the highest bidder on I , . , . . , . u" -li I ration, hut dta dpnrivcH if tU MONDAY, THE 11th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1897, ,.r TW, A T . Km l vvr. V jltU iJl Brown University, has undertaken the Presidency of The Cosmopoli tan's educational movement. The work, thus becun. is not intndrl r see Deed Book 43 at page 532; 2nd a lot in the I tnfeo thfi nlnro of ro, town of oxford, known as the L. c Ragiand lot! taK l"e Pce ot regular university adjoininar the colored school lot, Lee Pol, B F. I work, but to supply a eraD in fivicst- and gets at the seat of i; -i a it out promptly even a fter blood remedies Lave l'aiu " guaranteed purely vtH i n Books on blood aui a be mailed free to any a -i Specilic Co., Atlauta, Oa. Trustee's Sale . Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by two deeds of trust, executed bv Al exander Crews and Cora C. Crews his wile, the first on the 8th day of April 18iU, which is regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville onnty, in book .34 at nasre 125. the second on the 17th day of June. 1892. registered in tne aioresa'Q otnee m book 35, at page 426. de fault having been made in the debts secured The two tracts or parcels of land desci hed in said deed of trust to wit: Ten acres of land just outside the corporation of the town of Oxford and near the Addison McAdden tan yard place known as lot No. 5, adioining the lands of .lohn Blacknall and others, for accurate description tsuiiocK property and others This last tract subject to a mortgage to Mrs Sarah Hall for $100 Time of sale 12 M. Sept. 7th 1897-. A. A. HICKS, Trustee. Circulates Largely Among Farmers in this and Adjoining Counties I We also do Job Printing of every description, so favor us your orders when in need of such work. Sale of Office and Lot in Oxford. By virtue of a deed of Mortgage executed tn me by the late Dr. J. M. Bay an f wile, register ed m wanvnie county, in book oi Jnorttaees ith MONDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1897, ofl'er for sale to the highest bidder at public auc tion at the Court House door in Oxford. th Mod. ical Office and lot formerly occupied by said Dr. j. jh. nays, and wnich is situated on the East sirle of Grassy Creek street and bounded by said street, Eniscooal church lot. the T, John W. Hiys and the Bowling lot, being 22 fet front on said street and mnmi g back therefrom 150 fret to Bowling's line. Time of anio to.oi 'o'clock Terras cash. Z H. BIIRmrtt Sept. 1, 1897. by John W. Hays. At'ornov ing educational facilities. Those who are really in search of knowedge will find direction and aid. It can do nothing for those who have not the desire to study. An mrndine stn dent sends to Tag Cosmopolitan, ! New York, bis name, occupation!! previous courses of study, studies de sired to be pursued, obj-cts and pur pose tor which course is dsin! The Children. In dealing with one's children cer tainly she is the wise mother who knows when to be conveniently blind, says an experienced mother. There can be no hard and fixed laws in re gard to the management of little ones without doing them a cruel in justice, sometimes a child is sick, nervous, unstrung, and the fault that at another time might be punished should be ignored. Indeed, one is tempted to say that too much man agement, too many ru es, a continual reminding of little breaches of m n ner or grammar, is worse than no management at all. There has al ways been a wistful pathos in the story of the little boy who thoughi his name was "Johnny Dou't." "But that is impossible," urged some one, It is what they call me at home," persisted the little fellow, in all good faith. Perhaps this kiudlv cultivat- , cu vitiue ui uu.eiy ounaness is on y auuiuex uauiH ior tact, it igrnor-s an tnat is unpleasant, and wisely judges of the appropriateness of time and season,. When we come home tirt d and worn it is blind to the fact that we have thrown ourselyes on the best sofa and deposited our hat oa the floor. When we are absorbed with grief and worry, it does not see the brusqueness with which we may have answered a question. There is no other quality man this convenient blind ne.-s which makes so muh for friendship. There's Money la Your Pocket When You Buy a Pair ot lot y: n They are all you'd txpc t f r 55 When coupled with Low P'i Finish, Haterial, l it nd t)le are Right, what more .oulJ J0" expect ? FOR SALE f;Y LONG I-SKO?" OXFOHI), N ' ... if Sale of House ana nrA tVia rnu e , ly oV came nome trom s iiool one day and tne nu uiber of hours', daily or I with his hand badly lacerated and bleeding, - Wf-efcly, study which can be mive. ' and suffering great pain," avs Mr. E. J. ut ouji iviuu win oe made to students. It SavS the Cronpy Children. IEw, Va -We have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers coming from far and near. Large suoply best tobacco t.wino ?. 11 l? l.he .h,Kh"st terms. M nv have said lowest prices. Best wnrranted tobacco i? kVk cl?lld':ed ouid have died of croup EDWARDS & WlNSTOS'8. ter??11 . ... vj u k k c r . i ne 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J. Q, Hall, scnaij, witn Meyer IJ . s. Drug Co , Louis, Mo. "I dressed the wound, and ap plied ChamberUin's Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased and in a remarkably short ti t it healtd without leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, swellings and rheu atism, I know of no nedicineor prescription equal to it. I consider it a household necessity " The 25 and 50 cents sizes for sale by J. G. Hall knives at july 29-tf, A few fat beeves for Walters near Wilton. sale by W. U, sept. 3. B" virtne of the wnver t ' .- certain Deed in Trust cxroiiif ' Gee and wife, 011 the 28rl (ny ' ' . duly recorded in mortiraiie , A'C , 01 th t2i ter 01 ijcic- 1 imty, we gha" sell to t tit- t a cish, on the premiseir. on MONDAY, 211E tii DAY ' i ' lI the lot or parcel of land ciiii'- i1 Deed in Trust, and which if dr- A certain lot or parcel of l.iin! :t t, ford. Grauv He county, al'" " - John Bullock, AleC'laniiahiin - ' '; ; a ai1 tionnded as follows: V'- ! ' ' ". (4ee's corner on .McClatni- li' ' ", i thence alorjir caid "trect f'-' ' !, corner on said etrcet. fir n- John Bul'ock's line 2! feet ;. ; o ned by Thou. I. Han if " u i ' , to Banuy 0e's corner st feet. !''' , , Gee's line Northward to the t" - ' . Time of sale 12 o'clock m l,;:, i"i,Ktl B. KAN P W !-; ;1 Btffct.a 4W.