THE PUBLIC LEDGER. By JOHN T. BRITT. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING OXFORD, N. C OCTOBER 14, 1897 Last year the Southern railway,i j. 0.7.327 nasseneers with- UUU1VU A'ww mm 1 out loss of life or serious injury. The Biblical Recorder, state organ of the Baptists, declares for an edu cational qualification for voters. Meat is said to be so scarce in Cuba that there is none to be found in Havana, and poor people are eat ing cats and dogs. The Presbyterians in this State now propose to raise 17,000 which Davidson college specially needs for repairs and improvements. No State in the South save South Carolina and Georgia come within 300.000 of North Carolina in the number of cotton spindles. T From all parts of the State comes news of an increase in the attend ance at all colleges and schools. There are verv few exceptions to this general good showing. The auditor decides that the in heritenee tax does not apply to lega cies devised prior to March 9th last. A New York medical journal says a great many people use too much ealf. im'tirinc both skin and kidnevs. which are overtaxed to get rid of the surplus salt. There is a 81,200 farm in Tennes see which has been paid for entirely in hen fruit. The hens attended to business and helped the owner to shell out the cash on time. Some of the Ohio papers say that the battle in that State has become one of boodle against brains, with the chances, it may be incidentally remarked, somewhat in favor of boodle. A Brooklyn judge has decided the important question as to whetker a can't Current STATE PRESS. Topics Discussed by the Editors. There never was a time in the his tory of this country that the judges so absolutely controlled this govern ment as at present. In fact, it is reachiner such an alarmiug stage that it is time for the American peo ple to awake fully to the situation. At the present rate, instead of being a government of the people, by the people and for the people, it will soon be a government by judges, and the neople will rot be in it. The their father's house," and will here, after remain with the party that has ever been the friend of the people and will continue to be as long as the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, Androw Jackson and William J. Rrvan nermeates the hearts and minds of the people. In the next campaign, says the Lexington Dispatch, the people will make issues, the politicians may scheme and lay their plans but the Deode will have an eye single to business. The day has passed when a few demagogues can get together and formulate plans to drive the masses into their traps like the hun content, but the judge will eliminate and administrate. Raleigh limes. Hon. George White, the black congressman from the Frst district, is having negro postmasters ap pointed throughout his district. One presented his bond for $2,500 with seventeen bondsmen, not, one of whom could qualify. Go it, George. You know who put the Russell-But ler gang in power, and "demand your rignts." mat tne oonusinen quality'7 matters but little. girl has a vested title in an engage- They can qualify as easily as the ap pointees, douotiess, aua none or them anv better than Colonel Arm- people may legislate to their hearts ter drives a covey of partridges into ment ring, by deciding that such rings are only reminders to the girl, and that when she kicks her fellow she should also send him his ring. field's Iredell pop justice of the News and Observer says every man who voted for McKinley is partially responsible for the negro Federal officeholders we are getting, just as i i t p : every man wno supported iusion with Republicans is partially respon- Many persons whose names were sibie for negr0 gtate and county of in the omnibus pension bill which nceholders. Both crowds of these failed to pass the last legislature white men ought to repent and help have applied for pennons under the t0 un&0 the evils they have wrought general law and been rejected. Judge Lynch has got in only 97 hangings so far, but he has some thing over three months to run yet Missouri is suffering with Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska and Arkansas from a severe drought, (jov. Lon V. Stephens, says he has informa tion from various portions or the to complete his year s work, lie may get in some more blocks of five gtate showing the dry speli to be so widely felt that persons in some in Indiana. Ihe Ureensboro lelegram says that the oldest Methodist preacher in North Carolina, if not in the world is Rev. James Needham, who lives near Mt. Airy. He is now in his 99th year. places have padlocked the curbs of their wells and cisterns to secure the small remaining supply of water I against theft. The present drought is considered extraordinary in point of extent and duration. The statement of ninety-seven banks in North Carolina shows re- sources aeereeatins ly.ozi.ooz, a decrease of 8337,000 as compared with a year ago. The State debt is $6,086,250. The Wilmington Messenger says shall it be said that in all North Carolina there was not enough of true manliness and true gratitude and genuine pride of the State left to erect at the capital of North Car olina a suitable monument to the most popular and one of the very foremost men ever born on its soil ? Canada juries do not put a high price on the kiss in the family. A young woman who sued her 76-year- Shall Vance, the true and the tried, old uncle for $2,000 for kissing her the mighty tribune of the People, while driving her somewhere, got a go unhonored by the people he so verdict for 20 cents. Governor Russell and Chairman Dockery, of the board of directors of the penitentiary, have taken steps to force the resignation of Jno. R. Smith, superintendent of the penitentiary on the ground of incompetency. long and faithfully served in tented d, in civic arena, in stormy halls of debate ? Let no such re proach be possible let no such stigma be stamped upon the fair good name of North Carolina. A monument is to be erected as Ashe ville. No stone as yet marks the great Senator's grave. peace, wno, upon asuing tne coionei what he must do to "qualify" for the position was told,, "lou can take the oath of office, but all h 11 can't qualify you." But get your boys in, George. Asheville Citizen. The goyernment we now have in this state, its indecent distribution of the offices, the notable unfitness of a large majority of its appointees, the extravagant appropriations of the peoples' money, the wicked prostitu tion of public schools and other pub lic institutions to the basest of par tisan control, the wastefulness pub lic moneys in needless employment of lawyers at high fees in law suits instigated by partisan malice and personal spleen, and many other dis graceful and degrading acts which characterize the present powers that be, haye only to be fully, truthfully shown to arouse the people to their duty to themselves and the state. A full, faithful, truthful exposure of these" things The Gazette promises to make. It is the duty of duties upon which it has entered, to be pursued diligently until the people, seeing the truth, and realizing the source of their misfortunes, will rise in their might and drive from power the unholy combination which have brought these evils upon them. Asheville Gazette. Those interviewed, ex-Governor Jarvis, Mr. Simmons and Mr. Smith, hesitated not in declaring for white supremacy. They have always done that. Declarations are not enough. Works are what are wanted. Show their faith by their works. Let them practice what they preach. And here we ask this question, which one of these three would haye refused five minutes after those interviews to hob-nob, associate or take down a set up with Otho Wilson, Loge Har ris, Harry Skinner, or any others of that stripe, who are doing so much to turn the state over to negro rule and corruption? We doubt there being one, and, further, believe them good, clever, jolly fellows. Such is what does the harm. We favor fighting it out on the white man's platform. We favored it last year, but bosses said no, it must not be done. Now many are declaring for it, but watch them. Greenville Weekly. his net and thus bag the whole countrv at one drive. Men of all parties are beginning to see the necessity of more practical business methods in the economical manage ment of public affairs than are now afforded, as practiced by the rat tails in this State. The State Govern ment needs the careful consideration of all its citizens and they may be relied upon to do the right thing. Cool, careful, fair, honest and patri otic consideration of every subject will bring about the best results. Throw passion, hatred, strife, con tention and partisian bitterness to the dogs and great good will come to us all. The Weekly believes that good government in North Carolina can be assured by the democratic party dealing with the situation in a prac tical way. Conditions, we repeat, are not what they once were. It is vary evident that the party has lost thousands of voters since 1892. As long as they stay away the party is short of a majority. Sensible men need not be told that the mass of men are honest and conscientious. It is true that designing men have abused their confidence, but it is no less true that the Democratic party be cause of Cleveland's treachery and the consequent failure of the party to redeem its pledges. In all the history of politics no man has ever betrayed the confidence of the nartv kl that elected him more shamefully f' m I 1 i ai iiiitii'i- J. uaiuiu 1 UUUWjU iVlcli i i 't Stands at the Head of tlic I i t V A NT n TI I xr meadows warehousfI OXFORD, N. C, Shares its glory, and our corps of buyers with lare onl MtxiiLnjM va auoucu uy any in any otate. y Tobacco Growers, Look to Your Interest i The old stand by MEADOWS WAREHOUSE during the tobacco year just closed sold 2,000,000 pounds of ;! ,v- j want to make it 3,000,000 this year. It has by hard work established a reputation for high prices and clever in atntiu--emialerl hv a few anH pxrellpH hv nnnp It shall h mw frncfot effort tn maiunin t-i-iie vomito; fi, c,. i .' 'ncn the HIGHEST PRICES FOR YOUR TOBACCO. I do not hesitate to say that I am prepared to sell your toabeco to C T k xlfi - - " v,wv.ii nn. iixuiuiK. juui man w - i w . nil aiiiuiciua aiu given my person.'!' H me and I am sure you will come again. Yours to serve, y. '"nti. n. T- w. i.Yor a. I. 1 T"1 T i man ne aia. ino man ever nad a grander opportunity for serving his country and none eyer played it more false. Arnold's treachery is white besides Cleveland's, for the former felt that he had a grievance, while the latter had no cause, either fancied or real, for the part he played. The Democratic party in national convention having refused to assume responsibility for any of his acts, those who left the party on his account can come Dack without and sacrifice of their dignity and without asking leave of the few gold bugs who remain in the party. Reidsville Weekly. i Harris' Brick Warehousi HENDERSON, N. C, Thrown "Mill:: silitfSST) T JPMf-' roma Horse p-'- r".'":: ', ---' i. tfi!i"lS jjsij J?:fciiK:5:,wJS:Jta jell's' Another ark load, forty-nine, of Lynchites or sanctified band, has arrived at Southport. There are how over 200 there, and they say more arks are coming. They are living huddled together like sheep, without regard to sex. Another colored Postmaster has been appointed in Halifax county, which now gives the county seven negro Postmasters. It is understood, that negroes have been selected for SOflE OF OTHO'S CHAT. The first number of Otho's Hay- seeder is not as warm as it was ex pected to be. It may, however, get hotter as it grows older. It gives some such promise as this, inasmuch as it says, toward the conclusion of its introductory: We deem it necessary to thus in timate to the public some of its pur poses, sacredly promising to let the specifications follow. The Harht. is nn anrl t.Vip twero n-F ttaftlo a large number of other post offices drawn and we will face the music of the State, including the one at and dance up to the line wherever Kaleigh With the threshing season fully at an end, the wheat crops greatly exceeds expectations, and will aggre gate nearly 000,000,000 bushels This will give 200,000,000 bushel for export and leave an ample sup pl for the home demand. The bicycle for two nuptial busi ness is catching. A short while ago a young couple eloped from Phila A XT -. j t ueipuia iu ixew lorK on a tanaem and got married, and a few days ago a young couple in New Jersey took a sixty-mile spin to Trenton. Afte the splicing the newly wed proceed ed on their wedding tour on the bike. Father Worth never has explained how in the world he found any 'au thority tor lending the superinten dent of the penitentiary $15,000 ou ot the State Treasury. A director of the penitentiary said: "Smith had to borrow the money, and he go: Father Worth to let him have it He just got it." Really there is not a particle of authority for it. It is amusing to know the esti mate which the head of Populism in North Carolina had of Governor Kussell last year. It was that he had no backbone at all, but was swayed by men near him and believ ed aDy rumors told him by such men; that he once refused to speak to a certain man whose opinion is now of the greatest weight with him. and whenever drawn. And then here is a paragraph that holds out the hope of something: Having been so unfortunate as to be in bad personal company, we were uuwillingly talked to by Rus sell about Butler, and Butler about Russell. We promise to giye the public some choice selections of epithets by both, and assure them that public will agree that both were good judges of their subjects, and both were right. Butler, Russell and some Demo crats (?) consulted over the "neg ger racket" that the Democratic press was raising, and concluded that something had to be done to counteract that cry, so they agreed Th Right here in Bertie county be tween the election and bonding time last year, tne newly elected negro constable of Woodville township stole cotton and was indicted. The evidence was overwhelming and he forfeited his bond and ran away. We saw then the signs of a return to republicanism. Adiuuken judge or I two wallowing around recalled the "good old days of 1868." The chair man of the board of county commis sioners of Vance offering to sell his vote was sure evidence that the grand old party had come to its own. A justice of the peace serving a sen tence in the work house of Stanly Co., and getting letters from Senator Butler on matters of "state," shows that "reform is at work." But our people did not recognize what res publican control in North Carolina meant until two negroes were hung in one day for rape. Windsor .Ledger. It matters not from what cause the blood becomes poisoned, it is impossi- Die tor tne doctors to ettect a cure. 1ms class of disease has puzzled the science of medicine for ages, and the same treatment that was employed centuries ago is now prescribed. Pot ash and mercury are the component parts of every doctor's prescription tor diseases ox the blood. Many of the so-called blood puri fiers are based on potash and mercury. In fact, S. S. S. (Swift's Specific) is the only blood remedy that is guar anteed purely vegetable, and is the only one that contains no harmful ingredients. S. S. S. is the only blood remedy that cures real blood diseases, obstinate cases that physicians and other remedies have failed to cure. It never fails to cure a blood disease no matter how deep-seated the case. ,-SUmaf i m hi ii! ai ;;! Willi iB li'lHlSiiiliiii ' ZEECatrrls, O-oocIb. Sz Co., ! OWNERS AND PROPRIETORS, LEADS ALWAYS IN THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. Kich prices. ALL on them will The sins of the Demociatic party were sins of omission. It could not do everything. Thesins of fusion are sins of commission, willful and criminal. T e Democratic party may have made mistakes. If so those seeking their betterment shou'd have sought reforms within the party. With the exception of the heelers and spoismen all tbepopu'is s are Demo crats. AU true Democrats agree with populists that reforms are need e i. Those looking for reform under another I amer see themselves mis led, sold out and used as stepping stones for their leaders. They are Dercosrats laboring under delusiors e Democratic party is the fold for Our market has opened with better prospects and larger orders than ever before aiiogany fillers and Wrappers are la special demand and bringing good 1 RADES OF STRIPS ARE EAGERLY SOUGBT FOR and the competition JNbUti-b lOj JNUIUH L RlUEb. Oar accommodations cannot be surpassed by any house or any market. OUR LIGHT is absolutely without an equal. We sell at least 50 per cent, of all the tobacco sold bv farmers on our market. Our last years business was the largest in our his tory and we intend to continue to merit our abundant patronage. With our personal attention given to every pile of tobacco put on our floors and with polite attention to ail our pa'rons. our house shall be the very best place to sell your tobacco and our past word shall be our guaraniee. Try us with a load at once and be convinced, and we will do you good. Sept. 23 1897 HARRIS. GOOPH k H. 0)S9S9S9SSSSS9SS6SS9SSSS6S69SSS9SSSSSSSS) From Start to inish Sell Your Tobacco tn rrnn thAh.Uf ."I 1 . .uuubu uU .a luitusLo sucn them. Return, and let us together cu nau jjuunc attention make the tight next year for iustica, wuum u uiicclcu to tneir great loy- for right, for honor, for principle, a vj iu mc jjcupie aim ioiiow tnem. They thought that by the aid of cer tain hotels who could not keep the passenger trains because ihe passen gers were kicking on their fair, t hey could succeed, foo Russell & Com pany think up the whole scheme, send out collectors to find or man ufacturer information for star chamber proceedings, and secured free passes on certain railroads to aid them in their conspiracy. See if they don't try to prevent the courts from having a jury trial to hnd the facts. What they want is to concealtheir hand till they can work the d n fools long enough to giye them control of the next leg islature, who they will have pledged to do their wills in advance of hear- ing any evidence. WASTED, 5,000 cords of wood cut, al o miners and laborers for the Cheatham mine. Apply to E. B. 0. Hambly, attributes you have sought outside hut failed to find. Let us work to gether for the general good. .Let none but true men lead. Away with demagogues and spoilsmen. King's Greenville Weekly. Thorough party organization and a united effort is what is needed among the Democrats to leieem the state of North Carolina from the present regime that is now a parasite -and outrage upon public decency, says the Winston Journal. From its very incipiency the present admin istration has been one of corruptness and the hunger for political porridge has almost driven them totally in sane. There has been one continual howl for pie but it seems from y. isting conditions that on'y a parties ular set have been looked after. The governor has taken care of all his relatives and the howl is long and loud from outsiders. Those voters who were Irired away from the De mocratic fold at the last elf ction have become disgusted wifh ffa'ra and have returned as it were to Miss Bertha Whitwood. Mr. H. Kuhn, of Marion, Kansas; writes : "About three years ago my grand daughter Bertha Whitwood, was thrown from a horse, receiving a wound of the scalp. Under the treat ment of physicians the wound seemed obstinate, and for several months re mained about the same, until it finally became very angry looking, and broke out into a running sore. This soon spread to other parts of the scalp, and ran down the side of the neck, in creasing in severity, and fearfully disfiguring her. "After being constantly under a physician for a year, and her condi tion a great deal worse than at first, we placed her under the care of the faculty of a well-known hospital, but even the treatment she received there failed to arrest the terrible sore. "Reading of the many cures of blood troubles effected by !. fc. 5s., we decided to try it, and it relieved her promptly. At first this remedy seemed to increase the discharge, forcing out the poison; this soon ceased altogether, and the place began to heal. In a few months she was entirely cured, and scarcely a mark now remains where the disease held full sway." S. S. S. is the right remedy for all blood diseases, and is the qnly cure for Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, etc., no matter how deep-seated the case. S. S. S. is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and contains not a particle of mer cury, potash, or other mineral, which means so much to all who know the j disastrous effects of these drugs. Valuable books can be had free by addressing Swift Specific Company, j riata. lieorcia. AT THE WARE P-1 n oxfobd, nsr. c ivu I jpVi FT5 i M ffl it wsii -1 buoscntie to the Public Lkdgdb. Only 11.00 per year. Farmers, if you will sell your tobacco this season from "start to finish" at the Farmers a "ouse, we promise you that in the wind up you will be pleased as our motto is never to k-av l single pile of tobacco until the top round is reached on prices. We are going to sell this sea- ;H possible double the amount of the season just closed, and we want your tobacco as there is l.n ) demands for tobacco everywhere and our order men want more than was sold on our market 1 season. Ihe fact is you have got the kind of flavor they all want and must have to please the tra iCome to the FARMERS WAREHOUSE first and last and you will find us fully equipped m ? every way to take care of you. Warehouse right in the heart of town. Gene Crews, our auctions-'", (k and our entire force of help is second to none. We want your trade, and will prove to you by hur.l ) and close and personal attention to your every interest that we appreciate it. fl 9 Your friends, y$ ) bept.9. , HUNT, & WILLIAMS. Q) tSS6S6SSSSS6SSSSS6S6SSS6S6S6SSSSSSSSSoSC

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