"Rust," the dread of the cotton grower, can be prevented. Trials at Experiment Stations and the experience of leading- growers prove positively that IT O J Caimt is the only remedy. We will be glad to send, free of charge, interesting and useful pamphlets which treat of the matter in detail. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York, 6ri$$om Gleanings. Now is Your Time TO BUY Buggies, Carriages And Wagons ! Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hockaday, of Bay Leaf, were recently seen in our imdst. Grissomites are considerably Stir rer! n r nvr the nrediction of war with Spain. Messrs. W. T. Hockady and W. R. Garner, who have been quite sick, are much improved. Two fine looking equestriennes, Misses H. and Katie Sikes were seen on our roads Saturday. Dr. Whitaker interested the con gregation at Rock Spring last Sun day with an able discourse. We were glad to see Miss Eya Bailev, who is now teaching near Wake Forest, in our neighborhood a few days ago. Miss. Hazel, the amiable little daughter of Mr, E. T. York, and Carmen Peace, niece of Mr. W. T. Hnfkadav. are boarding near and attending Grissom Academy. Mrs. I. S. Bailey gaye a sociable last week, complimentary to the charming young teacher of Good Hope, 'Miss Viola Jenkins. A stu dent of Wake Forest College was one of the participants of the pleasure. , Ego. plants as large as a nickle, a dime and a quarter. Men may be seen very soon on Sunday morn ing going all oyer the neighborhood to see who has the largest tobacco plants, when they ought to be at Sunday School or church. A man indicted for larceny and tried in our court a few days ago, stated on his oath that the cause of his committing the crime was Dexter whiskey, and yet it seems that the grandest act of his life was to sign a petition for whiskey so that every body can get it. It used to be a very uncommon thine to see a man in this community who was at all under the inlluence of whiskey, but not so now. Onlv a week or two ago two young men passed in a one horse wagon just before dark, one of whom was drunk and yelling and cursing at everybody and everything he could see, this was Oxford liquor. We were not close to him, did not know who it was, and hope we never will. Nicholas. Tairport flirtations. burned up last Friday, th'e 4th. It is supposed it caught from a box of ashes. Mr. Williams says he took up some and set them away in the front end of the house and closed up the store and went to the pacfe house where he had some .hands stripping tobacco, he had not been away more than an hour or so before the alarm was given that the store was on fire. He ran as fast as he could, but when he got there he found he was too late to save anything but one barrel of oil and one mattress, everything else being consumed in the flames. The loss is estimated at something over three hundred dollars no in surance at all. Simmons. gouutv Cine Catches. Ridgeway Reports. We are now oflering the large stock of Buggies, carriages, wag ons and harness bought of Ed wards & Winston at and below wholesale cost We have some very fine car riages we must sell. Do you need one? If so now is your time. Surry Price $135 .00-Yon Get It For 590.00 Cash, Come on. This offer cannot stay open. They are going out every day. We are offering some special bargains. Come see for yourself. Yours for business, Mrs. M. E. Proctor is yisiting rel atives at Fishdam. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ferrell spent Saturday and Sunday at the Report. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lyon, of North side, visited this section last Sunday. Mr. Frank Cash, of Durham, who has been spending several weeks with his brother, has returned home. What has become of Pansy and Joy? Write real often my dear old girls. I enjoy your items very much. We are glad to learn Mrs. A. M. Veazey, who has been confined to her room for the past two months with the grippe, is improving. Mr. Montgomery Walker is now wearing one of the broadest smiles of the season." His wife presented him on last Monday with a fine boy. Misses Rosa and Beckie Peed, Liz zie Mangum, Willie Roycrof t and Alice Coley and Mr. Sam Mangum spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Ada Veazey. What has become of our great to bacco drummer, Mr. Thomas. We would be glad to see the Granville Gray coming, especially jf we had a lot of tobacco ready for market. Stealing is all the go now, the rogues visited the Ridge two nights, and carried away four geese each time. I think they will turn to feath ers. Daisy Bell. Mr. R. M. Hight took in Boydton, Va., court last week, where he pur chased a nice horse. Mr. James Clayton who lost his horse some time back, has bought another. Look out girls for the new horse? Miss Mable Duke, of the Misses Hilliard School, of Oxford, visited her parents near Fairport Saturday and Sunday. It was our pleasure to shake the hand of brother G. B. Perry on the streets of Oxford Saturday, and to see him looking so well. Hope him success on his new circuit. It was our pleasure to attend the candy party at Mrs. N. C. Hight's, on the night of the 24th, given by Messrs. Willie and Julian Hierht to their many young friends. There was a large crowd present and all enjoyed themselves very much. The music on the organ by Mr. W. E. Tunstall was excellent. News is right scarce this week. Mr&. Parthenia Williford is still improving slowly. Miss Rosa Meadows, of Mariah, is yisiting her uncle, Mr. J. M. Mead ows, at Oxford. Miss Hattie Thomas, of Culbreth, lett some weeks ago for Bethel Hill to teach school. There is a singing school going od at Camp Creek, taught by Prof. Rheuben Peed from Surls. Isaac, little son of R. L. Newton, who was thrown by a horse third Sunday, and broke his arm, has im proved right much. I had the pleasure of meetingr with Tad Pole a few Sundays ago, finding him a young man indeed, and may he have success and continue to write for the Public Ledger. Messrs. Dorsie Newton, Pink Hob- good, Jakie Clayton, Lucius Man gum, and Miss Lelia Newton were guests of Miss Fannie Franklin last second Sunday. Messrs. T. H. Riggs, A. F. Riggs, Frank Riggs and Mrs. Lucy and Luna Riggs, of Wake county, are yisiting relatives and friends m this section this week. We think the girls are getting some nice rides this season, as it is all the go now. The boys can be seen hauling the girls in their new buggies. Go your way L. M., you are on the right track? I have been so busy at work in the axe handle factory, I have not had time to write for the past week or two. As the weather has been good, I have been getting good wages for factory work. I have to make my living in some way, for tobacco is so low that we can't live on it in Eas tern Shake. That's the reason Cindy Jenkins is working so hard to keep up her shingle trade in style in Cen tre Shake Rag. Paps Boy. T C. BIOGS, eJ Attorney and Counselor at Law OXFORD, N. C. Prompt attention given to all business. Ofliee next to Osborn House. men. 10. nnrpc-3 IMJLb U LfUU large package of the world's best cleanser for a nickel. Still greater economy m 4-pound package. All grocers. Made only by THE N. K. PAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, St. Louis, Nejv York, Boston, Philadelphia. I E I J via u&,s, 1 ftcs fir- ' tes&i ATA 1 1 urns & mm New Goods Every Day I! THE BATTLESHIP MAINE DOWN So Are Our Prices On Standard Goods! We bought an unusually large stock of black dress j goods last fall in anticipation of the new tariff and we finj f that our judgment was good. j We can offer you a line of Serges, Henriettas. a h-1 meres, Mohairs, Brilliantines, Sicilians at the old prices so I long as tney last and at our present prices (hey ousrht not to last Inner sr enmp oarU it wnn - " mu iu secure rne ttiir- gains. Rev. Mr. Arp, of Wake Forest College, preached at Peace Chapel the fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock, to a large congregation. He preached an elegant sermon, taking his text from the 16th chapter of Matthew and the 24th verse, "if any man will come after me, let him deny himself and WE HAVE THE GOODS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS lane up nis cross anu ionow me." NEW THINQ5 1 The store house occupied by Mr. -v rrr i i i ti . u. wmiams at r airport was AND AT LOWEST PRICES ! Salem Savings. eese Or Gooses? is a mooted point, except as applied to men who pay $5 for pant3. Noell Bros' ( We have bought and have already received the new things for early spring wear. JNew Percales, New Costume C Cloths, Suitings, Satines, Cheviots, Vhite Goods in cu-iy known style from a beautiful Checked Muslin at 5 rents per ( yard up to a 2 -yard-wide White Organdy at 50 cents l(f.r , yard. We can show ou the prettiest line of Embroideries ( you have ever een TAYLOR AND CdNNdDT. Phti'Lrr:t'heiJ trum ule THE i-D" HBEyDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. GREAT 30 Th 0. UKENCH REMEDY produces the above result in 31 3ft riauc ,rr 7tf.-,u r JA.'. At. Art .... I'ai icucele, J-ailimr JlJrmory. Stons all drains and losses caused by errtrs of youth. It wards off In sanity and Consumption. Vouiik Men regain Man hood and Old Men recover Youthful Vigor. It gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and fits a man for business or marriage. Easily carried in the vest pocket. Price J"n PTC 6 Boxes 52.50 by mail, in plain pack-0J UIDag:e, w ith written guarantee. DR. JEAN O'MARRA. Paris J. G. HALL. Trustee's Sale of House and Lot in Oxford. By virtue of the powers conferred upon me by a deed in trust of the "BV eedman's Aid and Southern Educati n Society oi'the Methodist Jf piscopal church." registered m the ofhee of the Miss Fannie Fuller, of Berea, is on visit to Mrs. Ella Fuller. Mr. Robert Hart and family, of Nash, visited relatives in this neigh oorhood last week. Mrs. ii. N. Crews, who has been quite sick for some time, was some better last Sabbath. The word dappysdown-dilly in our last communication should have been "daffy-down-dilly." Farmers plow up your gardens and your tobacco land while it is cold, and you will lessen the number of cut worms. Mr. J. R. Fowler claims the cake on mink killing. A few days aero, with the assistance of Frank Taylor, Mr. Fowler killed two. In behalf of Mr. William Faucett, this writer returns thanks to Mrs. Emma Parham for a nice bundle of valuable articles sent by me to him. Rev. Mr. Walker, of Oxfrod, preached at Penny Hill last Sabbath afternoon, there was a large crowd present that greatly enjoyed the dis course, It affords us great pleasure to note that our Sunday School is in a pros- perous condition. A large atten dance last Sunday and as many as 10 in a class. mmmmmMuw I SjS PANTS are honest clear through sim ply high-grade trousers at low grade price. How it's done is our secret. FOR SALE BY LONG BROS., OXFORD. N. C. Sale of Land. By virtue of the power conferred upon me by a monetise deed executed ou he 11th day of J uiy, i8!, to me oy John f. JiecK and his wife. Sophia U. Beck, and registered in the office of the Kegister of Deeds of Granville county, N. C, Book 42, page 193, and default having bee a made in the payment of sai d debt, I ehall on SATURDAY, AllRCH 12th, 1898, expose to the highest bidder at public auction on the premises at Green's station on the Oxford & Ciarksville railroad, for cash at 12 o'clock noon, one quarter of an acre of land more or less on which is a storehouse, bounded as follows: On the Korth and West side by the lands of Wil liam Green, deceased, and on the Bast by the lands of the Oxford & Ciarksville Railroad, This February 7th, 1898. T. H. PERRY, Mortgagee. Don't you want some of these eoods, such as Starks' Dixie Plows, genuine, with beams that won't break, il 24. Imi tation Dixie Plows SI 00. 20 genuine Dixie points $1 00. 20 e-enuine Dixie 1 Slides $1 00 Genuine Farmers Friend Plows. Genuine Farmers Friend Cast ings. Watt rJows and Castings. Cham pion Flows and Castings and several other makes of plows and big stock cast ings for all the popular plows. Also full stock 2-horse plows and castings. Steel frame 5 point cultivaters, che best make Double hovel plows and all the different size steel points. lornado Disc Har rows, Clark's Cutaway Harrows, Hames, Traces, Backhands, Hame Strings, Plow ijines. See our new Tool Rack which holds about 300 farmers' tools, such as Hoes, Forks, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Garden Tools, &c. A car load of Ideal Deering Ball Bear ing Mowers, the best on earfh, at about factory prices. Steel horse rakes. A car load of Ohio Feed Cutters wnich we of fer at factory prices delivered here. See them. Each machine sold under a high guarantee. In fact everything in the ag ricultural implement li .e. 1 hen our stock of hardware is very complete, embracing almost every imag inable article. .Locks of all kinds, hinges, nails, screws, carpenters.' tools that will give satisfaction, brick masons', tools, wood and willow-ware, buckets, tuba. wash boards, tra s, bowls, refrigerators, ice cream freezers, well buckets, sugar Duckets, measutes, baskets, brooms and many other useful articles. Tinware of all kinds. Gray stone en amel ware at lowest prices ever known and big selection in stock. Lewii' pure white lead, Lewis' linseed oil, varnishes, turpentine and Hrge line ready-aiixed paints the best makes. We carry the best selection of crockery in the county. Cups and saucers from 25 cents up. Plates from 25 cents up. Medium priced Dinner and Tea Sets. Austrian China Sets and Havalind Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets. Immense line useful goods suitable for bridal presents. We have just received a Urge line of Russell's celebrated knives and forks, warranted. Triple-plate knives and forks, spoons, tea pots, sugar and spoon nolders, carving sete, pocket knives, Clauss scis sors, the best made, razors and straps. ClosiDg out guns, hunting coats, &c Immense stock Glassware all kinds. Rubber and leather belting, oils, machin ists' supplies, wagon and buggy rims, nuDs, spokes, shafts, buggy wheels, steel axles, skeins, wheelbarrows, &c. We have the best stoves made and are selling them in reach of all See our im proved Excelsior cook stoves, the Gar land illuminum lined ones. If you need a stove we can suit you, both in quality and price Car load celebrated Imperial lamp on is tne Dest. Farm bells, gut tering, roofing, spout, &c. Doors, win dows, blinds, lime, cement, cow hair, wind mills, horse stioes and nails, sieam en gines, separators, horse powers, &c. Wire fencing and hundreds of useful articles too numerous to mention. Laces and Edgings of all kinds than displayed in this section A very pretty and attractive line of new sprint calicos in navy blue grounds at 5 cents per yard. An unusually attractive line of yard wide percales at 8 cents per yard. Same as feold last season at 10 cents. 1 yard wide Sea Island Gloth at 5 cents per yard. " When you pay us a visit be sure to ask to see our now stock of Hosiery never before so cheap. A seamless fast black stocking at 10 cents, sold everywhere for 15 cents. I CdPE5 mb JACKET We have laft on hand a few (Japes and Jackets and to close out the lot we will sell them for 50 cents n the dollar, that is one-half of what they are priced. We keep everything for ladies and will be glad to have you call and inspect our stock. LAND IS & EAST0N. Oxford, MAIN STREET, North Carolina. t. k ( ( I t ( ( s The Holy Scripture teaches us that "no man liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself." etc.. bu- JAPANESE ML CURE Register of Deeds of Granville county, I ehall on some men do not lack much of Hying MONDAY THE 14th DAY OF MARCH, 1898, expose to Bale to the highest bidder at public auction, at the court house door in Oxford, the house and lot of lai.d described in paid deed as situated in the town of Oxford on the corner of Orange street and llerndon Avenue, "joining the lands of H.N. Hicks and others, being the lot formerly owned by Critcher. Terms cash. A. J. FIELD, Trustee. Feb. 10th 18!S. Sale ot House and Lot. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust executed to me by Vir ginia P Jones on the 2!)th day of May, 1891, and duly recorded in mortgage book 34, pge 151, of the Kegister of Deeds office of Granville county, 1 shall, on THE 19th DAY OF MARCH, 1893, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Oxlord, the lot of land conveyed to me by said deed in trust, and which is de scribed as follows: A certain house and lot in the town of Oxford, N. C, lying and being at the in tersection of Farmer and Mechanic and Cherry streets, fronting un Farmer and Mechanic street 180 feet, and running along Cherry street 180 feet, said lot being tquare in shape and adjoin ing the lands of li. G. bmith and others, contain ing half an acre, beinglwame lot described in deed from J - Jft. uurriu, l rustee, to said Virginia P. Jones. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. This, the 10th day of Feby., 1898 J. M. CUKR1N, fcb.l7-4t. Trustee. Sale of Valuable Lands. Under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in a cenain Deed in Trust executed to me on the 18th day of Nov., 1889, by y. A. Pattillo and wife, and duly recorded in mortgage book 32, page 270, of the office of the Register of Deeds of Granyille county, 1 shal, cn SATURDAY, THE 19th DAY OF MARCH, 1898, eell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Oxford, the tract of land conveyfd to i"e by the said deed of trust, and which is de scribed as foliows: Lying in Sassafras Fork township, on the waters of Jonathan's creek, ad joining the lands of Jos. K. Clement and others, containing about 240 acres. For an accurate de scription of these lands by metes and bounds reference is made to a deed from Isaiah Fuller, Commissioner, to W. C. Overby. registered in deed book of Granville county No. 44, at page 427, "ess about 12 acres on th-i Clement line under J. A. Bullo k's survey ruade in Feby., 1880. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. 2'his, the 10th day Of Feby.. 1898. J. M. CUKRLN, .feb.n-4t. Trustee, to themselyes. The Woman's Missionary Society met last Sabbath at the home of .Vlrs. J. R. Wilson. There was quite a number present and the absentees uoted. The meeting was pleasant and profitable. Mr. T. B. Rice, the great Goose Grease Liniment Man and Jeweler, of Greensboro, accompanied by his sister Mattie, of the O. F. Seminary, is on a visit to his father, Mr. W. T. Rice. i Our Justice's court has been rieht much crowded for the last week or two, we have had as many as two cases set for the same hour. Some of the boys get a little unruly at timjs, but we will try and keep them down. The young ppople of the neighbor bcod have organized a singing class which meets at Salem on Saturday night of each week. This bids fair to be a pleasant and profitable gather ing. We have many happy voices in our midst, and with a little train ing, we will make good music. People who go to church both in town and country should go on time, and not disturb the preacher and people by. late coming in, but you may say that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Well our reply to this is, all the mothers who have from six to twelve children to fix for church and Sunday School are excusable, if they come in after the text is taken. Have you put your plant bed cloths on? If not, it is time you were about it. Mr. Burnet at the Daniel place has had plants up sometime. The boys will soon be reporting A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of every nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife, which is painful, and ofteu results in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We pack a Written Guarantee in each $1 Box. No Cure, No Pay. 50c-and $1 a box, 6 for $5. Sent by mail. Samples free OINTMENT, 25c and 50c. rnNTIPATIflN Cured, Piles Prevented, by lUIMOl irrtl Japanese Liver Pellets, the great LIVERand STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take: especially adapted for children's use. 50 doses 25 cents. FREE. A vial of these famous little Pellets will be given with a Ji box or more of Pile Cure. Notice The genuine fkesh Japanese Pile BWilS k WINSI Main Street, Oxford, N. C. GREAT BRRQPims S ON, o ft- Best Nissen Wagon, Price $5 0.00, for $37 Chase City 2-Horso Wagon, Price 50.00 Chase City 1-Horse Wagon, Price $30, for 2 Nice Handson Buggy, Price 650. for 37.50 Domestic Sewing Machine, Price 655 for 35 Standard Sewing Machine. Price k45 for sn Other good machines for 810, 15, 20 and 25. ttwwttw b" - ' v anc 1 (T f W E Wil F57H H I A Word t0 tllc Unfortunate ! j-re for sale only by . J. G. HALL. V! WE no longer supply our seeds to dealers to call nivnin A 4. j ovi. ajam. l uie same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of " Everything for; the uaraen tor I89S pppn provided they aVVi3 Uj icucr anci give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. T0 all others, this rrmo-nifi- cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent iree on receipt or iu cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book ui tuw pages, contains auu engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented Dy o tull size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR "SOUVENIR" SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual who will state where they saw this advertisement. Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. Never before in the history of the bicycle industry has such a liae of bicycles in range of quality and price bee& offered to the public, as I Columbias for 1898 ! S THE COLUMBIA CHAIiNLESS BICYCLE a perfect wheel takes precedence of all bicycles; practically and scis entifically in point of strength, finish and speed the 5! v;oiumoia -nainiess nas proven tne superior of all stand- 5 ard of the world- Price, $125. k COLUMBIA CHAIN BICfCLES have ever been the fig standard for chain wheels with Hartford Bicycles second The material (5 per cent. Nickel Steel Tubing and "Pioneer" .50 per cent. Carbon Steel Tubing respective! . ) of which these machines are made, the un quailed facilities for S 5 making them, method of construction and improvements which are continually being added, regardless of expense give them a long lead over all others. Price $75 and SKn" ' appearance this vear ; and in design and construction Patterns 15 1G 17 and IS & exemplify the production of the largest bicvele factories in the world, and create a new value of strength, design and up-to-date finish for a popular priced wheel. Pri.'e $35 ai d $40 Jack and Jill are the best wheels on the market for tu money. Price $28 and $30. marueior the . r$ W" H- BRITT, Agent, Oxford, If. C. S I have on hand at all times a well selecte stock of Coffins and Caskets at greatly reduce prices. Solid Walnut Caskets. Price $60 fc: 40; Walnut Caskets, Price $50, for 30: Walnut Coffins, Price $25 and 35, for 15 and 20 Nic: Burial Robes for $1.50. If you need anyiliii m my line don't fail to see me in Cozart Build : mg, commercial Avenue, Oxford, C. Yours truly, ti. dec.9. HALL H. Steininetz, FLORIST, Raleigh, N. C. Notice. By virtue of power conferred upon me by a Trnet Deed executed by Brnmfleld Kidley on the 18th Hay of Peb. 1885, and recorded in Granville county, Book 21, page 45', 1 shall on MONDAY THE 44h DAY OP A PHIL, 1898. sell at public auction for cash, atthesonrt house door in Oxford. N C, the tract of land situate on the Goshen Road and adjoining the lands of Ed Dalby, Chas Cooper, Jack Allen tract and others, containing 11) acres more or less and more fully described in said Deed of Trust. The said trait is located in a fine tobacco section of the county and has a dwelling and other im provements thereon. This 1st day of March 1898. J. B. YOUNG, Trustee. A New Supply of Fresh Garden Seeds Of Ally Kinds Just Received by F. W. HANCOCK, Druggist, Next to Post Office, Oxford, N. C. -ee D en