J'Sall,llMl''ll miii i " : lte.t bill are the best sort of spriuff touu'. .ii:n tkav - ... ..leisure rent -hPtner ' . bottle Pins, a 11 1,1V el?. P EL1SO -r business, of Syrup of and 6i L-i.lntvs. liver, and bow f-tu;i'i " fevers, headai lies, ana irex ,-n... . . Fnr Sftl In 50 i , - :iu iraii"s oo--- hv the California Fig ventable ? iuie ot cards appears to be a ver Cabarets ant mm and i"1 ami lilt: 11 bi.iou-: . C. t'- I miarantet'' Krvl.oly Says So. , .liuiv Cathartic, the most won . (j ovorv of the ape, pleas Jlir to the taste, aet greatly v . ; ivuinevs. liver and bowels, . , , tv system, dispel colds, .. vVri-, liabitual constipation U pit ase buy and try a box " , i i 10 :.'". r0 cen ts. Bold and fc I'V ail Ll i "rrfo sty com WOllKitt can not look abso'utelj just a trifle uq- fortao;e Our Mail, Bag. It : of n,iu' siii liti'.o ami !'.'' rs--; I'.iiin the old fashiond doset .,,.mw uhvfics to the p'eas ' OeWitfs Little Karb sick headacne CO n; ,1. U. Hall. If per be better turned out to be just a.1 rin ui. would the world worse ? Written ana Sealed. All day I sat at my writing And, with a sigh of relief, The last page I finished inditing; But, as I was folding the brief A sad thought turned t.iumph to sorrow, And m vam to repose I appealed; This work could be bettered tomorrow But a page in life's history was sealed. So many blots of unkindness, ' Of selfishness, envy, and pride, Made m my passionate blindness My cool better judgment decried, With here arfd there an omission That the clear light of.'conscience, revealed. Bu what could aval my contrition ? The page was all written and sealed. O ye, whose lives are before you; With their pages all spotless and white. ve take UP the pen, I implore you, Take heed to the words ye indite. And ye who are near the conclusion, Hold firmly the pen that ye wield, Or else, to your shame and confusion, The end will be written and sealed. m -n xne faster trip of the base ball team was yery successful. On Mon uay in Winston, our team crossed bats with the team from Johns Hod- TriM m J t n-ma ami won Dy a score of 20 to 0 a uesaay our team was to play the university ot t but Pa., before our inning had been played took ex ception to the ruling of the umpire and withdrew their team from the field. The rules sustained the umpire and the game was forfeited to North Carolina bv a score 9 to 0. Thursday our team went up toChar lottsville to play the University of Va., but rain and wet grounds pre vented the game. Saturday on our home grounds our team played a arame with the representatives of the crimsom ot Harvard University, but neither side won, the score standing 10 to 10. The umpiring was very unsatisfactory to North Carolina. ! Flfl.f)i foam fnrnicka on nmnivA Vtn I -. aarvara umpire naa never umpired I a gaiuo uoiuie, auu uaiuraiiy uo uiu not give satisfaction. S'xUDENT. Eittle River Rows. Left out last week. Messrs. m xurner .ni "arto. xiiiisooro, spent Sunday in Caldwell. ..,t auu vvagner are &iiu very sicfc: we hone thnv 4ii 1 . , . "J nl soon oe wen again. Every reader of the Public Led ger is cordial f MkLUUU commencement exercises Maw -ion, 1898. SViuv-Tl'.! b -? : lli.i- That Ohio. L)t- A" TM-i :i rpneration. , Ki-shiT. fi' Zauesville, IK- wa cured by using three A ir.ii llazel salve. J. U Louie J. Williams. Bester fiint$. The cui' . turns never the one she A little : KjoriiiBS a I: t i.- H'- " Umoa- -ttt actie. ltvc: at. r sairar your neigbor re ?et ms half as large as- borrowed. has purchased i ke.l for a bottle of "get up in the , mi. the arugir;st rerosf- ,. i n inii- for "Ue Witt's Little -.1 ' ive him a bottle of those ; - iir coustioation, tick head- -:,,;:i:ich trouoles. J. ii. Hall. it is not always cards with an in- who has winning ways. Stranire to say, .1 nleasant to pa dividual The farni';. rider are r.n ';' De.Vilfr Witr teep on faar.d. ku'tt'n tare !.: tUe mechanic and the bicycle 1 1 unexpected cuts aud bruises. i n-i.el salve is the best thins to 1; heals nuickly, and is a well :.:'es. J. G. Hall. Whv is it that we always know better'than the photographer which side ot' our face is the handsomer T ClilM'e: One Minn: for COiU'Qr ail throat ; it raves their lives. We mean Cure, the infallible remedy :m:ip. bronchitis, grippe, and troubles. J. G. llall. Mr. C. F. Burnett a very fine horse. lhe farmers are busv planting corn in mis section. Vr. J. H. Hmlock has tobacco plants large enough to set out. Mr. James Parrott still visits the city of btem. I wonder how much longer ? Misses Mattie Smith and Marv urews yisited Mr. Ham Fieminer the a past wees Mr. B. W. Bullock and wife visited their daughter who liyes in Durham the past week. Miss Lena Lyon, of Lyon, visited Miss Lucy Parrott on Sunday. Come again soon Miss Lielia. Sweet Girl. Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry bt., Alton, 111., suffered with sciatic rheu matism for over eight months. She doc tored for it nearly the whole time, using various remedies recommended by friends ind was treated by the physicians, but re ceived no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which effected a complete cure This is published at her request, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J. G. Hall. a-7-4L Pboebus Ua., Hews. realiv A enough to stupid one doesn t a whole library. brilliant person knows il a book, but what the know would fill A torpid . your he:ii:: cleanse thi stomach au' v. - robs vou of ambition and ruma Deti itt's Little Early Kisers v.-.-. ir.re cmstipation and all . ::ylt irutib es. J. G. Hall. It is wonderful how indifferent we can be regarding what is in the house for to-morrow's breakfast just after we have ner. tinished to-day's din- Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Braises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pav required. It is, guaranteed to give pertect satisfaction or'money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. r or sie by J . (i. Hall. The man who says he kissed the cook to keep her from leav ing; iniay tains ne is posing as a diplomat, but what his wife really thinks he is would not sound well in print. Americans are the most inventive peo ple on earth. To them have been issued nearly ijiX,i00 patents, or more than one third of bil the patents issued in the "orld. No discovery of modern years has been if greater benefit to mankind than Chaai.:rkin'o Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerned , or has done more to relieve pin .md suffering. J. W. Vaughn, of Oakton. Ivy., says: "I have used Chamberlain 's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in my t mily for several years, and iin i it to be the best medicine i ever ui for and bowels. F Stem Stemming. Miss Lucie Farabow has purchased tor herselt a bicycle. Miss Bertie Stem, of Durham, is visiting us at this writing. we wonaer wnac tne correspon dents did tor enjoyment .Easter.. lard limes" let us hear trom you. Why do you remain silent so long. Mrs. W. R. Dupree, who has been quite sick,',we are glad to state, is improving. Messrs. J. H. Haskms and G. C Duncan, of Bethel Hill, visited rela tives near Woodburn, Person county faster. mi t i"-i xne nouaays were spent very pleasantly by us at the homes of Messrs. u. P. and W. A. Duncan. or Ferson county. It was our pleas ure to attend a croquet party at the residence of Mr. W. A. Duncan's. Easter Monday. We were pleased to meet several of the Bethel Hill students during our visit, also to hear some excellent music rendered by the string band of that place. Belle. Phoebus is treated to a military parade nearly every day. The ijight Battery recently order- J 1 O T7 1 1 1 TT eu iiere irom r ors .rueiy, ivan., pass ed through here. vv e are oiessea witn ideal spring weather just now, and some of our most prosperous farmers report prospects good for an early and fine crop.. I he war excitement in this com munity is now at its highest. The situation at this time would indicate a commencement of hostilities be tween our government and that -of Spain at once. Miss Lucy Parrott, of Hester, spent a few weeks visit to the writer recently. Miss Parrott made numer ous friends while here, and we all were very sorry for the time to come tor her to return home. We very often meet the boys in blue here, in fact there is scarcely a moment that one cannot see a blue uniform on our streets. All the boys in blue seem anxious for the com mand commence firing. And I dare say if. we declare war against Spain, the Spaniards will experience On the eveniner of the 14th. nvarir heart was made to beat with iov hv the fact of knowing that we mie-ht enj'oy the ever blessed pleasure nf spending Friday, Saturday and Sun day with the fair sex. A privilege we had not enjoyed in some time. Some of the boys gave Old Cald well a jolly serenade Thursday night and I think sleep in general was a stranger to eyery one on account of such happiness. Friday evening found most of the students at Purgatory, gathering I heart leaves, and flowers of various and some were even trying to a" neart instead of heart ieayes. T.-.4. T-fc n jjui we are sorry to say. irroiessor did'nt seem exactly satisfied, and he had us all on the road for the "citv I in . ... w long oerore nignt. We ail insist on Miss .Lola going next time. We worried through another sieepiess nigni, ana early next morning were all at the Academv reaay to start ror occonneechee. A . -i -i . finer muim a gooa aeai or con fusion, The teachers and old folks were stowed into one wagon, while the "courting couples" packed into another. ADd in a few minutes Rfi persons were on their wav to Occon- neecnee. We arrived safelv and found several friends waiting for us, and to tho great delight of Miss Addie, M T 1 1 i m i rr ii aixi. ii aiixor, ot napei am. was present. We spent the morning in walking from point to point of interest, till about Z:dU o'clock, we gathered around the table which was loaded with the contents of many a well-fill ed basket. After tarrying a very short wnile at this place, the crowd dis persed like sheep without a shep herd. I spent most of the evening on a bicycle that I might be able to see more ot the wonders of Oceon i neecnee ana in passing a point about one mile trom the residence 1 saw one of the courting couples quietly strolling around "lovers leap." Then on entering Euo Cot ton Mill, about two miles in the op posite airection, was surprised to find Col. S. F. Nicks and his com pamuu trying 10 get employment in spinning cotton. The evening passed rapidly and as the sun neared the Western Horizon, Mr. Flutcher Nichols succeeded after an hour's riding at break neck speed in inf oi ming the party that the time to start home had arrived O O a 1 . n ii -r oome oi tne party, or wnien, l was a member, arrived at Caldwell in ji "ur uiy once more. . And now for me privilege of this prolonged picnic wuiuu we an enjoyed so very much, mo xrroressor we extent our heart felt thanks. Bad Boy. TAR HEEL GLEANINGS. Culled and Condensed from our State Exchanges. June 14th the peoDle of RalAib township are to vote on th iun nf $50,000 in bonds for public schools. The internal revenue collections are very large. At Dnrhum i..f week they were $70,206. and in this district last Saturdav $34,000. The citizens of Durham have filed with the railroad commission a peti tion for an order for a union naa- senger depot there. It is something no city or town of any size can af ford to be without. The Senate and House have nagg ed a joint resolution orohihitino- tha urther exportation of coal from th United Mates, thus cutting off the supplies which Spam had been largely receiving trom this country recently. The will of the late Maj. C. Dowd has been admitted to probate. Mrs. Dowd was named as executrix. The estate is valued at $50,000. The property is left to Mrs. Dowd, in trust, for her and her children. The will bears date of November 14, 1872. It had never been changed ... since it was written. The sentence of Peter Cameron. I 1 c ii uuiuiou, cuuyiiiiBu oj. tne rape oi a negro woman at the September term lyb, of Chatham court, and sen- tencea to De hanged, is commuted by the Governor to life imprison ment. New and conclusive evidence discovered showed that the woman was one ot the worst characters in Chatham. The solicitor and asso ciate counsel urged the Governor to commute the sentence. Senator Edward C. Walthall, of Mississippi, died in Washington xnursday. tie was born in Rich- 1 T -toil rw - . inonu, va., in xoox. ne served in the Confederate army during the ciyil war, rising to the rank of Major Creneral. lis profession was the law. With the exception of four teen months; from January, 1894 to March, 1895, Mr. Walthall sat con tinuously in the Senate since the 12th of March, 1885. "TheUniyersity of North Carolina and Wake Forest College" was the subject of a carefully prepared paper by .Fror. (Jollier Uobb. He accur showed the prominent part the Uni versity men played in the establish ment of Wake Forest College. The university men who were on the first - committee for the foun- T a ? n TTT 1 . T71 . aation oi wane sorest were con sidered. The new school was first advertised in "The Harbinger" (.November lz, lodJ,) a paper pub- a differance between fighting Ameri- me to hear an excellent sermon by lished at Chapel Hill, and edited by cans and starving Cubans. Ex Tar Heel. We like to liye at peace with all the world, and free from "entangling alli ance," as Father CJeoree said. Neverthe less, we consider it good business to sell a genuine, nrst-class pair of pants at as low a price as $2.68. Thee pants are manufactured by Noell Bros., Roxboro, N. C, and are the same as made else where and sold for $4 00. They are for sale by Long Kros. m-31-4t. cramps in the stomach or sale dv J . U. llall. a 7 4t there is a great hurrah in the talk regarding how quickly we can defeat the Spaniards, but even a very brief period of battle will mean sorrow to some homes that are now nappy. Don't T..l,a.Y.. Spit ami S.-noke lour Life Away. To fj'i.t t ; -;-co easily and forever, be mag ic. iu:l i.fe. nerve and vigor, take No-To-M. tv.- v. ,', .r. worker, that makes weak men Sterling i; J" -u-gists, 50c or $1. Cure guaran :" t ana sample free. Address u.t-Jy Co., Chicago or New York. very well to cultivate the pirit in a child, but tak- It is all religious iu-u to church at an early age more often fosters the opposite ?pint in the persons who have to sit m the pew with the restless juvenile. !( Kciaril SIOO. 1 - of this paper will be pi eased to - re is at least one dreaded disease b-en able to cure all its etagee, Urrh. llalTs Catarrh Cure is te foreknown to the medical frater ru r.i insr a constitutional disease, constitutional treatment Hall's - w taken internally, aeting directy and mucous surfaces of tbe sys- destroying 1 lie foundation of the -;v!iisr the patient strength by build "r'Stitiition and assisting nature in ''i. The proprietors have so much iritiv powers, that thev offer n : .-s for any case that it fails to cure, 1 ! testimonials - V. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O ortiggists, 75c. a-7-4t. The r.-i learn ; ? that m at:-l;-. only , I,.-"! Bity t;-d: rfc'iui'es (-'a'Hnli upon !:., tern. t!.,.r. dlH-Hsi- ",. iii-' n;, th. doiriL' its ffith in i- Hlltjli'..,! - (1 f-.r ' Ari,;- s,, The titudes" thourrlj pedal stand w-man with the large foot t-- in those accidental" at vhich shows ofE its siz, her sister with tho cm o 11 members can hardly sit or Wltnout nnttino- Hidtt, TV,, 1 ( t.UXU ffiuch m evidence. very Th CASTOR I A tor lataats and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Pu$b Paragraphs. Mr. and Mrs. Philpott, of Oxford, paid these parts a visit recently. We are having beautiful weather now and our farmers are busy plant ingcorn. Mrs. Rosa Apt and son, of South Boston, paid this section a visit re cently. HIT.. T T"k 1 -l l Mr. o. a. unanaier, we are sorrv to fctate, is in very feeble health, we nope ne may soon recover. Mr. M. O. Nelson and wife, of Danville, Va., are spending a few days with Mr. H. S. Nelson. Our Sunday school has resumed work again and we hope to have a .prosperous school this year. If T r -r -r-r .oars, luary jane nairis we are sorry to state has been very sick for some time and is no better, we are sorry to note. Mr. Bruce, the active and polite agent tor .North Western Life In surance Co., spent several davs in this section recently. War is the topic of the dav now. and some of oar people seem to be very much excited. Some say war and others say peace. On Sunday the 19th, at Nelson, a., Mr. James B. Winston, of Adoniram, was happily married to M iss Hassie Nelson, daughter of H. S. Nelson. Our best wishes gro out for the happy pair. May they haye a long and prosperous life. Dutch. University notes. w-irs the Sigiiaturo of S7 SIX s -It is how to IV, it c. a wise keep a it has once been given to her. woman who knows an honest Th " (lnwli,..,i; -j.- 'M"H-fctS t-llliiv C:itli!i . in ...... . , v. . iin. 1 1 r . .11 ists refund money. '"'1 to cure, cirui' e road to rupbo U e in? r.u -.r"oa "aB iew rest- laces along the route. The Dramatic Club's Easter trip was a decided success. The Club presented the play, "A Modern Annanias" in Winston, Greensboro and Daaville, and was greeted by large audiences. Easter Morning the dark cloud of death hung oyer the University. Sunday night about one o'clock, the angel of death removed from the tender and watchful are of a loying father and affectionate brother, and from our midst, Mr. Edwin White head, a student here. Mr- White head was a consistent member of the Baptist chutch. The faculty and students accompanied lhe corps to the train. The Philanthropic So ciety drafted resolutions of respect, and draped its hall in mourning in respect to its member, whose seem ing untimely death robbed it of one i of its beloyed members. (Zulbrctb ulling$. War talk is all the go in this com munity just now. Farmers are most through plant ing corn in this section. Mrs. Sam Jones has returned home trom a visit to friends in Dur ham. The young people had a very en joyable picnic at the Academy Eas ter Monday. Miss Carrie Blalock has returned home Baltimore, to the delight of her many friends. Saline. Postmaster General Gary Resigns. Postmaster General Gary has re signed and Charles Emory Smith, of Philadelphia, has been named as his sjecessor. in his letter to the Presi dent, Mr. Gary stated that his only reason for leaving the Cabinet was the serious condition of his health. In accepting the resignation Presi dent McKinley assured Mr. Garv that the pleasant recollections of theit association would ever remain with him. Postmaster General Gary was seen at the Postoffice Department as he was about to leave for the White to attend a Cabinet meeting:. He was asked as to his resignation and said: "Yes, I have resigned and Charles Emory Smith will be my successor. The ground of my retirement is my ill health, which has been growing worse steadily until I regarded it as imperative that I should lay down the labors of the Postoffice, Depart ment It is stated at the White House that Postmaster Gary's resignation had absolutely nothing to whatever to do with our present foreign com plications. It was owing entirely, it is stated, to the condition of Mr. Gary's health. He is suffering from a general break down. Charles Jimory Smith, the new Postmaster General, is at present editor of the Philadelphia Press. He has been Minister to Russia, is an earnest, active Republican and known to public men throughout the United States. Mr. Smith's nomination has been confirmed by the Senate It is hard to find the old lady who never had a love affair. It is apparently useless to be good in this world unless you are good for something. Does patriotism go so far that a man will refuse to smoke a genuine Havana cigar when it given to him? It isn't wise to drop insinuations when there is any danger of a big ger person picking them up. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw. ounaay morning round everyone making preparation to go to Little River. Looked a little surprised when we saw the students march two and two down the front aisle, and take tho front seats. They did not lose a minute until twelve o'clock Sunday night. But irror. announced Monday morning tnat picnic was over and time for work had come, it was very hard indeed for us to resume our work after so much pleasure, but I think most of us are about settled down to xz is trne wisdom ior every body to take a thorough course of Swift's Specific just at this season of the year. The blood is sluggish and impoverished, and the system is full of impurities which should be eliminated. In addition to thoroughly cleansing the blood, and toning up the system so as to avoid loss of appetite and a gen eral run-down feeling in the spring, S. S. S. so strengthens and builds up as to fortify against the many forms of dangerous illness that abound during the hot sum mer season, it is a very small President Caldwell of the University. In the lower house all of the 43 Chapel Hillians except three yoted ior the charter. In the senate the entire University contingent voted for the charter. The vote stood 29 to 29 and Mosely, the speaker, an alumnus ot the University, cast the deciding vote in favor of the charter. The State's aid to the extent of $10,000 was given in a loan to the infant institution. Cor. News-Ob server. The Grand Council of Royal Ar canum met in Durham last week and the following officers were elected: Grand Regent A. M. Scales, of I Greensboro. Vice Grand Regent J. L. Green- wautd, of Wilmington. Orator W. F. Rountree, of New- bern. Secretary Dr. J. Howell Wav. of ITT . ,1 ' w aynesvnie. Treasurer A. M. Powell, of Ral eigh. Chaplain Rev. P. M. Briggs, of Durham. Guide W. P. Wooten, of Wilson. Warden W. M. Jones, of Ashe - yille. Sentry J. A. Brady, of States- ville. Trustees T. W. Branch, of Ashe- ville: P. C. Carlton, of Statesyille, and JS1. Jacobi or Wilmington. Supreme Representatives Dr. J. Howell Way, of Waynesville; H. B. Adams, of Monroe, Alternate. The Council will meet on the third Wednesday in April at Greensboro. The Supreme Court's recent de cision that appeals go to the Superi or Court before they can reach the Supreme Court, makes the Criminal Court nothing but a magisterial af fair with enlarged powers, it a person choose to appeal from the de- matter to take this precaution but cision of the Criminal Court, it will it insures health and strength all have to go to the Superior Court to be tried over again, i heretore it seems to us that the Criminal Court is a useless and expensive thing, as well as a delayer ot justice. Fay- etteyille Observer. 7.1 Blood Editor Ramsey of the Progressive I Farmer is after Senator Butler with cummer, tawitt s bpecinc for is far ahead of all other remedies for this purpose. It is a real blood remedv which nromntlv purines the blood and thoroughly g108 off; He says Butler has been renovates the entire system, tones ".c""" "u5 """JiTT f nVJ ciua S since the campaign of 1896, but Mr. . , ... . 7 I namsfiv mrnrma r.hft wilv Kpnax.nr renews ux appexi.e. il is rne that ifhf Wmtg tQ tf) the only safe tome, being purely vege- Democratic party he can do so, but table, and the only blood remedy ufi sv,nnlr1 An n lita man n nnf. 7 .L I 1 " ywixiu.itiu, tuuuiaiu no uiBeum, try fco take tne Pooulist Dartv With sulphur, mercury, potash or other mineral substance, which is of so much importance to all who know the injurious effects of these drugs. him. The secret of Editor Ramsey's serious objection to the Senator s little scheme is the fact that he has both hands in the pie trough of WOMAN'S? WORK. An apt old I 7 T" adage de- I f, ciares tnat woman's work is never done. This is true of the housewife 's manifold du ties and ap proximately true of the thousands who work all day in factor ies and stores and half the ttig.ht in making and m end i n g their own clothes or sewing for others to patch out a meagre income. Women who are -too much on their feet, or who are unable to stand the strain of over-work and worrv ure peculiarly susceptible to the weak nesses and irregularities that are the bane j vvumanKina. lne syrrptoms of such -w6tmcno aic insumcierit or excessive uiuuauon, neaaacne, backache, neu ralgia, leucorrhcea, displacements and ex. treme nervousness amounting in many cases to hysteria. The use of morphine is dangerous and examinations by male phy- V. j raxiiiui auu. unpleasant. Bradfield's Female Regulator, the standard remedy for a quarter of a cen tury, will speedily and permanently cor rect the worst disorders of women. Brad neld s Regulator is srM one dollar a bottle. Interesting- and vain- I Execution Salo. Under and by virtue of two execution! is sued to me from the Superior court of Gran ville county, under t ivo certain judgments, each rendered by S. V. Ellis, Justice of the reace. and docketed in ih diTriAr of Granville county on the i6th day of De cember, 1897, the first in favor of Ira C. Lyon against Irwin Green th .o ;n favor of the J. D. & R. S. Christian C nnH against Irwin Green, I will sell foi cash by public auction, to the highest hidHer at- it,- court house door in Oxford, on MONDAY. THE 25TH DAY OF APRIL.'oS, the same being the first Mondav f the fin. perior court, that tract of land and new res idence belonging to the said Irwin Green, near Lyons station on the Southern rail way, adjoini.ig the lands of Mrs. T. J. Hor ner and A. A. Lvon. lows: Beeinnine at a stone nn the uocf ;a of Mun's road in M rs. Hnrner'o linn mn. ping thence along said road S. 8 1-4 W. 74 links to a stone on the West side of the road, thence N. 67 W. 8.so chains to a tnn n right of wav of the fionthe-n .-;. t ncby right of wav of said railroad to Mrs. Horner's old line h.n v,.. , ine IO feet to her nmumi : s. . of way and along her line South 35 E. 9.10 "-8"'ui8, sou contains two and one-half acres more or less. Time of sale 12 m. baid sale will be made to satisfy said exe cutions now in my hands. This, the 24th of March, 1898. W. S. COZART. mcn.31. Sheriff of Giauville Co. able books Application. tHE BRA0FIELD REGULATOR CO., for women mailed free 00 Atlanta, Gi A. HICKS, Attorney a Lw and Notary Pnblf OXFOKD.N. C.,and T. KICK Attorn ey-at-Law, HBNDEKSON, N. C. Will practice together in the rnnrta nf flnx. ville, Vance. Franklin and Warren rnnntie. ant 111 practice togethe Vance. Franklin : m an matters rf qairing their joint attention. We nope DV DromDt. dlHcpnt nrt fnlthrnl acton. tion to bnpineMS to deeerve and rerelva ni.Mn. of the law business of this section. on every wrapper. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IX THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has oorne and does now bear the fac-simile signature of inis is tne original "UASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of OiaAic wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The -Kind 'That Never Failed You. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY 6TREFT, NIWVORK CITY. ) I Cure kidney, liver, stomach and blood disorders. They make healthy red blood, and firm solid flesh and muscles. Dr. John W. Bull's Pills are the best blood purifier. Get only the genuine. Price io& 25c. "My kidneys, liver aiid stomach were ia very bad shape, and it seemed that I lacked power to retain my urine for any , length of time. I took Dr. John W. Bvlis Pills, and the results have been simply wonderful. I am no longer troubled with my kidneys, my bowels are free and active, and the old otSk1, feeling of listlessness has gone entirely.' W. T. Piatt, Mill Creek, Pa. Chew LANGE'S PLUGS.The Great Tobacco Antidote.lOc.Dealers or mail.A.C.Meyer & Co.,Balto..Mdl v CANDY CATHARTIC V CURE CONSTIPATlbra 25c 50c - ALL DRUGGISTS ture's remedy, S. S. S. Take S. S. S. and be well all summer. Nature should be assisted by na- Governor Russell, and of course any intimation on the part of Butler to fuse, or co-operate with any party but Republicans would be very wicked and obnoxious to Ramsey. He like the majority of Populist leaders, thinks trading: and trafficine in public office is a straight and legitimate business but the office must come their way eyery time. Roxboro Courier. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, 9U All druggists. Headquarters forthe Best, Only. BREEDERS OF PRIZE WINNERS OP THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES: Mammoth Bronze and White Holland Tarkeys. Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, Brown and White Leghorns. Light Brahmas, Indian and Pit Games, Buff Cochins. Silver-Laced Wy jdottes, White Guineas, Pekin Ducks. Muscovy Ducks. Pea Fowls and Fan-tail Pigeons. Fowls and Eggs For Sale at All Times. II CA Shropshire and Dorsett Sheep out of Imported lALOU Ewes by Imported Bucks. Best Bred Black rXssex and Red Jersey Pigs. Best Strain Registered Jersey Cattle. Royally Bred Colts and Fillie? ne as split silk. You Get Pedigreed Stock If You Buy Of Ua, EVERYTHING GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED, Address OCCONEECHEE FARM. DURHAM, N. C 4 Families Supplied oa Year-Kound Contracts with OcconeclM GUt-EdKe aU3 JU PRIZES WON Tm$ PAST TWO YEARS. V

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