6 Cora responds readily to proper-fertilization. Larger crops, fuller ears and larger crrain are sure to result from a liberal use of fertilizers containing at least 7 actual Our buuks art free to farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS, S3 Nassau St.. New York. . 1' Hi RS4ES VITALITY - Made a Well Man cf Me. , SO Ik 0 L"..C!1 Ri in 3 j !as. .iiiHy and O-i; l.o-J ami OM '. i-S vi.L..T a::-! a Y,M for i-IIr-: "tv. the vest (M-.-; i '. by r.i.iil, hi t . ; v. I il U-u til.i: ..t:'. MK'PY produces the above result i ': . A reus J t-bitity, Impotency, i.- Sui s ail drains and . :r. t-j nf iitli. It w.uds oft" In- ii-n. niii!r Mm regain Man- ivcovir Youthful Vigor. It to si. i mikcii organs, and fits r iii.trr:ajfff. I.asiiv carried in : e STfl 4T"'-- 6 Boxes 52.5c itfJ j- I , n re. with LR. J LAN :'!;. ;:.TiA. Paris J. G. HALL. KMS? Better ! Money, iil:. iO ....6. vJJ Died. On March 28th, 1898, death's angel visited the happy home of Mr Walter B. Hobgood and summoned his belovec wife, Dulcie, (nee Brink ley), to appear on the right hand f her baviourto-whom she had for many years given her heart. She was born and raised in Gran ville county, and was a member of Enon Baptist church Granville count?, near her home. She was 30 years and 17 days old. She leaves five small children, four girls, the baby boy fivemonths old. The angel smiled bat once, and that was while he gazed upon an infant sleeping on its mother's breast, for there he re cognized a face such as angels wear in Heaven. Toward Heayen he would have turned back, but for his unaccomplished errand. "God makes no mistake sends forth no Angel on fruitless ministries," and the wait ing angel saw God's tender mercies telegraphed upon the skies, and on the face of Heaven he read: "Bring her up higher." How gladly did he trun as with a yearning, loying breast He took the loving heart to His embrace. How it stilled and warmed and vitalized itself and gained new hope and strength and Heavenly love, while it imbibed celestial echo from the Angels' veins, to dwell with her Saviour and iittJe one gone with other loved ones before. i)u cie was full of energy, industrv and cheerfulness, ever ready to ad minister to the wants and necessities of others. Oh," how she is missed. How sad to hear her last call for loved ones to bid them the last long good Dye," and "meet me in Heav en." She was conscious to the last. knew the messenger, and asked if she was not dying. We sympathize - 4. I I 1 1 . . wiiii me nusDana ana iitue ones. and pray God that their Searts may De drawn to Heaven. The funeral was preached bv Rev. R. H. Marsh, and her remains were Jaid in the cemetrv near her home to await the resurrection morn. A. Friend. Winston, where a sumptuous repast was served- The presents were numerous and costly. The writer wishes them a long, happy and prosperous life. U3IVELY. be 10 wee-? arr c-ji:v;nc r .vio th':r,c, but we do that one n ro economically and more : auy'xuly else does it. The t'o aud the high value of our !:' proofs. THAI'S A LI t il. ALU U" t a ll No L L p: id 4.00 for Pants not ?Q IF YOU WEAK THEM ONCE n ci x UO. ACTL FED BV ants Co., For silo iy -KO, N. C. BROS. married. Married on April 17th, at 3 o'clock P. M., at the residence of the bride's father, Capt. H. S. Nelson, Mr. J. W. Winston, of Adoniran. Ttf. f! tr Miss Hassie Nelson, of Mecklenburg county, va. nev. W. U. Ureath of ficiating. Promptly at the appointed time. The waiters, Miss Saliie Nel son with H. W. Davis, Miss Annie Ward with Thos. Nelson, Miss Wil lie Lee Nelson with J. B. Clement, Miss Flora Clement with Dr. N. C. Daniel, preceded the bride and groom to the centre of the large hall, and witn a most beautiful ceremony, the officiating preaeher pronounced them man and wife. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party wended their way to the groom's father, Mr. B. T. - ALL WOMEN PINE-TENTHS of all the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. ft? ELREE'5 List Takers Notice. The Public Ledger is reqnested by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Granville county to state that the List Takers, ap pointed in the several townships, must be in Oxford the first Monday in May, in order to get the necessary papers and blanks. ing all ports on said coast between port for such proceedings against iaraenas ana rsania nonaa ana tne her and her cargo as prize as may port of Cienfuegos, on the south be deemed advisable, coast of Cuba. thirty days' grace Now. therefore, 1 William Mc- Neutral vessels lying in any of Kinley, President of the United said ports at the time of the estab States, in order to enforce the said lishment of such blockade will be resolutions, do hereby declare and allowed thirty days to issue there proclaim that the United States of fiom. M L- Yocum, Cameron. Pa., says "I was a sufferer for ten years, trying most all kinds of pile remedies, but without success, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salv was recommended to me. I used one box. It has effected a permanet cure." As a permanent cure for piles DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal- J. G. Hall. Democrats Attention. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. 1 1 cures all ' female troubles. ' It is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period -known as the " Change of Life." They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. For advice in cases requiring- special directions, address, giving- symptoms. H1 Mdies Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine-Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. THOS. J. COOPER, Tupelo, Miss., says: ' My sister suffered from very Irregular and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul entirely cured her and also helped my i. EJ I On rptt Mnnrlfl.T7 TWn.v .InA tha . j j election of a Mayor and seven Com missioners takes place. The votirg place is the Mayor's office, in the reai of the Market House. Let every Democrat and every citizen of Ux ford who has the interests and wel fare of his town at heart go to the polls and cast his vote for the De mociatic nominees. It is a duty that you owe your town, yourself and your family. The Public Lepger takes this op portunity of informing the people of Oxford that a movement is on foot to place our beloved town under Re publican rule. Expecting that 30 or 40 of the De mocratic voters would be away. ! , . , . , . - w uiixa who oci viiiff rneir uuuuiry as uiemoers or have to stand the Granville Grays, they were planning to seize this opportunity to wrest the government of our town from the Democrats. And in futher- anceof this purpose, they have regis tered every colored voter that could be found. The Democrats, however. haye not been idle, but have reeris tered about as many white voters. Ihere is a safe white majority. Remember to yote next Monday. America have instituted and will maintain a blockade of the north coast of Cuba, incluking ports on. paid coast between Cardenas and Bahia Honda and the port of Cienf ue gos on the south coast , of Cuba, aforesaid, in pursuance of the laws of the United States and of nations, applicable to such cases. An efficient force will be posted so as to prevent the entrance and exit of vessels from the ports aforesaid. Any neutral vessel approaching any of said ports, or attempting to leave the same, without notice or knowl edge of the establishment of such blockade, will be duly warned by the commander of the blockading rorces, who will endorse on her re gister the fact and the date of such warning where such endorsement was made, and if the same vessel shall again attempt to enter any blockaded port she will be captured and sent to the nearest convenient! In witness whereof I haye bere- imtn aat- v, 1 -. my nana and . seal of the United Kt tl ?aH!d Done at the city of w afliW the 22,1 day of A?ril twenty-second. h JOHN HERMAN, Sec'y. , s, vu j m m ''i -, ii OF Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hvsteria Nervous Debility, Lost Vitalitv, Seminal Losses Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Worry, Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence Price 50c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. For quick, positive and lasting results in viml Weakness, Impotency, Nervous Debility and Lost Vitality, use Blue Larpi Sdpoiai rinnhls strength will give strength and tone to every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best looPilIs$2; by mail. FREE A bottle ot the famous Japanese Liver Pellets will be given with a $i box or more ofMae- utLii. iicivinc. ucc. ooiu oniy Dy J- G. HALL Administrator's Notice. Havine qualified as sdministra or d. h n t a. of R. K. yncev. riecpaspd lnre nf tho .V, of Granville and State of North C-rolira, notice H uereuy given to an persons indebted to eaid estate to come forward and eeUle the same at once; those holding claims against said estate must present them to me for payment on or be fore the 2id day of April, 1899, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. TMb, the 22d day of April, 1898. T,. , W.P- WILKERSON, Administrator. xiick.b & jninor, Attys. apl 28-6t Cuban Ports Blockaded, Washington, April 22. The fol lowing proclamation in regard to the blockade of Cuba was issued at the State Department this afternoon at 2:40 o'clocki Bl THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, by a joint resolution passed by the Congress and approved April 20th, 1898, and communicated to the Goverment of Spain, it was demanded that'said government at once relinquish its authority and government in the Island of Cuba, and withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba, and Cuban waters; and the President of the United Statf s was .directed and empowered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United States,and to call into the actual service of the United States the militia of the several States to such an extent as might be nfcessary to carry said resolutions into tffect; and A BLOCKADE NECESSARY. wnt-reas, in carrying into tffect said resolution, the President of the United States deems it neeessarv to set on foot and maintain a blockade El I-arge package of the world's best cleanser for a nickel. Still greater economy in 4-pound package. All grocers. Made only by . THE JT. K. PAIUHAXK t'OMI'AXY Chicago. St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. on their feet most of the time work as hard as any day-laborer yet they do not get what is rightly called exercise. Close, confin ing, indoor oc cupation gives no exhiliration to the nervous system nor active circula tion to the blood. It wears, tears and drags a woman's life away. The Jvhole physical system ?rows sluggish and torpid under it. No wonder so many sales girls and factorv eirls and Tinn!PTir?T7Ae c, r fer from indigestion and constipation and bilious troubles. No wonder they are sub ject to the diseases of the delicate special organism of their sex. The wonder is rather that they can stand it as well as they do. Butj "a Por weak woman," as she is termed, will endure bravely and patiently agonies which a strong man would give way under. The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most eminent medical ad vice free of charge and in absolute confi dence and privacy by writing to Dr. R. V Pierce, chief consulti Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo. N. Y. Occnnvino-ttiia ;; thirty years he has had a wider practical experience in the treatment - diseases than any other physician in this country. His medicines are world-famous tor their astonishing efficacy The most perfect weak and delicate Favorite Prescription. His " Golden Med ical Discovery "is the on' - -prmant a; gestive and nutrient tonic. The two med icines taken alternately, form the most tJcllc,-t ao successful course of treat ment ever prescribed for female troubles complicated with a sluggish, overwrought nervous, diseased constitution. In severe constipation Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets I IN BICYCLES f s r Til In Comfort. In Service. J In Pleasure. I In Economy. OoluLrm.ToIa-s IT PAYS TO GET si 5 IThey leai in all that's best and most practical. lead in OUT Sfirvir!fi 9 9 I'nlnmliioo laarl ir, 1:1.. - " ' 1 nn 1.1 X ll M Ual II V . -ii j i e nalDlesa Uoiumbia.the best Bicycle th .t BKiu anu orainscan create, tor$rz:W. Wo Hicycle is wmtl ;tf more than this. Columbia Chnn Rirvp.Iar 7r. " r $;j0 We also offer Vedette Hicvcles, patterns 15 Hi 17 I s t for 35 and $40.- Jack and Ji 1 Bicycles $28 and sjJjf). ' T,VSe xiC3 cies canuot be beat anywhere for the price. 1 ; 5 W. H. BRITT, Agent, Oxford, N. C. . 111 1 nr 111 11 1 ii . 1 4 1 in . n o -iAi-w hrwni 11 no -vnif.r.... n u. i -. 1 . -. 1 .rz.. . . - - wuwt, w m- vuuoi. 1111,1 1111 - uv. uv-dniuiiciiiv i r cpti M7i rn t n a i 'i k m mmm mmw hi m mm m mm m 11 mm mm mm a w- otners. XUey never gripe. -r - WORTH CflROLIilfl WILL FURNISH OF THESE ? Wil ! W LzznvJJ 11 If a m W t m m i m ii :any of these as possibly can are eequestedto call CRENSH And Supply Themselves With the Necessities of Warfare, also Supplies for their Families While Absent From Home ! llllli I II 1 JL -flit. .. . '.-Vif'- T-"tdlJ, ..... J ffCJ-Their buyer spent ten days on all the leading markets jnst when the crisi3 was pending. Stocks tum bled, prices broke, people who had their money in merchandise were anxious to convert it into cash even at a sacrifice. We believed that war or no war people would wear clothes and eat as'usual. Furthermore we were confident that goods .hrown on the markets, the very cream of styles, at half and less than half price would be apprecated by the public and quickly taken up. From the great crowds that have thronged our stores for the last few days since the arrival of our purchases our opinion was well based and we find was correct. gO-We have all the newest and latest things to be found. We now have on exhibition our complete lines of carefully selected White Goods and Wash Fabrics, comprising a large assortment of the most desirable t abrics of Foreign and Domestic makes. We offer them at about half price. tOSee our 5 cent line White Nainsooks, India Linens and Fancy Dimities- they are guaranteed 10 cent values at half price. tSrin Men's and Boys' Clothing we have enlarged our Stock and can sell Men's full siZe Snits for J2.00. fiSlMlllllJllliJIIill 11 )) )) )) i ) uents, yara wiae wnite Clotn at 4 cents, Men's Pant Goods at PPTitT SoVS i d!: , ?l uuf 01 ine &round. We are selling- Calico ntTnpnta nfX K is armreciatPfi niirt tifvl', ?i Dress Goods world without end. ' eral thousand bbls. and yet have to hear a complaint. We haver with nf -p l1 ?ade bv the Dan Valley Mills Danville Va i? ' m,arkets ( Salesmen. Wm. Apple and Tom Marrow, Porters. All gooKlivein tt SSS,?-J' ?5??od' E- G- handle, C. W. Harris. John S. r or hTa?e I?1 ) ii wv" oo vjx Jij.fcilge. j.. Mtcagaix, ' V VWPV TT5TTT T7" -TT-ji-r-n ) COMMERCIAL AVENUE, OXFORD, NORTH fi A rot.ttvt a JTliM CX VVJ . WVi) I 2. i