I 1 -..fti?rVSex- VOLUME XI NO 47. .BUY YOUR- patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, Etc., -AT j. G. HALL'S ! AGENT FOR i. Which ran be bought at very low prices. e carry a large stock of fresh drugs md latent medicines. "Prescriptions carefully prepared roef material. if you need one be sure aud try the AMER8CAM Retains No r-. cssurc on Seveiest V ";ra or 1?aC!'- Hernia Xru!ver.-traps, with Comfort. J Never woves. Oxford is the Banner flarket AND Hunt & Williams, -OF THE hirip I I I Warehouse Will Get You the High est Averages on All Grades. 1 ha Farmer Warehouse breaks all farmer records in the sale of farmers' tobacco, and every pile is wade to fetch the cream of the market. All we ask is for you to join the happy throng that daily crowd our lloors and our best efforts will 1)0 used to put every cent in your pockets we can. In the history of Oxford our market was never in a better con dition, and colory tobacco is sell ing better. Now is the time to sell and to sell at the Farmers. Yours to please, HUNT & WILLIAMS. auglS.! it A Contest With Aye." M iny are prejudiced against tLf use of e-lasses. and some pos itively decline to use them even iien they are imperatively need e;L These pers-oDS may be sen si'jl and level-headed in all o'lier matters, but in this one re Poct tiiev act contrary to reason. 'Contest with aye" is hopeless, one juyt as well vield grace full.v. Only be careful to begin itl the right glass. It is my Province to provide that kind, f'aiaination free. 1 will te in in at thu Osborn Honse De ciiler r,th and Ctli. SAMUEL KAFPORT, The Durham Eye Specialist. ppr Bicycles I SILVER (. V1? LIGHT, gjr COOL, I Easy to Wear. ) LOTS OF NEWS Freshly Gathered, Tersely Put and Interesting in Substance. Oxford is still humming as a to bacco market and high averages. Rock crusher is still crushing and the sidewalks are still muddy. Our new county officers will go in next Monday, and the true white people will be happy. It now takes rubber schooners to sail one oyer many of the sidewalks of our now mud blessed town. The Methodist paronage and the residence of Mr. L. B. Turner will be completed by first of January. A Kansas girl got a legacy of $500,000 to cultivate her voice. This seems a good deal to go for a mere song. Mr. J. P. Bradsher sold a load of tobacco at the Farmers Ware house Friday for $7, 15, 29J. 10, 14, and Si, If fairly well-balanced human beings get a trine excited over Thanksgivings and Christmases it's no wonder the turkey loses his head. A four year old boy by the name of Hunsley was burned to death at Winston Thursday night. His eloth iug ignited while standing near the fireplace. That Utah member of Congress (Roberts) who has three wives maybe wants to simplify the widow's third question should he die. He should not be allowed to take his seat. This thing I can't get through my head It always make it ache; Why should they make flour into bread Instead of into cake? Mrs. Patton, the estimable wife of the Missionary to Japan, address ed the Ladies' Aid Society of the Episcopal Church at their meeting Monday afternoon, which proved of great interest to the ladies. -Spain has at last accepted the Uuited States' offer of $20,000,000, and at a joint session of the com missions consented, without condi tion, to relinquish Cuba and to cede Porto Rico, (iuam and the Philipine Islands. Mr. F. B. Dixon, of Person county, accompanied Mr. W. A. Adams to Dinwiddie County, Va., last week, and visited some of the old battle fields around Petersburg. He also met Messrs. J. L. Clay and W. W. Knott, formerly of this county. We respectfully ask our readers to patronize those firms who adver- tise m tnis paper- ine man wno openly invites you to his place of business should receive your nrst visit, and you will always find him the right man with whom to trade. Raleigh correspondent of Char lotte says: Rev. L. G. Broughton, the sensational Baptist preacher, rjaid his respects to the Methodist Snndav for condemning the sale of I cigarettes to the young and not con demning it to adults. He declares that the cigarette is a close second to whiskey as a danger to mankind. Rev. Dr. Burns, the Rep-Pop Keeper of the c ipitol at Raleign.has been convicted of poising dogs and sentenced to pay a fine of $50. There was a wholesale conviction of such men as Burns by the people on the 8th of November afid hundreds of them, along with their negro allies, will have to forfeit their omces next Monday. After he had kissed her and pressed her rosy cheek against his and patted her soft, round chin, she drew back and asked. "Charley, do you shave yourself?" "Yes," replied "I thought so," she said. "Your face is the roughest that I ever " ; Then she stopped, but it was too late and he went away with a cold heavy j lump in his breast. Ex. The Orphans' Friend last week hummer. It came out j was a regular in an 8 -page form, neatly printed on fine book paper profusely illustrated with the various buildings and de partments of the Orphan Asylum, along with pictures of the Directors, Advisory Board, and Grand Master. Among other valuable matter it con tained a fine history of this great charitable institution from its foun dation up to the present time. General Alex Hester, a negro politician and would-be opanisn fio-hter at an immense long range, along with some of Coley Gill's en trancing black pets strucK jury on last week in Granville Superior court and put $6 in bis inside pocket; he was auite happy as he strucK it, on; the last round. Wonder it poor " - n Brumfield Ridley was a looker in Vfinicfi. an d if he had been Coley ttill would have put him on as a black jury is more to his taste than a white jury. RisVinn Cheshire conducted di services at St. Stephens'Episco- j vine pal Church Sunday morning, assist-! ed bv Bishop elect J. M. Horner, the Rector. Rev It. 13. uwens, ano n,ev. Mr P-ttoii. Missionary to Japan, i Richnn's sermoii was wen and ' i -i ; nlBflsinff delivered, full ot deep , t- . . . thought and love for the Master, The large congregation paid o . . 1 strict attention to the able sermon, ine flrmation was adminiss tered to three persons. The music under the leadership of the aceom plish Miss Nina Horner, was exceed ingly well rendered, and each mem ber of the choir deserve much praise. . T HT rneSSlnSn with his work in Japan. a fho prpnin? service rvev. OXFORD, N. The reception at the Oxford Seminary Friday night was a most pleasant affair, and greatly enjoyed by all who attended. Refreshments were served. Dr. Hume, of the University, made an interesting and scholarly address before the Shakespeare Club of this place Thanksgiving evening at the Francis Hilliard School. The foot ball teams of the Bing ham and Horner Schools played a game at Oxford on Thursday after noon. The Bingham boys defeated the Horner team by a score of 24 to 6. Friday afternoon at 3:10 o'clock a distinct shock of an earth quake was felt in Oxford. One of the shocks made the windows of dwell ings rattle. There were three in succession. If Marion Butler is feeling bad two years hence we will give him a dose of F. M. Simmons' regulator, or smoke him out of the Senate with the Jule Can brand of 4 Bull" to bacco. Durham Sun. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stem, to Mr. Milton H. Brager, Thursday after noon, December 8th, at 4 o'clock, at the Methodist church at Stem. It is announced that Mr. Robert L. Burnett and Miss Phecbe, daughter" of Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Knott, will be married at the home of the brides' parents near Oxford Wed nesday afternoon, December 14th, at 4 o'clock. The hollidays are near at hand and you want to put on your best looks, so read the change in B. F. Kronheimer's advertisement and go and get you a nice suit of clothes, overcoat and furnishings at the lowest possible prices. If your eyes are bad and you need glasses we ask you to read the advertisement of Dr. Rapport in an other column, and go and see him when he comes to Oxford. He is as straight as a shingle and will do his best to suit you at a moderate price. If you are in need of glasses, re member that Dr. Rapport, the splendid optician, who has given such universal satisfaction to all who has patronized him, will be in Ox ford Monday and Tuesday, Decem ber 5th and Cth. Call and see him at the Osborn House. A business meeting of the Gran- vill Grays will be held in their armony Monday, December 5th, at 8 o'clock P, M. All members are res quested to be present. Applications for membership will be acted upon. By order, R. L. Meadows, Capt. The Wilkesboro Chronicle says that Chairman Holton is the one man it has heard of that comes out for disfranchising the "negroes and poor whites." He stated to a Demo cratic friend on the train last week that he "hoped to God the Demo crats would pass some law eliminat ing the negro from politics." He also "cussed" out Butler. The energetic ladies of St. Stephen's Church will have their an nual Baazar next week, commenc ing on Tuesday, and promises to be a nleasant affair. They met with splendid success last year, and we hope this one will prove equally as pleasant and profitable. Everybody is invited to attend as the Booths will present an attractive array of saleable articles of all kinds, and you can appease your hunger with delicious oysters, etc. Save up your money and spend it in a glorious cause as well as get value received. Mr. W. H. Gregory, of Stovall, was an Oxtord visitor Thursday last, and honored the Public Ledger with his dignified presence. He ex tended to us his warmest congratula tions in the glorious victory achieved on the 8th of November, and for the nersistent fight the Public Ledger made for white supremacy. We erreatly appreciate his kind words, as we had worked hard for two long years to redeem our beloved county from neerro-demaeroerue rule, and that the campaign was fought on this line advocated so strongly by the Public Ledger. It will be seen by a notice else where that the law co-partnership between Col. L. C. Edwards and Col. B. S. Royster has been dissolved by mutual consent. We are pleased to learn that Col. Royster will associate with him in the practice of law our esteemed young friend, Major F. P. Hobgood, Jr., who was admitted to practice at the last term of our court. He is well equipped and will soon forge to the front as he is a grad uate of Wake Forest College and of the Columbia Law school at Wash ington City. Col. Royster has at tained to such a high eminence in his profession that it is useless for us to say anything as to his abilities. Wonder if Sheriff Sim Cozart will unload the millstone around his official neck Monday by dispensing with the services of Coley Gill, who takes so mucu pa-ms iu true white people or tne coumy wuu ubuu uuh. - -----. black as possible, and the notorious Dirrvauou uniuui . n , i.: i J 1 1 U.ncfQ 'i Save these two great . millstones, that have proyed so obnoxious to the people, your aominisiratiuii iao f-" , a success. Dump the dead weight Sheriff and run your office on a higher plane as demanded by every true cit izen of the county. Don't arrogate upon yourself to force negro rule down the throats of the truest and best people of the State through such nnsnrnnnlons men as Starvation Bill Oyster and Coley Gill as they will not submit to it. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1898. Thanksgiving services were held in all the churches Thursday morn ing. The steamship Portland with 129 on board went down off the coast o Massachusetts during the late seyere storm. Be certain to attend the Baazar which opens Tuesday in Armory nan as you will be pleasantly en tertained. TXT 11 . . . we can attention to three new land sales and one Executors in this i issue. Read them as vou mav be interested. Miss Edith Lester Gilbert wil give a song and piano recitation at the MilJiard bchool on Friday even ing, December 2nd. fritchard, McKinley and the pretended white negro-lovers of the North can rage, but the true white 1 A 1 ... peopie, nor demagogues, will not submit to negro domination. They can put that in their Republicans pipes and proceed to smoke it. Ihe days of large porkers are at hand. Mr. W.J. Stem killed two Tuesday, one 12 months old tipped tne oeam at dyu and the other at 330. Mr. A. A. Bryan, Mayor of Scuf- neton, killed one that weighed 290 We expect soon to hear that Mayor of Reavisville has killep his prize winner and will go Mayor Bryant some ou pounds better. Tuesdays News-Observer says that lov. rtussell's staff and board of offi cers, consisting of Col. B. S. Roys ter, Inspector General; Col. S. S Batchelor, Commissary General; Major H. Frank Brown, Assistant Adjutant General, met yesterday in tne Adjutant lieneraFs office to ad just the accounts of the late Quarter master General and to determine the quantity of stores supplied to volunteers. Rev. M. H. Tuttle, who has so faithfully served the Methodist church as pastor left for Conference at Elizabeth City Tuesday after noon. The Oxford church has made a fine showing this year. It ha ZOO members and including the Ladies' Aid Society and Sundav school have raised $2,900 for all purposes. We doubt if any church of the same size in the Conference can show such a record. The con gregation is so well pleased with Rev. M. H. Tuttle he will be re turned to his charge. We very much regret that Rey. Kenneth Holmes' health did not permit his attending Conference, bnt we are glad to say his health continues to improve. Protect the Eyes, No one who suffers with weak or dis eased e es should neglect the unusual opportunity which now presents itself to the people Oxford tor a thorough examie nation and diagnosis of the eye. Dr. J Henry Odom, of Atlanta, Ga., oculist and opfician.whose reputation for success and thorough knowledge in his profession is now in Oxford and has his office at the Hotel Irwin. Ladies will be received in the parlor and given every courteous at tention. The D ctor bears with him testimoni als of the highest endorsation from pa sients he has successfully treated and by the press wherever he has oeen. His equipment lacks no instrument of most modern and scientinc invention tor the examination of the eye and the exact location of the seat of the disease His examinations are made free of charge and an honest diagnosis always rendered. The sight is one of the most valuable of the senses and should be pro tec ted. Dr. Odom will remain in Oxford until December l. lie sure and see him, for a like opportunity will hardly be afforded a ain soon to have a free examination by so thoroughly qualified master of his pro fession. Car load White Hickory Wagons j"ust received. Prices lower than ever. If you want a good wagon come to see us we will guarantee to save vou money. Taylor & Cannady. The editor greatly enjoyed a yisit Friday from his old friend, Ed. Duncan, who it is said will soon re sign as the able President of the Old Bachelors Club at Stem. We believe the girl who captures his heart will win a treasure, as he is a high-toned christian gentleman, and will naturally make a devoted hus band. Our latch string always hangs on the outside for our friends, and hope friend Duncan will not let 12 months pass ere he calls again. A Sure Sign of Croup. Hoarnessiin a child that is subject to coup is a sure indication of the applioach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the cronpy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Many mothers who hve croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that it saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by J. G. Hall, Druggist. Car load White Hickory Wagons just received. Prices lower than ever. If you want a good wagon come to see us we will guarantee to save you money. Taylor & Cannady. An EiiterpnsliiK Iruereist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than J G. Hall who spares no pains to secure the best of every thing in his line for his many custom ers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Cold4. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and $1.0o. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. OF A PERSONAL NATURE. A Great Deal is Included Under This Head See for Yourself. Mr. and Mrs. Sol O'Brien, of Culbreth, yisited Oxford Friday. Mr. Bailey Hobgood, of Dur ham, was in Oxford Thursday. Mr. T. T. Bobbitt, of Baltimore, was on our streets Saturday. Prof. J. C. Biggs returned to the University Friday. Col. Buck Meadows was in town Monday. Our worthy friend, Mr. T. M 'Pi o -t uomasson, oi ijreeumoor, was in town Monday. Mr. Luther Starke, of Danville, was in town a tew days the past week. Mrs. W. W. Clement and son. of Kaleigh, are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Clement in Oxford. Mr. P. H. Smith is on a visit'to his daughter, Mrs. Walter Overbv. in lireensboro. Col. B. S. Royster inspected the Warrenton Military Company Tues day afternoon. Cadet Henry Osborn, of Bing ham bchool, at Mebane, enjoyed lhanksgiving dinner at home. Mr. Frank Taylor, of the Uni versity, eat his Thanksg'ving dinner under the parental roof in Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Crews, of Tar River, were in Oxford a few hours Friday. Mr. J. C. Satterwhite, of Satter- white, was on our streets a short time Friday. Rev. Baylus Cade, Butler-Rus sell's right bower and spiritual ad viser, was an Oxford' visitor Satur day. Mr. Zdb Council, of Durham, spent Friday in Oxford visiting re latives. Mr. David Berwanger, and Mrs. Sam Berwanger, of Raleigh, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. Kron- heimer Thanksgiving day Messrs. J. W. Jones and Prvor moss, oi Jilt, energy, were on our streets Tuesday. Mr. T. D. Aiken, one of the wide-awake young farmers of Creed- moor, called to see the editor Fri day. Dr. R. B. Henderson, of Wilton, was numbered witn the visitors to Oxford Thursday and paid his re spects to the Public Ledger. Mr. "Bud" Morris, of Tarboro, enjoyed lhanksgiving Day in Ox ford withthe family of Mr. I. Kron- heimer. Mr. Geo. B. Harris, of the wide awake Warehouse firm of Harris, Gooch & Co., of Henderson, was in Oxfoid a short time Tuesday morn ing. Mr. R. H. Daniel, of Cornwall, and Mr.W. A. McFarland, of Trinity. called to see the editor Tuesday morning. Mr. T. D. Waller arrived in Ox ford Thursday from Columbia, S. C, and met with many a hearty hand shake from his many friends here. The editor greatly appreciated a yisit from him. Mr. D. N. Hunt, our valuable correspondent at Salem, was in town Friday, and found his way to this office. He is quite happy over the victory for a white man's govern0 ment. Mr. W. A. Brummitt, formerly of Culbreth, but now a citizen of Hen derson, yisited Oxford Monday and called on the Public Ledger. Mr. A. G. Fleming, of Northside, was one or tne urana jurymen at court last week, and we had the pleasure of meeting him in our office. Mr. Tuley Dickerson, of South Carolina, is on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Dickerson, in Fishing Creek Township. Our old friend, B. I. Breedloye, of Salem, was in Oxford Tuesday afternoon and dropped in to see the editor. He is much elated oyer the redemption of the county. Mr. W. W. Adcock, one of the . m n S 1 rue and tried wane men oi uas Hill Township, was on the breaks uesday, and of course found his way to the "Old Democratic Rattle Trap." Mrs. Holleman and children, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wood, returned to her home Thursday in Windsor, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. K. Wood. Messrs. A. W. Graham and R. W. Lassiter joined several of their Boston associates in the valuable copper mines at Virgilina Friday and Saturday. We are pleased to learn that these Northern gentlemen are delighted with their investments. - Col. and Mrs. T. M. Emerson and daughters, of Wilmington, en- ved Thanksgiving with Cadet Emerson at Horner Military School. Col. Emerson is General Passenger Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, and was here in his private car. The pleasant and affable Ed. arrott, of Wilton, and the noted heart paralyzer, James Parrott, ot Hester, two brothers, met in Oxford riday and the editor enjoyed meet ing them. They were enthusiastic over tne ueieat ot negro-ruie in Granville. Mr. A. P. Overton and daughter, of Fishing Creek, were on our streets Friday. Dr. J. B. Williams returned last week from several weeks visit to Washington City. Mr. S. A. Fleming and Miss Bettie Bullock, of Hester, were on our streets Wednesday. Messrs. Graham Daniel and E. N. Clement, of Culbreth, were in town Saturday and were welcome visitors to this office. Mr. W. S. Gooch, one of the cle7er merchants of Stem, was an Oxford visitor Wednesday and called on tne public .ledger. Masters Len, Sam, Jr., Frank and Lawrence Fleming, the gentle menly sons of Mr. S. A. Fleming, of nester, yisited Oxtord Wednesday and the editoi enjoyed a visit from these bright boys. Judge A. W. Graham is in Ral eigh today attending the Supreme L-ourt. Me will make a motion be fore the court to haye the appeal of Mr. Sam. Fleming in the Sheriff case advanced upon the docket and heard at an early day, on account of its importance to the public. lf T T" T i mr. o. u. .ruryear arrived in Oxford Tuesday from the eastern A. . Al 1 1 . 1 , 1 .. part oi tne otate witn an entire new outfit from head to feet, including a nice oveicuat, gold watch and some $40 in money. On his arrival he was somewhat under the influence of li quor and fell in with Robt. Hayes and John Arrington and by earlv bed time he was full. Hayes and Arring ton carried Furyear to the Irwin House and put him to bed. One of them staid with him taking pains to leave before day rigged up with Pur- year entire new outfit, watch and money. It is notk nown whether his socks was left or not.- Hayes is mis sing and Puryear is walking around in an old suit left behind. THE MODERN MOTHER Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of t; igs, when in need of the laxative effe of a gentle remedy, than by any other, Uhiiaren eDioy it and it tienehts them The true remedy, Syrup of Fius, is man- utaitured by the California Fig Syrup IO., oniy. Bneklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Uoros, and all Skin JiiruDtions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to erive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per DOX. f ornaie Dy J. tisil. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Granville Grays-Election of Officers. Under tho reorganization of the State Guard by the Adjutant General the Granville Grays elected officers Thursday night as follows: Captain, R. L. Meadows; First .Lieutenant, O. C. Blackley; Second Lieutenant, Robert Wood. The Company now numbers 54 mem bers, made up of young men from town and country. Capt. Wade H. Britt declined a re election and retires with the con sciousness of duty faithfully per formed. When the company return ed from Raleigh when he took com mand he found only 12 members and by persistent hard work run it to up present number. Capt. Britt deter mined that the Grays should not dis band and to his untiring zeal is due the present status of the company tie joined the company years ago and rose from private to Captain, filling several non commssion offices and as Second and First Lieuten ants. In whatever position he has filled in the company be has been taitntul in tne discharge or every duty, if we may be allowed to say so Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy can always be depended opon and is pleasaut and safe to take. Sold by J G. Hall, Urnggist. WANTED. Reliable and experienced salesman to handle a good line of Lubri cating O Is and Greases on commission. Address THE CLINTON OIL CO., CieveianJ, Ohio. Horses and Mule's for Sale. Do you need a mule or a horse? If you do 1 have lo horses and o muses lor sale at bargains Can save you money. li. L. fll'Uli .b'UKD, At Day's old stable, near Osborn House. Beanty Is llloou Deep. Clean blood means a clean fekin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. IJegin to-day t(. banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads. and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. How to Look Good looks are really Coofl. more than skin deep,dependtng entirely on a hea'thy con dition of all the vital organs. It the liver ba inactive, you have a bilious look, if your stomach be disordered, you have a dyspeptic look ; if your kidneys be af fected, you ha?e a pinched iook. secure good health, and you will suiely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cure pimp'es, blotches and boil, and gives a good complexion. Eve'y bottle guaranteed. Sold at J. G. Hall's Drug Store. It rests with you whetb-r yon continue the. 9 ""i nerve-killing tobacco habit. NO'TO-BAJJxW,i:,f removes the desire for tobacco, w'tn"jtfTj tS-jli? out nervous distress, expels I tine, purities the blood, re-! Mm - Wi,500,-sto-es lost manhood. &m ttm boxes makes you strong J Jo&, 400.000 in health, nerverf EH JFjcases cured. Buy and pocket--2l 1 iMO TtmAt frura book. ffnf ji l,your own aruartjisi., wiio If ii r-J-',illToucnrorus-Tale itwitn IV will, patiently, persistently. One lk box. $1, usually cures; 3 boxes, $2 50, guaranteed to cure, or we refund money. Burliac Bmeiiy C., Chicago, ntrMi, S.w lark. $1.00 PER ANNUM. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders arc the greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOVAt BAKINQ POWDEff CO.. NEW YORK. Delightful German. Our young people participated in a most delightful German on Thurs day evening at Armory Hall, and each participants pronounced it a joyous success. A splendid Italian band from Washington City furnish ed the music which was very fine. The German was led by Mr. Hillman Cannady with ease and grace. The following couples participa ted: Miss Charlotte Britt with Dr. I. H. Davis, Miss Fannie Gregory with Ned Ford, of Louisburg; Miss Annie Booth with Capt. Wade H. Britt, Miss Annie Taylor with E, G. Landip , Miss Willie Skinner with Harry Williams, Miss Fannie Skinner with C. H. Easton, Miss Annie Williams with T. M. Webb, Miss Dorothea Coggeshall with Wm. Horner, of Henderson; Mrs. T. M. Emerson, of Wilmington, with Major Shirley; Miss Elliott Emerson, of Wilming ton, with Frank Taylor, Miss Emer son, of Wilmington, with Cadet Neil Emerson, of Horner School. Stags Prof. J. C. Biggs, of the University, Messrs. Tom Davis and Robert Powell, of Henderson. Chaparones Mrs. R. O. Gregory, Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Coggeshall. Deaf lies cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. W hen this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness ia the result, and unless the inflaniatlon can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, heiring will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any Cf se of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrah Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHEMEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. tW Sold by Druggist, 75c. Eye Specialist. I haye been in Oxford since No vember 5th and have examined quite a number of people's eyes suffering from various defects and have fitted a great many with glasses, and have given all perfect satisfaction. If there are any others who haye glass es and they don't suit them, or any suffering with headache, eyes run water, burn and itch, or imperfect vision, call to see me before Decerns ber 7tb, 1898. I cannot remain here longer, and I will refer you to peo ple I haye treated here if you wUh reference. J. HENRY ODOM, M. D., Of Atlanta, Ga. Now at Hotel Irwin, Oxford, N. C. Car load White Hickory Wairons just received. Prices lower than ever. If you want a good wagon come to see us we will guarantee to save you money. Nov 10-tf Taylor & Cannady Educate Your Iloweln With O'asoarots. Candy Cathiirtic. cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the powera given to me in a certain deed or mortgage executed March 13ih, ls!, by C. C. Tilley and K C Tilley, hi- wife recorded in boon of mortgages of Gran ville County borK 41 at pages 19, 2tl and 21, 1 will cell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Oxford, N C, on THURSDAY, JAN. Cth, 1K1X), at 12 o cIock m. the lands in eaid mortgage de scribed towit: 2'he interest of said C t! Tilley and wife in the landed estate of the late Tho4. B Coley deceased, such interest being a one undivided forth interest in and to acres more or lees, lying and being in Dutcliville Township, in Granville County N C, aJoiug the laDdsof John Koycroft, K P Aiicen, 8 11 Col lins and others. This is an opportunity to buy splendid farm cheap. DENNIS TILLEY. Mortgagee Winston & Fuller, Attorneys. Nov. 29, l&'JS. Thanksgiving AMD Christmas Dinner Please remember in preparing for Thanksgly ng or Christmas Dinner, or any lime during the holidays, that we have just received a nice fresh supply of Seeded and Layer Kaisins, Seeded Currants. Citron, .rigs. Dates, Gelatine and hocolate. English Walnuts. Almonds. Pecans. Filberts and Brazilian Nuts, Lemons, Oranges, C'( oanuts, Bananas and Apples. A fresh lot of all kinds of candies, all of which will be sold at the very lowest prices. During the holidays be sure and see our large and well selected assortment of Toys and Christ mas Novelties- F. W. HANCOCK, Druggist, Next to Post Office, Oxford, N. C.