01 IUI la 4ISHOES. iru 0) ft! SHOES M I That Will Visit Oxford This Year. "After All, Old Things are Best." The Old Reliable OLD JOHN ROBINSON SHOW Which you have known, respected and enjoyed through three generations, will visit you on rp P l J o That Day Will Be A Gala Day. For over three-quarters of a century the people of the beloved South have claimed the old John Robinson Show as their favorite Your grandfathers and grandmothers have sounded its praises, and many of the grown up sons anil daughters early learned to lisp the name of old John KoDinson with their baby lips, and ever since have proved, like true Southerners, their loyalty to the show of their youth, and no other amusement organizaiion ever will or ever has held the place in the hearts of the whole people like the old reliable JOHN ROBINSON SHOW and now, after a long absence, during which it has assumed ten times the proportions in merit, size and magnificence, it comes to Oxfofd, Thursday, Sept. 31! In connection with the Grand Biblical Spectacle, Solomon, his Temple and the Queen of Sheba. Without a parallel, acknowledged by a universal public the one distinctly GREAT SHOW, the peerless exhibition of greater America. Three Big Circuses, four big rings, three big menageries, one prodi gious aquarium, one complete aviary, one grand Biblical spectacle, ten truly great shows, one gigantic museum. For 75 years, through throe generations, this mighty and powerful amusement organization has exhibited in every State in our vast Union, and the name of John Robinson is alone a guarantee that the performance under the vast canvasses exoell all others in MERIT, ORIGIN ABITY, MAGNIF ICENCE, VARIETY AND QUALITY. MOIE FOR THE VLONTEY Than any other three circuses furnish their patrons. Larger, costlier and, more distinctly original. More tableaux, cages and dens than owned by any big show in the world. Most costly costumes, more scenery u?ed in the one great feature of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba than in the entire combined feature of any other exhibition in the country. Over $100,000 expended on this production alone. 100 of the most beautiful dancing girls in America. THE CIRCUS FEATURES THIS SEASON, Obtained from Europe and America, will amaze and startle the world. Nothing like them ever before presented in this countrv. The most novel horseback riding acts ever witnessed. From nine to twelve of the world's Greatest Champion Lady and Gentlemen Equestrians riding in four rings at one time. This feature is new and original with this show. ANOTHER BiQ FEATURE! A School of Sea Lions Just Received. THG lenopne FfS-T'iil1 'K'?- ! "-' M I hum .mt ji.jtu.wwwt Surpasses in magnitude and com pleteness and largest known Zoo logical collection in the world. One of the special features of the big tripple menagerie is the LARGEST SNAKE IN THE WORLD 25 feet long. Just received from MANILA, LUZON ISLAND, PHILIPINE WATER BUFG ALOES, the only ones of the kind now on exhibi tion. BSFTThe Grand Street Parade and Robinson's Horse Fair. An innovation in itself. A truly mag nificent pageant. A feature of the free street parade is the graud spectacle of forty of the smallest ponies ever harnessed and driven at one time. Don't fail to see them, TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. 0 The Famous Clown and Jester, JNO. LOMUOW, -The Georgia Cracker, will appear in the ring at every performance. This cool snap has reminded you no doubt that the early fall dews are soon to be with us so we have prepared oursolv with an unusually attractive and well selected stock of the very best makes of shoes to be had. Every style, size and shin Every pair of shoes sold by us is guaranteed to wear well and give satisfaction. No old stock nor shoddy material Ll I by us. $1200 worth of Bay State Shoes alone received yesterday, but they will all be sold as every one knows they are the best for good, serviceable wear. , , , T ,. , Id. nicer goods we have just received $1000 worth of Zeigler s Misses and Ladies fane shoes. You know they are the 1 f made. Prices are right, no higher than last season though everything else is advancing. ' "m Banister's Fine Shoes for Gentlemen finest shoe made for the money. Harrisburg medium priced shoes for ladies An experience of 10 years guarantees us in saying that none better can be had for the money. We ask you to call ml see our shoe stock for it is positively larger and a better assortment than we have shown in years. ' ' a LANDIS & EASTON. 6 Resolutions of Sympathy. Whereas our brother, J.J.Medford, has been called upon to pass through the deep waters of affliction mourns the loss of his affectionate and duti ful daughter Miss Annie Med ford, who was just upon the threshhold of young womanhood and whose life w.as fco full of hope and promise, and whereas we deshe to assure our bereaved brother that his sorrow is shared by us and recorded upon the minutes of the Oxford Lodge No. 103 I. O. O. F.f a word of sympathy and condolence, therefore be it resolved, 1. That we tender to Brother Med ford our deepest sympathv in his sad affliction and assure him that the burden of his sorrow is shared by us. 2. That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Lodge and a copy under seal of this Lodge be sent to Brother Medford and the Public Ledger be requested to pub lish the same. B. S. Royster. J. D. Brooks. J. M. Baird. Committee. good looks and winning ways ? Mr. A. J. Roberts, of Flat River, had the misfortune to lose a good horse a few days ago. Mr. Buck Jones, of Stem.also lost one about the same time, and people ought to be very particular how they drive in extreme hot weather. A large number of our people have the Durham fever this fall. It seems like everybody is trying to go that hustling city. Why don't some of the monied men of Oxford put up some factories and draw some of the people to that good old town, and make it compete with neighbor ing town ? Old Rip. If you want to see a beautiful 5 and 10 cent writing tablet call in at Hancock Drug Store. ulbrctb eullittdS. We have a new mower left with us to sell by a gentleman going away. Can be bought at big discount. julyl3. Edwards & Winsion. A convenient dwelling house for rent on Broad street. Apply to 2t. L. Hunter. fiampton fiuimrnnas. Miss Annie Hall has returned to Thomasyille to the regret of some of our young men. Miss Annie Lunsfcrd, of Durham, is visiting Mr. Z. T, Hampton's family this week. Mr. G. C. Hampton and family, have returned from a visit to rela tives at Woodsdale, Person county. A broad smiles now parvades the countenance of A. J. Tilley, as he has a 9-pound girl to make music for him. We very much regret to learn of the continued illness of Mrs. Edna Jones, at the home of her daughter, Mrs Buck Jones of Stem. The extreme dry weather has caused many of our wells to dry up and if it does not rain soon there will be a water famine in these parts. One of the chippy old widowers of the Hester section is paying atten tion to one of our best widows, if he succeeds in winning her he will get a prize. We learn that Mr. Andrew Willi- ford will about Oct. 1st move his stock of goods to Oxford, and wish him much success and happiness in his new home. What has become of dear Sleuth ? Wonder if Cindy Jenkins has in duced him to go to Shake Rag and draw shingles and will not give him up, having become charmed with his We are needing ram very badly now as every thing is looking dry and parched. Misses Flora Clement and Mary Howard are visiting relatives at Culbreth this week. Miss Ellie Blalock, who has been quite sick, is up again to the delight of her many friends. Mr. John Brewer and mother, of Wake Forest, visited Mrs. B. D.How ard the past week. The hustling merchant Mr. C. L. Howard, of Berea, was on our streets a short while Wednesday. Messrs Mangum and York, two of Creedmoor - intelligent young men, spent fourth Sunday in this section. Misses Banna Jones and Bessie Cannady haye returned to the Ox ford Seminary. We wish them much success in their work this year. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Meadows and baby, of Oxford, and Mr. and Mrs. T. (J. Currin, of near Oxford, were out to see their parents Mr. and Mrs M. Blalock last Sunday. I think some of our farmers must be very busy as their daughters have to go to the mill. The girls say they have to "do every thing and ero to mill too." Papa's Man. You will find school books, pens, pen cils, slates, ink, crayon, and all school supplies at Hancock Drug Store. Salem Sayings. still Mr. E. N. Crews and wife are very feeble. Mr. James Long and Mr. Haskins, of Oxford, were welcome yisitors at Salem the 4th Sunday in August, Miss Williams, "Of Fremont, and Miss Yelverton, o Ooldsboro, have been on a visit to Mrs.Thad Parbam. Mrs. Sallie F. Crews, of Wilson, is on a visit to relatives in this neigh borhood. She has not been well since she has been with us. Staying out. of church at public worship or preaching does not look nor speak well for boys and young men of this age. Boys I wound'nt do that. Miss Rebecca Rice has returned from a six weeks' visit to Youngs yille, and her sister Mattie is now by the bedside of her sick aunt, Mrs. Thomasson, at Youngsvilie. Several of our girls and young ladies are leaving for College and for the Semi TXT ill all o w I - 1 i opijr lutiinseivos, and t),, mu u u ms The piece in last, wofo " v ik r unary. We trust tU of life Pt uy n., our brother linn ' tist preacher wo suppose, on R0p building was well written ami fa r-1 common sense, it is worthy of tf consideration of onr best peoil'f Let us have better roada if poasiLU Little Mable Hart, who was pes J ed Aug. 25th, is still very siok 'it f hoped however that her condition;'! better. She is under treatment c Dr. Ben Hays and all is bine don for her recovery that loving hand1 can do. j Mr. Ira T. Hunt and family Kittrell, havo recently been dn) visit to the old homestead nn.i.l friends and relatives in tl.u ,; ..i't borhood, their visit was greatly en joyed by us all. A few nights ago a lawn nartr given by the Misses Rice at tLt,-' home. Quite a number of frienda at;' neighbors were present. Kefref mtmis oi rare Kind were i i . p.. 1 1 if luuuuiuuy, me evening serve;; passe rapidly but oleasantlv to nil J were present. j The quarterly meeting at SaltL. tho 4th Sunday in August and M urday before was a source of gresf rejoicing. The people turned mt . : large numbers to greet our old past and our new Presiding Elder Dr. jj T. Gibbs. Dr. Qibbs preached tw' fine sermons and hi Id coniuiunij service, besides holding the confeil enee. He is serving the cburn' taithfu'ly and doing great go,-; We will be glad to have him with l' again. Rev.K. D.Holmes, our pasto.1 who has been sick lor a long tin' was at the quarterly meeting, and , now filling his appointments at. visiting the sick on his charge. Nicholas. Turnip, Clover, Grass and other see at Hancock Drug Store. of cod-liver oil with WSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSS HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept in the house for the fol lowing reasons: FIRST Because, if any member of the family has. a hard cold, it will cure it. SECOND Because, if the chil dren are delicate and sickly, it wil make them strong and well. , MMlRkJ liecause. if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, it vill build them ud and give them liesn ana strength. FOURTH Because it is the standard remedy in all throat and. lung affections. No household should be without it It can be taken in summer as wei as in winter. 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT St EOWNE, Chemists, New York. The Baptist Female University of North Carolina TXT RHLEICH. Owned and controled by the llapriets of the State. Young ladies of any denomination received Opens itsTirBt session Sept. 22, '!. The University building is possibly the most beautiful and symmetrical in the south. .Everything new. Elegantly furnished. Latest moaern conveniences, jsiectric ngntea, nest neating ana ventilation Known, closets. bath rooms, hot ana cola baths on each noor. Faculty of N1NKTKEN men and women from the best Colleges and Universities of this and oeher countries. Kesident lady physician. Board will be excellent and elegantly served. Course of study elective. Credit given for work done in colleges of good standing. A. B, and A. M. degrees conierrea. Board, furnished room, heat, light and literary tuition f 100.50. Music $ 45 00 to f 60. Other sub jects like rates. Thorough business course. Music, Art and Elocution. For prospectus addreBS PKOFESSOK JAS. C. BLAS1NGAME. OPENING OF THE NEW Owen Warehouse, R. F. KNOTT & CO., Prop'rs. TO THE FAKMERS OF GRANVILLE AND ADJOINING COUN TIES: We have recently rented the Owen Warehouse on Colleg-e street which has been fitted up so that it is second to none. On Friday, August 18th, we will hold our first sale. We do not belong- to any "Trust, Combination of Ring" of Warehouses. No option has ever been given on this house to the Warehouse Trust and we have sever entertained any proposition to run one for them. We are going to run this house on business principles and will guarantee to get you as much for all grades of your tobacco as you get on this or any other market. We have drummers who will call on vou and solirif your patronage. Come along and give us a trial and we think you will go home satisfied. Yours to satisfy, au17- It. F. KNOTT & CO, ITIig inner Still Hoots! ??0 3 J .AND (' BULLOCK & ITGHFIl! Continue in the held lo secure the Ugliest avones for all grades of tobacco, and mcst cordially tLank their farmer inenas ior tne liberal patronage extended us the past years, f j We have done our best for them in the past and will do it j j again this season, and all we ask is a chance to sell your j, j crop, and will promise to use our best efforts to satisfy all ( ) who sell on the Banrer Warehouse floor. ( 8 g We Bid Freely and Buy Largely I Uf all grades ourselves, and will make it to your intereft to sell with us. , We shall offer to the farmers every advantage possible in the sale of tobacco, and urge them to give us a trial, htsliev ing that they will continue to sell with us. We have been in business lor nearly 20 years, and it has always boon onr highest aim and pleasure to do our best to satisfy all who have been kind enough to extend to us their patronage, and the doors of the Banner stand wide open to extend you a cordial welcome. The Oxford market has attained to the high distinction of mo ucst uu-ruuuu mai'Ket in tnis? section of the State and we have no hesitancy in saying that we have by hard, ( iaitniui worK lor our patrons help make it so. Come to Oxford with your tobacco and drive right under the Banner shed and every effort possible will be put forth to send you home satisfied. Your friends, Bulloek & Mitchell, U " OXFORD, N. C. SSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSSi ii 7