A 6" i VOLUME X 111 NO 40 This sipnature is on every box of the genuine i Laxative BromoQusrs:ne Tablets the remedy that caircs n eoI:i in one (lay Noah Kaby is probably the oldest man in the United States. He was born i?i Gates county, N. u., April I, 1772. and hence in 12S years old. He is totally blind, bat is otherwise in fair heelth. O'd Noah lives on the Poor Farm of Piscataway town ship, near New Brunswick, where he has been tor 32 years. His father wns Acdrew Bass, an Indian. Hif mother was Sarah Raby, whose name he took in after life. In 1S00 he shipped as a sailor, and So years ago w?s discharged from tbe war ship Rrandywine. He has lived in New Jersey over since. Our Watchwords: The PURITY ot our drugs and chemicals, The ACCURACY with which our prescriptions are com pounded And the STABILITY of all our preparations are the sterling qualities that we pride ourselves are embodied in all g ils we possess. Our exclusive stork of chemicals together with our ASSORTED VARIETY of toilet articles and druggists' sun dries enable us to offer to the pub- i it prices mat can oe tavorable compared with those of any drug establishment in the country. JANUARY JOTTINGS. SHORT-STOPS IN THE LOCAL LINE William, who has the past week, i; Gathered and Condensed for the Eye of the Reader. Read resale of land by A. A. Lyon Commissioner in another col umn. Surely those London failures cannot be charged to McKinley prosperity. Mrs. J. B. been quite sick much better. Judge Graham has introduced a oui in tbe House for the relief of Mammie H. Parham. HC A A T- . iuayur a.. j, rsryant is now in Durham and Mr. Pete Bullock is acting Mayor of Softi ton. la IbUU only 4 per cent of the people of the Uaite-d State lived in cities. To-day 30 per cent live in cities. It is only seven weeks to spring. Think of that and throw ail your sur mises of a long, blustering winter to the wirjds. Mr. ivlward J. Patterson and Miss Ethtl F. Tunsfali were married in Oxford on Jan. 9 h by Rev. J. S. Hardaway. TX"r?fVRTV AT n TUTTDOrkATr t a TT"r . . yj.9 xxiuunuiv x , JAiNUAKY 17, 1901. WILLIAMS-CRENSHAW. T- r Dr. Marsh has canght the im proyement fever, and has had a new fence erected. Granville Superior Court will convene on Monday Jan. 28ih, with Judge Council presiding. We stated last week that the assessment of the Farmers Mutual Fire Association had levied an as sessment for State purposes of 20 cents on the $100, when it should have read 20 cents on the $1000 Last Wednesday afternoon after we issued the Public Ledger and sent it to the posteffice the first man we saw quietly reading it was one who is actually anxious to road the local news, but must be too close to subcribe for his county paper. The Lyon section is not behind on large porkers. Messrs. J. C. Flem ing killed two 18 months old that weighed 470 and 408, and H. G. Aiken two that weighed 444 and 398 at 15 months old. W. R. Wins ton, of Franklin county, also killed one that weighed 520. Quite a Happy Marriage in Oxford Wednesday morning. The dear little cupid continues his work in tbe new century as he did in the old century and continues to make two hearts beat as one as was tbe case Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at the Presbyterian church when the highly esteemed Miss Luev Williams became the wife of Mr. E. H. Crenshaw, a popular merchant and citizen of Oxford. The pulpit was nicely decorated with palms, ferns and potted plants, and Mrs. C. J. Coope softly and sweetiy rendered the wlddfog maieh on the handsome organ. The ushers were Messrs. C- J. Cooper, W. E. Cannady, D Currin and Dr. I. H. Davis. Mr. H. L. Traynham, of South Boston, Va., was best man, and Miss Annie Williams, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and the waiters were: John Dorsev with facts would not have said in another part of this paper that the admistre tion was doubled-barrelled, and eo far as we are concerned it. will oi 11. ways be a pleasure to do what we can to advance the interests of the noble charity, even if we do think one of our highly cultured, warm hearted North Carolina women should be Superintendent, and then we dare say cruelty to the child would be a thing of the past. S1.00 PER ANNUM iren EXIT DAN IN WITH CHARLES. Inauguration of Governor Aycock in Kalelgh Tuesday. mi . . . me eaitor had the unbounded pleasure of witnessing the inaugura tion of Gov. Aycock in Raleigh on Tuesday, and met with Bros. Thad Manning, E. T. Rollins, Carey Dowd and J. A. Thomas. They were alike happy over the retirement ot Russell and the inauguration of Miss Perrv of tt t.h criftt rl nA Kl J a 1 A WIH.0.nJ a.r. ..i., '"""Uiuu, II. b uciuvku -fi-YCOCK. . yaoscu me legislature Willi ma xih iu; a. , r,.J ;j . for the relief of Col. F. P. HnhB .7 T.. uuia annaay, iu, verny mere is retn- to the amount of 10n JwvT v, eX w imams with Miss Mattie Mc- to me amount ot $JU0, which he was ani. rtf r, vrr..,, T deptiyedof by the decision of the LnhMV: : "aDaiS Supreme Court as Supermtendant of As th , . Public Schools. We are glad to see ,2l 7 " . U at me u- i. c Biau lo see altar it presented a beautiful scene him get pay for his verv efficient L i ... . sceDe -Within the centurv th laUorfc in tv, Z. ', 'l "K concourse ot tneads and tion of the world has doubled. The schools. COMING AND GOING. YOU KNOW SOME, BUT NOT ALL. They Will Come and Go All the Same. Judge Graham spent Sunday at home with his family. j -Mr. A. J. Harris, of Hender son, was on our streets Friday. Mr. Frank Gregorv.of FJorenee. ' S. C.. spent Tuesday in Oxford. j Our old friend W. W. Hart, of Oak Hill, was in Oxford Friday. j Mr. Thos. D. Waller has rpMimJ ed from a shurt stay in Virginia. Miss Kate Cannady is on a yisit to relatives in Kaleigh this week. Dr. J. G. Hunt returned from a business trip to Wilson, Saturday. Mr. J. G. Hall was in Wilming ton on business Monday andTuesday. Mrs. Cynthia Skinner is on a viit to Mh. Annie Landis at Raleigh this week. Itn firm in V. Jr. 4-.. il . uiawij, as mis vase con course ot noble men and proved by their enthusiastic pres Mr TTai-kM.t f - p rrr . - uipws, or watKins, was m uxtotd WednesdHv u "UUiCU ed at this office. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against aluiru Alum bating powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAt BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ence. publi population of the U lited States has been multiplied by fourteen. JJurmg the past centurv the center ot population of the TTnitod C I re. IJltl T AScainKloI - :a ji . -Uuiuiuu tu wiiiiess ine nuptial. Rev. A. R. Shaw, nastor Raleigh was full of people from different sections of tb St.at.o 0a UUU was the most cultnrpd nnrl i-fir, w Huv ii UCU Mr. Edward Hobgood. of Wake Forest, eDjayed Sunday with the loved ones at home. Too Much Money. This Wednesday night the Palmer btock Co. will present at the Opera House in Oxford the extremely laughable comedy in three acts en titled Too Much Money. The play was presented Monday night at Hen derson and the Evening Herald of that place speaks in highest terms of botn play and Co. The following is an extract from that paper: "The performance was first-class in every particular. A roaring comedy well presented, by good actors. One of the best that' ever came to Henderson." Senator Loner, of this Disfriaf ;a rf thn pQc.Ktt-; i i . body of Deonle we pvr OQm ti iniuninmhr nf imr,. , , .. .!, a-il... ... eu to see me editor. I r.wtuiou tun i3tirTTmn --"mv. iuui: w m are Mr. W. H. Tillotson, Sr..of near L Ua ttns pwday night the same Oxford.was in town Fridav A uulPaiiy w,u present one of the most , o m tuvvii r riaay and call popular corned r nf tha hha A Wise Fool." tees in the Senate, and Judge Gra- amid the soft strains of the hrn proud to say. in all that. vL -Mlss.Fannie Landis arrived in ham is chairman of eommittfifl nn Tmms,i;I,roi L-.f . Oxtord baturdiy afternoon frnm i - - w u i uvtimvx aiLDi h I'.nncn net a 1 ucuiur v' f. r u wu nr Ar,n --k i S,"e r."?. Pmt 20 Proportion and G,i.uc in the Hon of the vow. the d th i Z T Z"": F""1-1"1'' in IS PSS : nt lialhmnva f W,.(. I ET n , . . J " --- . --- -" a liUUUI. IflR n n , Indiana, a distance of 505 miles. pair, accompanied by ushers, waiters meu must he Mifin h.tt.. P-f t,. I' u ... . B x, y en- i auu. a uumuer oi reiatiVPH and We defy, We invite competition inspection. luiuunui uoiuuiniees. irror, Jen- and a 1 w Wu employes i0 monitor oi a numoer of rnends. left for the Hrnt f of the Continental Tobico company important committees. the 12 m. northbound train for is threatened. What a calamity that Bettie Yjung, who has so faith- Washington City and New York wouid be, as they make all ihe plug fully served Dr. H. C. HermW fnr followed by the verv best wiW r,f tobacco sold by the American To- over 30 years, died at her home in U ry large number tor a happy Call in and make our acquaintance Dacco comPany- Oxford Tuesday after an illness last- and blissful weddai hfe. . , f Where are those terrible bl:z- almost a year. She was among Ihe presents were quite numerous proftram- turned from attending the Grand tJ J Si r 1 I "'ri,b asu fcevere conditions that l" pome colored women ot the ana valuable, as most of them were governor-elect arrived at 11 Lodge at Raleigh Thursday even mum u -em wmm m incio tu ill vv i tu j&Fnaru nn inu, aim uuixtjtu ueiiii v nsri m a tt i ul oil ver una p.n r. tr i n aa u iiutin uu a cuacwi irain rrnm in w. - j - - I J " UHU V I ' - f m. w m UVIUO- weather prophets for once must take friends, who deeply regret to learn Mrs. Susan Williams tendered a boro accompanied by several nun vows the newlv weddl der the iitfl . iurs. uugues is visiting her lv iixi iHrR in it u :mr.u n i . -r nw na (n tha font L i- r, " fS. ii.. O , Jh . ui me Kooamna- Field and Mrs. Rain filll-.f' (if t.hii lor); j n k i i J l I tiena large -Mrs. H.M.ShOT l u uilgUlKUH J 1 . ill kii iiuvh rui . Ti,., . n ,w several .11. uiuii,tCC3 m cnarge ot the weeks visit to relatives at Ja,venn ' J- 1 .1 ... I ' - " ccicmuijies penormed their duties w Cures Hlood Troubles Cure Free. Cancer, ulcer.old sores, scrofula, bumpa and risings on the skin, pimples, boils, eruptions, aches and pains, eating sores and all blood or skin troubles, blood pois' cn,eczema, positively cured by taking one to ix bottles of the famous B 13. B (Botanic Blood Balm.) Deepseate'd, ob. stinate cases especially yield to B. B. B. which heal3 every sore. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Makes the blood pare and rich Druggists, $1. Trial trnnt- B. Baliou and Messrs. ment free by writing Blood Balm Co.. weii, successfully carrying out the J. M. Currin and C. A. Carroll r l. Atlama Gft- Medical advice free. 'Phone 72. in CUT QLdJJ AND SOLID SILVER WARE. Give us a call if you intend buy- We think we can a tacK seat. "ILey were all eff their forecasts thank heayen. As to the impeachment of judges ta- question is asked whether the recent changes" in tbe personnel of the Supreme Court will not end all that matter. One jage, then an as sociate justice, is now chtef justice -vve are gratihsd to learn that Mr. Hil'man Cannady is meeting with much success on his Southern of her death. RPfttion. rona in OirFn.J xn:j- . . Thfl hnrial tAl, l I rertirn tn thn : dred admirfiiK nhn tnnioj ... iriuay and uiauH i 1 U.0UC10 auu wallers I " " ""'du iu tstxj nu i cri tr. ccn h ; . , WrlrocrlsTT cfW Ai j . , Tnn. ;U A i-.v. , , t W r , h m r; ; t r " CUUUI UU DUSin """wu aueiiuea Dy a I iuoouoJ' U1SU" "gnt luncheon fw" luauguraieu UOVer- I He informed n that I t . "I . I . Vt .1 . I - large numDer ot tnends and rela- was seryed, and the recention Drov- cor OI oxm Carolina. Tne pro r, I . ' I . lives, one leaves a number nf fh;i- ed a source or much nleaRnr tn th. ces&ion was a lone one. and the North Carolina Year Book. ing. What the World Al m an an ia f n Mr. Frank Cole, of Satterwhite United States, the North Carolina ess, doing dren to mourn her death. Raleigh correspondent of Char lotte Obseryer says: Mention was made other day of the fact that a man named Gordon had passed through this town in a wagon, with his wife and 13 children and that he had left six of his wedding party. streets of Raleigh were a mass of humanity, with brass bands play ing and the tramp of the State Guard. The parade went . f. . " - CkQ tho Governors Mansion and returned to the ihxBt front of the Capital, and at U:dU Governor Aycock and Goy. he was well with his new saw mill. Mr. Thornton Lanier left Oxford Year Book is to North Carolina, Tt contains the name and addr of every public ofiicer iu Norlh Caro lina; the name and address of everv lawyer, doctor, proaeher; thf h ;r. ol all State and J Jucational bxt i- mg in this line. please you. We desire to thank our friends for their patronage in the past, and shall endeavor to merit a continu- trip in the interest of Tavior-Can- tns-v l-T .-. T 1 . I Til D" IT! -.-MOVtV-rilln A. uaujr "uggy vo. ana Fnaxng in large uiau"o uouuiy. j gen- orders for their splendid buggies. tleman here tells me that a man -Rain is the most charitab'a named Uordon Granyille, who, it thing we can think of justnow It falls aPPears was the grandfather of the alike on the jast and the unjust, just present man reared no less than 27 wnether thev be nndpr - Ui L"em sons, and he n 1 n r-w - Auesaayior Henderson to make it tutiors: the organization of ailtrat.- his home and will continue the prac rnal and otner organization of all tice of law for which he is well fraternal and other organizations ; equipped and we wish him much n8ure.9 showing the State, county success. and city debts; in a word, a mass of The following farm- MJJ?t!r?8Vn1ma"e' carefully collated ' iouud I I ri 'i r is lnra noh a 1-. n i. l. o.lll .U. "i j m . . miumamc UVJ IUUDO YV11U W1BU 000 luo eunor xuesdav: to know Messrs. R. C. Packett. Wilkerson, of near Oxford, W. T. Price, in paper, postage nrenaid anything about North the same, whether thev b nn,w ctlliuren- of them their own umbrella or one they have and al1 the 26 voted for Henry Clay, order made great gains last year,and 'unbeknowesi" to their borrowed neighbor. Durham Sun. As an evidence sure enough prosperity a careful canvass hv th mne ut the same by strict attention ministars of Newton. Kas.. ric to business and handling a reliable the fact that only about one-third of une ot goods V ishing one and the people of the town desire to pn all a happy and prosperous New to heaven. The remainder seem to Wa3 & estimable lady and greatly be Gen. B. S. Royster Re-Elected Grand Master Orphan Asylum. At the meeting of that grand and noble, the Grand Lodge of Masons, T ..1 . 1 l , l an AtrticJt-u ib weeK, our nOWdlS- Knsli tl,nn l nii n vonnr, I . - . , , . ' " luauier oi Here . F tinguisnea townsman, General B. S. monies F. D. Winston and .Tn Royster, was unanimously re-elected E. Pogue, chairman of th ninn Grand Master to the pleasure of the committee, made their appearance Eakes' of sa"erwhite,S. J. Clement, 25 cents; in board cover, 50 cents. editor and his host of friends in the at tiuj caPltoi are, escorted by l"' ' Q W Fl03d of AUUieHTB- town, county and State at lare-? til8 two companies of troops from ' . i y . r I r 1 1 H r Under his fine administration tne osdoxo. in other carriages were -"erai ana mra. is. ts. Raster all the retiring and incoming State a 6 lnauguraaion ofGovern- tffieers. These soon appeared at or Aycock at Raleigh Tuesday along the stand and Governors Russell Wltb rrot F -Hobgood, Sr., Mr. and Aycock, preceded by Adjutant F' W Hancock, the Granville Grays General Royster, took their seats. unaer tne command of Capt. Willie ihe local band playing "Dixie" the Lamdis and Lieut. Robt. Wood, and while. The other officials took their Messrs- w- -H. Garner and W. T. The announcement of the sud- e 1S numbered among the best pre den death of Mrs. Sam Wheeler, at siding officers the Grand Lodge has her home near Mr. Frank Cole' on tad in years. Monday morning, was a shock not We alwavs desi t.n ha i,iaf. QTirJ only to her Oxford friends but to and right, and it is a pleasure to us ucr menus ana relatives in l ear, we are YOUR RESPECTFULLY, We deeply regret to learn of the sickness of our venerable and most highly esteemed friend, Mt j ;r J. A. uuuock, at his home near Bullock. and wish him a raniri rannve,n w O I X TT.i i -i , . . . r -iy. HO OitlG OI V aiUaDie Lana. miss his kindly face from the Board i ursnance to a decree and order of sale mrl I ot I nmmieBinncm do i- . hylh- superior Court of Granville county in the on aa ul8 pieas- hp.-cial Proceedings entitled Ann Bogers, B. F. ant greetings Once a month. u i.iuui ei. aj nil pane, i snail on I Wednesday, FEBRUARY 6, 1901. tne Taylor Cannady Buggy to the highest bidder for cash,atMt Energy company i riday while one of the 4r.?!.,:i1'V,cont?? the following described lanSa: r,nnn,-man ; rirL iract, situate in Dntchville townshiD I J iao uuuiuj; une or tne saws a piece of timber flaw off and aujoinmg the lands of L. 1'. Moss, S. L Moss.M l, winston and others, containing 147 acres ' ier, auu Known as tne ' uid Home yuu.u iji D r . rsuiiocK, deceased Providence section M Wh,i "'"'" seats, in each case in pairs, in-com- LUB nssom section. i- . , , "OCiC1 report Ot Col. W. J. Hicks, the be- ine- and nnt-o-nitur. Th0h.l.;n While in RrIoIo-V, T-i,. , i ... .. . " " i"',u . iuJ at" lovea old man, it shows that he re- the day, Rv. Dr. A. A. Marshall, tending the inauguration of our be- her acauaintance. Rh McA ;n j birth and the summons came almt S8rvices rendered the institution du- t0 administer tbe oat"S, took their Grovernor of the great State of unawares and we truly hope she is rin tne year instead of his whole iauwa m irunt- master or Lere- aiunua, n maae our hearts now numbered with thft hieco salary. . Under his executive man. monies Winston was also at the glad meet and shake the hands of We, with a host of friend .tA ac?ement a debt of Sismnn f.Q front, while Private Secsetary Pear- two of our dear old boyhood friends J"atbSUVll J w w vu. I'll V our sympathy to the grief stricken Orphan Asylum was paid off durin husband in the hnnr rf t. r.,.. I fkr xro n .... j tain him in the ereat trial h ia m in --- uuiiguu(u meu, among mem il ""uc 11 iieon. iyiay peace - "vn i ii 1 1 1 1 ii ill mm mi rnp mananfomont- rx-K -3 -i . j i i ., r . iui, vi i me prbsiaeniiai electors. nu pieniy oe wiin them in the this great institution, as we have After ail the other officers had journey of life, and at the end may TheMoiiiei'g Farorito. I been led to believe all the h'mu that : hppn wnm in .Inrlrra ni..tr thev be nnmherpd wilh tha r.ir; . . . , . i wulu. j " ci ix uuy, j gim iuuo Chamberlain's Coueh Rmeri i r..i tr:u i o i , .. . . n u , . . w . wi. xiiuta wuue wurKine ror tne ai uocjs arose ana iook tne oath. nri iuiuuk maL uiusiw arouna tne crust Josepiius Dax;els, Editor, Raleigh, N. C. singleeT Chinese Laundryman, OXFORD, N.C. Remember I will do vour V, 8hrts, etc.. up In best stvle. an1 purniut. ly seek your patronage. 8atIsfact!on guaranteed. Don't send your work away when you can gpt It. done at home. i n T- . I -mw T T-r sail ana rrivate Secretary Cade Messrs . u. a. uaxiex, a succaesfu ft flanked their resnep.tivA hif nn business man of nmcrrfaaitrn niA, . - - -wu.w vu r -p-,-- . w uuiut unaer passing through. mothers favorate. It, for children to take and always cures. It American Tobacco Company at Dur at once commenced to deliver his White Throne. au.ioiuing tne lands of D. F. WagftaS', It H Kgere, l,. r moss and others, containing 100 ,. '""ic vi icro, auu muwn as me ".Trans uaver i lace. bird Tract, situate in Brassfleld township, lying on the road leading from Alt Energy to reedmoor, containing 70 acres more orless. aim adjoining the lands of Joe Knight, Mrs. C U. Bullock, R H. Rogers and others fourth Irack, situate in Brassfleld township, (MOinina- the lllTlris nf .Inaonh Ir,l, ., TTr- . . - C5 t " ' ' ' t' 'Hl jr UUU TV HI iison on tbe west. A Houth, Henry Koe on the North and Mrs. Rom Store On his lot. and Continues to Jet reya on the East, containing 178 acres more , ,. . , ' . . -"""UBb IO "rv',:."T' aua Known as the -juenn Place." supply nis traao. The old store house baid tracts o' land will he riiviilprt intr. omoiio . iouuuoo tractH, plots of which will be prepared and ex- 18 now Owned by Capt. A. S. Peace 1 l,,e "a vl saie saie , ,.m,e of sale between the hours 12 m and 2nm 1 his January 2, 11(01. post of duty Broughtonsboro is eoming to the front now as it possesses two stores. Mr. Oscar Brown who bought one of ?.'-N!lln-ln"tn.e lands of Joseph Freddy and Wm. Couch residences has nrArl - m stucK in one ot his hands, causing IS mtenaea especially for coue-hs. mh h,Q, i r i - address, whieh wc o-roofri ;u i . ; , - , i 1 1 tx ii.. v w 111,1 i . win niiriu. n ik . ill 11 i - - nit i'touu auu wnnnn ncr r-nrrU i i , ' ' i r his salary aa fin. rounds of applause by all who could young man is all right and is at his There is not the least danger in giving perintendent of the Asvlu post of dutv. u to children for it contains no nnfnm I B. S. ROYSTER, Commissioner. Just Received at C. A. Carroll's Grocery f-'KANBERRIKS, SEEDED RAISINS, JlUULATE, MINCE MEAT, (2 lb ans) CITRON, JELATON, CO COANUTSiACME FLOUIi, PATAPSCO "PT.DTT'R BAKERS PRIDE FLOUR, GILT EDGE FLOUR, TRIPLET'S BEST LOL'H, BROWN & GRANULATED SUGAR, CHEESE. &c. Call and see me or phone me when in i of anything in the Gn eery line. All ,1' ,'ne der8 given special attention and delivered promptly. MmnV'ro8 for fir8t-2lass Groceries, Uone52 C. A. CARROLL, who occupies it himself. Take advantage of every oppor tunity to say a good word for the town in which you live, and tor the people who live in that town. The man who goes about grumbling all the time about his home town or about his neighbors is unworthy to live in any place, and should be driven to the backwoods. Mt. Pleas ant Chronicle. Beat Out or an Increase or Sis Pen A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes: "Seeing the advertisement of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier In Mexico in'47. I contracted Mex can diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase in my pen- on tor on every renewal a dose of It restores me." It is unequalled as a Quick cure for diarrhoea and Is pleasant and safe to ta&e. For sale by J. G. Hall. i m or other injuries drug and may be given The contribution of lodges to the as eonfii1enr.ini I v tn a ho), . ... . For Bai hvJ a nn w "U auu"- institution was double that of the year previous, and the financial ex hibit showed considerable increase money by the county I am (' t tt Q t 1 m rtVI anrlnA..! . vu.vvu mi iuuudj u no iui iaies at once and in order to save you trouble you had better walk up and settle. S.A.Fleming. Sheriff. hear him. He arraigned the Repub lican party for bad government, and using their best t Sorts to place the negro above the white man by plac ing them in office. He also reiterated A Curious Case High Point correspondent of the Ureensboro lelegram: There lives in High fomt a woman who iV known as "Little" Daisy Beal. She is years of age, and never walked S31CLAST CALL TO TAYPav. hibit showed consider! i,.,OQOJ " " oraieu m ner lire, being confined to ERS-Owing to pressing needs of in r.t- io.. ::-.Truiu campajgn as cradle all these years. She is the tA r ' D mur weuueaiiunminonn Carolina, and oniy cnna or Mr. and Mra W s Ivl UDU LU I i I ' I - w jcaia pasu. in an aoie manner defended the rseai. ot tnis clace. Whor, fV,i-OQ The increase in membership of constitutional amendment. The in- Pays tne unfortunate child suf- the order was about 300, and nine spection of great military parade, in f , f severe stroke of paralysis of new lodces were nraniA ri,n;r, which about 22 companies narticinnr. ierc. arni ana 81de- one is one .0 """ut r-- l 0 r,ni i.m: 1 1 ii , 1900. The session of the Grand ed Governor and Mrs. Aycock, r" AT r a.?ov' tj i.j , . , Arlini-ni: T?of. n., aRCl ulItu- w nen three i 1 1 ill iH vv n x him ru- tfi r tt nn-nif i n i i v'wuwama aww t jf ii . i i . i i . CWanted at the Oxford Fnrni ture Co. clean old rags. mony and paternal spirit; not a sin gle unpleasant feature and the mem bers were a unit in their desire to Attention Confederate Veterans. The Confederate Veterans of Gran- TTlll A AAnnfTT . i. 1 A 1 to me7tTnoX"? build np Ma8onry and the Oxford January 2oth at noon in full force to Orphan Asylum. attend to important matters coming up before the Legislature in the in terest of the V eterans. B. P. Thorp, Commander. the da,y. The Granville Grays helped to make up that grand body of the patriotic vonnc men nf nnr Stot We have been laboring under a all of whom acquitted themselves in misapprehension ot the facts in pub- handsome manner, proving to Gov. lialiinrr fViaf frl TTinVa Trrn. 1.: I A 1 it C5ii ri . Axuxuf, uuuu vi. rvaa wuiiiiLigi xyuucjs. mat iiio oinie uruara under for the American Tobacco Co. and command of Adjutant General B. S. drawing a salary from the Orphan Royster had made marked improve Aoirliim i: merits in m an v resneets. Tho f mu O n m JlDHUUi. J.I1 L1113 UUUUCUUOlJ WtJI "w nuuu r The Supervisors of Salem Town- , . ... c i: i. , , shin will t fi, desire to express ourhierh esteem for WDI cuuiv'"" " siaes, and Saturday in Feb. at two o'clock p. Col. Hicks, and regard his executive the review' UQder the command of m. Overseers must be present and qualities as of great value to tbe ol-Henry Perry of Henderson, will report their roads. & be long remembered by ali who at- . . m ' CCH eatham, S7TU,m' , . ., , tended the inauguration of the great Chairman of Board of Supervisors. Had we been conversant with the man of the people Chas. B. Aocock. WPpka lid hnr hanA Unon l 1 nr -it. . "-i ucu ucsau lu euiaryc. macon, ana i.aDor commission Var- resulting in t.h nnn ,.t l ' i w.i ii it., -tr , ;, . . wi ii-s- uci, ua n.D uaiuuuJ, ut me lamoro sures ot the skull and assumed the House; was the crowning event of enormous size of 32 inches in rir- Kofice, Magistrates, Overseers. cumterence. boon after she wa3 thrown into spasms from which she has since suffered daily. Physicians of reputation have seen her. rot -Oil A ' oi tnem coming rrom a long distance to study the case, which is said to be unparalleled in the history of medical science. At present the in valid is being treated by Prof. Mac Knight, of the Hamner School nf Science and Healing, who. it claimed, is effecting a change for tne oetterin ner condition. BSTTf you want to Duv some rma hay at 90 cents per hundred mil R. Broughton. RMira TODAY Raisins, Figs, Citron, Currants, Nuts, and all fruits in season. I s ii 'in.r it'ipm .J .-. 7 ..'. -l 'i. MfOiSTEEO 44 NAME ON EVERY LOWNEY'S Chocolate Bonbons FOR SALE BY T. W. JACKSON, Confectioner, Stalioier ana Bootseller, NEXT TO BANK OF GRANVILLE OXFORD N.C. 1

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