To produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic ulars see our pamphlets. We send them free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Qi Nassau St., New York. J. S. HALL, UNDERTAKER, Oxford, N. C.j Bear In ruiod that I am always reach to supply your needs In the undertaking line, a9 I keep oa hand a large line of caskets and coffins, all sizes, from thr largest to the smallest, ranging in prio from 2 up to $100. Nice hoarse will modern equipments when deireL Al' orders, verbal, letter or by telegraph will have immediate attention. Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlan ta, New Orleans and Points South and 7 est. IN EFFECT NOV. 25th. 1800, SOUTHWARD. Daily. Is'o. 31. 1 00 pm 3 iwpra 5 50 pm 7 00 pm 10 41 pm 11 31 pm Dailv. No. 27. 12 15 am 7 20 am 9 34 am 10 55 am i 40 pm 3 m pm 5 52 pm 6 "-,0 pm 7 39 pm 9 35 pm 10 35 pm 12 5? am 5 00 am 9 10 am 5 30 pm No. 41. 9 00 pm 11 20 pm t ti 30 pm 6 30 pm No. 41. 9 30 am 12 01 pm 1 20 pm 2 18 pm 3 5' pm 6 09 pm 7 30 pm 3 05 pm 10 20 pm 10 55 pm 1 07 am 3 43 am 6 05 am l'l 10 'ain 11 00 am 4 12 pm 8 30 pm 6 55 pm 8 10 am Lv. 1Y. l.V. l.V. i.v l.V. l.V. J.v. I.V l.v. l.V. Lv, r. Ar. Ar. New York, P. R. K. Philadelphia, P. K. K. Btltimorn, P. R K . . . . Washinstou, P. R. R.. Richmond, S. A. L. Uy. Petersburg. " Kidgeway Jet. " " 1 od am " 2 30 am " S 40 am " 5 3t am " t 30 am " S 40 am 12 10 pm " 3 50 pm " 6 30 am No. 403. P &N,t 8 00 am 10 20 am Henderson, Kaleigh, " Southern Pines, " ilam et, " Columbia, " Savannah, " Jacksonville, " Tampa, " Lv. l.v Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv, Lv. Lv, Lv. Lv. Lv. l,v Ar, Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. New York, N. Philadelphia, New York, O.D.S.S.Co. ,t 3 00 pm Baltimore, B. i. P. Co Wash'ton, ti. i W. S B iNO 4U3. PortsmoiUh, S.A L.Ry. . 9 30 pm w eldon, 11 33 am 12 52 am 1 9 am 3 02 am 5 18 am ti 30 am "9'3i'am 9 43 am 11 45 am 2 08 pm 4 15 pm 5 10 pm 7 20 pm 9 20 pm 3 05 fim 7 40 am ti 40 am 4 00 pm Ridgeway Jet. " Hecdorson, " Kaleigh, Southern Pines, " Uamlet, Wilmington, " Charlotte, " Chester, Greenwood, " Athens, " Atlauta, g Aueusta, C. & W. C. .... Macon, C. of Ga Montgomery, A.&W.P. Mobile, L in N ... New Or'eans, L. fc N.. Nashville, N.C &6t.L.. Memphis, " NORTHWARD. Daily. Mo. 402 11 30 pm 9 30 am 7 45 pm 12 20 am 6 -X) am 8 00 am 9 40 am 1 00 pm 2 52 pm 4 5 pm 6 53 pm 6 50 pm 10 00 pm 10 59 pm 1 00 pm 1 40 am 3 10 a'Q 4 30 am 7 00 am Daily. No. 38. 8 45 pm 9 10 am 7 45 j:m 12 20 am 11 20 am 4 20 pm 9 00 pm 11 23 pm 2 05 am 4 25 am 5 00 am 12 05 pm 8 05 am 9 03 am 11 30 am 1 2;) pm 2 05 pm 3 25 pm 5 50 pm 7 00 am ti 4' am 1 30 pm 5 10 am 7 43 ,.m No. titi Lv. Memphis, N C.& St L... Lv. Nashville, " Lv. New Orleans, L. & N... Lv Mobile, Lv. Montgomery, A &W.P.. Lv. Macon, C, of Ga Lv. Augusta, O. & W. C L,v. Atlanta, S. A.L.Ky Ar. Athens, " Ar. Greenwood, " Ar. Chester, " l.v. Charlotte, Lv, Wilmington, " Lv. Hamlet, " Lv Southern Pines, " Lv Raleigh, " Ar. Henderson, " Lv Ridgeway Jet, " Ly. W eldon, Ar. Portsmouth, " Ar. Wash' ton, N. & W. S B. Ar. Baltimore, B. S. P. Co.. Ar. New York, O.D.S.S.Co Ar. Phila'phia, N.Y.P.&N. Ar. New York, t 5 46 pm 8 38 pm No. 44. 10 00 pm 10 20 am 1 58 am 6 40 5 m 9 45 pm 10 37 pm 12 24 am 1 4ri am 2 12 am 4 20Jam 5 15 am 8 45 am 10 08 am 12 27pm Lv Tampa, S. A Lv Jacksonville L. Ry 8 10 am 7 45 pm 11 59 p(li 5 45 am 9 20 am 10 1-; am 12 08 pm 1 32 pm 2 05 pm 4 45 pm 6 00 pm ' 9" 3D pm 11 35 pm 2 50 am 6 13 am and Rich Lv Savannah ' Lv Columbia " Lv Hamlet Lv Southern Pines " Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson " Lv. Hid'way Jct.,S A L.Ry. Lv. Petersburg, " Lv. Richmond, ' Ar. Washington, P. R. R .. Ar. haltimore, Ar. Philadelphia, " ilf. Nw York. 3 03 pm Note. Daily Except Sunday. Dinina Cars between New York m nd, and Hamlet and Savannah on T 'rains Nos 3l and 44 Central Time. Bantern Time Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Alfred Bullock, deceased, all persons indeb.ed to said estate will come orward and make set tlement, and all persons holding claims against eaid estate will present them to me on or Defore December 1st, 1901, or this notice wiil be plead in bar of thir recovery, Decb 6t M, L, WINSTON, Administrator M u m m m Goose Grease Cure3 all Aches and Pains. Mothers who nse RICE'S FAMOUS GOOSE GHKASS never have cronp in their families. Goose Greise Liniment cures all aches and pains if it does not you get your maney back, KKMBMBER Goose Grease will cire you when all other remedies tail. NO CURfi NO Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Head ache, Barns, Braises. Cuts, Sprains and all sores ou man or beast quickly cured by Goose Grease Linim nt , Old Sores, Scratches, Saddle Galls and Lame Bees of all knds quickly cured by RICE'S FA MOUS Goose Grease Liniment. Geose Grease will cure Croup in from five to fteea miaotet. No care no pay. Healthy Mothers Few mothers are healthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety cf pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, end the care of young children, are severe trials on any woman. But with VV'me of Cardui within her grasp, every mother every woman in the land can pay the debt of personal health she owes her loved ones. Do yo'i want li robust health with all its privileges and pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give it to you. i strengthens the female organs and invig orates weakened functions. For every female ill or weakness it is the best An Act mtir Sristftfist for $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, and take no substitute under any circumstances. Mrs. Edwin Crass, Gormer, Mich.i "Yhe?, 1 commenced using Wine of Cardui I was hardly able to walk across the house. Two week after 1 walked half a mile and picked strawberries. hcn my other child was born I suffered with Ubo pams IA hours, and had to raise him on a bortl because I had no milk. After using the Wine during pregnancy this time. 1 five birth last month to a baby girl, and was in Lsfcor only two hours, with but little pain, and 1 have plenty of milk. For this great improve; ment in my health I thank God and Wine of Cardui r-. . j..: in rr rrmiirincr Roecial directions. address, givk symptoms, 'The Ladies' Advisory lJpoartment. 1 he Chat tanooga Mcdidne Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn. Sale of Land. By virtue of authority vested iu the nrder lrned by a certain deed in trust exeriited liy Cornelius Tliory and others, on April 3. lSH'.l. to secu.e Dayment o the purchase raon. y price of tiie land h reirafter described, defau't haviiif '-.een made iu the payment thereof, I shu'l oiler for sale to the highest bidder for c&sh, at Ct-urt House door iu Oxford, N. C , at paMic auction, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 1001, the following described land, viz; I-yirg in Walnut Grove township. Granville county, ahor.t one nrle south of Pleasant-' Po'tofiice, adjoiuirg the lands of Wesley '1 horp on the North, Jo Daniel on the Bast. Wi Hum lioyd on the South, and JSatt Halt' on the West, ai'd the Person C unty Hue, contains g 75 acres, be the sar-e more or less, it Veirg the tract of land formerly owned and occupied by the late Hay wood Thorp. 11. M. SHAW, Trustee. This January !), 1901. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Georgians McDaniel, dece sed, ili per sons indebted to said estate will come forward i.nd muke settlement, and all persons holding claims agaiiist said esta'e will present them to 'e on or before January 7. 1902, or this notice will be plead iu bar of recovery. C. C HSGjIE, Administrator. Sale of Land. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Di ed of Trust executed to me as trustee on the 4th, day of January, 1900, by Alexander Koberts and wife, eaid deed being registered iu the office of the Register ol De-.-db of Granville Cjunty in Book of Deeds of Trusts No 4t, on page 5tl, I eh il:, on Monday, the EIGHTEENTH DAT OF FEBKUART, 1901, sell to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land lying and being iu Granville county, and more particularly described ar.d loan.ed as follows: Adjoining the lands of M. C. Ransom, D A Hunt, dee'd, J. S. Hunt, H. C, Herndon and others, bounded as loliows, to wit: -Beginning at a stake in D. A. Hunt's ai.d Alex. Roberts' line, and running with Hunt's line down a branch as it meanders 2390 f et, in a Ncth Easterly direction to Fishing Creek, thence up said creek 750 'eet to a stake, thence at right angles and in a westeily direction to the iine betvvetn said Kanaom and J. a. and D. A Hunt to a stsKe 750 feet North of the beginning point, thence aloig the line of said Hunt in a Southerly direction 750 feet to the beginning, containing by estimation 40 acres, more or less. Time of Sale. It o'clock, M. B. S. Rot st e it. Trustee. This 16th. January, 1901. Notice of Execution. North Carolina perior Court. Granville Connty--ln the Inmac, Smith fc Co , "1 vs. Roaster & 11. and L. A. M. Gillian Shoe Co.. (two J Tally, i'rading executions) J as Royster & ia'ly. By virtue of three executions directed to the undersigned from the Su. trior Court of Gran yille Couuiy in the above emitkd action, I will, on Monday, the 4th day of Febtuary, 1901. at li o'clock M, at the Couit House door in said County, sell to the highest bit tier for cash, to satisfy said est cutosc. ail the right, title aiul interest of the Defendants Royster fc ally, in i he. following described real ertt.e, viz: a cer tain Store house ai.d lot of land at Builock, ;s C on or near the line of the Southern iCtiilw-y right of way. in Sassafras Fo;k Township, Granville county, adjoiGitig the lands o) J. a. Wiliiaais, J A. Bull ,ck and others, 1-4 acres, moie or less, it '-eirig the lot on wnicii is situate lh-i ctore honse in which rioysttr & fahej formerally conducted a m rcan-;le t-u-i ness at Bullock. N. C and which was dee. I d to them by J. G. Piltard & wi e an i J. A. Bullock, Trustee. June 15, 1893, which deed is recorded ir, 3ook of Deeds No. 52, at page 3 et s q in t tie office of hegistcr of Deeds of Granville county, lud to which deed reference is hereby made for farther uetcription of said pro, erry. S. A. FLEMING, Shtrill Granville Co. January 2nd, 1901. Sale of Valuable Land IK THE MIDST OF TH K FIX EST TOHAU'O BELT IX N.C. Under and by virtue of the authori'y conferred lpon the undersinged by a certain order and de ;ree ef the Superior Court of Granville county, rendered by J. G.Hunt. Clerk thereof, on the 27th day of November, 1900, in a certain special proceeding therein pending eniit,ed A. A. Lvon and wife and others, exparte, a 10 per cent bid having been placed upon the former sales, I w ill on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1901. at the residence of the late R.A Lyon, deceased, atrain offer for sale by pubiic auction to highest bidder the following described lots and parcels of laud, to-wit: Lot No 1. 80X acres adjoining the lands of J. II. Lyon, J. 1). Clark and others, and is sitr.ated la miles South of Lyon depot, and miles West of Creedmoor, with oublic roais on West end leading to Lyon, and on the South leading to Creedmoor. Has an unfailing weii of watr on the place and good chimney standing ready to bnild too. Lot No. 2 50 acrea adjoining the land of Abner Pe-.ce, Mrs. N. C. Lyon and others, situa ted li mile South of Lyon and of a mile iast of Wilsins. Has a frame dwelling house, one room below and one above, and a log cook room and well in ard and one of est springs in N. C. with public road running through the land Lot No 3. 89 X acres adjoining the lauds of K. T. lioycroft, Louis A. v'i:kine, S. N. G- s and others, with Southern Railway and public roal through th-; farm, and a por ion of th land is in 75 or 100 yards of WitKius station V ell watered with spring and nice situation to se tle on QtfctKi leading trom Da'chvil e to WiHius station 11 of said lauds are in 1)4 miles of nfebilc school konr-ea and c nvenienr, ta i linrr-hak.-. '-'iiT Terms: One-third cash, one-third in fjft-ji? ,uu one laua in two yeare, ueierrea paynnirs tear interest it fcix per cnt, title retainflg un til purchase money is paid in full. Time of sale 11 a m, A A. LYON, Commissioner. Mortgage Sale. Under and by virtue of a morteage from W. F. Lyon and wife to W L Beck registered in Book 45 of Granville county. N. C. page 30 31 and 32. 'lhe undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, lor cash, at the Court Honse door in Oxford, tranville county, N. C on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 13lh, 1901, at 12 o'clock M, a valuable tiact of land lying ii. Granville county and bounded as follows to-wi : On North bv the lands of J. C Fleming. o the South by J. W- Lyon, on West by L. J. Chik on the Bast by Ed Cash, containing liO acres more or less. This sale eabject to a prior mort gage of $86.19. W. L. BECK, Mortgagee. Jan. 11th 1901. AYCOCK SALARY BILL. Judge tiraham Leads Opposition on Constitutional Grounds. The biil to increase the Governor's silary came up in tho House Moa ddv, Representative Hayes present ing the iii. j. rity report, and Judge A. v Grvtham that of (he minoritj repoit, and under his able leader ship the npriiy report was only doptfd by a inaj rity of only 2. No true or hp re honest man ever arose in the Legislature to champ i on any cause t han Gu Grahain,and is honored for the courage of his I'onvicrkn and honesty of purpose, with no taint of demagogism lurk ing in his breast. As to his collea gue. Prof. VV. II. 1'. Jenkins he did not vote on the measure as he did not reach Kaleigh until Mo day af ternoon after the adjournment ot he Legislature. We are indebted to the llileigh correspondent of Charlotte Oo.rervtr for a brief sketch of Judge Grahams speech: r'" . The bill to amend The Code and increase the s-ilarj of the Governor from 3,000 to 4,000 was thes aken up as si special order. Judge Graham, of the special committee. rt rd a minority report, to theeffjcf hat the increase of salary could nor apply to the incoming Governor, if id the obiect of the bill would be defeated, lhe re; o;t was in the na ture or a law brief, being an elabor ite legal argument, citing Supreme Court, opinions, against the legality of the incoming Governor taking additional salary. Mr. Haves said the additional amount would not be felt by the rax-payers, and as it now was none out a very rich man could in future ;i;p;re to the v fiiee of Governor. Mr. Hayes concluded i-i a fiae strain of argument and was liberally applaud ed. Mr. Graham replied that if the argument of Mr. Hayes was true G ivtruor-eleet Aycoek could not -:ke his seat until January 1st, 1902 "This section of the constitution has been tiiree times construed by the Supreme Court of North Caro lina. In the case of Adderho't vs. McKee, in Battle vs. McKiner, (Pilgrim Ashly case), and in Ward vs. Elizabeth City, the court has pKiuIy passed upon this section aud settled this question. If the Supreme Court is rignt, now can ii be r:d that. Aycot'k's term did not begin on January 1st, 1901? The framers of that constitution were advertant of just such circumstances as this They wanted to prevent the sponta neous generosity of members of a party towards a great and popular leaier under great political strain. Aud many would vote for it In hope of favors from the recipient of their bounty. I do not believe if Av coek thoroughly understood this question he would take a cent of the increas d salary. He would spurn it. He dos tot love money any now. In 1879 the Legislature reduced the s,l ry to $3 000 That act said it should go into eff et. Norfh Carolina is now paying above the average of States in sal aries according to our means. We are liberal with our public officers We are not niggardly or parsimon ious. We give the Governor a magnificent home to live in, worth 1,500 and other expense, amount ing to $5,000 every jear. The salaries of all other State officers ar -mall indeed compared to this gen erous provision for our Gove o . i'he Legislature that comes here two years hence is the one that should gr pple this q i siion. We have got "W to make provisions for the poor it sane now rotting in the jails, for he education of the children r.t d -nany other pressing needs of people more en tit!, d io our b- n; Scene The old soldiers are fast dying ( ff and soon it will be too late to he'p 'hem. Fifteen years ago I was is the Senate aud i bill ro increase the G -.vernor's salarv to $5,000 came up. then made the same argument nracticaily that I have to-day. The ! j-ct was to in-rease the salary of Governor Scales. We had in that Seriate such men as Gatlio, Cannon Bokin, M tson. Bonner and other 4 eat men aud after a long discus sion the bill was defeat d and I hpe she same result will be witnessed here to-day." Prof. VV. H. P. Jenkins. Pre f. Win. H. P. Jenkins, of Granville, is the senior member of the House, having been a member 40 years ago, in th& session of 1800 '61. Hon. Wru. T. Dnrtch, of G. lds boro, was speaker Prof. Jen kens' ol leagues vere Samuel H. Can idy aud Jiimes M. Bullock C. H. lv Taylor was Senator. Prof. Jen kins has been for 14 years superin tendent rf instruction in Granville county, member of the county court of Granville county for four years. He is one of the best farmers and iendiiig citizens of the county. He ij-siiked very much to enter public ife, but upon the unanimous de--liand of the Democracy cf the county he consented to become a cand'tlate and was elected by an overwhelming majority. During the session of 1800-61, Prof. Jenkius was chairman of the committee and also chairman of the Joint committee of the two Houses, when it became necessary to unite the two branches LVleigh Post. Bears the Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature , SV? . y7 of For sprains, swel ings and lamtless there is nothing so good as Chamber Jain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by J G Hall. J ' I SUPPORT OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS Nothing of flore Vital Importance to A Community Than the Protection and Building Up of Its Local News paper. The local newspaper is it not a chaiitable institution, but a local in austry, just as much as a cotton mill or any manufacturing enterprise. It has just as much right to de mand of us people their individual aud united patronage, as doe lhe local merchant, who will com plain if any person goes away from town to bur the goods he has foi sale. The citizens of the town will com plain of the small size of their ioca newspaper and the scarcity of it news and never think that the rea cause of its smallness is due to them selves, their meager support of it. The newspaper, its editing anc publication, and the cost of issuing it is a business proposition for it- proprietor, as much so as is the sab of goods to any merchant in th town, only the support of the loca uewspaper is of far more importance to a town, than is the proposition that every person shall give ful support to every local merchant. No local matter is of such vita importance in any community a the protection and building up of its- local newspaper. New Bern Jour nal. The Passing of Russellism. The people of North Carolina are to be congratulated that the end of Russellism is at hand and the dawn of a brighter day is nigh. It goes without saying that the adminstra tion of Russell has been the darkest and blackest characteriz d by more scandal and controlled by tne most underhand political pulls and in liuences, of any that the good old State has been called upon to endure. And in its history, North Carolina nas been forced to undergo many tough and trying experiences. Ail iHve been eclipsed by the record of Russell. In the early days of his tyran nical rule, he outraged the name of his State by the Corporation Com mission scandal, and the memorable iff -nr of the arsenal in the executive office is not yet forgotten. Then came the Smith affair in the Insane- Asylum. Owher scandals developed in the control of the penitentiary. All could have been either averted or corrected had the Governor stuck to his duty. Bat hi3 appointees acd favorites had to be protected a d Lhe Governor was not the one to forget them even if they were rascals. The Southern Railway fcffiir, the asylum scandal,the penitentiary epi sode, and the Railroad Commission var with the conversion of the executive office into arsenal, consti tute the titles to some ot the black est pages in our State's history. In all Governor Russell figured. In all his was the prominent part. In all the casts he was the leading chara cter. Truly the State is coming into better times. Truly a great load has been uplifted and an ever menacing danger thrown off and cast aside. For with Russell in control we knew not wjien nor where nor in vvhat manner the danger would come. We only knew that it exist ed. We feel grateful for the pass ing of Russellism. Smithfield Her ald. Thousand Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of poo" sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked vLh coughs are urged to eo to another lirnate. But this is costly and not always -tore. Don't be an exile when Dr. King'e Sew Discovery tor Consumption will ure you at home. It's th 8 most infalli ble medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all i hroat ana lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding ures result from persistent, use. Trial oHles free at J. G. Halls. Price 50s and 1. 00. JSyery bottie guaranteed. Jeffreys Jottings. The smallpox is rapidly "disap pearing iu this section, and the people are on the move again. Miss Fannie Jenkins commenced ler school again on Monday. W. H. P. Jenkins spent Sunday at home vsith his family. Mis Cora Kearney was quite sick i few days the past week. Our people have ceased to carry their aims in a sling as they are getting over vaccination. Mr. J je Peace Jenkins returned to iiis school at Salem on Monday. Messrs. T. L. Jeffreys and E. H. Ev-ins spent Monday in Youngsville n business. Mr. J. J. Preedy accompanied his irother as far as Raleigh one day last week on his way to Texas, The smallpi-x patients are about well now, but not allowed to leave home yet. Messrs. Preddy and Tinpett are getting ready to build a new wood working shop, and the timber has i been ordered. The grand move is now on as thos-3 who intended to change homes during the holidays could tiot no so on account of quarantine regulations. Toodles TO CURE A COLD I3f OVE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Ouinin TRhlAta All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is tn eech box. 25c. Bears the Signature cf The Kind You Have Always Bought ST? CASH, WHERE ART THOU? Hide Not From the News nan Mean der Uently This Way. Cash, oh, be thou silver, or gold or frayed out paper, only that thou hast the mark of Uncle Samuel upon thee, if thou ait due to the print shop man in the Public Ledger (office, wander gently his way. Where, oh where art thou? In store, in office or iu home, in the county or iu the towq, scattered over many miles of Tar Heel or other soil, no matter where we long for thee with i deep longing. Come unto us, for ve would gather thee in. Come to i sweet resting place with us, we vant thee, nay we need tbee. Come u single bills, or in files and battal ous of lucre that we may send thee igaiu forth to paper men. to ink neu, to type men, to telegraph men, o rent men, to post office men, to ax collectors men, to board men, .nd to everybody that we owest, ?ven unto the type who gazes at us with stony ana unrelenting eve on Saturday night, that we may pay ohem in to to. aud that our credit may be marked O. K. gilt edged, a' he high notch, etcetra, &c. Ou thou reader of this screed, has thou cash that is due us, salted down in thy wallet or i lurking in the dark corner of thy pocket where thou lowest away thy wealth? Reach for it, cough it up from thy treasure chest, send or bring it to us that the print shop man may rejoice and be glad and we will number the with the blessed. Wilson JNews. "Doctor, I shall never forget that to you I owe my life." "Oh, no," replied the doctor, mildy; "you only owe me for fifteen visits 1 made you during your illness." is hard enough as it is. It is to lier that we owe our world, and everything should be made as easy as possible for her at the time of childbirth. This is just what lOTHEB'S Friend will do. It will male e baby's coming: easy and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. It is simply to be applied to the muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it. It strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., says: "I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." Get Mother's Friend at the Drug Store, $1 per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free illustrated book, " Before Baby is Born." Indigestion dyspepsia biliousness and the hundred and one simi lar ills caused bv imoure blood lor inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying and cleansing properties contained in Johnston's QUART BOTTLB. It cures permanently by acting naturally on all organs of the body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh builder, and health-restorer, it has no equal. Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at Si each. "THE MICHIGAN DRUO COMPANY," Detroit, Mich. q Take Llverettes for Llrer Ills. 5c q i FOR SALE BY F. W. HANCOCK, Oxford, N. C. Henderson Telephone Company. Effectfve Dec 3, Iqoo. Rates From Oxford to the Following Points. Burlington 40 C'hat-e City .. 30 ClarkBville 25 Dudd 45 Dnrnam 25 Enfield 40 Franklioton as Greensboro 45 GreeBville 45 Go!dshoro 45 Henderson 15 Hi'h Point , 50 Hilisboro 30 Littleton 30 Lonisbur? 25 Mercer 40 Nashville 35 Kaleigh 0 Kocky Monnl 40 Scotland Neck 45 Smithfield 40 Spring Hope 30 Tarboro 45 Wake Forest 25 WarrentOD 25 Washington... . 55 We'doi 40 Wilson 40 WinBton 50 Y. C. TOEPLBMAN. Gen. tiupt. Subscribe to the Public Lxdxb Registered by U. S. W4 sh. Mnmsmum Patent Office Buffalo LsthSa Water in Typhoid Dr. Cccrro Hen Johnston, rfc Medical Coilegc, j .tcLiioiui, l'a,, says: BVZtAsJU- St'ISiZlFl 3 EH RANG Ii OF USLF,L?,nt4S s 1 ANY OTHER HINdRAL WATER. Among the numerous condili...?:, which I have applied it . L:i good results niayl-e mentioned TYPHOID ;'.' i.; In this disease I have fo;i-.d it to serve vu excellent purpose in the promoting free action cf the Kidneys, thus materially aiding in the elimin.;-,. '; ,. deleterious matter. It also seemed TO RETARD WASTING, and has preserved a moist condition of the tongue and buccal mucous :rerr i,!,i(,?, In addition, llio.-e us g it InrqJy have appeared to SUFi:F.R t THE ORDINARY MiRY'CiiS SYHPTOMS INCIDENT 1 0 rROI-OlAb' POISONING." Dr. lchn Herbert Claiborne, r.x-rresident MaHi .v,w Virginia, J-u-i sfa.-rg, i '., referring to Spring No. I : "I often BjttT'T'AII 73?S5tR tfF5rr in the 1'cvf-rs r f x'.ua ;nt use the WtSil&J&k La M Smfa. ViVW fcf i known as Malarial, TVph;i. Malarial, and Atj'pical Typhoid. i c . . . : . t ana rcirigertijis;, ana an iitiivi; ciiuniiar.i. ji n.'aici im nwim, the skin and kidneys, as any one familiar with its character miyht rc.i-, , expect. It has been Ion- noted for its SPECIFIC EFFECT L'PO.N HALA! '! M TROUBLE. "I went to the Serines a wreck from attacks of Lithemia, and after dr'nl in . t',. water Spring No. 1 for a month I a return of rny old mr.lady I resort to most remarkable water in many respects, it was used cinrmj.; ? . i;-:,..t recollection for diseases peculiar to women, and its restorative power was considered marvelous." Dr.T. L. RQOlh, AS for cfilie North Carolina Medico? Socitty. Cr-,- ' . r. "In the treatment of Typhoid Fever, among the chief objects to alt.-ti:!- . support of the strength of the patient, to prevent the formation f toxic u-j-i,- . to eliminate from the system the toxic products of the disease when t 11 ' BsiFimo LmuA Water , RIrvoncs-no'. ilo degree than No. 2. Both waters have highly benericial cc'.; on npa .1 -1 trie digestion, prevent and allay Nausea, and are, ct thi ;.a;re ti ne, potent diuretics and diaphoretics and valuable s:imnlar.ts to the !.-it, generally. This combination cf properties would seem to indicate th. - uau-is a- a valuable aid to the physician in the treatment of such cases, but, fon : finely, we are not left to any theory in regard to the action cf the waicr. In 1, , experience, and that of other piactitioners of my acquaintance, they ha ,e U-.-n !. . positively and high'y beneficial in the treatment cf this disease. Dr. William T. Howard, former j'ro.-ssor 1.;- , r, aud Children, in t':e University cf Maryland, J'al.':nore, a!U :! f i'.e eotm:--" cf the Spring mno l. nowu as Spring No. I in " a ivnle range ;. e a.-. .-;, ' t'i ii ;,' ,; far-famed IVntte Su phur Springs, in Greoibriar County, West ,-., and a.:.;. ::; following: "Indeed, in a certain class of cases it is much superior to t?:e Ultcr. I allude to the abiding debility attendant upon t.-rdy convalescence iron, grave acute diseases, ar.d more especially to the CA.i.l LI .., SEQUELS incident to MALARIOUS FEVERS :n r-.ti lh?:r Rraj, s , , varieties; to certain forms of Atonic Dyspepsia, and i ll the ai'i'ecti..sis Peculiar to Women that are remediable at all by Mineral V'a(. i i.i sinirt, were I called upnn to state from vvhat Mineral Waters I have r :c i the greatest and most unmistakable cmount of good arcr-.r 2 l.x ! i.-KtM number of cases, in a general way, I would unSiejjilu' r.ny the ii'ii falo Lithla Spring, i 1 Mecklenburg County, Virini.i." Spring No. 1 is both a Nerve and a Blood Tonfc. and whrev(. r t'i.-ie i- -.iu-city or poverty of the Blood, or where there is Nervous DebHi'y .r E!i:ti tion, is especially indicated. In the absence of these symptoms : No. 2 is e l. i ,iiy preferred. Testimonials, which defy all imnutfion or questions, sent io any .- .-Mr ,... proprietor buffalo' utim spoiKss, vmm, XFORD I Wants to increase the sub scription List to 2,000 within the next few months, and if the friends of the paper will try to induce their neighbors to subscribe it can be done. THE PUBLIC Has a wide reputation as being ONE 01 THE BEST COUNTY NEWSPAPERS ir the State, and if you are not already a subscriber you will not make a mistci ke to give it a year's trial at the low cost o! $1, or 50c for six months, cash in advance Don't Put Off Subscribing Another day, but with your name and once to us We Earnestly A live, active correspondent in each section of the county, who will send us the local news i l their respective communities. "Will you not aid us in making: The PUBLIC LEDGER this year better than ever before? If you, reader, are willing to do so, write us for particulars. THE OXFORD o 0 Our Job Department is well equipped and we are prepared to do all kind of Commercial Printing at the low est possible prices. . Advertising rates will tion by addressing the J. T, BR ITT, C? Springs Nos. and C The Creat E 1 1 sr In c r Poisons, U ft ino I'ossors ex rev . 7 P X . . ' O, and a Powerful A?iH.:nct to the Physician in he Treatment of f&aiarfoj Typho-iVl a S a r S a L rsnd Atypical Typhoid Fevers! It is grateful to the IVuient, . r. .1... . ; . . . : t . was entirely restored ; and when the water, and am soon relieve. It i a L send a dollar bill postoffico at Desire PUBLIC LEDGER, -o be furnished on applica Owner and Editor - ' " " " FFfi OXFORD. A. C.