YARNS-AND GOSSIP. At a recent election in Ileverl v. Mass. ono ballot was entirely blank but JJfc tho back of it was written:4! wknttovoto tho same as Maurice Ileaphy.- An Oakland (Cal.) judgo go,t drank in a saloon and was published in the paper. Wbon court opened ho lectured himself for breaking a city ordinance, imposed, a lino of fifty dollars and paid it. A?r American has sued a dealer in mummies in Eypt for swindling". Tho American bought a mummy "guaranteed to bo 5,000 years old," and afterwards discovered that its age was only 4995 years. A Cincinnati yonnj? lady, who culls fashion's latest terms from tho newspa pers, threw a wholo millinery store into a state of excitement by calling for a pair of boso nozzles. She wanted a pair of paitrrs. Ix catechizing1 a candidato for cook tho epicure asked: IIow would you serve woodcock with or without their heads?" "Without," said tho djsen aged culinary applicant. "That's rnough," said tho questioner; 'I do not want you in my kitchen." Moral, heads vin. "What a nuisance!" exclaimed a gen tleman at a concert, as a young fop in front of him kept talking- in a loud voice to a lady at his side. "Did you re fer to me, sir?" threateningly demanded the fop. "Oh, no; I meant tho musi cians there, who keep up such a noiso kvith their instruments that I can't hear jour conversation." A corxTi:YMAN went to a store in Morgantown, W. Va., tho other day and purchased a kerosene lamp. "That's the first ono o them notions that ever ;omo to my houso," ho remarked. 'Candles was alius good enough for aiarm and me, but darter's got a beau ind thinks wo ort to put on a leetlo itylo." Tin: following sentence is said to lavo bvn pronounced by a Scotch judge: "Ye did not only kill and mur ler tho man, and thereby tako away his i-aluablo life, but 3-0 did push, thrust, protrudo or impel the lethal weapon ;hrough tho belly-band of his regimen al trousers, which were tho property of a is Majesty." Theke ' was a novel . fight in Ogle ;horpe, Oa., tho other da-. Two ono irmed men were the chief participants. Another one-armed nan interfered to separate them, and while these threo ncn with their three arms were making juito a three-cornered racket a three-ep-ged dog stood by as referee and oarked three yelps at a time with threo I r.inutes intermission, until the wholo f performance was concluded by tho town xiarshr.L Ix Scotland the topic of a sermon or liscourso of any kind is called by old- !ashioned folks its "ground," or, as .hey would say, its "grund,. " An old voman, bustling Into kirk rather late, ound tho preacher had commenced, ind, opening her llible, nudged her noxt lMghlor, with tho inquiry:- "What's lis grundr' 4 'O," rejoined the other, xho happond to be a brother minister, ind therefore "a privileged critic, ""he's est his grund long since, and he's just iwimming." . . SCIENTIFIC SELECTIONS. A new hypnotic called "somnal" pro luces six to eight hours of sleep, and is ilaimed to havo all the advantages of jbloral, with none of tho unpleasant ifter-eUects. u ' What is known as " the rhinoplastic iperation has been successfully per ormed by a Brooklyn physician. Last October ho mado an entire new noso for k woman, using tho bastbono of a .hick n as its foundation. The lady has. . s goo-1 a noso as any body. Thk latest electric device is for do Acting Cre. When tho temperaluro of t room reaches a dangerous point tho iomposition in tho llttlo button starts io bell to ringing and indicates tho lumber of tho room in the office. Tho Jarm is kept up until the temperaturo f tho room is reduced to below tho langer point. The litest development of the el ee rie light is likely to prove of great uso or vehicular traffic A small inqandes- nt globe and reflector arc placed on tho orehead of a horse, insulated wires aro arjii-d along Its body to a small battery .towed in the trailing vehicle. The airrent is turned on at pleasure, and an inmlstakable blaze of light illumines ho murky surroundings. Thk latent revelations concerning Egyptian antiquities come through the est arch of Trof. Xaville, of Geneva, nade at llubastes. Kubastes was tho acred city of Ilast, the cat-headed god less. It was supposed that its great ?mplo bad entirely disappeared, but M. ?faville discovered extensive remains of t, and striking proof to show that tho pyramids of Cheops and Chefercn must javo boea in existenco at least by STOC C, or about six thousand years ago. Iho Ilyksos, or shepherd kings, camo 'rora Babylon or Mesapotamia in the jwcnty-tiiird century 15. C I Blank Books Blank Hooks Blank Books Blank Books Blank Books . Olank Books Blank Books Hlank J'ooks -o- TO START OFF THE NEW YEAR. -o- Lcdgcrs, Journals, Daj'-Books. Ledgers, Journals, Dav-Books. Ledgers, Journals, Day-Books. Ledgers, Journals, Day-Books. Ledgers, Journals, Day-Books. AND ALL KINDS BLANK BOOKS. O- THE OXFORD BOOK STORE. THE OXFORD BOOK STORE. VV.-:-VV.-:-JUJNilb. Terry, 'Wright tk Merritt -HAVE A- FIRST-CLASS BARBtR SHOP (In Mitchell Block) OXFORD - - North Carolina. :o:- Gok1 workmen and guaranteed every one Satisfactory work W.' T. BROGDHN, -GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. " i OXFORD. N. C. 0 Office at C. T. Ward's store for the r present. - " i Feild & Koyster. LIFE, FIRE, . ACCIDENT, AND TORN DO TNKTTtt XKCV. am n r,eTf.r,iv reliable. i.nses n.nd promptly. See our Life Policy before you nsure. . J. K. ROLLER 8JN, AGENTS FOR THE KEST FIRK,LIFE and AfCIPENT INSUKANCK COM PAN I FS Office, Hrndon Block No. i. 9-17-t mnn nnarmuB qua en AT 1Q 1 nrr rriLivii iddmiduix 10 UPON US And while the larger projwrtion of our peo ple are enjoving the pretty display of Fan- cv GockIs, etc., the unfQrtunate invalids should not be slighted. We stiU adhere to our rule to fill accurately, promptly and with the purest drugs all prescriptions en trusted to us. " T!iat we mav the better do this, we are closing out for good and all our entire stock of novelties at and below cost. FURMAN & HAYS, Druggists. T)EEF A ND TjORK Deef i"lNL 1 ORK O c n 5 n 6 c n n r-. 53 o n 3 O K 3 n o in r- n a 2. n o N ft n ft z. -. as o p 3 T-'amilies wibhin to pack and salt pork for the wintt-r season would do well to call on me before buying elsewhere. Very Respectfully, F. SCHWXRTZ. Mineral Hotel ! CHASE CITY, VA. A Winter and Summer Home for Dyspeptics. Mineral Water Free to Guests. M. E. HARDY, Proprietor. PINE The Day A Complete Daily A Complete Daily PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. It jrives allhe Home News and News, i It Has Full Faith in the Commercial, Manufacturing and Edu r rm -r m 'n W I -m -mm r -m-m WM M M T T M m I " " 1 W I I tlieTTririniMHW nfOiir Citx- V. . y. ' - Uncompromisingly For Oxford j Jg Tr T.q t t FIRST, LAST AND I FTRST T.AST AND The Day is a paper which will family. ' ' The Men Read It ! The Men Read It ! The Ladies Read It ! . The Ladies Read It ! The The While Bright and Spicy it is Free from Sensation, and Excludes from its Columns xny thing of an Unclean or Objectionable Char acter. y We want to Double our Circulation durinir the Present Year. Will'you help us ? . ' ' - If you are not already a subscriber, have your names ..entered uDon our subscnotion books at qj. Qne week; forty cents for one ARE YOU GOING TO MARRY ? If you ,11 VOU Will J are. TTTTUT7 T.Liir ofL onTtKinrv tr,, ,ir, 4. J. X U1V1-. 1 llclVk, ill c r i -m rnm mmmon ron i" - r Oak, Cherry and Walnut. All of thedatest Designs. , Also Wardrobes, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, Extension IF YOU ARE MARRIED And need anything in my line I 7'ou with the Best Coods at the sonable Prices. Special attention is called to a new supply of Reed and Rattan rockers up holstered withh silk' plush. They' are beau ties. JOS. A. WEBB, Furniture Dealer. Banking' House of OXFORD, N. C ' Banking in All its Branches. Accounts of Corporations, Mercliants and Individuals -so licited. Ample facilities for giving all necessary accoiumo daiions. ..." . Collections Receive Promnt Attention. For 1890 Local Newspaper. Local Newspaper. Summaries of State and General I 111 f 1 T II W I I r - t I I I I , i T7 r .1 ALL THE TIME. ALT: THE TIME. interest every member , of your Children Read It ! Children Read It ! s - 17 once. Ten cents secures 1 HE Day m0nth; $450 for one year. 1 PT TTT r "PT Trj neCCl a bUll Ot fr UK- . lULh. ell 1 y 1 1 n 1 1 yUU i vv ctl 1 L i . nr ro tne mo.st e eranr - Tables, &c. ' - can supply most Rea- LC. Cooper & Sons ..... j. . ! J. S. &R. L.Hunt, jDEALERS IN GEO CEHXES GENERAL-MERCHANDISE. , ' (Successors Jo R. L. Hunt & Co.) Have largely increased stock hereto ore carried, and intend supplying the trade I with the best and freshest goods at the low- i est possible prices. Full line of Groceries, t ancy and btapie. Our "PLANT A" Flour is the best in the market for family use. We Solicit Your Patronage. ZINEMAN'3 " - .rkjf f fsppr?tr 1 1 I . . AJD LYL OLAbbLb. it is very important that the eyes are fitted aahil; aeeree oi puritv tnat can De oDiamea. ine Diamanta Lenses are found to possess these qualities in the highest degree, and are free from specs' so often found in the more 111 111 L & .CAVW? V W-lfc. ; A J h w fre from scratches, and, being very hard, as their name indicates, they do not easily, become scratched when in use. Do not buy Spectacles or Eye Classes of people who do not understand how to fit them, but go to VV. D. LYNCH, and have your eyes prop erly fitted with a pair of Diamanta Specta cles or Eye Glasses. Not sold by Peddlers. Spectacles and Eye Glasses are warranted. In Gold, Silver, Steel and Nickle- Frames. Sold in Oxford by W. D. LYNCH. -o JUST ADDED TO STOCK ! A nunronH Ipontifnl occArtmpnt nf Ipurplrir Watches and Silver ware.- Bridal and Christmas presents a specialty. Repairing 1 of all kiuds done on short notice and guar anteed. D : YNCIL H.T.HUGHES' - Tonsorial - Parlors ! Under Herndon Block No. 1, Com. Ave. I have combined my two shops and my present quarters are in two large adjoining rooms. Have added to my furniture, am having electric lights put in and fixing up generally to provide Oxford with elegant and comfortable "tohsprial parlors. With what 1 have ordered and now on tne way 1 will have everything which pertains to a FIRSTrCLASS Barber Shop. Will have a full complement of competent assistants in a few days. Will spare.no efforts to give my customers com plete satisction. ; jQl SSOLUTION NOTICE. - The firm of Griffin, Glenn & Co. has been this day dissolved . by mutual consent, James McLean withdrawing from the co partnersnip. ine ousiness wiu ue ton tmueH by W. G. Griffin and.W B.Glenn under the firm name of Griffin & Glenn. will be who will collect all accounts and settle all I debts. w.g. griffin w.b glenn Jas. McLean. December lst:i889 GRIFFIN & GLENN, BUGGY, CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKS,- COMMERCIAL AVE., OXFORD, N. C. AVe have recently enlarged our shops, put in new and improved machinery, and are prepared to v do as good work . and as promptly as ary house in the State. We ask an inspect .on of the handsome Buggies hnd substantial Wagons we. are. now turn- ing out. Parties owing us are requested .10 masi "ev o make immediate payment, as we need MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. BUCKWHEAT AND MAPLE SYRUP. BUCKWHEAT AND MAPLE SYRYP. V SHREDDED OATS ; SHREDDED OATS AND OAT MEAL. AND OAT MEAL. N. C. New River Mullets. N. C. New River Mullets. . N. C. Roe Herrings. N. C. Roe Herrings. g.cc Cut Herrings. Cut Herrings. ' No. 2 Large Mackeral (in kits ) No., 2 Large Mackeral (in kits.) MILK LUNCH CRACKERS AND MILK LUNCH CRACKERS AND PIC-NIC CHEESE. . . - PIC-NIC CHEESE. FRESH AND JUST OPENED. -FRESH AND JUST OPNNED. AH--' Vv ,. AT : :, - .-v: I.v AT ,' ' v,.--..-. , ... . ... . " W. H. WHITE, Proprietor.

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