THE DAY. ri'lLiSHRH EVERY AFTERNOON' (KXEPT SVSUAX) AT HERMKJN fcLOCK NO. I. II. AV. KtlOXIIEIMKIt, Alitor, Sutcripioti : ia cents a week. Furnish ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will in.ike wceVlv collection. 40 cents per month if raid in advance. Short cxwnmuuication on live subjects elicited. The editor disclaims any resjon nihility for inions expressed by coires- Suhcrit:r not getting their aper promptly and regularly are requested to notify the office at once. Our advertising rates are very low for a charatd by weekly newspapers for one time. I lavlnz a thorough city circulation, and reaching daily a number of post-offices in this and surrounding counties, it is a plendtd advertising medium. Le:tl advertisements, such as adminis trator's and executors' notices, commis sioners and trustees sales, summons to 1102 residents.. etc.. will be charted for at legal rates, except when they exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re serve the riht fix our own price. All such business must be PAID FOR IX AD VANCE. The charge is very small and we cannot afford to take risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pa v Entered at the Post-Office at Oxford as second-class mail matter. OXFORD, N. C. Friday, January, 10. 1S90. WATER WORKS. The Day has frequently urged ufon the Oxford people the need of the system of water works for our city. We sliail continue to ring the changes upon the subject. . Henderson is soon to have water works, and Oxford must not allow her neighbor to distance her in the race of progress. We have demonstrated in these col umns that the amount of money saved in reduction of insurance rates would almost, if notYjuite, offset the cost of the improvement. There is absolute necessity of a better supply of water to battle with the fire fiend. At presents in event of a visit of the destroying element, we would be completely at its mercy. Plenty of water, too, vot;ld pro mote tuc hcalthfulncss of the city, and typhoid fever, the most dread dis ease we have to contend with, would be a thing unknown. We must have water works in the course of a few years, if not just now. No town of Oxford's sire is complete.. in these days of advanced civilization, without them. Oxford ought hot and must not lag behind. The editor of the Nans-Observer, apropos of the proposition to colonize the negroes on the plateau "of the Congo, says : "In September, 1863, President Lincoln made a speech to the negroes in Washington. He told them that if they should be emanci pated, they could not expect to re main in this country i That is our recollection of what he said as report ed in the morning paj)crs of that date; for we happened to be a guest at the 'Old Capital at that time." Those were prophetic words and the present generation may witness their fulfill ment. A new opera by Gilbert and Sulli van has just been put uxn the New York stage. 4 The Gondoliers' is the name. The opinion of the critics is that it does not rank with the best worksof the distinguished colaborators, but nevertheless is jolly and will prove a success. The Rcidsville Raic:i one of the bcsr newspapers in the State, changed hands January 1 st, Mr. James Worn ack retiring and being succeeded by Mr. Oliver. Mr. Ed Gilliam contin ues in editorial control. Success to you, brethren. Our peopte have already agreed just where that $110,000 public build ing Mr. Brower is endeavoring to get for Oxford should be located. Now, let her come I When New York wantsa new build ing at the expense of the general gov ernment money is no object. It is proved to expend two million dol lars just for the site for a new custom house. It is only when the people of the great metropolis have to ,go down into their own pockets to pay for a monument or a memorial arch or the like that they kick. Soldlrr Home Agent Ueport. Newton, N. C, Dec. 26, 1SS9. As heretofore announced, I make the following report Ot names and amounts secured for the Soldiers Home during the first month's can vass. The following notes and sub scriptions have been secured by me and turneJ over to the treasurer : J. S. Carr, Durham, cash, $ 25 J. S. Carr, Durham, note 475 W. S. Stronachr. note, 100 losephus Daniels, note,.. 100 Gov. Daniel G. Fowle,-note, 100 Col. Wm. L. Saunders, note.. 100 Col. Theo. F Davidson, note,.... 100 R. H. Battle, note, 30 Busbee Busbee, note, 40 Ed. Chambers Smith, note, 50 Col. Julius A. Gray, note, 100 Gov. A. M. Scales, subscribed,... 100 Elias Carr, subscribed, 100 Col. A. IJ. Andrews, subscribed,.. 100 H. M. Cowan, subscribed 10 C. M. Roberts, subscribed, 5 W. P. Batchelor. subscribed, 5 A. D. Jones, subscribed,. 5 Senator Z. B. Vance,. ...N 100 Total amount cash, fcc, is .....$1,745 I met Congressmen Cowles and Henderson and they stated that thry and others of our Congressional dele gation would respond to my appeal soon after the holidays. The canvass was mainly confined to the city of Raleigh, though I aw a number of persons from different parts of theS:ate,and have many verb al promises of help. About one half of the month was sent in trying to get ready for the canvass. I he sections of rsorth Laro lina least affected by short crops, fcc, have not yet been canvassed. May we not therefore expect better things further on. Respectfully, M. O. Sherrill, Agent. State papers please copy. Hard Time. Raleigh Nevs and Observer. Pursuing the subject of hard times, we rejxrat that the cause generally is that people siiend more than they earn Today North Carolina is suffering particularly because she has made re'a- tively little of late as a result of bad crops. That is plain enough, and the present deplorable condition 111. Eas tern North Carolina is only a striking illustration of the principle we are seeking to make plain. While our in come is small we are spending it in giving work to high priced labor at the North. The result is the South remains impoverished, and unless some change is made, she will contin ue in that evil plight until the end of time. " It May. Ashtville Journal. The signs now are that the move ments of the farmers' and laborers' organizations will create a new issue, and circumstances may suggest a tick et for 1892 quite different from any yet thought of. - , A Sneezy Time of It. I Orphans' Friend. Our crops have failed and now ker chew! "La Grippe" has got us through and through And oh ! these pains we can't subdue, Boo hoo ! Boo-hoo ! Listen to our tale of a ker-chew. THE FESTIVE SEASON IS UPON US And while the Idrger proportion of our peo ple are enjoying the pretty display of Fan cy Goods, etc., the unfortunate invalids should not be slighted. We still adhere to our rule to fill accurately, promptly and with the purest drugs all prescriptions en trusted to us. That we may the better do this, we are closing out for good and all our entire stock of novelties at and below cost. FUR!AN & HAYS, Druggists. New Tailoring Establishment, Tailoring in all its branches. Clothing made, repaired and cleaned. First-class woik guaranteed. A share of Oxford pat onage solicited. WM. H. SMITH. Large Assortment Large Assortment Stationery of Every Description Stationery of Every" Description Just Received ! Just Received ! And am prepared to execute all orclers for JOB PRINTING ! In the 1 Latest Styles and at Prices that will prove entirely satisfactory. Give me a Call ! Give me a Call ! L. THOMAS. L. THOMAS. IN TO-DAY. We have just received and opened a very choice and fresh line of Family Groceries which will interest all good housekeepers: Here isa partial listof what we have Oat flakes, Hominy. Canned Vegetables ot new crop. Pickles, Condiments, &e. Very finest Butter. Genuine New Orleans Molasses. Ham, Breakfast Strips, &c. Best Grades of Flour. Powdered and cut-loaf Sugar. Finest Tava Coffee besides all grades of. Rio and Laguara roasted and ground. We can supply your, table with the best substantiate and the most delicious dainties. Piease give us a call. R. W. Jones & Co. THE FAMILY GROCERS. ' W. T. BROGDEN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. OXFORD, N. C. v. " . Office at C. J. Ward's store for the present. Feild & Royster. LIFE, FIRE, , ACCIDENT, . AND TORN DO INSURANCE. All our companies are peifectly reliable. Losses paid promptly. See our Life Policy before you nsure. J. R. ROLLER & SUN, AGENTS FOR THE BEST FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Office, Herndon Block No. 1. 9-17-t Terry, Wright & Merritt -HAVE A- FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP- (In Mitchell Block) OXFORD - - North Carolina. :o: Good workmen and Satisfactory wort guaranteed every one, - STORE K K K K K Clothing! Clothing! Clothing K K , K K " K K K K Clothing Clothing Clothing cioS K K K ci6thin K K K , K K K. K " KRONHEIMER'S Clothing Clothing Clothing K K K K House. House.v K K K K K K House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K :o: -:o: Sensible Presents bensible .Presents ! Sensible Presents ! -o- A handsome Suit for boys 4 to X2 years, elegant styles, MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. Suits and ' Overcoats for big Boys and Men, ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ' ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. Soft and Stiff Fur and Wool Hats, for Men and Boys, all prices v USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. Lovely Scarfs, Ties, Four-in-Hand and Bows, ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. Kid, Chamois and Wool Gloves, . VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. Silk, Linen-and Cambric Handkerchiefs; Mufflers all shades and grades, SELECT PRESENTS SELECT PRESENTS SFLECT PRESENTS A FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS. . FOR SWEETHEARTS. Presents to suit and please all, Prices all right. We are always in the right place when you want "high grade" goods at "low grade-price. So come to see us, Both sexts in vited, old and young alike. Wishing one and all a Merry X mas, we close by saying re member for useful presents and unapproachable prices go to MAIN STREET Panacea I o- North Carolina's Greatest Boon TO Suffering Humanity j -o- ', November 29, 1889. Capt. John A. Williams : J. lilKC J1J ICpUJUIlg IO loll t . 1- . i : . a remarkable cure of a friend of minc in my neighborhood, who was greatly reduced .in flesh, suffering with an awful case of Chronic Diarrhoea. The ! best-medical skin failed tor ;ure and tne pauent was 111 a muic ui uespair as to ever being cured, but on trying Panacea Water, a cure was effected in less than a month, although the terri ble disease had been of over twelve months - in duration. This cure is ( marvellous beyond belief and shows i that the water possess 'peculiar adapts-1 bility for curing Chronic Diarrhaa . " J. C. Randolph Capt. John A. Williams is all the time receiving testimonies in favor of Panacea Water. j Our courteous Mayor, Lewis G. Smith, q.,TidS given a strong lesli- f monial to the value of the water in hs own case and the case of one of his f children. His endorsement is very ssron. Mr. M. HF." Hart of Messrs. Harf, Lawrence & Cochran has given' err.- phatic endorsement to the merits of 1 Panacea. His family had visited sev eral celf braced springs but found the Panacea Water the best of any. - ! Mr. J. C. HiTndley has used tfie Panacea Water in h'is family and speaks in the highest, terms of its virtues. He says it acted like a charm. i. Dr. John W. Booth has had anolhc'; case, besides those he has ' heretofore I J given, wherein Panacea Water acted with very remarkable efficacy. - Mr. J. K. Tyler says he has Used t fie Panacea in his family with decided ? benefit. Mr. A. P. Fleming speaks knowing ly of the virtues of Panacea Water. Rev. W. S. Hester says Panacea Wa; t ter acted like a charm in his case, and I now he is equally decided in Nsayin 'l I was of great benefit to his wife. 1 1 John A. William? HEAD AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES OF AMEFlCA OXFORD, N. C. 1

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