PCOR FEMALE. TOILERS. Blank Books Blank Books Blank Books f Blank Books Blank Books Blank Books Blank Books Blank Books A Titntljr Hint for I'etttcoatrd fiaflVmce Atator and Their Fo'.Xowcr. Within a year two of tho leading- jour nals tr this country, one in New York, tho other in Chicago, made a somewhat cursory ami superficial investigation Into tho condition of our female wage-work crs, aal discovered enqujrh to, for a tin:e, aila;t arpuso and exclto public interest in their behalf. In ChlT'ago, write lZd R- Frltchard in the Arkan sas Traveler, thousand of voting pirls wero f.-und cooped up in cramped, dark ani illthy apartments and working liko slave unir tho lash for starvation war. yizny of the pirU lived from ono to thrt miles from the factory or shop n ,7, I, ' ' , Jm, t 14', Journals, Dav-Books. oa foot, for tho reason that their scanty jJLedgcrs, Journals, Day-Books. The Day For 1890 ! $ S. &R. L. DEALERS IN A Complete Daily Local Newspaper. A Complete Daily Local Newspaper. 1TO START OFF THE NEW YEAR. Ledgers, Journals, Day-Books. Ledgers, Journals, Dav-Books. Ledgers, Journals, Da'-Books. AND ALL KINDS BLANK BOOKS o- THE OXFORD BOOK STORE. o- W.-:-W.-:-JONES. I"1 INK 15 KEF iNU 1 ORK p earnings did not pvrmit them tho lux ury of a street-car rido. Not a few of tho pirU suted that in very bad weath er they did fide to or from their work, but that It was always dono at tho ex po n so of their table; that is, tho money paid for car faro meant just that much It wa found, too, thatmost of them, THE OXFORD BOOK STORE. In addition to bein? paid next to nothing lor their work, wero ill treated by their sordid and inhuman employers. Nearly overy shop cr factory had its Bet of rules and regulations, and for any Iola tion of threo tho girls wero fined, so that In ootoo cases their wajres at tho end of tho week- wero materially re duced. I need not go into details to picture tho condition of working girls in our large cities, tho public in a general way is already familiar with their wron., bat I would ask, is it not timo some thing wero dono to better it? Is thero not somo way to put into practical working that law laid down in Holy Writ that tho laborer is worthy Kt hire? It occurs to mo that right here is a rich field for those journals and periodi cals in tho land that aro edited and con ducted by women and devoted to tho beat and highest interests of their sox. I happen to know, however, from an ex amination of most of them that they utterly ignore this all-important sub ject. In their efforts to "promoto the advancement of women tho poor work ing girl cuts a.most insignificant figure md is very rarely if over mentioned. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY.1 A SHOELESS CROWD. X c - 1 a. n I - n - 2 b rt . a n N ft X rr -i re Z- It rives all the Home News and Summaries of State and General News. , It Has Full Faith in the Commercial, Manufacl tiring and Edu cational Future of Oxford, and Puts Forth its Best Endeavors for the Upbuilding of Our City. It It Is Is Uncompromisingly Uncompromisingly GROCERIES j&WD GENERAL MERCHANDISE. (Successors to R. L. Hunt & Co.) Have largely increased stock hereto ore carried, and intend supplying the trade with the best and freshest goods at the low est possible prices. Full line of Groceries, Fancy and Staple. Our "PLANT A"Flour is the best in the market for family use. We Solicit Your Patronage. ZINEMAN'S f pvIAMANTA SPECTACLES V t JJlAMANTA OPECTACLES J AND EYE GLASSES. In selecting Spectacles and Eye-Glasses it is very important that the eyes are fitted with Lenses of the proper foeal power and also of the greatest brilliancy and highest For Oxford J degree of purity that can be obtained. The JP Ul VSL.lvyl U- Diamanta Lenses are found to posses? FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME. FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME. The Dayis a paper which family. will interest every member of your The Men Read It ! The Men Read It ! The Ladies Read It ! The Ladies Read It !. posses? these qualities in the highest degree, and are free from specs so often found in the more common grades of goods. They are also fre from scratches, and, being very hard, as their name indicates, they do notasily become scratched when in use. I Do not buy Spectacles or Eye Glasses of people who do not understand how to fit them, but go to W. D. LYNCH, and have your eyes prop erly fitted with a pair of Diamanta Specta cles or Eye Glasses. Not sold by Peddlers. Spectacles and Eye Glasses are warranted. IN Gold, Silver, Steel and Nickle Frames. Sold in Oxford by W. D. LYNCH. i The Children Read It ! The Children Read It ! Families wishing to pack and salt pork for the wintrr season would do well to call on nie before buying elsewhere. Vcrv Respectfully, K. SCHWARTZ. Forrctfalnr of Pullman Portvr nd It Itrult. Soven ladies and eleven gentlemen wero lar.JJ. from a X'ullman palaco car in Clnciar.aU a few morning since with out shoeito tliclr xeet, ana tnis, says tho Philadelphia Record, is how it hap pened: On the Pennsylvania west-bound express out of Pittsburgh in tho even in? there wa.i an Unusually heavy travel from New Yorl;. and at Pittsburgh it wa necetary to attach an oxtra sleeper. Tho prter selected for tho run was an IZaitf rn route man, and ho discovered sxn after tho train left tho'depot that an old friend of hU was running on one of tho regular ahead. Tho darkies met. exchanged salutations and agreed, after getting all their peoplo to bed, that it would bo a good schemo to polish tho passengers, shoes together in tho Tor- ward car and spend tho balance of tho nieht in a social chat with intervals de voted to libatien from a pocket-flask. Tho porter of tho extra gathered his people's shoes together in a pil low-caso threo Parisian petlto pairs owned by young ladles of Cincinnati en route hose from Europe, four pairs of matronly gaiters and eleven pairs of various styles and sizes belonging to the men In the car. Ho took them forward to his chum's car, each shoo carefully chalked with tho number of tho berj. and tho two guardians of the slumber ing pas.ser.gers had a genial time to gether, so pleasant a time, in fact, that it was nearly daybreak when it occurred si tho porter of the extra that it would bo well to tako up his people's shoes and get back to his own car. Ho went back, but his car had van ished! To say that ho. turned white with astonishment would bonoexogger- ation. Tho Cincinnati car had been switched at Columbus, and the Cincin nati passengers shoes wero spinning along at fifty miles an hour toward In dianapolis, on tho St. Louis section of tho Vandalia express. Tho porter felt the gravity of tho situation so far as be was concerned, and at the next stop ping station ho disappeared rapidly to ward tho east with a pillow-case full of shoes over his shoulder. Tho passen gers did not discover their loss untibthe breakfast hour, and tho comical surprise ran better be imagined than described. They reached their homes in carriages with slih:iy soiled hosltty. Tut: Prir.ce of Wale, who used to boa ontant shopper, has had to glvo it ip. All his purchase cow are sent to Marlborough Houso cr to Sandring lam. He is very popular with tho shop teepers, never leaving a shop without raising hii hat and 'thanking them very ncch-' Mineral Hotel ! CHASE CITY, VA. A Winter and Summer Home for D) si replies. t. Mineral Water Free to Guests. M. X- HARDY, Proprietor. ring and Heating ' Moves. All Styles and Sizes at Rork Bottom Prices. Also full line of Hardware, Cruckerv, S. W. MITCHELL & SONS. , N. LYON, Salesman. For Rent ! A large and comfortable dwelling bouse in Oxford. ? pplv to I. S. HUNT. JUST ADDED TO STOCK! A new and beautiful assortment Of Jewelry Watches and Silver ware. Bridal and Christmas presents a specialty. Repairing of all kjnds done on short notice and guar anteed. D : YNCH. II. T. HUGHES' While Bright and Spicv it is Free from Sensation, and Excludes 1 ONSORIAL - JTARLORS ! from its Columns Anything of an Unclean or Objectionable Char- tjnder Herndon Block No. i, Com. Ave. acter. present quarters are in two large adjoining rooms. Have added to my turniture, am Vpor having electric lights put in and fixing up and; comfortable tonsorial parlors. With what I have ordered and now on the way I will have everything which uertains to a HCEST-OLASS Wc want to Double our Circulation during the Present Will you help us ? Tfx'oii nrp nrf nlrr'nrlv n snb.jfrihfr. have voiir names entered , ww. -- - r i - ' n , . , , . j TTT, t ,r uaroer snop. vviu nave a iuii complement upon our subscription books' at once. Ten cents secures 1 he Hay of competent assistants in a few days, will for one week; iorty cents lor one month; Jj4.oU lor one year. C. E. Alley, The Butcheif -tall No 11. Oxford .Market. - '11 1 !: I'RKall i:ST ANI) BEST JEeef, Mutton, Pork and Sausage, Every dav at c eive prompt my Stall. Orders re attention and delivered immediately to any l art of the city. DIVISIBLE &ULll.G HOKE A.D LOT FOR SALE AT riBLic irnioi. I will sell at public auction in front of the courthouj-e in Oxford, Mon day. Jan. 2;, 1S90, the drsirablc dwelling house and lot on High St., adjoining h)ts owned by R. J. Mitch ell, R J. Aiken and L. Thonia. The hou5e is commoqicus, well built and contains seven rooms. lerms, one- half cash and balance in six and twelve months. 1 Mks. B. CoorLK, Trubtee. ARE YOU GOING TO MARRY ? If you are9 you will need a SUIT of FUR ITURE. I have in stock anything you want from the common Poplar to the most elegant Oak, Cherry and Walnut. All of the latest Designs. Also Wardrobes, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, Extension Tables, &c. IF YOU ARE MARRIED And, need anything in m)' line 1 can supply you with the Best Goods at the jnost Rea sonable Prices. Special attention is called to a new supply of Reed and Rattan rockers, up holstered withh silk plush. They are beau ties. . J QS. A. WEBB, . " Furniture Dealer. spare no efforts to give my customers com plete satisction. JISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Griffin, Glenn & Co. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent James McLean withdrawing from the co partnership. The business will be con tinuepby W. G. Griffin and W. B. Glenn under the firm name of Griffin & Glenn, who will collect all; accounts and settle all debts. " W. G. Griffin. W. B Glenn. 1 Ias. McLean. December 1st. 1889 Banking House of L C. Cooper & Sons OXFORD, N. C Banking in All its Branches. ; Accounts of Corporations, Merchants and Individuals so licited. Ample facilities for giving all necessary accom mo dai ions. ' Collections Receive Prompt Attention. , GRIFFIN & GLENN, BUGGY, CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKS, COMMERCIAL AVE., OXFORD, N. C We have recently enlarged our shops, nut in new and improved machinery, and are prepared to do as good work and as promptly as ary house in the State. We ! ask an inspect .on of the handsome Buggies and substantial Wagons we are now turn ing out. Parties owing us are . requested 6 make immediate payment, as we need money. MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. A. BUCKWHEAT AND MAPLE SYRUP. KITCK WHEAT AND MAPLK SYRYP. SHREDDED OAT SHREDDED OATS - AND OAT MEAL: AND OAT MEAL. N. C. New River Mullets. . ' -N. C. New River Mulletsr N. C. Roe Herrings. - f N. C. Roe Herrings. N. C. Cut Herrings. N. C. Cut Herrings. No. 2 Large Mackeral (in kits ) . No. 2 Large Mackeral. (in kits.) MILK LUNCH CRACKERS AND MILK LUNCH CRACKERS AND PIC-NIC CHEESE. PIC-NIC CHEESE. " FRESH AND JUST OPENED. FRESH AND JUST OPNNED. AT' ' ' AT ' . WHITE S GROCERY V. H. WHITK, Proprietor.