.;.- it it-. THE DAY GIVUS All the News of the dav ;' in iiiK !; j Largest City Circulation ! ; of any paper published in f (Kford. ! land is furnished at lOcts. I per week. Vn:.!".n: I. NMitii: 102- OXFORD, X. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 15, 1890. Single Copies: 3 Cts. km M d fP . imMmmWml wl tej tail N N v Fruits ! Fruit's ! NOTES OF THE DAY. r. - f i, I T. W. JACKSON &Co's! THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. !.. "L Sweet I'l'-iiil t Omm-n jHr-.i-ii. Tht.nwU . - t l.!fa I .UH - .'.,. r. v. an 4 T I! m til i i III l!lV "... . . . io CASlLSpT, I . ... 1 DIM r.;icv (.f..:.s. larg- iv.in pari n 1 151 l . ui 1 :! l'!u,!,;ili!!:;do;i aj;: Minor I'vcnt, Retrospective nm'. I'ro- flxrfUr, Cullicrrtl A!oitt the City H .lliir Ainl Her oi I ;;e nii'a-cu narkct is very ;k:ivi The v i : k 1 Las. changed again, and warm weal her will resume its sw ay. The elv trie ligh ts went out in the a 1 1 v part uf last nil.t. and were not I l-ar am in sevt ra: Tia re wr.s a ir.i-t- ar:!" lite Li V.r last in.i.l, hut r.o lra e w;:s i to he seen tirs moir.int;. n :rs. f.ili at a () 1)1)1-). I i;vt vr -aw. I r . i V I . i N , i vi !-;;: . - i. ' N. C . l a . o;mi'kI a luaiM h .store I . r 1 , " iMT M.:.af f!it:' :.: k r in lb- r vloii I'.!. J; No. 2, on Coil-gt J 20 LrVoJ:'--i--!;:-Vi:;,ril':rt-:- ,i vv r . r tviioi i a . lOO J.I . i..,, x.u-. tc. Oxford Bakery and Candy Factory. Mr. I .1. O lit.r::. men lia:. (list-hrok- cr, I a - re i.vti to tl:e ::ilcli or VilSi::r:.! r.ro s-itvt three doors w: .." t ( ,-!":;. I Il k-!. Mes-rs. N. CI .a; '-.an ec Co.. o CI ! Va., have lK)'.:::,t out tht iMr'ncri! si jf M. J. A. Ni'rao ti vvvT C-o.. i ii C 11 go st:eet. PURELY PERSONAL. on the former I! it ;.;e ..s. Ilf.i-.tlu v" Urs. Co Tlkv JmiJiis mul "V'lifr-aluts of Sostte People You Know. r. Jas. Herring, of Pender county, is in tiicVily- Mr." A. W. Graham left morning train for Rahigh. Mr. las. M. Leach, a Oxonia.;, is in the city today. Miss Mamie YYche, of Henderson, is s;'ndin;; the day. in Oxford. Dr. J. G. Hunt went to Er field fhis morning to be gone a few days. Mr. Geo. I). Reivis has removed from tht city to his farm near "the corporate limits. Rev. C. A. Jenkins is moving his family ai d household goods to the Ox ford Female seminary. v Dr 15. Dixbii v.eiu to Raleigh ye-terdoy U- attend the Masonic Grat'd la .dt:e now is session there. M:s. Fain H. Alien and Misi Reav- is, of Henderson, sister and daughter'1 of Mr. Geo. Ii. ReavF, are paying; nun a visit. i Mr. J. K- Wood, levcnue ganger und storekeeper, left tod.?y to takv I charge of a vvhibkev distillery at Giosoavii, N. C. - OXFORD THE PLACE CHOSEN 30 YEARS AGO AS SEAT OF BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE. , GRANVILLE Female Institute! OXFORD. X. C. oJisct v I:. a a! .:t. - - .-, r ,,. .. . . ' vV.:t I . ;'a; j ..i I. -.if. r i. 1 i t r , !t ! r:.- !. a. , .- r t-..-i i'. :tai - t. v.ir have o !H(1 a !ovtv :-w in .h IJU'iner War .!-iise, whirh !. iim -.villi the r a-h Iii tal li Nirv liv t . K !i r.e. T.us v. inu r h s 1 m 6 var:n th:r it n; i e sary U He i ; willi us 1 imr i i ; 'l 1 i .Ii((l;c (aiimr lC-si;iis. Tin. IIwii John A. Gnmer tendered h:s resigt.at.'or. as Juc'ge of this district yeterday. Granville and many other counties j present tlie name of R. W. Winston, a .o i ::s ,:i pp v o i.:s s irUmg juUi ; j.: (, ? 0fOxfl,.cif to (;ov Ko,,,. as hjs vi ' N -ire ki .i of u:a. t gl.ie. j "11:. s. G. Tax lor -ho vtd i s :o- the 11 v ! tk t :o ;ral irj'er o a i .Vr v a : ev r h i t ' la.. ;;s :ar: a n r.-i. ... ' I i li;r- : :. V, im :: P . 11 w! i ii he i.iisa! in i.:s l.t d r.. A !::!.! 1 1 of :i;:s v ;i talre !la row w u'd f tri$ farcy f:,;t:r. s in jr.. t in it her., ma; 'i is. Ti:e folh.v. i: dec:s:(-i w:s n nder- ed lr. tie u:' in. i .Win!1. Can hr.a succ-vs -or This appointment would do more to popularize his admi.-aration than any of-his : flu ial acts. Mr. - Winston is not only endorsed ly the entire bar of Granville and Per son, hut als'i ly V iueh men a; Maj. J-. -Wr- il-i:..:.-io e u:i!,iv; l-'.ailn V:.l vs. Tr; W. Ciraham, Manm!rS: cior. W. W. I tit i it .,5? .i:-'iMi ;;.. a ;'4..ir.. sr.. I . ,J' . i:.i.i . A :' k i.K. i: :!!. kr? Ci : : ri h : err. r. a j-rdgn.en t s! !e er.n. rsd in o:.rt ovkav m ln or of d 'V: d'ant. x It :s'roi!!v:i d of ;he nvrchanrs o;" the c ity to c ! w :iv ir stores I'rid iv r.igl::, and attend the mee'.ing of th-(?i-..;:mler of C ::::n- r . in tir-Opeia Origin am Progress of Female Edu cation Among tlie Baptists of tlie State. Oxford's Prominent Part. When Wake Forest College was projected for boys it was the aim of our fathers to establish a school ' for girls, and this place (Oxford) seems to:" have bttn talked of. iV r Dr. Watt. - - came here and started a school of high grade which, with some-little in terval, has been in existence all these y( ars. Biblical Recorder. Rev. J. J. James, ot Yaneeyville, in the Biblical Recorder this weeks.; quotes the above, and after remarking that the State convention in 1S3S adopted a report in favor of estab lishing a Female' Seminary in Raleigh, but the resolutions, like many others, was still born and nothing more was done, goes on to say : The writer must beg the indulgence of his readers for what may seem un due reference to bis own efforts, as he can give the facts in no other way. After forming a somewhat extended acquaintance in the State, he was impressed vfTen visiting families of mtjans at the disparity in the education of the sons and that of the daughters ; and hen he met with "a family where the daughters were -well educated and asked fo what school they had gone, the' answer was. 'most- invariabl.y Female Institute h"ad been established and was in successful operation,-, and wishing as editor to sustain the f-ame relation to both schools, he resigiud as trustee at Oxford, after which he knew nothing of its internal manage ment, lioth institutions received at his hands the friendship and a d which he as editor could give. After a sucv cessful run of some years he learned that the Oxtord College was financial ly so embarrassed that it would have to be sold, which afterwards wadonc, and Bro. J. H. Mills became the pur chaser, and for sume time continued the school. How long, the writer does not now remember. "S..ihm." Wake Forest, Davdson, Trinity and Chapel Hill supplied edu; cation- for the bos of the State, but where were similar institutions for the girls? The subject so weighed on the writer's mind that he made it a matti. r of conversation with the heads of families and with his brethren of the minis'rj', and a few years later he introtiiued :r in the Convention, and' ir.i!!.,. V.-f, ...1.-1 . . . . . ...w, ,.uvi v.-.n...-,. . 1 when that r. dv met m J.ouisburLC The apiu.intme: t w.Ii likely be j (1850 or '5 1) with the co-operation m:de tomorrow.' Of Mr. Winston's on1 otner brethren, induced the STATE SIFTINGS. ' Nortli Carolina Items of Interest Clip. eel and Condensed from Kxclinnes. Evangelist Fife lias concluded his revival at Durham A purse -of 459 was raised for him. News has been received from Africa announcing the death of Rev. C. L. Powell, the North Carolina missionary, who recently killed his little daughter in a fit of insanity. He "died in' the hospital at A.gieis. Rev. Sam Jones writes that he will meet his engagement in Charlotte in April, provided a tabernacle sufficient ly large enough to seat 5,0c o people be erected. A committee to secure site and attend to braiding has been appointed. A young man from Ca 'dwell and a young lady frcm Lincoln, went up lo Lenoir to get married a lew da)S ago. She cautioned him of the danger of her changing her mind ii she found out that he ciiank. (Jn Sunday he got lool drank. Monday she took the uain for home, he g.ing atony trying to per suade her to reconsider. IN A GENERAL WAY. j qualifu alio; s for the offiee it is not . .. - . - A I.t. OF h:)5 AMI of !:;;vr:r Pr m.r.cr.t gei.t'emen v. ii; d- n, r; .- ...'t;. t s'; ' 'Is r .1: 'l . - . .,: :i.n ai tiu furi::'U-c . i . :... . .a.. :: ; .u.u .i. M ivt r ..I ti. .a... I rly . !iv J UrAtt,- l .'vat'.;-. Kr.triji. ai- j .(..x tt.'v .;.! I;.. II. !'l" . r.:y- I tual i a. iin-it. in I I fevt C..:n n s.u l iv f. laU ivlc at il'c f.v.r, ainj runs I. .. ir..-.. --a I v: ! wt " '"'"'"'"A, "s a fa-at ;. Jl in . V!C a 4 H I' S i- i.; ur 'tJ c a. l! v I.-:; ancc ia i . :j ,1 .U W- ' 'V Ks':.. : Mrs X.-.ty I'. l.ij.r. I it 1 t-.tti . t -" . liar M) o !i.s in reier.r.ce to gelt:: tie 1 5 1 1 li-.! Fcinah- Univcisitv ioat.d neiesary to speak. He is one the ablest lawyers in the State. of Visit oftJInsoiiic Grantl Lodge. The Grand" J,odge of Masons of in (-,:n:d, ai d imp. rtant a. ii-An taken No;th Carolina, now meeting in Ral- in the inciter. Iv.ery bn-ines u:a;i ieigh, is e xpected to come'lo Oxford in inl-. r. -I'.lin '.he r; irt .f this meeting. : a pCKfy -.bout sixty. nrg tomor row to visit the Orphan As. lu n. 0,'hI a!: should alte'. fl. THE TRAINS. Uuffalo I.ithia Water A t Fu : ma 1 & . H ays' . .vi r .4' ..r .tht -. l lO.i.i- Tlieir Arrlvn'H and Itejmr(ureit Here Per the Svw Stieilnle. OX!OKI CLAKKsMI I : li. '. j N" rJi.bund trains airive 10:41 a. j M. . and 8:05 p. M. j M :; u: i't-, ,!. e . ia it. l. , , . . 1 , ok ; r. (ir. sai.i: - .:ti.HiHi1i..u tram-arrive 1 rnd 1:42, P. m. OXClOKIl X IIKNUKKSON li. K P M .a.. V' 1 . 1 : - r.:.'t v. . ii ta Train , arrive 10:20, a. m., a .d 3: t 1 a 1 -.i.v. rv;.:.;vrtil ' . m. - 1 ... i.ti .i:aiay ..;..:.. I .-. I' SI Use Sin iks Noith Carolina Rheumatic cure for aii aches and pains. . C!ieip Harness. . One hundred ss. ts of harness, usmil price Sio. Will sil for only $j;$o for ti.ir y days. C'all at J. S. Hall's. for !!ale or ilent. Stor. liouve on Raleigh- street . t now Convention. to appoint a committee to ."omi' ate a board of trus tees for - the establishment ot a ifemale college in the town of Oxford. This thr Convent:'o!i did, a: d it 'iViis the first decided actio;1, of a public character taken by'the Baptists for the advancx--ment of female education. The- new--ly appointed trustees called a meeting and fixtd on tiie Wrilter as their .uent ion. tie went to vear to the subject, -travelling almost inces santly among the Bjptiets, and plead ing net -only for the , necessary funds with which to star the college, but urging on parent's the ; importance oi patronizing- it, thus giving their to get up t.'ie mstitm1 work and devoted an entire da'tghters proper literary unOvT baptist, instructors. advantages The writer a.. at ! ..r in iv' ! t! i'l a:J .5t !. i:!a. Ki'i.ril. 't fviiln- La : i.iiin:' ! ...a 1 "it iTTfcri " Ti!i !mPi,n! , i-nn. t t i. l ..ori u:t upKd Dy v. At. tierccrt. ' IV T I? Wihmmc e.d.K-e'a.. TheO. .V II trains make rh.se con- ;tc J..a:s . . . ,, , , j, . o.,j. . .... .. ..1 t.n- rti.i 10 . "11111 - - - - . . - u i.j. . . . . . . . 1 .1 1 n .flr. i'- . ,-,.-n v vi.ti' p. 1. an i s r.oriu a cisouin, ;1 trU It'- t' t . Tito- ...;-.. If yen want to have successful gardens. i n'.aiit U'oo.ls Seals. Your merchants will . cimi.lv fli-n T W Wiw.rl X- Ac. ; . xl. P.!! :; ;:r.aul.:'. U.ivisc i.rv.rj li g at.. . t o;m n g I o U. Ivil U. men, Kichmead, Va. .n.. ...t.. r.. . n;. ;u 1-4 . ieve;; aire, . it U-. Tla: O. .V C. Ir.iiiu n.nv 1 1111 thromdi i .,1 t in 5 i-:r .a-l !'V Ml'. v.J. . . 1. ' X 1 U. .s-itr, j.'.", a d wile. ro:5J lu.t, .a., to Ka.eign, A. , The undersigned, is prepared to do a lim- 'J., I avii u Wt ln..t at 8. a. m., j itetl amount at copying; either legai, manu- J. M. ClK!:t, rru-U-c. ;uul ail vine' at U d i h at iS o ir : 1 ticr,I)l or !cr. bausiaciion guaranteed; lh' ?. t - ) 1 . ! ' . ' 1 charges moderate. Address G. C, carf riimd it a pretty harcUup hill business. He S'.iceedt d, tio-.vever, in raising an amount sufficient for the purchase of 1' a.i eligible locatTon and house, for the openpig of tiie. institution. He waittd on the Legislature, then m s ssion. and obtained f er it a sliowing irregularities .in tne ou ac- Impoitr.il t Ilnppeiiins ii Otlier 8tt:(CM and Countries. A genuine bhzzurd is reported in the Northwest. Hon. John M a rslial Stone was inau gurated Governor of Mississippi yester da. . Hon. E. K. Wilson. Djnicerat, was elected United States Senator from Maryland yesterday. The largest J.eal execution that ei r occurred in the United Slates i bill- d for Fort Smith, 'Tex.V next Thurtdav, when nine men are to be hanged at one time seven Indians a 1 two ne groes. Elevator No. 3 of the north-side "of the Patapsco Rier, Baltimore, belong ing to the Pakimore Elevator Compa ny, and used by the Northern Central Railroad -Company, was burned Sun day night, with all its contents. The total los is about seven -hundred 1 thousand dollars. The firiuMi steam- ship Sat robos o, hing aloinstde, . was also totally dtstroyt-;d, involving a loss ot 150,000. . A Cleveland, O.. special says that a morning paper publishes a star m nt subin;ttei ity an expert bookkeeper, NoKTit V.KiiAS,, 1 t)i".v:a;.K Oh'kt. ; riving ai Wel Point at 6. p. m. Ike. 1 is li..tiv! --- t aa v. 1 Wit. t..:.c r. '.i'vbt !:eis:.uet!.f..ri!u..rcc; l'altjn.ore. P. -at-.ivr t"Cit :;..ai Ii.-.- I.ia. it mull - ;mak.:;g ins.- 1 1 ;r.u tii.ns v iih , e- i r a M..r t.. . 1 . i . ,; ar at ti .... at C . t:rt . Jv.tl M . ta l.i ( Vv i t MoruIaV ; !t. ,.:ivar c'i'tp!a:;;I of; Fr Iiifoiuialliia of tlie IuJIie. ' :.ers to a.O IroUll "I he ofilee lif.urs of the 'Western Union i TeL-raph Comnauy and" tlie Southern Ex- j press Co:nj:an- are iromS, a. 111. to S, p. m.n II. I). White. S'jVI'i 1 1: n i xpk rss. IC.'res; shii oin b.. 1; w.U be ft ma . I.a.-viti::.-. C S. C. npti v For Kent. NOTICH. a. m. t tar. s : 1-or natter g in.; N r-h, at 10:15.! irsi-ciass ien 1 in vitey, complete. For r.utt.r going S. uih, at ; V(J(lrts nr -Pi 'X !(ilx . a- UM- ,.( ' I Mv dv.ors are nowthrowa wiae itjien for : Jin- n -i i-t 1! it 111 11" fill" tiiii"!s of r.n.-"v- riiirl i I ni rule mil be m le tiy arnca UVu-oii work. Satistaction guaranteed. ! Las r.fv.i oro. -ti-d fy i'.h- II 4rd tf t'or.i-! I.- i B. F. Tavl'ok. .-.;- j.er..v j da tvii.k. M-ei.ty i:.t iumi::hts r m-'iic v tv i.-.-i.cd to any .rsoii whv has ! O : 1 P- 11 rwu.'i-.ai iis tnx hti-t ta:; payer; ara. v. I: 1 1 1 v Mich t ta;:a.i m at ::ir T. l. WALl.MK. .:n.;a:i JJ d Cu. i..n'j. r.iee a half ho ir bi the trains. THU MAILS. )ie I tie arrival o! i Th mails are c ios: d it li e post Eest in I lie. 3Inrlset. "P'ack Prince," "May Apple'.' a-d "Mat- Touacco at Davis, Thomas 1 I ince," Chewi j tSi Co "s. charter. The trustees then proceeded to select the faculty of the, restitution, placing Dr. Samuel' Wait, ex-president of Wake Forest College, at the head and this explains Dr'. Wait "agoing to Oxford to start a school of high grade. l')r. Wait was no doubt in favor of female education of high grade, for he was a scluxd man all his life, and a iireat blessinir in that re.-pect to tlie iJaptis-ts of North Carolina, but that he took any special intertst er made sny particular sacrifice in this effort to get uj) a femaie institution till appoint ed its president, writer does not know. The school opened favorably, and con tin tied to grow in number of ,upils and in influence. Tire writer, tliough living fony miles from it, as chair man of the b. ard of trustees, attended its meeting; reeulaHy, and cUd what he could to arouse anc! increase the public-' -'"interest in this important department of education. M' a . while, he was called to the cfJire ' f the Recorder. Murfreesboro counts of the citv of Cleveland a gre- gating 3, 000,000.'; iud)y all oi this money was paid out by the city with out the approval of the council, al though the iaws ot Ohio distinctly re quire that every clajn: be included in tlie regular claim ordinance. The publication creates a great sen.ation. Y tinted. Position as book-keeper or salesman by a young-man, lull graduate of the Virginia Business College. Is now employed as tel-egra"ph-- operator,- and desires ' change i f work. 1'iease address, spitirg tern;?, cit. cne. Best reference n. - ' I', li. Gujson, Stuart, Va. Use Snfiley's Nonh Carolina Kheumauc cure tor aii aciies and puins. : . . .- .ot.' On Sui.day morning a small iojnter ia;p, yellow, wiui white Seet and breast. Any information concerning his whereabout will fie thankfully received, f C. II. Pakiiam. Use Smiley 's Xsc-rth Caroiiiut Rheum'a.ic cure for all aches and paiiui. ,

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