i like a healthy man, axil there is more timidity taan braggadocio about his bearing. It is haid at Constantinople that ho dares not movo about unattended throurb-the streets of the Turkish quarter, und hs home is. on the European side of the water. When he takes a ride through iiis capital the whole army at Constantinople turns out to guard him. Yf How fand is sprinkled over the road in Uer that his royal bones be not jolted, and he has a couple of the most noted of his (len' rr.ls in the carriage with him. I am told that ho is really fond of his subjects, notwithstand ing tho dangers ofhis situation, and that he would do much for the betlerinjr of his kingdom if it were not for the plots and plotters which continually sur round him. His situation is practically the .same as that of the other Asiatic monarchs of the courts which I visited. Not one of them felt secure and safe upon his throne, and all of the countries of Asia have their political 'factions and thoi political intrigues. b G. Carpen ter,. in National Tribune. FOREIGN GOSSIP. DtM-ae ha ravaged some of thn prou pree;ves in Scotland to an alarming xtent. On one unor nvently out of -XO birds killed ail had to bu buried. Th government monojioly articles of Honiuras are gunpowder, tobacco, riirsand liquor. It retains completo and absolute control, of the liquor trail!;:. Altho'i'h slavorr doos not exist, properly iakin?, in China, in the eyes of the law the largo boa ting-population and actors All the position of slaves. There is in Windsor cattle a gold punch-lowl and ladle for which (leorgo IV. paid lO.OoO guineas, and the invest x ment is wholly profitless because there is never a drop of punch browed in it. When the construction ofu railroad is undertaken in China the natives burn a temple, and then persuade the pjoplo that it is a manifestation of the wrath of the gods against the road. London lawyers now employ short hand in their ofilce work. The entries, drafts, affidavits and the multitude of other documents they are called upon to prepare are now taken down in short hand at their dictation and are copied from that. In a village in thecanton of Lucerne. Switzerland, there is a society of old . maids. Itt numbers eighty, and, queer enough, it is tinder the patronage of the : "Sr. Catherine Matrimonial Agency.' They perform acts of charity, and aro : highly st emed in their neighborhood. Then are now such a large number of foreign olHecrs studying at Herlin that the Isernmi Government has estab lished an international military academy for their accommodation. There are a gi-eat many Turks and also several Chi ii's otlicers. An association in-London, called the , Sunday Society, occupies itself with ' arranging the opening of- private col lections to the public on the Sabbath. For two Sundays recen Wellington lias oDyned thoc who wished to see its treasures. -king Humbert, before leaving .Na- am jn fir8t-cass condition. Ap pics, ordered that a bronze . wreath , . . 1 should as -oon as risible !. deposited 1 Vl' at tllls 'ncc- on Garibaldi's crave in place of the o ETSa SSTTSSSm KECTV T7rS OXFORD, N.. G. J. S. & K, Li. Hunt, DEALERS IN urn 'GROCERIES iNX IENERAL MERCHANDISE. (Successors to R. L. Hunt & (-jfD Have largely,increased stock lurtteore carried, and -intend' supplying .the trade with the best and freshest goods at tHe low est possible prices. Full lineol Groceries, Fancv ai.d Staple.' Our VI' LA NT A" Flour is the btstn the ; market for family use. f W e Solicit Your Patrcna ge. -The wife of a bald-headed man is constantly shadowed by the suggestion that she is.not an amiable woman. GoU'h Way Is liest. Pa;; the pcrtalj cf to-day; Something waits us dowu tr way, Joyj, perhrps, Jor you and mc Sorjo feu. I dn-urn.j to realize, "Vaii3 rus, a i.i2 s.urrie; V.'e may guos: but can not see. Just beyond the ruL-ty screen Of the v:i TIiu 3 drops between, Soraetuij wai's us, joy or v:co, Throbs of hcirtacje, thrills of bliss, lichees of a p.:rtii. kios, Life, or djalii. We do not know "Wait, tiicu shrouded mystery! It !. well we can n-. t see. It is well we do not know. L.;Ie aad love are ours to-day. Cod, in mercy, Lidcs to-day, Vc muot treai in joy cr woe. v I1c.se llarlwick Thorpo Best Goods ! , Lowest, Prices ! Commercial Ay e The Day For ISQO ! ;A LA on the Sabbath. 1 ' , ' 1 . j tly the Duke of h Qf JalC i UirgaiFl . Apsley house to c-3 A lar c iron safe, of best make . Complete Daily Local Newspaper. Complete 'Daily Local Newspaper.. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. PUBLISHER EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. ZINEMAN'S f TNIAMANTA O PECTACLES (; JLIAMANTA- OPBCTACLLS A NILE YE GLASSES. In selecting Spectacles ard Kye-GlatVts it is very important that the eves are fitted with Lenses of the proper focal powtr and also ot the greatest brilliancy and' higluet degree of purity that can be oblaiiiea. The Diamanta Lenses are found to pcses.c the.se qualities in the highest degree, aed are (rte from specs so' often found in the mere com mon grades of goods. They are also fre from scratches,' and, being very hard, as their name indicates, they do not easily bee me scratched when in use. Do not bin' Spectacles or Eye Glasses of people who d not understand how to .fit them, but go to V. D. LYNCH, and have your eyes prop erly fitted with a pair o Diamarta Specta cles or Eye Glasses. Not sold'by I'codlers. Spectacles and Eye.Glasses are warranted. In Gold, Silver, Steel And Nickle Frames. Sold in Oxford ijv W. D. LYNCH. . o flowers he haJ put then. He said: ()ur country ar. l my houso owe so much to ; UaribaKH that this Islam! must boar .' from my.'lf and my son a tribute of everlastin - gratitude." . lielgium Man uneomfortablu coun try for rmlK'Tlers. A cashier employed by the city of Ghent, who emlezzleJ j l;.t)00 francs of the municipal cash, has j j ist caught it very hot indeed. He has lKen sentenced U forty years imprison in t on cmlH'Zilevl, and will, in addition, lose all his civil rights. The power of one of the greatest ; political figures of tho day. perhaps of all time, is said to 1h on the wane. The Kmprvs.s Dowager of China has been shorn of .her prestige by the rolelious indopondenco of the 'young Kmperor. He nfas4J to see the b'ride which" she ; forced upon him. and has len issuing vigorous decrees on his own account. , lie has ben censuring tho old Ministers right and lef particularly-Chang Chi S Tung. THE SULTAN'S POSITION. c llii'g For Rtjnt ! i A l.irl'c c os f. r'. blc i Iioii3 ii Ox. rti. pply to S I - ). . !fUNT. Perry, Wright & Merrill At trives all the Home News and Summaries of State and General News. ! It Has Full Faith in the Commercial, Manufacturing and Edu Icational Future of Oxford, and Puts Forth its Best Endeavors ibr HAVE A i the Upbuilding of Our City. i . ".'.--. ''." !Tfon 8AR3,R SH0P1It Is Uncompromisingly For Oxford nlered to restoro tho entire sum he has ,., b.i j rf T T T-r- rrr Tvrv-m lCI Tl 01 7" "FiYir TWfnrrl OXFUKI) No XTII C.K()MN.. flu x! workmen and Sati factor v rt -- f.,., ) f . - IH'C I t lUmeral ECbtel i work-i FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME. FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME. T The Day is a paper which will familv. interest every member of your CHASE CITY, VA. A Winter a d Summer Home D.sjOj)ti. Hinsral Water Fie? to Guests M. K HARDY, l'r- pnetor.. foJ The Men Read It ! ITlie Men Read It ! 'INK ;1 KEF. M) IN'K DKKF I-'xSD 1 ORK ; ? Q : :j I. X 5" "2 n . w 3 5S " p. 1 Like Ttmf of Othrr Orlrnlal Itulrnt It I DrcMt-tlljr fn.tfe. His Majesty, tho ruler, leads by no means a happy life, notwithstanding his int ojuo of $10,000,000 a year, and that ho has hi wives by the score. His prede cessors lived in a great palace on tho banks of tho (lolden Horn, or rather of tho llosphorus at the point where tho Horn commences. In front of this pal ace stands the yacht of tho Sultan, and then is usually a jrunlwat or twq sta tioned near bv to iruard it. The last Sultan woke one morning to find tho i puns of these ships sighted on tho pal ace, and a set of Turkish rebels de manded his surrender. Tho present Sultan has a palaco away back on tho hills. Tho grounds which . surround it contain many acres and there are watch towers built hero, and there amon them. In these jruards are stationed, who keep the landscape over before their eyes, and who would at the least hostile demonstration inform His Ma jesty. He has thousands of soldiers con nected with his own body-guard, but he trusts very few, and like one of the - - .... A former Sultans, he places itnplicU con- j I'EmiBLE CHLLLIaU BOISE AXD LOT FOR SALE AT Science only in his mother. He has had f m-Tin a number of revolutions during his riBLIC 11CTI0.1. rein. and if you look over the history I will sell it public auction in front 01 lurxey you wurnna mat assassi-j of- tlle courihouse in Oxford,. Mon The Ladies Read It ! The Ladies Read It ! The Children Read It ! The Children Read It ! JUST ADDED TO. STOCK ! A new and beautiful assortment of Jewelry Watches and Silver ware. Uridal and' Christmas presents a specialty. Repairiiu: tt all kinds done on short notice and guar anteed. 1 ' YNC'H TL T. HUGHHS " Tonsorial - Parlors ! Under Herndon Block No. I, Com. Ave. I have, combined my two shops ar.d my present quarters'are in two large adjbinlrg rooms. Have added to my furniture, am haviiig'elettric lights put in and fixing up generally to, provide Oxford with elegant and comfortable tonsorial parlors. With vvha I have ordered and now on the way I wifl have everything which pfcrtailis to a PIEST-CLASS Barber Shop. Wilfhave a full complement of competent assistants in a few days.. Will spare no efforts to give my customei s com plete satisctien. TISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Griffin, Glenn & Go. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, James McLean withdrawing from the co -partnership. The business will be. con tinue by VV. G. Griffin and W. B. GlenA under the firm name f Griffin & Glenn, who will collect aU accounts and settle all debts. , W. G. Griffin. , V. B Glenn. U Jas. McLean. December 1st. 1889 . JCeMM While Bright and.Spicv it is Free from Sensation, and Excludes !f -' ! from its Columns Anvthin": of an Unclean or Objectionable Char- : act er. . , v Z3 n 1 a x - - y n - n Families wishing to pack and salt ork for the wint-r season wt)u!d do well to call on nie before buying elsewhere: Very ..espectfullv, F. Si'HWARTZ. ' r- We want to Double our Circulation during the .Present : Year. Will you help us ? . If you are not already' a subscriber, have Arour names entered upon our subscription books at once. Ten cents secures The Day for one week; forty cents for one month; $4.50 for one ycar nation is a very commou fate for a fcul- j d Jan lg - -,he dt sirjb,e ,?h, ili rfr? dwdluhoiandloton High St., times while I was in Constantinople. .. . . 0 . , . lt 1 f- 1 He is a saIW. nervous litti mn. with adjoining lots owned by K. J. Mitch a lloman noc .with a pair of bright, black ores, -which sparkle ashey look out under his rod fez cap. He wears a uit of black clothes, much like those of a preacher, and his coat is buttoned hi''h at tho throat. Ho does not look cli, R J. Aiken and I Thoma fne houc is commodious, well built and contains seven room?. Tern s, one half cash and" balance in six and twelve months. Mils. B. Cooper. Trustee. Banking- House of 1 0, Coop Br ds: OXFORD, N. C Banking in All its Branches. Accounts of Corporations, fcrchants and Individuals so licited. Auipl facilities for giving all necessary accomrmv daiions. v Collections Receive Prompt Attention. GRIFFIN & GLENN, BUGGY, CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKS, COMMERCIAL AVE.OXFORD, N. C. We have recently enlarged our shops, put in new and improved-machinery,, and are prepared to do as good work and as promptly as any house in the State. We ask an inspection of tii,handsome Buggies and substantial. Wagons we are now turn ing out. Parties owing us are requested o make immediate payment, as we need money. " ' MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. MINCE MEAT. -o- BUCKWHEAT AND MAPLE SYRUP. BUCKWHEAT AND MAPLE SVRYP. rSHREDDED OATS SHREDDED OATS v ANDOATIEAL. AND OAT MEAL. N. C. New River Mullets. " N. C. New RiveF Mullets.'. N. C. Roe Herrings. N. C. Roe Herrings. N. C. Cut Herriii?s ' ' A - - o N. C. Cut HerriDgs. No. 2 Large Markeral (in kits ) No. 2 Large Mackeral (in kits.) MILK LUNCH CRACKERS AND MILK .LUNCH CRACKERS AND PIC-NIC CHEESE. " PIC-NIC CHEESE. FRESH AND JUST OPENED. FRESH AND JUST OPNNED. AT AT white's grocery. W. H. WHITE, Proprietor.

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