. . -m a T I 17 TV fill I OL'O AND INTERESTING. Tar ''West End Hi? Hugs" is the titl of a ladles' social club in Allentown, Pa. A tou.no woman in Atlanta, Ga., re cently diuiod herself as a . man and became engaged to six girls in less than four weeks. A Micuioax man has distributed one The Duke of Westminster, who is ono of the veterans of the English turf, is with one exception the oldest English turfman still actively in the lists, be ing now In his sixty-fourth year. He has owned some of the most famous En glish horses of this century, and for three successive years, 1884,, 1835 and 1SS0, held the first place in the list of Knn-liah winners. FernaD3 no otner JOB aiOKiiiw- for m hundred tlckeU to as many women and now will draw a number and will marry j man nas won M mucb money In stakes. the woman holding it. A West Vieoixia girl has saved money enough to buy herself a gold watch by trapping muskrats, skunks and other animals and selling their hids. With a record of having burled thir teen hundred persons, George L. Moore, an aed undertaker of Gutbrievllle, Chester County, Pa., has at last been laid under the sod himself. The description of a missing man which was sent to the Columbus (O.) j police headquarters contained the state ment that he was sixty-five years old and small for his age. Tm: trial of a colored deacon who was arrested at Wichita, Kan., for stealing coal w&s advanced on the justice's dock et at his request in order that he might fill an engagement to preach ojt,the day originally set for hearing. Oxcofthe rood customs established In the little hamlet of Georgetown. Me., is an annual reunion of all the aged peo ple in town. Those of sixty years or more go to the parsonage and spend the day talking ovtr old times, singing old hymns and eating an old-fashioned din ner. The house is always filled with vet erans who enjoy their celebration ex ceedingly. Da. Lewis 'Meisbkbgkr, of Buffalo, a successful physician, died in that city recently, and In his will left &00ior a funeral feast for his friends, which took place twq days after bis death. Cham pagne and oysters were the leading features of the entertainmenhand over tOO people took part In the banquet A free concert was also . provided in the programme. Oxx of the principal merchants of Juneau, Alaska., was in Portland, Ore., the other day. Among other goods he ordered a score or so of coffins, assorted sizes and of tho most expensive descrip tion. He says the Indians in that sec tion can have nothing too rich and elegant in the coffin line. The finest plush for covering and silver handles and studs thickly bespangled over the coffin are what they want and will have if they put up their last dollar. A max with a new scheme was en countered at a Buffalo church. "The man who invented the drop-a-nickle-in-the-slot machine was a dandy, he said, "and I think it could be utilized in .our churches. Such a machine in each aisle would do away with the tedious task of passing the hat the contribution box I mean and by dropping a dime in the slot the church-goer might be given a ticket entitling the giver to a seat and the loaa of a prayer-book. For a long time "No Man's land has been a refuge for ruffians who were afforded security there from the popular idea that it was outside the jurisdiction of any of the adjoining States. The fallacy of this opinion was recently ex posed by a Texan judge, who pointed ou t iht"N'o WnJi Iand" m-. rl pari v within the jurisdiction of the Paris. Texas, court. Since then there has been an exodus of disgusted desperadoes into Oklahoma, and their track to the latter place Is marked by crime of every description. , his aggregate winnings for the last five years having reached to within a frac tion of S400.000. - REM E M BER T i IE- New Year ! PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS At Publisher's Prices : Cash Prices. 25 per cent extra if charged. Holmes' First Reader, new edition, $ .15 Holmes Second Reader, new editior, 25 Holmes' Thjri Reader, new edition, .40 HolmeV Fourth Reader, new edition, .50 Holmes' Fifth Reader. .So .Holmes' New History of the U. S. 1. 00 Maurv's Elementary Geocraphy, .60 Maurv's Revised Manual of Geoerary, North Carolina edition. 1.28 Sanfo d's Primary Analytical Arithmetic .20 Sanford'slnterni Analytical Arithmetic, 36 Sanford's Common School Anal. Arith.. .64 San ford's Higher Analytical Arithmetic 1.00 Worcester's Primary Dictionary .48 Worcester's New School Dictionary . .80 Worcester's Comprehensive Dictionary 1.40 1.50 .48 72 .10 45 .70 .80 60 .28 20 5 .851 Met OXFORD, K C. Rose Pose Rose Rose Seed Seed Seed Seed Potatoes ! Potatoes ! Potatoes ! Potatoes ! Worcester's Academic Dictionary, Worcester's Octavo Dictionary. Webster's Primary Dictionary, Webster's Common School Dictionary MeGuflev's Revised Electric Primer liarvey Revised Elementary Gram mar and Composition, Harvey's Revised English Grammar, Elect nc ( Elemen. ) Copy Books. Per doz. Goodrich's Child History U. S. Swinton's Language Primer Harrington's Spelling Books Steele's Abridged Physiology, Moore s History of forth Carolina, THE OXFORD; BOOK STORE. W.-:-W.-:-JONES The; Finest I Ever Saw. Call at my office and examine - them. Ten Days only for sale and exhibition. 1 Rev. C. Durham. D. D TEST! FIES AS FOLLOWS: It gives us pleasure to bear testimony to the value of Pancea Water. And as results that have come under our observation are the best commendation of this water, we Office. Three Doors Above Osborn House. a tn O 3 O :P': CO o H cr Cu w CD' P . 2 CD o o- m . ACCOMPLISHES -ITS- GOOD WORK -IN- RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY Away from the .Spring as well as at the Spring, Its r ame Is Extending , - ' - . . ... .. ; Rapidly.. MVIS, '.THOMAS & (50: J.- B. ROLLER PERSONAL PARTICULARS. f Carl Soidu is said to lire in dallj terror of being" some daj knocked out bj 4 robber with a sandbag. rn& Prince of Wales, though many tinges a Colonel, is obliged to paj more attention to his regimen than his regi ments. BisMJLKCx'a secretary prepares an epitome of" the day's news on pads, I benefited by it. wnica he rs4s to his autocratic em ployer at night. HrpRcsiuvrATiVE Cxxxox said recent ly that in his fourteen years of serrlce in Congress he had seen more than a thousand men com and go. v TdRS. Mjlbt A.Livitrmoke, the woman saffraglst, claims Boston as her home, but spends nine months in the year lecturing in rarlous parts t?t the coun- The Marquise de Galliffet, on of the mostbeautiful women in Paris, is suffer ing from a strange form of insanity. , She goes into conTulsions whenever .ehe sees her face in a mirror. f Evxky Christmas Mrs. CorneIus Van UCIUtl BCuUS UQO BUDUrvQ aOliS IO 1118 mission schools patronized by the church of SL Bartholomew. She has them dressed at her own home by a number of poor needlewomen hinxLby the day. Qutit Victoria, is breaking down rapidly. She is lame from rheumatism, and her mind is not as bright as it was. Since she learned that the Prince of Wales has an incurable disease she has failed rapidly. give the facts in a single case: On the recommendation of Dr. P. E. t lines (of Raleigh) Mrs. Durham, wife of Rev. C Durham, Corresponding Secretary of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, qlcr months 0 sUkntit and suffering, le f gan the use of Panacea Water, and was soon VERY GREATLY She had before this tried the water from two very noted springs without relief.; . C.DUIBAM. 1 c c Notice ! e firm of Hart, I-awrence & Cochran hai been dissolved by mutual consent, W. D.lvochran retiring. Those indebted to the ant bid concern will please come forward settle their accounts. . HART & LAWRFNCE. FACTS! HEAD! A G. T S Gadgrind wanted facts ! facts ! So do the readers of The Day in the advertisement they read. Here are some facts that will interest yoirr- pocket-book. JOHN w! MARKHAM'S Cheap Cash Store. H INTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. I NTS TO HOUSEKEEPERSi -FAMILY GROjCERIES -FAMILY GROCERIES.- OF- Carries full lines of Dry Goods, 1 W T T. -WW C5noes, nats, ixotions, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Farming Implements. &c, which are sold at prices that simply cannot be beat We buy in large quantities for the cash, and can compete with any house any where. We are content with a -.-SMALL, PROFIT smaller than .most merchants We don't want: the earth. We Drefer to undersell others - to beiner undersold nonsuit your own interest, give us a call and convince yourself these are facts we are stating. It won't cost you anything will save you money, we promise you. We have a Wholesale Grocery AND FEED HOUSE j ' t - , : - - t in Durham, where we keep everything usually found in a first-class establish ment. We solicit your trade ior either house. . - , - v ' ' t ; John W, Markham, Cor. Pommercial Ave., and Wall Sts., (Next to Bap ner Warehouse). IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. Mince Meat, Coroanuts, Currants, Dates, Figs, Oranges, Apples, Citron and a full line of canned goods Tomatoes, Corn, Peacies, Pine Apples, Apricots, etc. Rice, Oat Meal, Cheese, bugai, Coffee. Corn, Oats, Meal, Bran, Ship Stuff, Flour. Oxford, N. C, Tninks the life' of liis child t I'll t was avea irom (leaui dj Cholera Infantum hy Ut of 5 Panacea ::- Water,! Kiugarjs Best Lard. Reliable Hams Sausage. Buer. P,kle Pig h. A. TAYLOR, E A nice lot of Fresh Feet, Tripe, etc. 4 If vrii want thif rI-cf ITlnt- ,i a : I?i 1 1 1 1 1 ai 1 1 r -i mum Ki'ki ImN tI 1 ..I 1 1 : - . I ... i - ... V t. ; ;k..tt iijv owci uuiiic a iriai. Vine I II ItTlOf IT, bilS W I .. ' V liis son. Mr. John .M. '1 sivlif. U J. WAKU. .... who i a weii-KU')wn V AT- Special Drives ! ! .nwv",1cl,T1I,d' war.a:: highly celebrated miner waters under the advice hi physician without satis factory results. Finally 21 1 the suggestion of Mr. 'J'aylor, Sr. Panacea Water was trie" It proved so beneficial that the 1 Joctor in charge advi the discontinuance of all otb-. mi n'eral waters except t'ie IJansifpn.:AVnfr Imrl rlnne more cood than 7 A- MAX'S, Cor. Com. Aye. and College Street ; . IN : Dry Goods, Clothing. HATS, BOOTS AND FHOES. t Heavy and Fancy Groceries. A A complete stock of these goods bought low "and sold low. Guarantee prices against any house or any town Panacea, remarking-that I have some special irocds to sliow you cheaper than you ever saw before, patient Call at my store and ask to see tht-m: They will be shown you with pleas ure Dy ponte anri attentive salesmen. LA medicines, and the other t min eral waters of celebri ty. ; vorn jueal can be lound on nf r m -mm .n c C J. Ward's and J. T. Sizemore's. J OBH J. VVlUla Elmhurst Milil Parties wishing fine Terse v milk anri butter will be supplied Lromptly by -SOLE.AGENCY,- f OXFOJU), - - Nohth Ca.u """ToS.y W OXFORD, N. C V 1