THE DAY THE DAY IIXSTIIK GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. Largest City Circulation of any paper published in j Oxford. i V ' - ; - ? . . . - .- : ' A. - : ''. Volume I. Number 111. Fruits! Fruits! "AT " T.W.JACKSON & CO'S To-Day.' :(o):- ( . CTC wet Florida Oranges lO VrOCvTSito;eMcd. This fruit !- thoroughly xc and sweet. A CEC Extra Fancy Aspemvalt 2 LnoEonananaS. ne of the lvst shipment we have received this season. 1)T) T - Fancv Malaga Grape. Lnrge I DDL,, bunches, and Fine, Hump r A CM? Extra Fancy Messina Lent 1 LiiOL ons So onWthing nice and ' C IWn D:ivis' Apples. The 0 l;13l-U. finest we ever saw. Try tutni. They will suit you. r ClC Milward-Cliff rackcr 20 UAoliO . s Lfnch Milk.Gra r"ta. Cream prav. Mushroom, Knic Knac :ind XX Soda Crackers opened to day. IDC Fancy Laver Fi. Rai 1)J, sins. Dates, Nm. etc. Oxford Bakery and Candy Factory Oxford. N. C q R AX VI LLE- Female Institul OXFORD, N. C . c...;.. . in!t will hein Ian 22. iS-. Instruction U'"" in every c!epartmci t. TlicIKrrciorof Musicisa graduate of the New KriLird Conservatory, 1Uis:m. Scc atun'i u is jjUei to voke cultu c and m 'ht Mtii'S. I'mhos and Orga ore new and uic kvp: ii. K'"l hy yearly con tract vii.h i!e nt ttnu r with Hu ne. Mi nor . Co.. KicltnwunS. Va. .. ... ,. ..w -r-Mt r,r sicker n.-s. Tirms lowvr than thcc of most i M-rwKiNr'erii'gsaine advantages, ror (i ttar it.vnn.tiou. app'y to V ALUAULt: R F-A L EST AT E FOR SALE t ... 1 ? I 7 sit' s ' ' :gim, pastor; 7.15, p. m., sermon. . &t 27 Acres tflinJ. Within lev. .than onej EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 9 A. M , Slin mtic fnm the curthjuse. Thi- land is j fay sch.'ol; II A.M., sermon by Rev. partially in original "ce 1 W. V, Walker, rect..r. 7:15, l 1 irtnuv? I.intl. 1 Ins is a rare ounce , 7 iuratwm.Mii. t ail on FEILD & ROYSTER. OALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN i.-iikii OX- l'.y of an order of the SuiK-riorj Onirt. I shall, on Mom.ay. 27th dav cl ! January. otier for sale to the h.Shel , lUhk r;U pulnic Jiuction at the courthouse duur in Oxford, the house and lot : land j ii the l4 ot R. K. Best, Tus c. Tay- I r and D. A. Hunt, isi feet front on said Mrcet. x feet wide af the rear, and runs Kick irvai stre t.59 Teet The dwelling is h iuat ceased four nK,ms. in .k1 contii- ti,.o, with all necessary outhoiist-. Terms; one third cash, the balance m Ex'r.of Mrs Mary u. iaior. Ex'r. of Mrs Mary D. Ta lor. iJecembcr 25, t&?. NOKTH DKoUNA, ISITHIOR IOURT. ukth Dkouna, SirtaioK Court. cir.uiville County. IC- i- Jh nrssTi Smith : Wilt take notice dial lie is soed for divorce j in the aN.xe court from the K.m!s ol main uor.y. lie will appear at Oxford, at Court! i, March, IN'.. anef COinplHjnt of, Annie Smith, his wife. - R. W. Lasaitkk. C. S. C i aii Winston, Atty's. NOTICE. 1 1 has teen ordered by the Unard of Com -imMvnc!St,f;ranvillc county that no orders l..r ironcy be issued to any person who has Uvti returned ws insolvet t tax payer, and thfisv who buy such claims do s at their own risk. , T.D. WALLER. Chairman B d Co. Loci rs . SLE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. To satify a deed in trust, to mc executed m t!i tttii day of January. 1SS9, by Mrs. i aiiie Mitchell, and duly recorded on page 1 16, b.x.fc i, of the Records in the office of the Register ot Deetls of Oranvdle county, I ill sefl to the highest bidder, for cas , on the premises, on the th day of February, inc, the house and lot on Mill Street, in the town of Oxf-rd, adjoining the lands ol L. Th R. J. Aiken and R. J. Mitchell, also, immediately after said sale, I win sell the household furriture in the hotel in the town of Oxford known as the rrwin Place. JOHN J. PARIS, Trustee, lanuary Cth, 1S90. OXFORD, N. NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Minor Events, Retrospective and Pro spective, leathered About tlie City Uy Our Alert Reporters. Tit wvailur indications are favora ble for a snow fall within the next, few hour-. A number of Htndeison people who attended ihe german last night, are spending the day in Oxford. The Granville County Medical Society will nuet at Stems Thursday. January 30th, at 3: 30 o'clock, P. M. We a e indebted to H n. J. M. Brower for a package of seed from the Agricultural Department at Washing ton. A branc h of Rawl's New York Cash Store, of Durham, will Ik; shortly op ened in Ht rndon .131 .A k No. 4, Com men ial Avenue. Ni w brick urbi- g and new - fixtures ave been sub titutrd fur old ones on public well at the onju:;cuo:i ofCcm in n ial Avenue and Colieg street. Tt.ore who take pait in ihc concert are reminded 10 le at the Opera Hu.-:-: promptly at 7.30 o'clock next Monday night. The meeting of the Cham: tr of ommene will not on-Minn- very much lime, and inimvdiate h a!ei r's adjournment p at rising will liegin KellSlous Service Tomorrow.' lUrri.vr Church. 9:45 a. M.,Sun day school. 11 a. m., sermon by pas tor,; Rev. J. S. Hardaway; 7.15 p. m, sermon. PREHYTF.RIAN' CltURCH. 9 A. M. , Sunday benool V. M. C. A. Semccs at 2:30 r. M , to wnicn an are m vice a. Methodist Church. Sunday t 1 1 school at 92 a. m.;J. W. Hays, Esq., superintendent. Freacning at 11. a. ., atiiuuu - j o 'M., sermon. Two Lotc betters. The following correspondence be tween a nair of dukv lovers of this . h fant.n ;nto our hands: County n.-S laiicn into our u.aiua. HIS LETTER. character either but iiH try to make my I,.lltr as pleasant asTcan. Jv:tv..r furVs ond silver spoons bride ner IurKS u and proom I will marry you it you are willing. AbpUs good peaches better . my ietter day smil s and our rosy cneeKs auu cold black eyes. f V ISD 1 COtllO ICU "U y w.wv.. love you. r - - HFR ANSWER. V . I)Fr'Lovf I at myalf to M lCXR . f write yc.u a few lines to informe ou ol h lh fifid y(,u lhe ' If you will ex ue me for not writing sooner, I will grant you the pleasur-ot writ:n,T to me though I d not consider my self any courting caracter but will answer your letters. I am very glad of your consideration I wish 1 could tell you how much I think of you. I have leen passing and repassing through the State of Granville and have not seen any gentlem an that sui?s mv mine as you do. There is no use of my say in any more so I will bring my letter to a close. Imported Malaga Raisins,, 15 cts. Furman & Hay's. lb. at For Informtli of the Pnhlle. The office hours of the Western Union Telegraph Company and the Southern Ex press Company are fromS, a. m. to 8, pm. C., SATURDAY; EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1890. PURELY '.PERSON AL. . . , 1 :: : The Doing and Whcrabont.of Some .PeopleYou Kuw. Mr. C. Hunter, of Henderson is in the city. . 1 ; Mr Wm.. Alston, of Warrenton, is visiting Mr. W. T. Akton. Mr. H. H. Eat man left on the morning northbound train. Miss Lizzie Clark, of Henderson, is guest of Mrs. R. O. Gregory. Muses Lucy and Annie Webb are the gue;ts of their bfdiher, Mr. John Wei b. .. Mr. Van Hom,of the North Caroli na Building and La?n Assoeianon of Charlotte, is in the city. Mr. A. W. Venabk- spent last night in the city, taking his departure ttvU morning f;jr South Boston,' Va; Mr. J. T. Britt, of the Public Led ,;vr, returned yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Richmond. Notice Grauvllle Grays--Geiienl Or der K04 '1, I hereby apppuint the. .following non-com niitsioned officers . W. D. Lynch, Orderly Sergeant. G. W Knott. 2nd Sergeant. C. D. Ray, 3rd Sergeant. K. Hobgood, 4th Sergeant. W. M. Gulick5lh Sergeant. W. T. Clement,"' ipom m issary with rank of Sergeant. ' T. B. Pendleton, isr Corporal. -S. F. Bullock, 2nd Corj6ral.' E. O. Bransford, 3rd Corporal. W. 0. Biggs, 4th Corporal.'. The Sergeants and Corporals are expecud to attend every drill promptly,-to perfect-themselves in the work and discipline of the drill. to asen their authority and if necessary to be able to take charge of the company. The men must be obedient and re- spectful to the officers and nou-conv missioned officers. The appointments are made on account of the good con duct and proficiency of the men ap pointed, and any one fading in his duties will "at once be reduced to rai.ks. I earnestly request that every man will attend the drills, and I ask the hearty co-operation of every man in the company, as well as the good people in Oxford in making Company E. the banner company of the' State, W. A. Bobbitt, Captain, Company E, 3rd Regiment. Chamber of Commerce. There was a very small attendance at the meeting of the Chamber of Com merce last night, there being some misunderstanding, the general impres sion among our citizens being that it was called for tonight. It was moved and carried that a meet ing, and a big one at that, be held in the Opera 1 House Monday night. It was intimated that the committee on subscriptions had some news of a yen interesting chatacter to report. - ' Vorlt Is the IVord, Oxford is getting up a grand enter tainment the proceeds" of which aie to be offered by that town for the lo cation of the Baptist Female College there. That - just beats the biggest thing yet done, and it shows that town unqualifiedly in. earnest about getting that college. The above is from the Raleigh Call and is intended to spur its people to greater exertions. Here is an item from the News- Observer which ought to have the same effect upon our citi zens : The still hunt of the committee to ra:se, funds to secure the location of'the Baptist Female University in this city is being pushed to a great success. Oh, Raleigh will get there, or the Univer sity will get heje. . , IT WENT MERRILY. 1 THE BRILLIANT GERMAN AT AR MORY HALL LAST NIGHT. The Dance of the SeasonAnother Triumph for the Glnchllch German Club--Couple and Cotuine. l he german given at Armory Hall last night by the Glucklich German Club, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt and Mr; and Mrs. W. H. Hunt, proved to be the must brilliant, successful and enjoyable affair of the season. The management was per fect, the music delicious, the devotees of Terjisichore the very flower of the youth and beauty of our own and neighboring cities. 4 The dance commenced promptly at nine o'clock, and as the participants glided through the pretty figures in harmony with the sweet strains of - ' -music, the scene presented was one to excite the admiration of every beholder. We venture to say that Armory Hall never before contained such an assem bly of beautiful women' and more striking and rich dresses. We give below the couples who took part in the german, with some points on. the c uston;es of the lad ies : - F. J. Crews and Miss Aannie Lock hart, black lace, wstrich tips and dia- in onus. C. S. Easton and Mrs. W, H. Hunt, white poindesoe, point lace, pearls and orange blossoms. . Mr. and Mrs.' J. S. Hunt, white ottoman, brocade, ooint lace.diamond auu o.angc uiuuu. J 0. S. Smobtand Miss Hallie Young, of Henderson, white surah entrain, and diamonds. A. Strause and Miss Bessie Venable; white lace an'd saltin, pearb and saph. ires. ' ; ; " L. W.Starke and Miss Annie Smith; white surah, broc'ade and diamonds. W. T. Lawrence and Miss Lizzie Smith, of Richmond; pink lace and surah, pearls and diamonds. I H., Davis and Miss Tempe Wil liams, white henrietta moire, and pearls. C. H. Easton and Miss Minnie Gor don; white china silk, entrain, dia m onds and floweis. C. Clarke, of Henderson and Miss Taylor, of Richmond; white grograin silk and marchallneill roses S. Strause, of Burlington, Iowa, and Miss Wallerstein, of Baltimore; pink lace, moire and diamonds. J. C. Thomas and Miss Effie Greg orj; black lace and moire, and dia: monds. ; L. Teilghman and Miss Lizzie Clark, lxth of Henderson; r pink china silk, pearls: and flowers. H. D. White and Miss Annie Booth; cream polo and pink crepe da cheine. JTF. Rogers and Miss Mary E. Gregory; black china silk and pearls. . W. T. Clement and Miss Lucy Greg ory; black poindesoe, lace, and flowers. A. W. Venable of South Boston, Va., and Mrs H G. Cooper; white otto man silk and diamonds. The stags were Gilham Hart, N. P. Strause, Jos, Moss, W. H. Check, of Henderson; J." J. Davis, of Stovall; J 1,1 ...rc C. V. Carrington, B. F. Parham, J. F. Thomas, Meadows. F. H. Cheek, Ay. T. The undersigned is prepared to do a lim Ited amount at copying; either legal, manu script or letter. Satisfaction guaranteed; charges moderate. Address P....C, .care of The Day, , . - Single Copies "3 Cts. STATE SIFTINGS. Sorth Carolina Item of Interest Cllppei and Condensed from Exchanges. In an altercation at the Battery Park Hotel, Asheville, a young negro boy, Charles Rickets, was stabbed and killed by another negro boy, Alfred McEl rath. McElrath was still at large at last accounts. The agument in the Temple bo n d case in the U. S. Supreme Court was closed Thursday, There is strong ground for hoping that the suit can not be maintained and that the court will so decide almost or quite unani mously. - . y The W i Im ington Messenger says: The Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard has received the sad intelligence that his younger brother, Mr. J. P. Prichard, had died of consumption atChaseCity, Va., Wednesday. IN A GENERAL WAY. Important Happenings In Other States and Countries. It was rumored yesterday in Rich mond that Mr. Sol. Haas had been ap pointed General Manager of the Rich mond & Danville Railroad, vice Maj: Peyton Randolph resigned. Col. J. L. Carrington, proprietor of the Exchange and Ballard Hotel, died at Richmond yes:erday. s Ex-Senator liddleberger diedat Winchester, Va., yesterday morning. THE TRAINS. Their Arrivals and Departures Here . Per the. New Schedule. OXFORD & CLARKSV1 LLE R. R. Northbound trains arrive 10:41 a. m., and 8:05 p. m. Southbound trains arrive 1:45, p.m., and 3:42, p. M. 1 OXFORD & HENDERSON R, R Trains arrive 10:20, A. M., and 3: 15, p. m. ' ' Trains depart 1 1 :oo, a. m., and 4; 00 p. m. The O. & H. trains make close con nections at Henderson with the . Ral eigh & Gaston trains north and south, going arid coming to Oxford. - The O. & C. trains now run through from West Point, Va., to Raleigh, N. C., leaving West Point at 8, a. m, and arriving at Raleigh at 6:18, p. m.; leaving Raleigh at 8:10, a. m., and ar riving at West Point at 6, p. m. making close connections with the Yoik River steamers to and from Baltimore. r SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Express shipping book will be clos ed promptly as follows : For matter going North, at 10:15,. a. m. For matter going South, at 3:15, p. m. ' . This rule will be smctly carried out. THE MAILS. The mails are closed at the post office a half hour before the arrival of 'he trains. i : . For Rent. A Room in rear of our store, about 24ft. square, opening on public sqnare on . Wall Street. Apply at once FuVman & Hay's. For Kent. One six room cottage dwelling.1 Terms moderate. Address - W. H. White. - .. liost.'"-'-;'- The second volume of ''Stories and Les sons on the Catechism." Person having the same will please return without delay. R.' W. Lassiter. Sr. ' " ' Wanted. Position as book-keeper or salesman by a young man, full graduate of the .Virginia Business College. Is now employed as tel egraph operator, and desires change o w.ork Please address,- stating terms, a I cne. Best reference given. - P. B. Gibson, Stuart, Va. : Boys, let us start off the New Year fair square and even with the world. I have your accounts ready, and wili be glad to see you. R. Broughton Best in the Market. "Black Prince," "May Apple" and "Mat inee," Chewing Tobacco at Davis, Thomas & Co-V :

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