r -X-,'-v -y -tf JT V 4i- v - . r : i -' -U- THE DAY. . all.' now on one ol they grey noui.u. vi u.c o rp. YASSUI UJLlCll L k rrt rrr in nhpad of Miss Blv. but will - - - - 9 not be lar behind her. These lightning globe-girdlers in i . . . n i r c.. . , -v- i- tirniiri-1 ciiiriH are fsstiiuaii v uiuuuv.w v JUU3 I U'lJUII IW 1 - " - I w - - - - . . -It I ed to cur sucnbcrs. by earners wno Amcrican civilization. irate uTTSir wucviwhs. v.nk- Short communication on live suojecis nit. niunm. a Stationery Ol liverv iescnpLiuii it - - - . j I i rrri inrini w. Tii i i.uivi r w iLN uuciilu i i k r . :: ......w-. ..,1 l.w fntrKC. ' w . - - - - , -t . . xv. ?tih-u-riirr not cettinsr their paper nromtt!v and rczularly are requested to ness. notify the otlice at once. northern mrt of this COuntV. and af- Diiv i.t.pf !c inn nlp 1 Tm vi-rv Iiur ICIT I one week, or six insertion?, about the same fords the V ng-needed opportunity to as chanced by weekly newspapers for one deVcop the rjcn COpper mines of that time. Having a thorough city circulation, 1 1 . and reaching dailv a number ol nost-othces section. rormillir a mnction Wlin r-p m a J in mis ana surrounmn counucs, n i p!cndid advertising medium PUBLISHED EVKRY AFTERNOOS (EXEPT SL'ND.r) AT IIERNDON BLOCK NO. I. II. W. KIIOXIIEIMEK, JMItor, Large Assortment K K K K K K K K K K K Thursday for.the transaction of busi- Stationery of Every Description K The road nasses throuch the i w Just Received ! Just Received ! tiie O. & C. R. R. at Clarksville, itj Legal advertisements, suclfas adminis- friv Oxford a choice of routes to tfi ts.r'm -mnA wmr ttt rr' rrttii mmmi. 1 I sioncrs and trustees' sales, summons to Virginia's chief Seaport. 1102 residents, etc., will be charged for at lejral rates, except when they exceed a cer- Mr. ciereUnd and 1892. tain limit of space, in which case we re- ev York, Jan. 22. Morrison serve mc n;ni nx our uwn mite. rn sum 1 . r , r;if K.,in n.f k. pah) for in AD- Munford, editor of the Kansas City VANCE. The charge is very small and we 7mes, called on ex-President Cleve- And am prepared to execute pll cannot a:Tord to take risks or wait the i.j nr fnnnrl him n- p.impt . pleasure of persons to pay. fl$ Qf lariff reform orders for Iuttered at the Post-OtTicv at Oxford as and gratified at the interest which the second-class mail matter. nronle are takintr in the subiect. In 1 1 - renlv to a suirireition that the demo- OXFORD, N. C. rmtir nirtv was lookincr to Mr. Cleve land as its leader in iSo2,theex Pres- TOR PP TXTHTTIMri f iTI'cniV. - TAN't:ARY. 3:. (SCO. Cn Ac fr thit it i trf J. A. A. O. S V cause and not personal considerations LiuiiTM.Nci jloiik ciiitDLKits. I that shoulu concern us. 1 am so wen situated now that if I consult my own That wonderful little globe-trotter, feelimrs I would prefer to have some Nellie lily, is going to succeed in one else take the lead. Men who have jn the Latest Stj'les and ' at making a tour of the world in at least Cements ot leadership develop rapiaiy, prf that will prove entirely 57 I -mw) . ... 1 lAnfT ftmo till i.xm If ic .-w-w - I . five shorter time than .he lo Fa mtteV of mc: 00 satisfactory 01 j uies v erne s romance. jt wouid be a pity not to carry forward She left New York November 14th, the wcrk which the party have so grand- and Tuesday morning landed at San ly inaugurated, and there ought to be Francisco. Her time expires next no na" until ine enas a mea ai are , . . . . . , . . . compassed and the people are in lull Tuesday, but it is very probable, dc- rQsslon of the nitls and blessings spite unexpected difficulties she lias to which an accumulation of inequailities encounter on the last stretch of her called into existence by apathy on one innmrv will romnlett? the circuit side and and self-interest on the other ,u mftf;ff cv.ntv.tlH,,. .live have divided from them. I rejoice in c teehng that the democratic party; is the uuiu tin. yu, . reixsitorv of the best principals a; d Ihisisamost remarkable achieve- purposes; that its ranks teem with the; " men t, more especially for an unac- inteligent young manhood of the comnanied vounc woman. Hercour- country; that it enjoys a complete .wr I li- .. I? . . monopiy 01 every American poucy not merely sectional or time-serving. K K K K K K -K K . K K . K K KRONHEIMER'S K K K K" K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K s K K K K -:o: :0: Clothing 1 Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. Hote. House House. ranacea . 1 . o- v Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! North C aroliua's Greatest Boon TO Sneering Humanity ij -o- -o- Give me a Call ! Give me a Call ! L. THOMAS. L. THOMAS. , age and endurance are beyond the crcat maiontv of her sex. bhe has travelled nearly sixteen thousand miles over the rough seas, and says, 'I haven't been seasick once, and en- ioved cood health ever since I left Another One of Vance's. Washington Cor. N. Y. Tribune. Sen. Vance, of North Carolina, was telling the other day about a judge in this State who was obliged to call New York." She is now speeding upon an old darkey to open court. It across the continent, and people along was evidently the first time that the present. , t .,iM aarKey naa actea in ine capacity 01 the route are extend.ng her an enthu- .J Hcb oh , D'e ho stosttc welcome wherever the train -., ;c, k.-i, I UtV X W AJ llr Vft m-- ft m x stops. The hrr nn h may the Lawd have mercy on his The remarkable fact connected with sou, And then it wcs, according this voyage so far is that the itinerary to Senator Vance, that -'de hono'ble which was laid down when Miss Ely Co't" rose to the occasion and prompt left this port has been kept with mar- ,y remarked: -That's right my man; velous exactness. Kvery connection that's "right; if there ever was a court ha-sbcen made. In most instances that needed the mercy of God, it's this .poinisiu ine itinerary wiic itatucxii nn- li 1 e Jt uuc jancaa 01 i;mc. len aays were iobt in waiting for steamer connections at Colombo, Hong Kong and Yokoha- W. T. BROGDEN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. OXFORD, N. C. Office at C. J. Ward's store for the Then after hesitating a moment as if ll'crJ, whose enterprise sent not knowing what to say, he seemed to her journey, says Wednesday : hit it and ended by exclaiming: "An' jyjORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a dfed in trust executed to me by Z. H. Daniel and wife; registered in Book 25, Page 356, I shall, on Moti iav, the 17th day of February, iSoo, expose to sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the courthouse door in Oxford, the tract of land situated in Granville countv on the Clarks ville and Goshen roads, near the house where Dr. Willis Lewis formerly resided, it being the land conveyed to said Z. H. Daniel by Geo. B. Reavis. and is particular ly described in said deed in trust.and con tains 127 acres. Terms cash. John W. Hays, Trustee. January 18th, 1890. NEW LOT OF Cqoking and Heatjng Stoves I Cooking and Heating Stoves ! AND Flower Pots of all Sizes! Flower Pots of all Sizes! at S. W. MITCHELL & SON'S, Commercial Avenue. Terry, Wright & Merritt ma. According to the itinerary Miss Bly should have reached San Francis co today. She arrived one day ahead of time to find the only obstacle in her path a snow blockade of unpre cedented proportions in the S.erras. She has been compelled to deviate from her route, making a long detour by the Southern Pacific route, but if no accident occurs we shall see her here in New York within the time originaUr prescribed for the tour FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP- seven ty-nve days. All things considered the trip has been a memorable one, not only for the accuracy of the calculations and the goou fortune wmcn nas aitenaea, :o:- hnt fnr the interest aroused in everv rWoftrrivnirpd rlnlv Good workmen and Satisfactory work 1 .V t T 7,1 j . guaranteed every one. vunourn ine wuiu is uiu uiiu HAVE A- (In Mitchell Block) OXFORD - - North Carolina. globe-trotting has become a pastime D5IUBLS BWELUXG B0C5I A5D LOT FOE SUB AT it has fallen to the lot of Miss lily to PUBLIC irCTIOJ, make the record for rapid circumnavi gation. I wiH sell at public auction in front ,k . . ... ... , of the courthouse in Oxford, Mon- At the same time Miss Bly began d Jan 27fl8QOf the desirable her voyage, Miss Bisland started out dwelling house and lot on High St., on a similar undertaking, going in adjoining lots owned by R. J.. Mitch the opposite; direction. Very little ell, R. J. Aiken and L. Thomas. The has been heard from her, as she did house is commodious, well built and .... . . n . . contains seven rooms. Terms, one- not have the backing of an influential half and baIance in six and newspaper, her's being an mdepen- twelve months. dent adventure. She is, we believe,! Mrs. B. Cooper, Trustee. J. R. ROLLER & SUN, AGENTS FOR THE BEST FIRE,LLFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Office, Herndon Block No. 1. 9-1 7-t C. E. Alley The Butcher. Stall No. li, Oxford Market; THE FRESHEST AND BEST' Beef, Mutton, Pork and Sausage, Every day at my Stall. Orders re ceive prompt attention and delivered immediately to any part of the city. A handsome Suit for boy.' 4 to 1 2 years, elegant sty les, MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. Suits and Overcoats for bi; Boys and Men; . ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. Soft and Stiff Fu r and Wooi H ats, for Men and 1 ys, ail prices USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS , N ;vembjr 29, iSty; Capt. John A. Williams : I take pleasure' in reporting to 0, a remarkable cure of a friend of mi in my nefghborhood, who was grta;h reduced in flesh; suffering wi:K awful c ase of Chronic Diarrhira. Ti J best medical skill failed to cure anij; the patient was in a state of desjiaiTa, to ever beine, cured, but on -truV S Panacea Water, a cure was efketed ill less than a month, although -the terri i- ble disease had been of nver twcl. months in . duration. This rn;e ; . . j , marvellous beyond belief and shon: that the water possess peculiar adawa-l- bility fur curing Chronic Diarrhaa. f J. C. Radolth. ' Lovely Scarfs, Ties,, in-Hand and Bows, v Four ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. Kid, Chamois and Wool Gloves, VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESKNTS; ' Silk, Linen and am brie- Hand kerchiefs; Mufflers all shades and grades, SELECT PRESENTS - SELECT PRESENTS SFLET PRESENTS ,..x , FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS ; FOR SWEETHEARTS Presents to suit and please all. prices all right. -We are always in the right place when you want "high g rad e ' ' goods at. "low grade" price. So come to see us, Both sext s in. vited, old and y oung alike. Wishing one and all a Merry X mas we close bv saving re member for useful presents arid unapproachable prices go to Capt. John A. Williams is a!i it time receiving testimonies in faor of; Panacea Water. Our courteous Mayor, iwis G. Smith, Eq.V has given a siron ks:i- f monial to the value of the wattriak 'i' own case and the case of one of kr. . children. - His endorsement is vnv, - ssrong. f'. ' : .'. (: .. . . - - ) . Mr, M. F. Hart of Messrs. Harj Lawrence & Cochran has given z?A phatic endorsement to the merits 0 7? MAIN STREET Panacea. His family had visited stvj eral celr brafed springs but found t!( Panacea Water the best of any. Mr. T. C. : -Hundley has used & Panacea Water in his family andspea! in the highest, termof its virtues. E says it acted like charm. V Dr. ffihn W. Rhnth hx hnri anotkj case, Desides those he has hereio"j given, wherein Panacea "Water act. with very remarkable efficacy. L Mr. J. E. Tyler says he has used i Panacea in his family with decid benefit. - ; ... - " . i Mr. A. r. rleming speaks kno" ly of the. virtues of Panacea Water- 11'. Rev. V. S. Hts ersays Panacea ter acted like a charm in his case, - - - 'A now ne is eauallv decided in styii was 01 great Den eh t to his wiie. John A.WiUia HEAD AGENCY FOR j UNTTED STATES OF AW. I : OXFOKD, N. C.

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