THE lJVV. ri'tUM(;ii KYKKY A K r K K N N (KXKKT Sl'MtAi Ar IIKkMHj.N to LOCK NO. I. II. V. ltltO.VllKIMKU, K4llior, !utMCt tpiiuit : launtsa wctrk. Furnih ctl to my hy carriers, who will m.iicc weekly oJlcclnii. 4a Ctrtils Jcr month if MSi in 4 Sh rl cwnittrinif.;i.:is on live su!jccls 5'Wicttctl. . The ehtr disclaim any rt-?in-atbility lor opinions expressed bycuires- Snh"crilcr' !! nctliin; their paer promptly .mil regularly arc retjucsttd to Hot it v ihc oilier atyn e. Our a-JvcrtiMiv rates are very low for one wees, r six insertiona!ut the same as charged by week I newspapers for one lime. Having a t!i-ru h city circulation. and reaching daily a number of xit-ntiices in tin and surroun tm counties, it is a Kptvtulu) atlvertisiiij; nieliuin. Le d advertisements. such a adminis trator's and executors notice, cum in is sioner and trustee salrs. summons toi nor: residents, etc.. will In. charged for at Ifal rat-, except when they exceed a cer- Tiifc Kcpab.icaiis in the Senate va.Ud more unuiii tite:daj in attacking I lie South. To lelwOrf. Lincolnton secial. Great inicrcst is developing i;; the irua oro of this and the surrounding counties. Agents 01 Aorinern com- unics aie searching ever) where for ores, leases on ojuions have been taken on all the principal beds. One conijuny Isas taken a six months' lease on the mineral lands of Smith cv Pafn at 316,000; another com pany has taken an optioa un the big ore bank belong ing to the estate of J. W. Derr at the same figures; Ksidts the minor deposits are bein" searched out and bonded. These companies proiosjat once to put hands at work under the direction o: skilled mineis lu develop their prop erties. The iron ores of this county were once a source of great revenue. Large Assortment Large Assortment Stationery of Every Description Stationery of Every Description srrve the ruht'iix our own t.nce. All such and we had with pleasure the encour busine-S". imivt bv paid FOK IN A I) agi.g !uosiect of again seeing them v .-.v. r-. i ne cnarKe is very sniau anci we cannot aitord to take risks or wait the Just Received Just Received worked. treasure of t-r.iis to nav ..... .. The Prlie Snake Story. Hntcred at the iW-Orticc at Oxford as j Columbia, S. C, telegram. eciirul-c!as mail matter. r,., . . . r ,1,., .... u k . . I 1 IIC ClgllUl MCMJUfcl VI tllC WU1IU OXFORD, N. C. been found. Li .-ini? about tweiltv miles WEDNESDAY, K K K K. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K KRONHEIMER'S And am prepared to execute orders lor .11 been found. i Vrt tliic rif v 1: 'in -ifr-H l.iflv ivhn irr ASlTAkY. 2y. Ib90.;f, . f . - .,r ,V , , . sr 5n her left upjjer arm. Whn first noticed 40 years ago, it was very small, but it hx now grown to be about one I". il in It-n-ith lr lii ill .1 IT.hnnp. Fair, with tobacco as a prominent j w: lh lhe and Iaad' n0uUi,n to the K K K K K K K K K K K K rv K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing: Clothing Clothing House. House. House. H ouse. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. Panacea ! o- -:o: North Carolina's Greatest Boon TO Suffering Humanity! -0- COt'.VTY FA III AMI Till! UOADS. Mechanical An Agricultural and feature, has lccn discussed in Oxford for several years. The najrity of our fxroptc have favored, and we believe f.uor no, holding such a Fair here annually, and with intelligent ar.d de tcrmittcd efforts an organization can be effected and be nude a success, loiter on in the course of a few! weeks this matter will be agitated anew. t present the attention of our citizens ;s directed to securing the lo cation of the IJaptist Female Universi ty in our city. We refer to this sub ject now because the Farmers, Alli ance of Mecklenbury county contem plate ca-ojxrrating with the citizens of Charlotte in organizing a Fair next ci dow. 11 is just ueneain me skiii anu an Ik: j)lainly seen. The head and ees tan Ik distinguished and the pulsations of its heart felt. The scales of the snake can also be felt and when nan h disturbed a:;light nn ve ment can be seen about the head and tail. JOB PRINTING! Another Itleh Yorlli Carolinian. Raleigh News and Observer. Hun. James Gra'd, a native of Hal ifax county, and r.ow a member ot the Supreme Court of Iowa, is here visit pig his old fri.nds He is the guest of Judge Spier Whitaker. Judge Gravt was, masiy years ago, a teacher in the famous Lovtjiy grove of this city. He has leen eminently successful in all phases of life in his adopted State, hav ing won the highest no itical and iudi- r ti 1 t . . . . .1 mi I o o 1 j mi we oouui not mat tne uranvuie ciai honors and having amassed a Farmers Alliance would unite with fortune estimated at ten millions of Oxford for a similar purpose), and the dollars. ChronwU, commenting ujon it, makes a suggestion too valuable to lose: In the Latest Styles anil at Prices that will prove entirely satisfactory. ELECTRICAL EXTRACTS. xt one department be devoted to , rnff1lt,,, t ,1f 0 otrt .rttKo CTTQ roads and bridges. Have exhibits foisting sham electrical appliances upon from bridge builders all over the coun- an Ignorant public. A vender of "elec try; they will only be two glad to send tropathlo belts," which were said to cure you models, with estimates. Have ex- sciatica and innumerable other ailments, hibits of all kinds of stone suitable for baa been brought into courf and pun road building, paving and macadam ished for obtaining money under false izing. Let every quarry in North Prctenses- Carolina and upper South Carolina A novel application of electrioity is a send specimens with estimates of cost J111 dru W e 1 , Ingeniously fitted up to work by electric of macadam per mile. In connection to ve laboin chemists' shops with this, let one from each sub-Alli- or for dru0. o-rinders. The mortar or . .. 1- II .1 . 1 I CI o a nee prejvire a piat 01 an tne iarms ana mortars to the number required are mam roads in the territory of his AM made to revolve ty the electric motor- Jiance, and their present value per and a very heavy porcelain pestle hangs acre:and then let a committee estimate inside, the necessary grinding being as what it would cost per acre to each h"d by the revolving of the heavy farm to pike all the country roads,and UJ s m yi u what would be the increase in value A A. fv.rirr,fnrf1fmcl,;nn nA The big guns turned out by the En ! V . Mulish arsenals are now fitted with a de- oy tne piKe. vice to facilitate firing at night. The It is almost certain that a s-stematic ordinary sights are illuminated by a cwmipauon 01 mis question 01 piK-1 small incandescent lamp, the rays from mg or macadamizing the main roads which, passing through a lens, are con and the country roads, would bring verged, so that only a minute point or about a marvelous chance of nub he "no or sight, just sufficient to distin oninion. and that it would he guish the sight, is obtained. By means factory demonstrated that the cheapest M!ble theU caJ .u: i., bo modulated to suit the degree of dark "r: ""y..uAu o the mght or the eye of the ob- - .: : 1 1 1 j 1 I -uu tuuipcuug, ranroau, wouiu ue Ax electric indicator of the names of the piking of the entire county. I railway stations is coming Into use in En sr land. A magnetic anDaratas turning The newspaper men of the west, like a roller on which are printed the names Bret Harte's Heathern Chinee, are of stations in good visible letters is fit- .. ,, ... . . KJQoyer tne winuow 01 every carriage "peculiar. The Missouri Press Asso- an electric to call atten. elation the other day discussed the tionof passengers to the change. The interesting question: "Ought candi- instruments are connected In series, and , 11 1 ' are under the control of the guard, who dates to be charged for puffs? It so, changeable names by a simple touch of how much?" Evidently they are a button before the train stops. tired of unrcmunerative "fawning," A lrKW system of hanging electric j . .I r . , wires over the streets is proposed by a and want "thrift to follow in the Milwaukee electrician. A wrought-iron future. I arch will span the street between every pair of poles to keep them from curving Give me a Call ! Give me a Call ! November 29, 1S89: Capt. John A. Williams: . I take pleasure in reporting to you a remarkable cure of a friend of in niy neighborhood, who was greatly reduced in flesh, suffering with a.i :o: awtul case ot inronic lJiarrncea. 1 lie SeilSible IreSeiltS t!est me('ca skill failed to cure and the patient was m a state of despmr as to ever being cured, but on trying Panacea Water, a cure was effected in less than a month, although the terri ble disease had been of over twelve months in duration. This cure is marvellous beyond belief and shows that the water possess peculiar adapta bility for curing Chronic 'Diarrhoea. J. C. Randolph. Sensible Presents ! Sensibly Presents ! -o- L. THOMAS. L. THOMAS. .W. T. BROGDEN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. OXFORD. N. C. Office at C. J. Ward's store for the present. The success of Oxford's endeavors or breaking and to prevent the wire to get the Baptist Female University ro egging: The cross wires will be ; , . . . , supported by two properly insulated defends laxgel upon the individual wsuapenJed. from Guard ancfcQllectivc work.of the committee -wires will be hung-from- the arches par appotnVd to solicit ; sijbscnptioniV . , . . ; . . . . . rii ' 1 .v - q that it -a telegraph or telephone .wire ivrc incsceiiucuiciz- ""i" l l hipono break it. williKfc-fallott-the tOuzh oiri-zSrprthc;crty?A; ; , I Mavily-charged JORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Bv virtue of a d'ed in trust executed to me by Z. H. Daniel and wife, registered in Book 25. Page 356 I shall, on Mon lav, the 17th day of February, 1890, expose to sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the courthouse door m Oxford, the tract of land situated in Granville count v on the Clarks ville and Goshen roads, near the house where Dr. Willis Lewis formerly resided, it being the land conveyed to said Z. H Daniel by Geo. B. Reav's. and is particular ly described in said deed in trust,and con tains 127 acres. Terms cash. John W. Hays, Trustee. January 18th, 1890. J. R. HOLLER ct SON, AGENTS FOR THE BEST FiRE,LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Office, Herndon Block No. 1. 9-1 7-t C. E. Alley The Butcher. Stall No. 11, Oxford Market. -o- 1 THE FRESHEST AND BEST Beef, Mutton, Pork and Sausage, Every day at my Stall. Orders re cave prompt -attention aad delivered ffr4. ? ?!1w,l iEimejdaely:'to; any part of thecityj3 A handsome Suit fur Lows 4 to 12 years, elegant styles, MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MkES A NICE PRESENT. Suits and Overcoats for big Boys and Men, , ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. T Soft and Stiff Fur aud Wool Hats, for Men and Boys, all prices . useful presents, useful presents, useful presp:nts. Lovely Scarfs, Ties, Four-in-Hand and Bows, ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. 1 ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. Kid, ChamoiA and Wool Gloves, : VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. Silk, Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs; Mufflers all shades and grades, SELECT PRESENTS SELECT PRESENTS SELECT PRESENTS FOR SWEETHEARTS. sFOR SWEETHEARTS. JOR SWEETHEARTS. Presents to suit and please all. Prices all right. We are always in the right place when you want "high grade'' goods at "low grade" price. So come to see us, Both sexts in vited, old and young alike. Wishing one and all a Merry Xmas, we close by saying ' re member for useful presents and unapproachable prices go to Capt. John A. Williams is all ti e time receiving testimonies in favor of Panacea Water. Our courteous Mayor, Lewis G. Smith, E;-,q., has given a strong testi monial to the value of the water fn'his own case and the case of one of his children. . His endorsement is very - Mr. M. F. Hart of Messrs. Hart, Lawrence & Cochran has given em phatic endorsement to the merits of Panacea. His family had visited sev eral celebrated springs but found the Panacea Water the best of any. Mr. J. C. Hundley has used the Panacea Water in his family and speaks in the highest terms of its virtues. He says it acted like a charm. Dr. John W. Booth has had another case, besides those he has heretofore given, wherein Panacea Water acted with very remarkable efficacy. Mr. J. E. Tyler says he has used the Panacea in his family with decided benefit. Mr. A. P. Fleming speaks knowing ly of the virtues of Panacea Water. , - Rev. W. S. Hester says Panacea Wa ter acted like a charm in his case, and now he is equally decided in saying it was of great benefit to his wife. John A. WiUiams !HEAD AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, OXFOKD.N. C.:

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