THE DAY. ONE OF UNCLE SAM'S ENCROACH MENTS. ft(BLI$HKD KVCXY AKTEKNyoN (EXEPT SCNO.W) AT HEKNlKlN BLOCK NO. I. II. W. KUO.MIKI.MKH, Alitor, ' Large Assortment Large Assortment Subscrijvtiun : 10 cents a wt-trk.. Furnish ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will make weekly eoWectious. 40 cents per month if paid in advance. Short communications on live subjects solicited. The editor disclaims any respon sibility for opinions expressed by corres pondents, Subscribers not setting their pacr promptly and regularly are requested to notify the office at once. Our advertising rates are very low for one week, or six insertion, about the same as charxrd by weekly newspapers for one time. Having a thorough city circulation, and reaching daily a number of post-oificcs In thi and surrounding counties, it is a plcndid advertising medium. Legal advertisements, such as adminis trator's and executors notices, commis sioners and trmteeV sales, summons to nos residents, etc., will be charged for at legal rate, except when they exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re serve the n;ht rix our own price. All such busing must be PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. Thc"chanzc is very small and we cannot afford to take risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pav Contributed to The Day. The conduct of the Register of Deeds at Raleigh towards the official sent out by the United States .to pry into the county affairs, was just and commendable. Though this is a small matter, we are very much impressed by its g.-eat injustice and disregard of Stationery of Every Description the rights of the bouthern people, and Just Received Just Received I Entered at the Post-Office at Oxford second -cl ass mail matter. THURSDAY, OXFORD, N. C. January, District of Columbia a sum equal to all collections from them under the direct tax bill of 1S61. Senator Vest said "its passage was a foregoneN con clusion, but he stood by his record ot opposition, and especially t by Presi dent Cleveland's teto of the same bill He regarded the measure as utterly in defensible and without constitutional authority and unwarranted by prece 'dent." Mr. Vance ofiered as an amendment a proposition to r;fund the cotton tax, but it was rejected,yeas 5 nays 52'. The proprietors of the mineral springs in Wisconsin have sent a rep ' resentative before the Ways and Means Committee to in argue favor of a high tariff on foreign mineral wa ters so as to exclude them from com petition. The Washington Post says : 'fThis threatened blow at Apollinaris would seem to be needless, in as much which, on account of its littleness shaws Stationery of Every. Descrption not only ingratitude and indifference to the Southern Republicans, but manifest the meanness, selfishness and avarice of the Republican party. What were fer to, is this recent commission in the Census Department at Washington City of a multitude of yankees to go to the counties pf the different Southern States and possess themselves of the indebtedness of each county, though its records, by the authority of and for the United States. 1 In the first place we don't under stand the necessity or the authority of the National Government having in spected 'and reported the standing of as a county. 1 o us it looks like an un warranted and unconstitutional inter ference with the rivacy of Stateand county affairs, and are other devials of ty-five years ago open bh.ody hostili ties. When they couldn't run both houses to suit themselves, and found that the Southern people could not be coerced to-subservancc by this dishon- I 111 LI1C IvdlLSL VJCViV-O ... M. w "P ... . . . the union which they Prices that will prove entirely wished to preserve . But nothing else satisfactory. And am prepared to execute oft orders for JOB PRINTING ! In the Senate Tuesday the direct tax ill was passed. The measure makes : the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to credit to each State and Territory of the United States and the thereby forcing the South to take K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K. K K K K K K K K Clothing j Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing I Panacea o- cloSS North Carolina's Greatest Boon KRONHEIMER'S K K K K K K , K K K K K K k: K K K K K K K K R K K K K K K Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing House. House. House! House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. TO Suffering Humanity! -o- -:o:- -:o: ! .... ' November 29, 1889. Capt. John A. Williams : . I take pleasure in reporting to you a remarkable cure of a friend of minc in my neighborhood, who was greatly reduced in flesh, suffering' with an awful case of Cnronic Diarrhoea. The best medical skill failed to cure and thevpatient was in a state.of despair as to ever being cured,, but on trying arms against the Apollinaris springs have Ion since been exhausted, and four dollars' characteristic of rascality, Republican party in power, judging from the history of the past. They have ever sought, not being satisfied with the devastation of the south by war, to retard her progress by oppres sive legislation; but notwithstanding the vitupurations heaped upon her in everv wav bv these her enemies, she stands today in the eyes of the world a spotless mirror of honor, respected and honored by all. But to return to our subject. If it is necessarv that the United Slates, or I should say the Republican party, should know the indebtedness of Granville county, why could not the work.whiqh will require about a month for its performance, paying about five dollar's per day and expenses, be given to a Granville county man, and the same policy be followered throughout the Sout 1, instead of sending down men fron the north to pry in our local af fairs and do the work which we are entitled to? The problem is solved whea we rememler that the Republi- can party is in power, snrewdness is and they 9 Give me a Call! Give me a Call't Sensible Presents Sensible Presents q r1 P "f" f anacea Water, a cure was effected-in ble disease had been of, over twelve months in. duration. This cure is marvellous beyond belief and shows that the water possess peculiar adapta bility for curing Chronic Diarrhoea. J. C. Randolph. -o- L. THOMAS. L. THOMAS. W. T. BROGDEN, A handsome Suit for boys I: to 12 years, elegant styles, MAKES A NICE PRESENT MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. Suits and Overcoats for big loys and Men, .... n - .'ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. Soft and Stiff Fur and Wool Hats, for Men and Boys, all prices . Capt. John A. Williams is all ti e time receiving testimonies in favor of Panacea Water. Our courteous Mayor, Lewis G. Smith,' Eq., has given a strong testi monial to the value of the water in his own case and the case of oheoTh f children. . I His endorsement is very GENERAL worth of the trade article can now be manufactured in New York outx of seventeen cents worth of Epsom salts and twenty-three cents worth ol pyrol igneous acid." want their men to do these things in order that at the next election they may by their statistics show the great progress of the country under their administration. This is the party, which from its advent to the present, hasjiad northern men as its represen tatives, and the pages of whose history! are.darkened with infamy. Yes, this is The commonest and ugliest cap itol of any Stats in the Union is that of Virginia at Richmond. Lynch- the Parl wch by holding out spoils burg calls pointed attention to it by offering to erect a new building free of ost, provided the seat of government is moved to that city. Richmond is building a magnificent city haJI oppo site the capitol, which makes tne pov erty and insignificance of the State structure all the more striking. as the rewards for disloyalty, attracted VI. 1 111 ana aeinronea tne reasons ot some weak southenuwhite men, w?:ose ava rice and desire tor gam was greater than the dictates of their conscience and reason. Though having by their northern friends their ears often tickled before elections by the whis perings of fancy, to which they lis tened with credulity, they afterwards found that the v had nursued with eaer- Spf.ake.r Reed has proven just the nes the phantasm of hope, and that extreme partizan and unfair presiding the spoils which they were to receive officer of the House predicted. His as a retribution for their labors, faded arbitrary ruling yesterday caused a om their right aw?y into the . hands , . t . northern benificanes. But tie heated debate. Having complete southern Republican is undaunted by control of the national government it that and persists election after elec ts evident the Republicans intend to tionin his evil ways, with no prospect use their advantage for all it is worth. MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. OXFORD, N. C. Office at C. J. Ward's store for the present. f : jyjORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a d'ed in trust executed to me by Z. H. Daniel and wife, registered in Book 25, Page 356 I shall, on Mon lav, the 17th day of February, 1890, expose to sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, at th courthouse door in Oxford, the tract of lane situated in Granville countv on the Clarksf ville and Goshen roads, near, the house where Dr. Willis Lewis formerly resided, in being the land conveyed to said Z. HL Daniel by Geo. B. Reav's. and is particular !y described in said deed in trust,and covi tains 127 acres. Terms cash. . John W. Hays, Trustee. January iSth, 1890. . J. R. ROLLER & SON, AGENTS FOR THE BEST FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Utnce, tlerndqn lilock No. 1. 9-17-t C. E. -Alley USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. Four The South need not expect even jus tice much less any benefits. It is stated that the golden rod has been made by a majority vote of the people the national flower. There lp prevail, and though reasons of brighter success. Instead of fleeing c. 1 1 v from tYif. -nrM tKotr koran 'Ji'cm iKJ. necks against the proclaimed admoni tions of Democracy and stumble. They are indeed to be pitied. But, friends, be ye strong and cour ageous. The light of truth is bound for a The Butcher. 11, Oxford'Market. mav be nothintr in a name, but it y . . strikes us this is too significant. Honors are being heaped thick and fast upon Nellie Bly: A baby kanga roo in .the Philadelphia Zoological Garden has been , named after ner. ' Caltfornui has snow fifty feet deep. time may be clouded, it is too stroncH a monarch in the mental kingdom not to assert her povver. A. S. Lanier. 1 "Wanted. Position as book-keeper or salesman by a young man, full graduate of the Virginia Business College. Is now employed as tel- egrapn operator, ana desires change o work. Please address, stating terms, a . cne.Uest reference given. P. B. Gibson, Stuart, Va. THE FRESHEST AND BEST.. , Beef, Mutton, Pork and Sausage, Every day at my Stall. Orders re ceive prompt attention and delivered immediately to any part of the city. Lovely Scarfs, Ties, in-Hand and Bows, ORNAMENTfTTRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. i Kid, Chamois and - Wool Gloves',' ., - VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. Silk, Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs; Mufflers all shades and grades, J SELECT PRESENTS SELECT PRESENTS SELECT PRESENTS FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS. Presents to suit" and please all. Prices all right. We are always in the risht place when jrou want "high grade" goods at "low grade" price. So come to see us, Both sexes in vited, old and young alike: Wishing one and all a Merrv 3Cmas; we close bv snvinsr re- member for useful presents and unapproachable prices go to Mr. M. F. Hart of Messrs. Hart, Lavvrenre & Cochran has given em phatic endorsement to the merits of Panacea. His family had visited sev eral celebrated springs but , found the Panacea Water the best of any. .Mr. J. C. Hundley has used the Panacea Water in his family and speaks in the; highest terms of its virtues. . He says it acted like k charm. Dr. John W." Booth has had another case, besides those he has heretofore given, wherein Panacea Water acted with very remarkable efficacy. Mr. J. E. Tyler says he has used the Panacea in his family, with decided benefit. MAIN STREET Mr. A. P. Fleming speaks knowing ly of-the virtues of Panacea Water. Rev. W. S. Hester says Panacea Wa ter acted like a charm in his case, and how he is equally decided in saying it was of great benefit to his wife. John A. Williams ; : HEAD AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, - OXFORD, N. C. 1