t THE DAY. Pl'BLIKED EVERY AFTERNOON (EXEPT SL'NOAV) AT HERNDON BLOCK NO. I. II. IV. KIlO.IIKIMKU, Editor, Subscription : 10 cents a week. Furnish ed to citjr subcribrT by carriers, who will make weekly collections. 40 cents per month if paid in advance. Short communications on live subjects solicited. The editor disclaims any respon sibility for opinions expressed by corres pondents. 5uhcnl:rs not getting their paper promptly and regularly are requested to notify the o.'hce at once. Our advertising rates are very low for one week, or six insertion., about the same as charged by weekly newspapers for one time. Having a thorough city circulation, and reaching daily a number of post-offices In this and surrounding counties, it is a ptendid advertising medium. Lea! advertisements, such as adminis ratur's and executors' notices, commis sioners and trustees sales, summons to 1102 residents, etc., will be charged for a leg! rates, except when they exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re serve the right fix our own price. business must be PAID FOR VANCE ca Large Assortment Large Assortment the minority were always scrupulously observed by the majority. It is one of the most serious counts against the existing majority in Congress that the minority is compelled to insist upon the retention of rules that delay busi ness in order to protect itself against a merciless oppression. The disposition of the majority is such that the minor- ity must have the power to compel it to Stationcry of E very Description1 The meaning of the caucus resolu- c. - c p v Descrotion tion is clear. The announcement that iwj . - the contesting Republicans must be . seated before rules can be adopted is a bold and reckless declaration that Mr. Reed is to employ his self-assumed arbilrary power for the purpose of de ciding the contests in favor of his own- nartv. There is no concealment of he purpos?o increase the Republican maioritv bv this method, no matter how corrupt. In order to accomplish this nurnose. to reverse the verdict ?f 'an I the voters, to cheat constituencies X AD- their duly elected Congressmen and to Just Received ! Just Received ! IN NCE. The charge is very small and we defraud the majority, Mr. Reed is to And am prepared to execute pll I or wa,t lhe be left with arbitrary power. How , M c . 1 " . pleasure of persons to par Entered at the PoM-Otfice at Oxford second-class mail matter. OXFORD, N. C. willing he is to assume such power he aS I he o 1 ron A t cKrwun Thic ic thp nlnf l t.t j uiiwauj ijiivi a 1111 niv .w. that was furthered by the Republican caucus on Monday evening, it is orders for Friday, On.iv Senator Vance addressed the Sen- Gf attorney Edmonds, of Harrison and ate yesterday on the negro question. Reed. He does not approve of the Butlej bill. If the Republicans disired to decide It was not practicable, would not ,,CM: uiciriiicri mcy wuuiu It is worthy of its authors of TOR PR TlVTrNTr I r the bos,of Dudley the criminal, J W1J L A Ay . . . . . reach,rne case and would result in no be eairer for rules of orderly oroced- Tn trie Latest Stvles and at w r ure. 1 hat thev are not is Drool dos- - ,1 n 4.:k. substantial relief. Criticising Mr. In- r trices inm wm piuvc wmjr o - 1 inv. ji t uioiiuiivoi. f.ut svo.. galls speech he said, "it reminded him forcibly of "an astronomer's de- K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K. KRONHEIMER'S K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K . K ' K K K -:o: :o: Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. Hduse. Panacea! o- North Carolina's Greatest Boon TO SuffeMng Humanity! -o- Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! Snow In California. - Associated Press teleeram. scription of the remarkable tenuity of AnotlTeTdispatch from Vice-Presi- the tail of a recent comet. Its length dent Crocker, of the Central Pacific, was described as a hundred million says that he has been blockaded in the miles as it stretched athwart the skies, s"(,w l.en days and has just reached San ... , . . . Francisco The storm, he . stys, ' has and its breadth as fifty thousand miles, been the severest since the road was and yet the solid matter which it con- constructed, and never before have taincd could be transported in a one trains been detained for more than ' horse car. He (Vance) had listened twenty-four hours by falling snow. 1 1;. -.l ,,;, Twenty-five hundred extra men have and listened with great entertainment , 3 , , i.-ii i 0 .j j been employed to combat with the ele- to that speech; he had searched and mentsandgreatdifficulty is experienced searched and he had wondered where in provisioning them, as ali supplies the remedy was for the evil that was have to be carried by means of a depicted in such colors. He wanted snovv shoe service and at enormous ex- to see the solid matter of the illumi- P6"56 c r In places on the line of the Central nation. Suddenly, he said, before jhe Pacific the snorr yesterday as from light expired and the Senate was left 150 to 200 feet deep on the tops of the Hn darkness, the solution was an- snow sheds , and it is feared they will The satisfactory. Give tne, a Call ! Give me a Call ! 1 L. THOMAS. L. THOMAS. W. T. BROGDEN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. oxford, n. c. 1 t t 1.--? I nciL ivn isrann ine nains. ine snnw nmmcrci ils -nisiirtr- inrnnr sinn. -1 rr . . - x it tt - -1 ... 1 . .. ' has been falling from Oden to Colton umceaiL. j. warasstore iorme addressing the senator Irom Kansas, 1. December 20,and in Nevada has Pcnt. he remarked : "If you cannot help been heavier than ever known before. either the black or white, common de-l In manv of the cuts and narrow ravines A MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. ----- - . j yi ij. cency requires mai you snouia- noia i"- By virtue ofa ded in trust executedao your peace, forty to fifty feet and snow ploughs me by Z. H. Daniel and wife, registered in are wholly unavailable. In many Book 25, Page 35 I shall, on Mon lay, the taT-ic tl-, tM;nC or rw.rvA r,fl s7 aay oi t eoruary, iqo, expose tosale to n.ro.tiiu luoaya tup ui uic s,ght, and no communication can be courthouse door in Oxford, the tract ofland trade edition of the limes-Union, of had except on snow shoes. situated iirGranville county on the ciarks- Tifkmvill Fli It i - mifmifinVnt - ville and Goshen roads, near the house Jacksonville, l-ia. It IS a magnillCient mm.m where Dr. Willis Lewis formerly rested, it issue, containmu fiftV-SIX Daces exclu- I I M H K U 1-1 I 1 I.I K H:I being the land conveyed to said Z. H. . - r u 1-1 a v. I J--vA-V AAV w KJ-l Daniel by Geo. B. Rcav's. and is particular ui tuiuitu tuci, aim cuuiav.- Q !y described in said deed in trust.and con es descriptions of every section of the WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, 1890. tains 127 acreN wSHavs Trustee urange csiaie. aucn a puDiicauon, o January 18th, 1890. scattered broad cast over the country, must accomplish gfeat good. As a journalistic enterprise it is highly cred itable to the Times-Union. - We sup pose it casi kind before INSURANCE COMPANIES. The emigration agents are reported eight different characters? supported by Qffi Heradon Block No. 1. to have said that it is their intention T A 6 r . ,7 ureiies ana ine Desi 01 musical laienr, ROYKE-f-AND-:-LANSINS'S MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY, INTRO DUCING THE TALENTED COMEDIAN J. R. ROLLER & SON, A handsome Suit for "boys 4 to 12 years, elegant styles, MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PBESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. Suits and Overcoats for bisi Boys and Men, ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. Soft and Stiff Fur and Woo H ats, for M err a nd Boys, al prices USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. 'Lovely Scarfs, Ties, Four- in-Hand and Bows, ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. - Kid, Chamois and Wool Gloves, . VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESRNTS. Silk, Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs; Mufflers shades and grades, November 29, 1SS9. Capt. John A. Williams : I take pleasure in reporting to you a remarkable cure of a friend of minc in my neighlxrhood, who was greatly reduced in flesh, buffering with an awful ase of Chronic Diarrhoea. The best medical skill failed to cure and the patient was in a state of despair as to ever being cured, but on trying Panacea Water, a cure was effected in Jess than a month, although the terri ble disease had been of over twelve months in duration. ' This cure is marvellous bfyond belief and shows that the water possess peculiar adapta bility for curing Chronic Diarrhoea. J. G Randolph. ail ily surpasses anything of the hp A T T : "O CXSJCT c undertaken in the South. LvW X KsH,, AGENTS FOR THE BEST SELECT PRESENTS FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT select presents SELECT PRESENTS 9-17-tj to takeevery negro out of the counties in the funniest of all farce comedies of Craven, Edgecombe and Johnson entitled 4 rTL .Ar2? ,lhr X THE SCRAP BOOK." 1 a -rL t i 1" Mandolin Orchestra, Banjo Trios, ou 441 u,l,iJ 4 ,,c iiuuucuu shubert String Quartette, Music Bur politicians are becoming 'alarmed at lesque and Comedy of the most refin- the extent of the exodus in thcuState ed order. McGINTY IS WITH US. Seats now on sale at Davis, Thomas & Co's Drug Store. Prices as usual, 25, 50 and 75 cents. QOMMiSSIONERS SALE. and its influence on their future chances of preferment, and are making efforts to stem the tide. v Tta plot In Congress. t New York World. r r. - x . , j . . N , . The undersigned has been appointed of Representatives has determined to commissioner to sell the knds of the late obey Quay's order, and has decided Sol Hardin to pay his debts. He hence gives th-it rnnkz mTtct w?if fnr ir mU notice that as such he will sell at Oxford. .1 .u d..ki: on Monday, 3d March, 1890, at the court until the seventeen Republican con- houscdoor. fifty acres of land on Bowling's testantS are seated. Mountain, in Tally Ho township, Granville In the history of parliamentary gov- JY adjoining the lands of R. W. Booth JL .u- r Cf.7,.. L. G.Jones, James Wheeler and others, emment sink? the time of the Stuarts (s well timbered, has two good cabins there has bcn no such exhibition of on it and a curing barn and is abundant in tvrannv. U has been the crowning minerals and metals. Terms easy. This lc .1- I :u:.J4 January 30, 1S90. mory 01 in )jiu uiv..i c ni w Winston, Cora'r. md have iaproved that the rights of I A. W. Graham, Attorney. C. E. Alley, The Butcher. Stall No. 11, Oxford Market. -o- THE FRESHEST AND BEST Beef, Mutton, 1 Pork and Sausage, Every day at my Stall. Orders re ceive prompt attention and delivered immediately to any part of thexity. FOR SWEETHEARTS. FQR SWEETHEARTS FOR SWEETHEARTS, Presents to suit and please all. Prices all right. We are always in the right place when you Want "high grade" goods at "low grade" price. So come to see us, Both sexes in vited, old and young alike. Wishing one and all a Merry Xmas, we close by saying re member for useful presents and un approach ab I e prices go to M A IN STREET Capt. John A. Williams is all the time receiving testimonies in favor of Panacea Water. .. Our courteous Mayor, Lewis Smithy Esq., has given a strongfesti monial to the value "of the.wattr in own case and the case of one of his children. His endorsement is very ssrong. Mr. M.F. Hart of Messrs. Hart, Lawrence & Cochran has given em- - ' -' - phatic . endorsement to "the merits of Panacea. His family had visited sev eral cele-braed springs but found the Panacea Water the best of any. Mr. J. C. Hundley, has used the Panacea Water in his family and speaks in the highest terms of its virtues. He says it acted like a charm. Dr. John.W. Booth has had another case, besides t nose he has heretolore given, wherein Panacea water actea - with .very remarkable efficacy. Mr. J. E. Tyler says he has used the Panacea in his family with decided benefit. Mr. 4 Fleming speaks knowing ly of the virtues of Panacea Water. Rev. W. S. Hester says Panacea Wa er acted like a charm in his case, and now he is equally decided in saying it was of great benefit to his wife. John A. Williams . HEAD AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, OXFORD, N. C.

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