THE DAY. rt'BLHMKtJ KVKRY AFTERNOON (EXEPT SUNDW) AT MERNIHJN BLOCK NO. I. II. KUOMIKIMKIt, Ildllor, Subscription : to cent a week. Furnish ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will make icckhr collections. 40 cents per month if jvaid in advance. Short communications on live subjects solicited. The editor disclaims any renon sibility fur opinions expressed by coires jndet. tth5cruxrs. not setting tneir paper promptly and regularly are requested to notify the o:hcc aHnce. Our adrerii&in? rates are very low for one week, or six insertions, about the same is ca. ired by weekly newspapers for ne ;rne. Having a thorough city circulation, nd re.ichiM daily a numlnrr of post-offices 1 1 thU and surrounding counties, it is a p!etidld advertising medium. Lcu-il advertisements, such as adminis trator's and executors' notices, commis :oners and trustees sales, summons to non residents, etc., will be charged for at Unl rates except when they exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re serve the riht lix our own price. All such bumesi must be PAID FOR IN AD VANCK. The charge is very small and we cannot afford to take risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pav Entered at tic PtJot-OlTice at Oxford second-class mail matter. as OXFORD, N. C. MONDAV, Febru ry, 3, 1890. A.fOTIIKIt IlKPt'IlLICAX CIII.ME. Titc Republicans are once more at tempting acts of Lo'd and recklos villiany in keeping with the crime stained record of that infamous party. The stormiest scenes of years are be ing witnessed daily in the lower house of Congress. The arch-conspirator, Chairman Quay, (with ihesanction of the "unco guid nun in the White House) conceives a scheme by which seven teen lawfully elected Democratic members of the House of Representa tives can le summarily ejected and their seats filled by contesting Repub licans, to the end that his party majority in that body will be sutiicient and secure, and the passage of a na tional election law and contemplated raids on the treasury Ire readily con summated. Sjvaker Reed, who owes his elevation to his peculiar fitness for this kind of work, proceeds to carry it it into execution with a high-hand. The code of rules which have hcre 'ofore governed thej House are abol ished and the adoption of new rules ndefinitely postponed, the Speaker in .he mean time being invested with autocratic powers and enabled to ride ough shed over the Democratic mi nority. The first of the contested election eases, that of Smith vs. Jack son, of West Virginia, is called, and the committee reports that it deems it unnecessary to consider evidence and that die Republican contestant is enti- tied to the scat. The Democrats pro test against such unfair proceedings, but Mr. Reed turns to them a deaf ear.' He violates the commonest par hamentary usages to thwart them. But the height of his offending lies in ruling as to what constitutes a quo ruin. Mr. Carlisle says : "All have held from the beginning of Congress down to this diy that a majority must not only be present to constitute a quorum, but a quorum must partici pate in the legislation." In defiance of precedent and the constitution Mr. Reed, the Democrats refusing to vote, has the names of a number of Demo crats entered upon the Journal as vot ing and thus declares the result. Mr. Crisp, cf Georgia, who is bravely and ably leading the Democracy in this crisis, sa)s: "Twenty men voting, fifteen in the affirmativ;and five in the negative, under the ruling of the Shaker of the House he can declare that there are one hundred and fifty others present not voting and that the yeas have it." That this is un constitutional conservative Republi can newspapers freely admit. -That it is rank revolution is beyond question. The Democrats do not intend to, :m.ek ei;l;niit to hiive thtir rights trampled ujion, ;.d have' adopted dil iatory tactics to obstruct unfair legis lation. Filibustering under thecircum stance is not onlv excusable but to be commended. Desperate cases re nuiredesnerate remedies. Excitement 1 1 among the members reaches fever pitch The arbitrary decisions of the Speaker are recei.rd with eroans and hisses from the Democrats:. Itt two instances Speaker Reed narrowly cscaed chastisement. Whiie violence is to bi deprecated, yet if Mr. Cowles, of North Carolina, had choked him until his tongue hung out, or Mr. Bynum, of Indiana, pummelled him until his own mother would not have recognized his flaby features, he would have received less than his deserts. Denunciations are being hurled at him thick and test. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, declared that the assumption of power is 'tyranny, simple and una dulterated," and intrepid Mr. Bynum, standing squarely in front of the Speaker's desk, in thundering tones characterized it as "arbitrary, outra geuus; damnable and in keeping with 1 he acts of the Republican party" which "stole the presidency in 1876, stole Montana by fraud in the recent election, and is harboring a political scoundrel in Indiana." It looks as if the Republicans will accomplish their fraudulent purposes, unless there is a break in their ranks and that - is hardly probable. The three North Carolina Representatives of that political faith are hand and glove with their prrty. They, we pre dict, will certainly be rebuked and retired from public service at the next election, and a lik' doom may over take a majority of their associates. Republicanism and scoundrelism (the words are synonymous) are rushing headlong to a grave from which there will be noreurrection. The Simplest, The Easiest Run ning, The Most Durable, The Best Sewing Machine in the World. THE IMPROVED SINGER. FOR SALK BY V. P. WILLIAMS, at Davis, Thomas & Co.'s Drug Store, Ox ford, N C. JR. J. E. WYCHE, D. D. S., Now attending a iost-graduate course of lectures in Baltimore Dental College. Will return and resume practise about March 10th. OPERA HOUSE! Wednesday! peb. 5. i890. R0YKE:AND:MNMO MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY, INTRO DUCING THE TALENTED COMEDIAN RAY L. ROYCE, In his wonderful imersonations of eight different characters, supported by a sarong company of Comedians, Sou brettes and the best of musical talent, in the funniest of all farce comedies entitled "THE SCRAP BOOK." Mandolin Orchestra, Banjo Trios, Shubert String Quartette, Music Bur lesque and Comedy of the most refia ea order. McGINTY IS WITH US. Seats now on sale at Davis, Thomas & Co.'s Drug Store. Prices as usual, 25, 50 and 75 cents. COMMISSIONERS' SALE. The undersigned has been appointed Commissioner to sell the knds of the late Sol Hardin to pay his debts. He hence g-ives notice that as such he will sell at Oxford, on Monday, 3d March, iSoo, at the court hojse door, fifty acres of 1 land on Bowling's Mountain, in TallyHo township, Granville county, adjoining the lands of R. W. Booth L. G. Jones, James Wheeler an J others. Land is well timbered, has two Rood cabins on it and a curing barn and is abundant in minerals and metals. Terras easy. This January 30, 1S90. R. W. Winston, Com'r. A. W. Graham, Attorney. Large Assortment 4 - Large Assortment Stationery of Every Description Stationery of Every Descr'ption Just Received ! Just Received ! And am prepared to execute all orders for JOB PRINTING ! In the Latest Styles and at Prices that will prove entirely satisfactory. -., . Give me a Call ! Give me a Call ! L. THOMAS. L. THOMAS. W. T. BROGDEN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. OXFORD, N. C. Office at C. J. Ward's store for the present. jyjORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a ded in trust executed to me by Z. H. Daniel and wife, registered in Book 25. Page 356 I shall, on Moti 'ay, the 17th day of February, -1890, expose to sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the courthouse door in Oxford, the tract of land situated in Granville county, on the Clarks ville and Goshen roads, near the house where Dr. Willis Lewis formerly resided, it being the land conveyed to said Z. H. Daniel by Geo. B, Rcav's. and is particular !y described in said deed in trust,and con tains 127 acres. Terms cash. J . John W. Hays, Trustee. January 18th, 1890. J. R. ROLLER & SON, AGENTS FOR THE BEST FIRE,LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Office, Herndon Block No. 1. 9 17-t C. E. Allev, J The Butcher. Stall No. U, Oxford Market, -o- THE FRESHEST AND BEST Beef, Mutton, Pork and Sausage, Every day at my Stall. Orders re' ceive prompt attention and delivered immediately to any part of the city. K K K Clothing Clothing Glothmir K K K K" K K Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing . K - K K Clothing Clothing Clothing K. K. KRONHEIMER'S KiK K K House. House. House. House. House. House. Jlouse. House. House. House. House. House. House. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K. K K R K K K -:o: :o: K Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! -0- A handsome Suit for hoys V 4 to 12 years, elegant styles, MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. 4 Suits and Overcoats for hig Dovs and Men, - ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. Soft and Stiff Fur and Wool Hats, for Men and Boys, ail prices USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. Lovely Scarfs, Ties, Four-in-Hand and Bows, ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS: ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ' Kid, Chamois and Wool Gloves, VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. Silk, Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs; Mufflers all shades and grades,. SELECT PRESENTS PS ELECT PRESENTS SFLECT PRESENTS - FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS. Presents to suit and please all. Prices all right. We are always in the right place when you want ''high ! ".grade" goods at "low grade"" price. So come to see us, Both sexts in vited, old and young "alike. Wishing one and all a Merry Xmas, we close bv saving re: member for useful presents and unapproachable prices go to . 7 MAIN iSTHEKT K K. V K K K K K K K K K K SOP P Panacea! o- Nprttp Carolina's Greatest Boon TO Suffering umanity -o- November 29, Capt. John A. Williams : . I take pleasure in reporting to you a remarkable cure rf a friend of iviirc in n;y neighborhood,vvho was gnarly reduced in flesh, suffering with an awful case of Cnronic Diarrhoea. The bet medical skill failed to cure and the patient was in a state of desp-iir as to ever being cured, but on trying Panacea Water, a cure was effected in less than a month, although the terri ble disease had been of over twelve months in duration. This cure is marvellous leyond belief and shows that the water possess peculiar adapta bility for curing. Chronic Diarrhcea. J. C. Randolph. Capt.' John' A. .Williams is all tie time receiving testimonies in favor of Panacea Water. Our courteous Mayor, Lewis G. Smith, E-q., has given" a. strong testi monial o the value of the water, in Us own case arid the case of. one of ruV children., His . -endorsement is very ssronij. Mr. M. F. Hart of Messrs. Hart, I Lawrence & Cochran has given' em phatic endorsement to the merits of Panacea." His. family had visited sev eral celebrated springs but found the Panacea Water the best of any. Mr. J. C. Huhdley has used the Panacea Water in his family and sj)eaks in the hiehest terms of its virtues. He - t says it acted like a charm. - Dr. John W. Booth has had anothtr case, besides those he has heretofore given, wherein Panacea Water acted with very remarkable-efficacy. Mr. T. E. Tvler savs he hasustd the j j. .j Panacea in his family with decided benefit. : - : Mr. A. P. Fleming speaks knowing ly of the virtues of Panacea Water. Rev. W. S. Hester, says Panacea Wa ter acted like a chartn in his case, ar.d r Cwxf Vie l'c -iitillr rKcr-Acr in CflVinfJ it was of great benefit to his wife. John Af Williams HEAD AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES OF AMEPIA, OXFORD, N. C.