TI-1 E DAY. Pt'BUSl:t KVEXY AFTERNOON (KXEPT SLNDW) AT IIEKNIKJN BLOCK NO. I. If. IV. KUOMIKIMKIl, Kriltor, SuLcrijtiun : iu ctrnti a wctrk. Funiish td to city sub?cril:rs by carriers, who wil make weekly collections. 40 cents per month if paid in advance. Sh.rt communications on live subjects , solicited. The editor disclaims any respon s;!ility fur opinions expressed by coires (Mmticals. f Siacnl.r not getting their paper jro-ti;it!y and regularly are requested to notih the olTice at once. Our advertising rates are very low for one week, or six insertion, ariout the same 44 charged by weekly nev5papers for one time. Having a inoroun my circuiauou, aad reaching daily a number of post-otfices in thU and surrounding counties, it is n wpiendM advertising medium. Leal advertisements, such as adminis trator am! executors' notices, commis i.ners and trustees sales, summons to no residents, etc., will be charged for at h-fi il rate, except when they exceed a cer tain tttr.it of space, in -which case we re serve the riht rix our own price. All such busincs. must be PAID FOR IN AD VANCK. The charge is very small and we cnnot afford to take risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pav Entered! at lYc Post-Office at Oxford as second-class mail matter. nvrnnn w r. 1 r-. was 9 ID, IN. Cj Z IUT IX A MILKY W.lat V If Or hr nortd touni: townTaJ v-Tt. W. Virstrn, Esq., is an orator, if is v.tx a 'Silver-tongued orator," for since that cxpresNion has lecn apphfd tO'the jtresent encumbent of our gul.rr.ato f 'al chair we no longer understand its significance. He is a plain, rrdinary, ctnday orator less than a Grady j j:rhaj5, but cat in th.e same would. In addressing 'he Chamber of Com mcrre l.it night he caught the spirit of the gcntleraen'who proceeded him, and hi speech took a humonui turn for a while. I le added fori e to his remarks by illustrations which began with the licteal tlaid of the .bovine and finally drifted among the tars. His Versatile genius v.ai equally at home in the milky way terrestrial and empyreal. , Some unappreciative person in the au dience suggested that he "butter stop," another to ''cheese it' and still anoth er to "read his answers in the stars,' but undaunted he kept eloquently on exercising his milky sway over his hearers. The assembly Iwre the puns without i struggle, showing the iron constitu tion of the community and the health fulr.css cf our city, and furnishing yet another strong nnd convincing reason fur the loca; ion of the Baptist Female University in Oxford. cou: ty, Pa , and her father was for sewral ttrms a-soeiare judge of hi coui.ty. She began her newspaper txperitiu e on the Pittsburg Dispatch, ur.d has been 'writing for the World K r three years. She is a good-look-ir.g brunette, of medium height and gracelul figure. Ar.d last, "so far as the World knows she is not engaged to marry an) body. Specific Enough Thanks. Durham Sun. The Oxford Day was kind enough to copy our article in reply to its criti cism uion the Durham county grand jury, and disclaims any intention o injustice I he Day did asert that 1 believed the paragraph it commented upon concerning Durham was a piece of sensational news without founaa tion. So far as our knowledge goes The Day's belief was wi 11 founded. I ha 1x1 per, however, "would have prefer red that our contemporary (the Sun) had been more specific in its denial. Wei!, neighbor, the open charge you heard that tru- Durham grand jury found a true bill against a "manufac- uring firm here and then afterwards dn piK-d it like a hot coal, is not me. so far as we can learn from the workings of our grand jury. After in vtstigating the matter during their entire session iio presentment was re turned at all and the Sun so stated when the grand jury adjourned. Our Doors Are -Wide Open. New Firm in New Store New Firm in New Store The Simplest, The Easiest Run nni. The Most Durable, The Best Sewinir Machine in the World. THE IMPROVED SINGER. FOR SXLK BY W. P. WILLIAMS, at Davis, Thomas & Co.'s Drug Store, Ox ford, N C. OPERA HOUSE! WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, 1890. In the heat of our indignation ar.d the hunry of preparing the article, we were led yesterday into making a statement in an editorial broader than we intended and capable of our in terpretation we never meant it to bear We did not mean to stigmatize every RejHiblietin as a scoundrel; we trus we are more tolerant of those who differ with us in opinion. Our re n aiks were aimed at Chairman Quay and his dishonest litical methods- at Seaker Reed and thoe who are sustaining him in hrs villiany in the House of Representatives: they are the leading exponents of Republicanism today, and their conduct is deserving of the epithet we applied. We make this explanation as a simple act of jus lice, and because we do not want to be understood as saying a thing we never meant to say. The New York World of Sunday gives a biography of globe-girdling Nellie Dly and presents her portrait, 'to relieve the intense public curiosi it y" it says. The real name of the little traveler is Miss Elizabeth Coch rane. She is twenty three years of m W age, lives quietly in an uptown New York tlat with her widowed mother, and is frark, gentle and free from af fectation and loudness. Her b.rth pb .e was Cochrane's Mill, Armstrong MUSICAL COIEDY COMPANY, INTRO DUCING THE TALENTED COMEDIAN RAY L. ROYCE, In his wonderful impersonations of eight difierentcharacters, supported.by "a strong company of Comedians, Sou brettes and the lest of nuHcal talent, in the funniest of all farce comedies "THE SCRAP BOOK' Mandolin Orchestra, Banjo Trjos Shubert S:ring Quartette, Music Bur lesque and Comedy of the most refi. ed order. McGINTY IS .WITH US. Seats now on sale at Davis. Thomas & Co.'s Drug Store. Prices as usual, 25, 50 and 75 cents. K K K K K K K K K K K K T " IV K K K 'K K K K K K K K K K r anacea 'O- Now Ready For Business ! K K Now Ready For Business! KRONHEIMER'S Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothin Clothing cSS NortK ,: .Carol Greatest Boo , " .TO 1 I Clothing 1 ' t nfmncr PARIS BROS., No. 2, Ilemdon Block No. 2, College St. K K K K K- K Every Department ' full of the best and most desirable goods. Complete assortments of K K K K K R K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Clothing Clothing Clothing House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. House. S JT"'tm Humane -o- Novemb.i Dry Goods,-Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishing Goods, House Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Mattings, Floor. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Crockery, Glassware, &c. :o: :o: Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! Sensible Presents ! All selected with much care, and marked at lowest possible prices. ' It is our purpose' to meet the demands of the public for fash ionable and durable goods, and Bovs and Men, our figures are well witin the bounds of the modest pocket- book. A handsome Suit for hoys .- 4 to 12 years, elegant styles, MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. MAKES A NICE PRESENT. r 29, 1 Caf. . John A. Williams : I take. pleasure in renorsirg a remarkable cure ci a friend cf in my -neighborhood, who was, reduied in fl'sh, suffering awful ase of XJnronic Dianhcti befct:' medical skiil failed to n-. the' patient-was in a state of ct- to ever being cured, but on Panacea' Water, a cure was enV less than a month, although tht ble disease had been of 0j marvellous beyond belief ard . that the water j.os.ses.s pecul;ar2, s- . - bility for curing Chronic Diarrfcn J. C. Ra.mcl- Suits and ( ) vercoats for bi ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. . . ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. - : i ' we cordially invite your pat- k()('t and Stiff Fiir aiu! Wool ronage and promise our best Hats, for Meu and I5ovs. all prices efforts.tb please in every respect Is A WQHD Sufficient F61 Memory ! 00 QOMMiSSIONERS' SALE. The undersigned has been appointed Commissioner-to st 11 the 1 nds offthe late Sol Hardin to pay hisdebts. He hence gives notice that as such he will sell at Oxford, on Monday, 3d March, 1S90, at the court hoj.e door, fift- acres of land on Bowling's Mountain, in Tally Ho township, Granville county, adjoining the lands of K. V. Booth L. G. Jones, James heeler ana others I -and is well timbered, has two good cabins on it and a curing barn and is abundant in minerals and metals. Terms easy. This January 30, 1890. R. V. Winston, Com'r. A. W. Graham, Attorney. M ORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Bv virtue of a mortgage executed by John II. Averut and wife to Henry Hobgood, now deceased, registered in Book of Mortgages ISo. 25, at page sS6, I "hall on Monday the 3d day of March. 1S90, expose to sale at public auction at the court house door in Oxford, the tract of land described in said mortgage, and situated in Fishing Creek township, adjoining the lands of Reuben Overton Moses C. Dean and others, and containing 50 acres. HARRIET HOBGOOD, Ex'x of Henry Hobgood, dee'd January 29, 1S90. M ORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Bv virtue of a d'ed in trust executed to me by Z. II. Oaniel and wife, registered. in Book 25, Page 356. I shall, on Mon lay, the irth dav of February, 1S90, expose to sale to the highst bidder, at public auction, at the courthouse dor in Oxford, the tract of land situated in Granville county on the Clarks ville and Goshen roads, near the house where Dr. Willis Lewis formerly resided, it bring the land conveyed to said Z. H. Daniel bv Geo. B. Reavjs. andis particular ly described in said deed in trust, and con tains 127 acres. Terms cash. - John w. Hays, Trustee January iStb, 1S90. CD CD S 1 CO CD 3 3 CD tr-1 t?-i -a My Dealings to One and All are the Same. F. . SCH WAUTZ, STALL NO. 1, CITY MARKET, W. T. BROGDEN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. OXFORD. N. C. Office at C. J. Ward's store for the present. . J. R. ROLLER & SON, AGENTS FOR THE BEST - 1 FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Office, Herndon Block No. 1. 9-17-t DR.J. E. WYCHED. D. S., Now attending a nost graduate entire nf lectures in Baltimore Dental College. Will return and resump nrartii nhinit ATou 1 f -wv. uiai ui 1 10th. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. USEFUL PRESENTS. Capt. John A. Williams is a!! time receiving testimonies in fa ,0; Panacea Water. Out- courteous Maj or. Uvrs Smith, Eq. , has gi venV slru 1 monial 10 the value of ihc waus . own case and fhc case of one of children. His endorsement is . ssron. Lovely Scarfs,.' Ties, in-Hand and Bows, Eour I-awreiice & Cochran has given A pnatic endorsement to the menu Panacea. His family had visited s j eral celrbra'ed spniii'S but found Panacea Water the best of any. Mr. J. C-Hundley has used j Panacea Wafer in his family and spU in the highest terms of its virtues. says it acted like a charm. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. ORNAMENTAL PRESENTS. Kid, '.Chamois- and Wool Gloves, " v ; -VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. VERY COMFORTABLE PRESENTS. Silk, Linen and ( "ambric Handkerchiefs; Mufflers all shades and grades, ' SELECT PRESENTS SELECT PRESENTS -SELECT PRESENTS FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS. FOR SWEETHEARTS. Presents lo suit and please all. Prices all right. .' We are always in the right place when you want ''high grade" goods at "low grade" price. '0 ly of the virtues of Panacea Water. come to see us, Both sexis in5 vited, old- and young aiike. Wishing one and all a Merry Xmas, we close bv sa ing re- Dr. John W. Booth hjis had ano. case, besides those he has hcretcf j;i ven. wherein Panacea Wat r att with very remarkable efficacy. Mr. J. E. Tyler says he hasustdJ Panacea, in his family with detM benefit. 1 ' ' M r. A P. Fleming speaks knowir: 1 member tor useful presents.) and unapproachable prices go to, v';" 1 r mi m iinmu . . S v Rev. W, S. Hester says Panac.a V- ter acted like a.rhann in his case, now he is equally decided in sayi was of great benefit to his wife. - A MAIN STREET Jftlm & WilHo.rnf HEAD AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES OF AiMEPlC OXFOKD, N. C.