i j THE DAY I HAS T1IK , Largest City Circulation !ofany paper published in l Oxford. THE DAY V GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. Volume I. Number 129. OXFORD. N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15, 1890. Single Copies : 3 Cts. mm jjT.' 'j' V Fruits! Fruits! T.W.JACKSON & CO S To-Day. :(): C Swwt Florida Oranges rOIvJ iu?t nttencd. This fruit i thoroughly ric ami sweet. A Extra Fancy Aspen wall 2 LnOLu Bananas. One of the .ct slnpir.ciits.wc h.nve received this season. TOT Fancv Maltha Grapes. I-arge I iJiJl. bunches, ami Fine, Plump 1'liitt. a or Fxira Fancv Medina Lcin I vrioL ons. Something nice and iH give sat il.tcticii. " T)T)T C Bn Davis Apples. The () 1)1 J 1 -O. finest we ever saw. Try them. rhcy will suit you. MiUvarc! Oiff t racker 20 LrlJKo L-mch Milk.f.ra- h.irT. ("ream Jpray. Mushroom, Knic Knac iuu XX Sl Crackers openetl to day. T Fancy f.aver Fie. Rai- 1 OO iIXj. sins. Dates, Nuts, etc. Oxford Bakery and CaiKry Factorr. !l,rti!.M ttlock t. Oxford. N. C. ,'aluam.k rkal estate for sale t t'wx lots. Very desirable building Acres of Land. Within less than one ru'v lnti the Courthouse. TliU land is liftu!!v in original growth, the balance X l Urmmz land. This is a rare chance l4rjn. Call on FE1LI1 ROYSTER. A ,'AlXWM.i; LAND SALE. The cTerV of Granville Superior Court, in a social proceeding pending in said i-r; (r a sale of the land of the lateThs. tlfeen for p.trtilioti among his h-irs at-taw, apatite! the undtrsiued a commissioner to xtl said lam's The sate will he held at his late residence tn the 1 in. s in Tallv ll township, on Sat unlay, i.: March. ts at 12 o'clock, ni. TYrni. e third casn, residue in one and two years. The tut! have len divided into four traVis containing ij6 acres. 76 acres, 50 Jcie. 30 acres. N. T. (kkkn, . Commissioner. Crahani & Winston, Attorneys. M ORTc;.GE SALE OF LAND. Ilv virtue of a m f tgageexecutetl by John II. Averttl ai.l wife tolleury Hobgox1. now deCrased. tegisterel in Book of My rt gages No. 25. at ptg'T 5S6, I hall on Monday the jd day ol March. 190, exjnse to sale at lutttic auction at tlnr court house door in frd. the tract of land Jcscribed in said inctg-ge, and situatetl in Fishing Creek tmnh:p, adjoining the lands of Reuben thirtou. Moses C Iean and others, and loir.aiuuig 51 acres. HARRIET HOnC.OOD. Ex'x of Henry I Iobgoud, de.d January ?, 190. iM ORTUAGE SALE OF LAND. Hy virtue of a d ed in trust executed to me bv Z. II. Uanicl and wife, registered in rk'?3. Pace ,j.V. I shall, on Mon ay, the 17th da vol February. 1S90. expose to sale to the higfu-st bidder at public auction, at the o urthtUMr d.or in Oxfnf, the tract ol land stiuateU in Granville county on th Clarks vilte atd Gfislun roads, hear the h u.e where Dr. Willis Lewis formerly resided, it l ing the lai.d conveyed to ail Z. II. Daniel br Ge. D. ReaVs. and is particular ly fescnitl in said eked in trustind con tains 127 acr s. Terms cash. John W. I lavs. Trustee. January iSth, iS. COMMISSIONERS' SALE. The undersigned has been apjxinted lomtnikxirr to Nell the 1 nds of the late .l llardtatopuv his debts. He hence gives notice that as such he will sell at Oxford, en Monday, jd March, i?oo, at the court Iwrne dr. fifty acrrs of lad 011 Rowling's Motintatn, in Tally IIo township, tiranvilfe mnty. adjoning the lands of R. W. Rooth L.G.Jones, James Wheeler an J others. !-aid i well tindiered; has two gxJ cabins u it ami a curing barn and is abundant in minerals and metals. Terms easy. This January jo, iSjo. R. W. Wixsro.N, Com'r. A. W. Graham, Attorney. Notice ! TIk firm of Hart. !.wrcnce 4c Cochran has lcen dissolved by mutual consent, W. D. Coshran rctiriui:. Thic indebted to the old cncent will pTease come forward a;d settle their accounts. HART & LAWRf NCF, . NOTES OF THE DAY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Mlfior Erenti, Retroapectl vc and Pro spective, Gathered About, the City Ily Our Alert Reporter. TL. : . -11 ' , i nc irosiecis are we wiik not navt a theatrical trouie here in s vera weeks. The awkward squad of the Granville Grays was drilled at t e Armory las night by acting captain F. O. Landis Uiir notices ol church services to morrow show that Rev. Jos. Rennie will pnach at the Prcsbytrrian :hurch, and that R v. W. L. Cuninssim be ing sick still, Rev. J. H. Hall will oc cupy tne pulpit ol the Methodist chun h. Some slight changes in ,the sched ule of the jwssenger trains on the O. tv . ana kj. ct n. railroads will co into fleet tomorrow, i I he train from Raleigh will get hereabout five min utes later, and the train from Rich mond alout a hall hour later. About five thousand dollars worth of shares in the North Carolina Building and Loan Association, of Charlotte, have been sold in Oxford thnsar, and applications for loans already made. This Association, we are informed, came here to loan money and will do it Messrs. Hill and Van Horn have an attractive and feasible plan ofbuild iug a fine hotel lure, which they will explain tonight. Religions Serrlce Tomorrow. Haptist Church. 9:45 a. m., Sun day school. 11 a. m., sermon by pas tor, Rev. J. S, Hardavvay; 7.15 p. m, sermon. . 1 RESItYTERIAN CHURCH. 9 A. M. , Sunday chool. n a. M , ordination services and sermon appropriate to the occasion by Rev. J.s. Rennieitor; 7:15 r. M., sermon. Y. M. C. trr Services at 2:30 p. M , to which all are invited. Mkthodist Church. Sunday school at 9 yt a. m.;J. W. Hays, Er.q., superintendent. 7:15 p m., sermon by R v. J. H. Hall. No services in the morning on account of sickness of pastor.- Episcopal Church. 9 a. m., Sun day school; 11 a. M., sermon by Rev. W. Walker, rector; 7:15, p. t., sermon. IilcltiAoud Tobacco Market. Richmond, Va., February 14. This market has shown considerable activi ty during the last few days and quite a I quantity of tobacco has been sold, wrappers, fillers and smokers all re ceiving some attention from buyers. Hardly a day passes now that several lots of all these grades are not sold. Our manufacturers are on the mar ket and order .men are eager for good desirable tobacco. Stocks, however, are very light and consequently busi necs is restricted. Dealers are confi dent and predict a high, firm mar ket. J. M. T. Johnston9 s Vegeta ble Nolancline, unex celled as a tonic, liver regulator and blood purifier. For sale by all druggists. Tli e No landine Co., Rich mond, Va. I will sell verv cheap a handsome suit of parlor turniture, dining room outfit com plete and handsome parlor carpet. - D'Orsf.v Jones. - - ' Best lu the Market. "Black Prince." "May Apple" and "Mat inee," Chewing Tobacco at Davis, Thomas & Co s. , PURELY PERSONAL. The Dollies and "Whereabout of Some - D.Atil. wnn 4 11 av. -r-. r. Air. A. Strause spent yesterday in Durham. Mr. John H. HullOCk IS VlSltlllglTo D Owned and Under the Conduct friends at Dlltchville. Mr. R. E. Parham returned from Raleigh this morning Mrs. J. C. Cooper, arrived in the city on the train from Durham. Mr. J. C. Hundley 'went off this morning o'i the northbound train. Cv.1. J. S. Amis returned this morn I ing from several days, stay, at Ral- eiyh. Mrs. T. H. Collins went off this i morning to join Mr. Collins in New York. f Miss Janie Harrington, of northern Gianville, is. the guest of Mrs. C. A. Gregory.' "Tnde" VV T Clement was a nas- juuc v. i? .viemem d a nas senger on the northbound train this morning. . , -. 0 , Mr C. B. O.-born was in yesterday, returning home thk morning, Miss Nora King, who is teaching scnooi in tne country, is nome lor a tew days. Miss Bessie Venable took her depart-' ure this mornfng for a visit to friends ia Halifax county, Va. Mr. and Mrs T. B. Roller and chil- dren. left on the morn in c train for a vkit to Ma fnv rmmtv. Va c T..1. TIC U . vv 11 an.. 6-""5 w grana amaieur concert. i"ie is oui 01 Y f " 1 !r PAm A c m ci-if- r- 11c ir lo uroc delegated to purchase. , " M T. T TTilLn H.'rertor nf the N. C. Builditig anbTXoan Asso iation, of Charlotte, arrived in'the city yester- day evening, and joins Mr. Van Horn n his effort to establish a branch asso ciation in our city. Plucky Little Oxford. Correspondence of The Day. JNot little in herself not little in vim anjl enterprise, but little numeri cally and fii-ancially, as compared with some of her big sister towns But though comparatively little, she is plucky the pluckiest of all the a towns that entered the list ( for the Baptist Female University." To her . - size she beat them all She beat every competitor .but one, and considering , , numoers ana screngin, sne Deai tnai With one third the size and s-trength of Raleigh, Oxford bat her , c , .1 r u I and fairly won the prize, so far as the , , . . . contest lay between these two towns. . The published rules made it neces- sary for all the other towns to close 1 1 t i f u their subscription books on Feb. 10, so as to be ready to put in their bids, in Raleigh, On the II. Bu twenty' four-hours after other towns had to close their books, and the bids of these towns were known, Raleigh was allow- tagonistic to the j Granville County ed to hold another meeting to increase Medical Society, and decided to em her subscription. This was altogether ploy a physician by the year witha nfnir Rt with nil th,V nnft.m , r . . . she only came out third best. uut inongn, as comparea witn Kai- eigh, Oxford fails to get the prize, she has won: her effort1 has not been in vaill.' According to. ability, having! made the best showinc of anv romnet- mi i 1 j-j j rfa " " - iiinvi.i. w i.iv. auu uiicipuc. j.t will be another proof that Oxford is a town appreciating and favoring cul- ture and refinement." It has develop ed something of the town's strength and interest in the matter of educa: tion. It shows that .she must now utilize her strength in building up and fostering a school of . her own, thai will meet her demands as one of the old classic towns of the State. " 7 "T Citizen. A NEW COLLEGE. oxford to have a stronger female school THAN EVER. of an Incorporated Company, and to Be on-Sectarian. The Chamber of Commerce met at l1 e courthouse last night with Capt. John A. Williams, president, in the chair. 1 After some entertaining prelimi 1 w - nary remarks bv different eentlemen linnn th-Iinf mann :n wh:nh nYJ c j u j u v j , 4, 1 iuiu uavj. u.y,n Liv.aivvA ci.iiu 1 1 1- iuv,a uuu Ui inc - rciuaic univexuy decided upon, the meeting got down to the principal business of the even ing. - This was the organization of ah . fn- . a ' uv u s - 1 cornoratea comnanv to , estanlish tne n t A , " " w . to purchase he Seminary' property, which is offered at reasonable figures, and convert it into a strictly non-sectarian school of high grade for young ladies and girls. JNec essnrv improvements nre tn be m'orL f,, ,,; r.; : r T 1 ' ' -a a a " "s -iaJ i- ". cne col,uucl 01 a 01 irusiees appointed by the stockholders ' 1 . . . ' . . . , A net f rtn for art r es of incornora : A-. i -.v- l,v1 f was reaa. inecapnai siock oi ine rornoralion is to be not less than five i 1 U,UUMUU uouaii5 ttUU lu nit' thousand dollars, snares arenny dollars. v x , . A large number of shares were taken immediately, and rfo doubt the entire amount wanted will be secured today, The number of shares on6 person can hold is limited, so as to distribute the stock" well in the community and that all denominotioris be equally represent ed. :." '-':.: v Mes s' J. J. Hill and C. II. Van Horn, representing the North , Caroli- na Building and Loan Associatiofi, of Charlotte, were present and invited to . address the meeting. ; Mr. Hill, spoke t : in - t ' ' briefly and pleasantly, stating that the hour was so late lie' could not under, take a lone speech iust then, but Mr. T, . ..v , . van norn.anu nimscn wuuiu uc to explain fully the plan and working 01 tneir association ai anoiner urae. I.N - n -iri 1. ir. rLi.- i. vvniue movea inai :a meet- . . . ... . - : uc CtUiCU 1U1 ai VJUlt If -1 - 1 . A.M I I UUU3C l"lvc 5--" - lint; wiiicu -was.ciirricu. ' , j : inc AUJuu'utu V111 Cmploy a Doctor toy the Year. - The farmeis of that: neighborhood held a meeting at Stems yesterday an salary of from twelve to fifteen; hun- dred dollars annually. The necessary amourit will be made up by subscrip- tion. IN A GENERAL WAY. important. Happenings In Other States 1 and Countries. The lower House of Congress yes terday-considered the World Fair mat ter . . i he new code ot rules was adopted by a strict party vote of yeas 1617 nays 145. The Salem, 111., National Bank was robbed last night of 100,000 besides some securities. The burglars drilled through the vault door and then enter? ed the vault and blew open the burg lar proof sate and the book contents. There is no clue to the thieves. . Fresh Fish. Shad and other Fish Fresh at F. Schwartz's Stall No. 1, Market House. STATE SIFTINGS. 3iorth Carolina Item of Interest Clipped and Condensed from Exchanges. The trial of J. P. I)avis, for the mur der of J ohn A. H crto n, in Chatham , some months ago, has begun in Pitts boro. He confesses that he had killed Horton and expects, to ' be hanged for ir. He furthermore says that this would be nothing but justice. Tne , Aibamarle presbytery, which had been in session at Raleigh' for several days, adjourned yesterday. The - following delegates were elected to the 1 j , . General: Assembly, . which meets m Ashevillein M principal; Kev. j. c. MCMuiien, alter- native. Lay Delegate Capt. E. R. ... I J S. stamps, principal and Jol. Jas. b. Amis, alternate. - The mandate Of the United States SupremeCourt in thecase of Cross and ben received and filed,says , the J--cyr.Aiiis.manaate r.- j c .1 o.. "iH"1 "1C V -k - 1 ua previously affirmed the sentence of "u'ul1- x wv. - a v. a ' 1 luc jjuuiil. ludu iui seven jreai, tuu that-White work the public roads for five years. The Attorney General will, on next Saturday, make a motion be fore the Supreme Court toV have the judgment enteredt in conformity with the mandate ot the uulted States Su preme Uourt. ;Mr. W..K; rlenry wm j. be present, to represent the defendents. 1 Tf iL, a-.. r 1 -".uic Aiiurucy ociicrai a uiuuuu car i uiauuaiw , vrm wv. v,.i i.iiiv.va tv, npnrp f rrrvee -nr1 WKit ?n 1 II1W iJViJ bVJ W VX. & ViJJ UAV F Kf pvphpH hv the Rhpriff. I V. THE TRAINS. Their Arrivals- and Departures Here Per the New Schedule. OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE R. Northbound trains arrive 10:41 a. m., and 8:05 p. M. Southbound trains arrive 1:45, p.m., and 3:42, p. m. , OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trams arrive 10:20, a m., and 3:15, p. m. , ... ". '. Trains depart i iioo) A. Mv and 4:00 The O. & C. trains now run through from West Point, Va., to Raleigh, N, 11 I o tn n nr vv per nr or X o m and arriving at Raleitrh at 6:18, p. m.r leaving RaleiWrt at 8:10 a.1 m.. and ar- '' 0 ; o . , ' i riving at West. Point' at : 6, p. m. faking close -connections with the L"1 yoiK Ki.ver steamers to ana irom mitimore. The 0:&H; trains make close con nect the Ral- 1 cigu . uuiun niiina uuhu a.uu&umu, h jL u j v-rj , 1 u 1 11 1 1 L' M 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 )- 111 1 f x 1 1 11 1 . e ,,0 southern express. .: Express shipping book will oe clos- ed promptly asvto,llpws.: For matter going North, at 10:15, a. m. .For matter going sown, at 3:15, P. ni. 1 VV ;wi This rule will be ;- strictly carried out. THE MAILS. The mails are closed at the post office a half hour before the arrival of the trains. Johnston's Vegeta ble Nolandine, unex celled as a tonic, liver regulator arid blood purifier k For sale by all druggiste. Hie No landine Co., Rich mond, Va ': . V Forf Sale. . Three Hundred Acres of land near the town of Oxford. It is good grain and to txicco land, and is well timbered. Will be divided to suit purchaser. Apply to this office. '""v..;. ' .-1 .Wanted. Position as book-keeper or salesman by a young man; s full graduate of the Virginia Business College Is now employed as tel egraph operator, and desires change o work. Please address,' stating terms, a ' cne.Best reference given. : P. B. Gibson, Stuart, Va.

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