THE DAY ; 'P I-1 LD DAY 11 is Tin: Lamest Citv Circulation j jiofany paper published in jj Oxford. , Yoia'mi:!. Numiimk 125. Fruits! Fruits! T.W.JACKSON & GO'S To-U.'.iy. -:(o): f CITC Swwt nnd.t Orange 10 LnM-Ui . This fruit Cl"Ci:xtra Fancy Af5iiw.iH " VOllO Bananas. neJi the t M !upitH nts u e Have rev I vcl uu season I)I1 Kancv Mali.. drapes. I 1 1)151. !mcbc and Fine. 1' -are IlUJlp J nil'.. r Cl F." Fancy Msiua Lent 1 VvM' is. SoMK-tliinj; r.kc anl . iV. une -a:i-(.icli n. - I)T)I Q fn Davis Apples. The () IMjI.O. hnt-t we ever sav. Try t tf-m. I hey w ill suit you. s CTTC Milwanl-Cliir racker 20 LrVOJlO iWs L:nch Milk.f .ra il tut. I'iMm pray, Mu-Jiroom. Ki'ic Knac . l XX Sda Crackers -pencd to day. , IT)t Fancy Lavt-r Fig. Rai Oxford Baker7 and Candy Factory. II. i tv!m f" x k j. Oxford. N. C MLfAKLK RK.L ESTATE FOR SALE i t 'A'i Very desirable building .; Acre ( Land. Wilhiit t-s than om inVtri ni ihe omrihousc. ThU land i fortuity i:i original growth, the balance 4 farming land. This is a rare chanc l r a bargain, fall on FKII.II & ROYSTF.R. f ALUAULE LAND SALE. ThccterV of Granville Surior O-urt. in a H.-cial proceeding ponding in sai .w:ri f-r aMlr.l t!ie lands .f the latcThis. iliien for partition amonj: his hvirs at-law. ;tjjKiintetl iIh und?rs2uci! a commissioner m II said Ian! The sale will beheld at hi- late residence .ti the Un- in Tally Ho township, on Sat Midav. al March. IN?, at 17 o'cluck, ni. Term. ..c third cash, residue in one and vt. t ar-v The land have ben divide! into four trjtMntasr.iuj; ISO aire. 76 acre. 50 t?, 51 acTcs. T. CIkkkn, 0inmisjiuner. (irah.wn WinMon, Attorneys. JURT;C.E SALE OF LAND. l.v virtu fa mrtjrazcestcuted by Ji h II. .Ucriu al uifr lo Henry llobnl. now rc mhciI. re:iuritJ in B.k of Murtaso ... ?;. at i-r 56, I hail on Monday the 1 1 day ot March. cx- L sale at I u!.hc atutu.n at the court house dour in uford. the trad of land decnled .naaia 1 -t- rtaye. and ituated in Fishinp creek I.-mli.llltt Mi ' i 11 (till S the lands of Reuben Ow rton." Mscs C. Uean and others, and f ntainin 50 acre. Harriet iionr.oon. Kx'x ol Henry IIobKool,devd January T 1S9". A TAI.UAr.LE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE V rf.juvi:rtimcd. The undcrsifrnetl s;vt- notice that on the .v th Januarv, 1 SS5. he in n deed , in tru.-t nhif h may be found reKt red in Mortgage I'. k of OranviHe county. No.. 20. on pa:;x nted Trustee to sell the land th fun i!rribetl, Uwirdefau1t beinR maur i. payment of the lxmd. thereby tcured. Ivtirtlt havrgbeen made he will sell at pnWic auction, in Oilord, at the courthmise wr, on Thursday the 20th of March, tSgo, teai.l land tor cash, to the highest bidder. 1-ard lies m Granville county. North Caro 1 aa. contains io acres, is part o! the Tar h on tract, adjoin Mary A. Hester, Mrs. i.esviipttoo by metes and bounds, see said mortnae deed. K.nT.. Winston, Trustee. 1." Cl I '.rrcitrv :itifl Orrn.Urs oiiirn. i" ii COMMISSIONERS SALE. The umlersined lias been appointed t'ommisstouer to f-el the I mis of the late -! Hardin lpiv his debts. He henceRives notice that ss such lie will sell at Lxford, .n Mondav, 3d March, at the court! bouse doMr. ..ay acres of fand on PpwIinR-sj --v v J - - - - - - -- -- -- - M.Hintaiti, in Tally Ho township, Granville county, afj.j.ninu the lantls of R. V." lC. Jones, James Wheeler an J others. Land is well timbered, has two Rood cabins on it and a curium barn and is abundant in minerals and metals. Terms easy. This January jo, tSo R. W. Winston, Coru'r. 4. W. Graham. Attorney. i OXFORD. NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Minor Krrnli, Itetroapcetlve and Pro spectlv CJathered About I lie City Ily Our Alert Ilcyorters. '1 "here is some ta!k of wcvkly newspaixir at Suri s starting a The C!iani!er of Commerce meets in the courthouse at t' e ustiai hour. A party f Oxo; i.ns will leave here Monday to attend ihe Newborn Fish, Oyster ;.i d Came Exj ition. Allen hnt a;iiiment, I. O. O. F.. held a s. ul nut tmg last night lor the init a io.i ot cvcral new members. There is 'kiiuc business connected wilh the Oxlt rti Fcii.aie College to I v attended to i t the n etii j if the Chair.lKr ol Cotr.incn-c tonight. A junk shop has beui just opened in the city, and small bos, with bags slung over their shoulders, can be seen going thitherward the live-long day. The jolicemcn sa they never before saw such dull times in their business. They have not made an anest in son.e day- not even a "simple drink" to break the monotony, Mr. C. H. Lewellin haj rented the storehouse on the corner of M.mii street and courtuouse alley, and will soon re open a fir.t-class tailoring es tabiishim nt. He will have a full force of expe ienced workmen. Wc hear of a numbtr of men who will make desirable citizens a. d who want to move here with their families, but are unable to rent dwelling houses. There is not an empty rcsid :rrcein the city. Money i 11 vtsted'in these- build ings ytild handsome n turns. We cre shown today by Mr. j. B. Roller, the insurance agent, a check for five thousand dollars from the Kquilable Life Insurance Co., f New York, j ayable to the heirs of the late Fuldini: K. Knott, who died the 10th inst. The t he. k was daicd Feb. iSth. Th.s is a prompt p;ynunt. ; It is 1 Tollable I he Henderson ama teurs will give an entirlair.mfnt in the Oxford Op. ra House one night next week for the benefit of the North Car lina Confederate Veterans' Home. The performance they gave for this purpose in Henderson was highly com plimented .by the Gold Leaf and tlic citizens. Mc-srs Hundley Bros. '& Co. are erecting on their properly a brick structure one hundred and fifty feet Ion?. It will be used to dry brick by heat, and will have double railroad uacks runnii-g thiough it. When it is roninleted ihis eo-al ead firm can make Iritk regardless ol inclement weather. Tl c Orphan's rVai n ounces that the Kxcelsior Literary booety v. ill give an entertainment every two months for the benefit of the honary members. The DAY,by the way, started erroneously that the contributions were ten cents er week from each person. For week read month and you'll have it correctly. L. C. Overby, wh was suspected of s tting fire to the Harris block sev eral years ego and found it too warm t. linger here, is reported as having burred a house in Oxford, was tried for. aron and convicted and sentenc en to the btate jenitentiary for a term 'of twenty ) cars. Many of bur citi- m s will le glad to hear Ol Rcidsvillc corresionde:it of Kisfcr is r.cWs here. ot this. Danville Johnston's Vegeta ble N'olandine, unex- - y ' 4. 7iii CCllCCt (IS CLZOlll llVUi 7 nM fl hlood ' CKWH purifier. For sale by all driifffftets. TJte No i landine Co., Rich- fl TTtLm M OlHf N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings nd Whereabout ot Some People You Know. "Mr. B asley, of Stems, is in the city visiting rebtiv-.s. ' j Mr. Irwin Carr went to Norfolk. Va., this u.orning. : Mr. . W." T. Meadows went to Hen derson this morning. :-J Mr. C. I). Osborn went to Chase J Cit , Va , this morning. Miss Sarah Bunvcll,jVf tne guest of Mrs. L. Th m .s. Mr. R. W. Hobgo d went to Hen derson on the morm. giiiain. " Mr. J. B. Rolhr can e ldc on the 1:50 train today irom a visit iO Hali fax county, Va. : ; Mr. S. S. H:ithcock returned yes terday evening iron) jivi.-u,of a few t Bovdum, Va. Greiil4iioS Aoefolk Itnllroad. Tne GreensDoro North State pi this week has 'he following' to ray of a pro posed railroad in which our people are interested: . Mr. Thomas B. Keogh-will be pres ident Saturday, the 22nd, at a meet ing in Roxboro, N. C, called to con sider matters in connection with build ing the railroad from tTrensboro to Norfolk. Much intcrtWis, -manifested in this new line. It is the most 1m portant movement ever made for the development of the territory, between Greensboro and Blue 'Wing, and :s of vital importance to ; the liiizer.s of Guilfird, Alamane, Caswell, Orange, Pei son and Granville There are upwards of 150 prosperous country stores in the territory to be traversed by this jroposed read.- In addition, it will p.iss through the golden tobac co belt plumbing it in the centre. It will touch the cotton factory on Reedy Fork and Haw River, and a branch down ihe Inter -stream will take in all the factories. THE TRAINS. Their Arrivals and Departures Here Per the New Schedule. OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains arrive' 10:46 a. m., and 8:05 p. m. Southbound trains arrive 1:50, p.m., and 4:22, p. M. OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:00, A. M., and 3:15. v. M. Trains depart 1 1:00, A. M., and 4:40 p. m. The O. & C. trains now run through from West Point, Va., to Raleigh, N. C., leaving West Point at 8, a. in., and arriving at Raltigh;at 7:00, p. m.; leaving Raleigh at 8:15, a. m.', and ar riving at West Point I at 6:10 p. m. making close connections with the Yoik River steamers ttb and from Baltimore. The O. & H trains make close con nections at Henderson with the Ral eigh & Gaston trains north and south, going and coming to Oxford. SOUTHERN EXPRESS-, ' Express shipping book will be clos ed promptly as follows: . .' ; , For matter g iing N:rth; at '10:20, a. ra. ' For matur going South, at 4:00, p. m. 'r"i ' ' This rule will be strictly carried out. . . ' ' . ' - ; . : .. THE MAILS. . . The mails are closed at the. post office a half hour b-fore the arrival of the trains. - . r , lie K e-rer Returned. : i The reason is obvious. He probably wasn't feeling quite well any way, and unfortunate ly went to the wrong place at the wrong time. Had he purchased his physic at Fur man & Hays' he would have felt so much bet ter in a little whilf that' he would have re turned and bought some garden seed and gone to work. ' S. S. Haithcock Co. have a very hand some drugstore in their new quarters. Best In the Market. "Black Prince "May Apple" arid "Mat inee, Chewing Tobacco at Davis, Thomas & Co's. 1890. THE LATEST NEWS. CAREFULLY SIFTED FOR BUSY READER. THE Items of Interest About Sorth Carolina Scissored and Condensed from our Exchanges. ,''" , The Durham Daily Globe will te revived as an evening paper, and will be published and edited by Mr. T. B. Eld ridge, formerly of thV Lexington Despatch. The first number under the new management appears next Monday. There is a rumor that the Daily Call and Weekly Chronicle of Raleigh will be consolidated and appear as a morn ing paper with press dispatches. The editor of the Chronicle is now in Washington on business said to be con necttd with the consolidation.; ; Yesterday a telegram was received from Mr. Logan ? Harris, who is in Washington, treading as follows: 'Shaffer is downed; tell all the peo pie." It will be remembered that Harris and TJpchurch left here last Saturday to vvcrk against Shaflei's confirmation as postmaster. : It is not yet known what the full significance of the telegram is.; Mr. Sharlfer left yesterday afternoon : for Washington. News- Observer. The Charlotte News learns that twelve.hundred jurors have been sum moned to the next term of Davidson Superior court. This extraordinary action was, taken in tl e conse quence of the coining trials of the par ties charged with lynching Berrier vvho, i: is said, killed his mother-in-law Thi News apprehends that if the State w?s allowed to pick twelve Davidson men no conviction would be had, as public sentiment is solid for the ac cused. The anneal meeting of the Board of Trustees of the North Carolina University was held in Raleigh yester day morning. The following resolu tion were adopted: Resolved, That the recommendation contained in the report of the President of the Univer sity in engaging in competitive games whh those of other college, or other persons, be 'discontinued, .and that the faculty are directed : and instructed by the board of trustees to adopt such measures as shall entirely prevent its. recurrence in the future. IN A GENERAL WAY. Important Happenings in Other States and Countries. Mr. Reybume, Republican,, was elected member ot the House of RepT resentativts Iron? the Fourth Congres sional District of Pennsylvania to suc ceed the late Judge W. D. KHy. I In the United States Senate1 the as sassination of Deputy Marshal Saunders, at Quincy, Fla., was discussed, and in the House the debate was opened on the report of the AVorld's Fair commit tee. :- I ' ' '' " The sickly green postage stamp has but few more days to live. During the coming week arrangements will be completed by the Post Office ? Depart ment for change in color of stamps of nearly all denominations. The new two-cent stamp will be a deep carmine, and the one cent stamp will remain a bright hue, as at present. r- - A Des Moine, Iowa, telegram says: The Democrats have decided to accei I the Republicans' proposition for a com promise if the Repu jiicans would con cede them two more committees.; jThe Republicans at 1 2:20 went into caucus to consider the matter and it is thought the long deadlock will be broken. (The proposition has been accepted.) .-. 0 mm ; While you are waiting for the mail to open at One postoffice, step next door and buy a cigar or a fine plug of chewing tobac-; co (best line of both in the cityj at S. S. Haithcock & Co. Wanteds ' Position as book-keeper or salesman by a young man, full graduate of the Virginia Business College. , Is nof employed as tel egraph operator, and desires , change .0 work. Please address, stating1 terras, ol cne.Best reference given. P. B. Gibson, Stuart, Va. GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. " . . Single Copies: 3 Cts, INFAMOUS NOTICES. Threats to Shoot the Military, froni Am-bnsh--Attempt to Extort Money. I Special to the News and Observer. Rocky Mount, Feb. 20. C?pt. 'Henry Thorpe received yesterday, through the postoffice, a notice saying if the Light Infantry were under arms last night every single member would be killed, sooner or later, if the negroes had to shoot them, one by one, from ambush. A notice received, by the . Farmers' Alliance said the way and the only way to stop the fire was to send a purse of three or four hundred dollars to Professor Martin, of Peters burg. Martin is the negro sub exo dus agent, who was advised to leave town last. week. The threats are con sidered idle, but they show the ani mus. ' v . " "... ' ' . t. " "An' exchange says- There is no doubt that the fire was incendiary, and of the incendiaries being negroes, and some of whom are angry at the action of some of the whites in running the emigration agents out of town, there by preventing the negroes from exo dusting. The! negroes have been hold ing meetings, alleged to be Knights of Labor meetings, but it is thought these meetings have some connection with the fires. . Then some of the negro women have been heard, to say the fires would not have occurred but for the action of the whites in prevent ing the negroes leaving. A North Carolina Giant. Exchange. James Gilbe-t, recently the giant of Barnum's circus, and. now employed as a private watchman in Scranton, Pa., is announced to be married on the evening of February 15 to a young Hyde Park woman named Williams, who several months : ago was promi nent among thef Salvation Army work ers in ' Scranton. , The giant, who towers nearly eight feet high, says his bride is liule more than four, and a half feet high. ' ' . The Chatham Record? speaking of Gilbert, says : 'The giant above mentioned was born and reared ;in Chatham county. He exhibited in a dime museum in the city of New York as 'the captured 'King of Dahomey,' an account of which the Record pub lished a few years ago. " We suppose that his future bride is aware of the fact that he is a mulatt' ' ,;: : A Colorado man has an inventfon thav will do away with buttons. When there are no buttons to sew bn baclielors will have less reason than ever, to change their state. ' ; ; (J , r; ,Tlie New York World says: "General Boulanger might come" to this country r and take a leading role in a tank drama. A soup tureen might appropriately serve as the tank. . , . A correspondent wants to know where her can buy a century plant The Century : plant is located on Union square, New York, but . we dort believe ; you have money en ugh to buy it. Johnston's Vegeta ble Nolaridine, unex celled as a tonic, liver regulator; and ; blood purifier. For sate by all druggists. TJte JSTo landine CoV9 Rich mond, Va. - ,,,, . - , . - v- We have added to our stock Garden and field seed, and Foreign and Domestic Fruits. S. S. Haithcock & Co. V I will sell very cheap a handsome suit of parlor tnrniture, dining room outfit com plete and handsome parlor carpet. D'Oksey Jones. For Sale. Three Hundred Acres of land near the town of Oxford. It is good grain and to bacco laml and is well timbered. Will be divided to suit purchaser. Apply to this office. . . ; ' m. ' n'r'i urn 1 i 0 II - For Rent. One six room cott ge dwelling. Terms moderate. Address -W. H. White. ; Fresh Fish. Fresh Shad and other Fish at Schwartz's Stall No. 1, Market House. F.

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