THE DAY 114 TUB ' . largest City Circulation of anj paper published in Oxford. ; GIVES V ' All the News of tfie, day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. 9' VOLI MK I. NUUIIER 141. OXFORD. N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1890. Single Copies :'i 3 Cts jMP UJJiJ - - --4 jTSUITED HER TO A. TTTTTTTTTTTTT T T T T -T T T T T TTTT A good ccpnoinic T, An at t-is-a-tonic T, A saving, net wasting, IV.iutiful tasting. V ry fine flavored T. A nrh. ippetiiingT, A truly surprising T, An honest aprxaring. Comforting; entering. Ikt sort of household T. A well re ommended T, fiidiciouily Mended T, A fragrant and pleading, Always apa4ig, N't-to be-tpialled T. A much celebrated T, A not:overrated T, O.ic that will satisfy, Tea drinkers gralif), TKit is the He-No T. FOR SALE BY TAV.Jaclcsori.6cCo., OXFORD. N. C. The Latest Novels! HAVE YOU READ THEM ? vitd Iteliarny, 300,000 . opi; S al rriiiy fold. Jl'N Y, by T. C. Dcl-eon. ! ROTHERMAL. bv Louis Reeves - r 0 Hirrivn. . . IADV IIABY, by Dorothea Gerard. TROLLOrE'S DILEMMA, by St Aubyn. THE EVIL THAT MEN DO, by Ed gar Faucet t. , ' FROZEN? HEARTS, bv G. Webb Applcton. FROM JEST TO EARNEST, by Ed ward P. Por, in 50 cent cditious, : RUV RLAS, by H. L. Williams. KOI.INE, by Mrs Cary Lee Hentz. SPEAKING OF ELLEN, by Albert Ros. -THE LATEST MAGAZINES, PAI'ERS. &c, &c. Oxford Book Store. Housekeepers arc Bothered Just Now Aout Finding Some thing to Eat. eu;MTiot ecu;r.sToM ; n ccfcsTio : p t GOEVTIOM : ii.:eTtoN ; m.g:st!o? : MO;rSTloM ; Ferrf Ham. Breakfast Strin. Beef Toneue and Dried Bcf. New O'lcanaMolases verj finest cock 4 Eitz. Potato a. Rice, Oatmeal. Hominy. Canned Fruits ami Vegeta bles. Pickles, Sauces, Jtc. X-Soecia! attcnikm called to another Il of CIIOICB BUTTER. ! , . R. W. Jones & Go., Tkkry, Wright & Merrick, Tkrry, Wright & Merrick, Terry, Wright &. Merrick, THE x ( PASHIOXABLH BARBERS -FASHIONABLE BARBERS FASHIONABLE BARBERS- MATE REMOVED TO Herndon Block No. 3, Oxford, N. C. Herndon Block No. 3, Oxford, N. C. Herndon Block No. 1, Oxford, N. C. Good workmen nd guaranteed every one. Satisfactory work NOTES OF THE DAY. ' v ; I HE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED 1 IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. YItnor Kvcnt. Retrospective and pectlve. Gathered Akt tne Cllf By - umr Aicn ueyorters. The gardening disease has broke out afresh. The Raleigh papers failed to reach uxiora mis morning. There will be no services Methodist Church tonight. at th - The Meadows Tobacco Company commenced work yesterday. T. . a . t , win oe onenea nere mis SDnntr. t t ... . The time for holdiW or mnniri.v,! election is only a few ; weeks off. Some household utensils were auc- tioned off in front of the courthouse to - dayi . . Straw-yellow hair is no longer $een. ExchanreJ Dytd long ago-dead sure enough nm. eh? Two names were added to the mem Iwrship roll of Oxford Lodge, "!. O. O. F., No. 103, last n:ght, making the total number of members one hun dred and eighteen. i he vounc insurance nrm ot our city, Messrs. Ftild & Royster, have been apiKi nted State agents for North 3r the United States Mutual Lssncution. ' . Carolina for Accident Ass 1 r. a r u So O nr.niin,; ,,f R,v,n, offirrrs Kirk- Ii.a. iv,..r roc n.n ,n hiiiiv.k, au.i..., x.a.w, VUu v.. Uu rv inn th nrf.r.l McMannen. The sermon at the Methodist Church last night by Rev. J. A. Cuninggim, Presiding Elder of ther Warrenton District, was a verv able one and was listened to with marked attention and interest by a large congregation. Millie and Sue Carady, two dusk) women, ftad a natr-puiungajia scratcn unter on Herndon Avenue vesterdav" afternoon, i Polireman Whitfield arrested them, ; and .Mayoi Smith thought a dollar fine for each was the punishment to suit the often cc. Sorini? was written in.bold face cans on the face of this moning. " The air was soft and warm, the . bending skies were cloudless, the earth was bathed in n flirid nf f olden sunlight and the txs were musical with feathered o . . I songsters. And yet only three or four I a . a a ' 1 I days ago the landscape wore a manue of s do 1 1 ess white, mercury nao xaiier. - . I t J 11 I 1nivn - i frtnrT rviin t i nrl tK lin luckv mortal who braved the anxrer of old Boreas found tne fierce wind blow- ng through his whiskers. nichmond Tobareo Karket. r l u KiciiMOND, va, Aiarcn lom.-wur 1.-. j.;n .u n,ct Knc been quiet, but very firm. Lightsales are being made everv day of nearly all trades. Hea-v sales are imrxssi- ble on account of the lieht stocks of anvthinc bke desirable tobaccos held bv our commission merchants. Sorre movement is noticable recently in a a dark tobacco. West Virginia crop . ' m. ABM is about marketed. R ceints" con- tinue light,! with comparatively heavy shipments. 4 t . j. m. t Johnston s 1 Vcfteta- ir.f- . I - - 1 Die jxoumwnuf "v?&-sm3 celled as a tonic, liver rcanlator and blood purifier. For sale by all druggists. Tiie jvo- 7tti74'tit 7i Ridl- ii,f iijf bi v - z Fof Sal . -n tinnrMl Arres of TaBd near the town c Oxford. Itis good 5Tn and to . 1 nnrdmcr Aroiy "to this divided to suit purchaser. Appiy office. r - : .1 .:v ivni ki WHILE AWAY DULlTC ARE ; A Movement on Foot, to Organ 1 Social Clnb IUri. A movement is on foqt to organize a soeial club .here, something which has long been needed in our cify and which'it is! to be hoped will be pushed to a successful consummation. The purpose is to fit " up a hand- some suite of rooms, to ' include a 1i- brary and reading' room; game room and billiard and pool room. It is un derstood that not a drop of intoxicat ing liquor will be allowed, to enter the uwu aiiu iikii taiittsiiiii nil, uv. oiiiv.k f If nrnhfhifpH 3 1 ADOUl niny names nave aireaoy been secured as charter merrfbers. An organization of this kinduwill exert a (good moral influence in oil r .commu- njty It will afford a 'very pleasant piacc for gentlemen to meet in social i''A .LU intercourse and to. entertain :itain visiting friends. Thrown by a Burkina; Dfoneho. Mr. R. W. Day sustained a hard fall and painful injuries yesterday . .-. , . , . ... even ins about seven o'clock. He was riding an unbroken TexsV; broncho, and on Commercial Avcm opposite Messrs; D. A. Hunt ' & Ion's store .r . ? , the animal began bucking and sucr I rooHuH in rliclulninn t ha ri-4at t - Day was thrown some distance in the Lir nnH fll cr.Unrr fhpMrV nf hi ."6 " i i .i-a j He was unconscious for about an hourr and it required the combined efiorts of three' physicians , to; resto him to his senses. Fortunately the skull was not fractured. He was - car ried to his home and passed a compar-i ativeiy iutet nicnt. .mis in nines are not regarded as serious, and he will very nice oe tuny restored neaitn in a a a i i few days. ss On a If uptnal . Errand. A party of ladies' and gentlemen of our city, composed of Misses Anna Landis, Fannie Hughe and Berta Burto Mrs. A. Landis. Messrs. I. r,-v 11 t vx ', j y- t ir nir 1 "u:fv . nan, j. c Yycnc, pinion Knav ham, V. Landis and A. S. Davis, ac 1 companied Mr. C. H. Pearson to o. morn- nS on a nuP ,al rrand Pear- son, who is one of our most popular . ; n r young business men, will be married this evening to Miss Belle Goode at th rMn ri hr father. Kfr. F!. ;r - - Goode. near Five Forks. The fprp i a I ony WH he followed by a .wedding cnierammeni at wnicn, tne ?oio time hospitality of Virginia wiU. be lavishly dispensed. Kneonragins Ontiook. . . The outlooks for water works in j a rri 1 as pro,x au iuc-mh .mccuug I I I . .U l I of the Commonwealth Club is entirely practical, and that there are .two sites in eh which .m afford.the irir an amnif- vii i ii 11 v 1 1 1 wairr a i l0st. v 1 "J . 1 Shoatlnfr Alfa I r In Ueeklcnb r;,;va. The dog ishot' If The way it started was ibis. flushed the bird, and the Inrd was shot,' If the bird had shot the roan he would have sent at once to Furman & Hays' drug store lor a botue 01 iimroemana mis iuss would never have been: . 1 hams and shoulder?. Kingan!s pyre lard. u. A. hunt & Son. 1 m e very encap a aanasome suit oi 9 a f m i . I pkte and handsome parlor carpet . . , , .v .. t D'Okskv Jones. I .'v.. narior lurnuure. owms iwm muicom. Uxiord are very encouraging. ,ine piaceu uicjh iu use wci uum ruiui j t4i1MOi1, TTvnon -.1- r.K v I half adozen families frot water. Two JOlinStOKV f8 V egetO,- THE LATEST NEWS. CAREFULLY SIFTED FOR THE : 'r. BUSY READER. Items r Interest Abo at Slartlt Carolina Scissored : and Condensed from onr A Gov. Holden has had another stroke of paralysis, and is in a critical condi tion. "j.V-i---V-i. -.-. A $300,000 saw mill plant is to be put up soon at MoreheadCity by north ern capitalists. ' - Guilford county is asked to subscribe 100,000 to the Greensboro, iRoxboro and Blue Wing Railroad. The mutterings of discontent are still he? rd at Rocky Mount. Another anonymous letter has been 1 received there warning thirty men that they will not live thirty days. Tlie iVJvxriVt'r says that at the of the Alumni, Association the Faculty of the State, University have et apartV Wednesday" afternoon, after for the reunion of the Alumni. It is contemplated to have a banquet with aiter-dinner speeches. . The .Charlotte"; JVftus says : The United Edison Manufacturing- Com pany, of New. York has evidently locat- ed here to stay; Tl L Western Union Tel lhe agency occupies up rooms : over the cleffraoh office. The halls and suirwavs are-canx;ted" and n,nll. arkila mifniHa !- rw s.'gns attract the notice of the people. 1 he agency is in charge of Mr. u m R Wfirrfll "an fvrrr plprtririnn and K- w an . expert eiecmcian, ana The agency will do a general electri- cal business, and will not only fur oui' -wni' txraip luwns ; wiin eiei mc light plants in short order. IN A GENERAL WAY. Important Happenings In OtHer States and Countries. a law recently passeo oy tne ieerisia - a . . . 1 ture of Virginia prohibi ts tlie employ- mem 01 women ana cnuaren unaer 1 4 years ot age in lactones ior more man ten: hours; a day. J A Pitsburg, Pa. stove manufacturer has been on. a protracted spree in Kichmond and ; MUtord, va.. and is throwing his money around with a lav- ishJiand among the negroes, ne rias ... . . i .nA r Kr k ;c .mvr- ished.. "i '''. It is very probable there will be an- other delay in unveifingihe monument to Gen. Robt. E. Lee at Richmond, Va , neferts hkve been discovered in the pillars of the " handsome - " t r i granite iwipstral ererted to receive the taues- rc; tn.t ..Vihprn .nl. nam aJSovuw wm iv , - dier, and they will have to be replaced . . l !! . I witn new ones,wnicn win consume quite a time. Two Virginia boys" aged twelve and fourteen, were punished by a neichbor for some mischief, and in re- venge they stole two dozen ' packages ofrat-poison from'a dragTstore and I . aa a a 1 1 - . M w. Imm al ftinnnvoi tt..w , thoui,iA . recover. as 1 ttle of the Latpr was.used9 There wis enough poison5, in tlieWatdr to kilf achundred people. ... j mint ri t-r verai hundred men pro- rnred a s.nall cannon and rode into " the town of Spartanburg, S. C, Mon- day, for the avowed purpose of attack- ing the jailand taking therefrom and inKintT Hmrep S Tiirnpr who shot ivn-h.-ri,, rmrire S Turner, who sliot! Tt-jA. 6u .l " r : ": D'-il-' ana KUiea nis: uroiner f on r naav. 4 vnen tne moo amvcu ini the oublic souare Mavor Henneman. . ,'.-., wttn pisiois in nana, repuisea mem, . - . f t 1 .1 I spiked their cannon and locked it up. j Alter maicm? iunner nosiiie ucmuu-1 strations and threats ot returning ior rf- . : t i. . .1 11 k i.mre 'uncu, -u. .u, finally dispersed, ' - PURELY PERSONAL. TneDolnsrs and Whembssti t Soma People Yon Knew. ' . t - Mr. R. W. WinstoiKwas .in Durham "yesterday . V:;'V;;; Mr. Ed. Stray horn, of. Winston, is in the city. - Mr. F. L. Fuller, of Durham, was in Oxford today- Miss Ellen Ferrabow, of 'Stems, is visiting friends in Oxford. w 5 LieUl? Wm. Lassiter has returned from a short stay in Raleigh. . Mr. Henry. Pannell is : in the, city again, reaching here yesterday. Mr. J. F. Rogers went to Durham on the afternoon accommodation. , : Mr. Henry' Miller, of Raleigh, is in the city on, business in connection with the R. & D. Railroad. Mrs. J.. B. Rollerand. children re turned yesterday from a visit of several weeks to relatives in Halifax county, - Miss Addie Travers, the skillful and jxpular young lady who presides .over the millinery department at Messrs. A. Land is & Sons', Jeft this morning for the northern markets to purchase spring and summer goods. . i Rev. G W. Ferrell, the oldest Pres byterian minister in North Carolina and who has been preaching in Gran ville county lor nearly sixty' years, is in Oxford on a visit for the first time since the railroad was built here. He has reached the advanced age of eighty six years. . ..', Dr. C- D. H. Fort returned, from Baltimore yesterday afternoon, bring ing with him an expensive and com plete set of the latest improved dental tools. With his new outfit, which is equal to the best, he is prepared to do mosr satisfactory worlc for his pa-. tients. - : The Durban Fire. Particulars of the Durham fire yes terday are gleaned from the Sun. Itoc curedat 8:45,4. m., and in a short while 1 . - a a 1 the Durham Jtertifjzer works were a mas?of ruins. The - fire companies 1 n A M . . . ... . .. inpun uunu..- i ..c ug,,. of the tire is unknown, it started in a room not usually occupied. - o The Fertilizer Company lost their buildings and their entire plant, with a We amonnt 0f .fertilizer, stored two car loaas orieruiizer, wnicn was dumped out across the7 D, & N. track. The R. & D. R: R. company lost four box cars, which was standing next to the factory, some of them -partially a u , Mf . I "IC nvc llr 1 II I V I Ullll UI-T The D. &. N. lost 'one box car, estimated at three or four hundred dol- lars. A . An eftimate of the loss to thex Fer tilizer Company could not i be giren yesterday The plant was insured for 17,000. . The fire came just at their busiest season. It is announced that the factory will be in operation again in three days. . ; c ; mmm.m'. im mm mma. . m, I VS ' t' " i.-.-, . L. . r CCvlBCt U8 & ZOTltC9 IVWr TeffUlUtOT-Silftd "bl66cl purifier. For sale by n A,nfoB Tim IVi- w w landine CO.f Rt Ch- m nn fl Vfl " r Town 1-ot for Sala. -Twenty half-acre desirable lots within fif- v varrl of lliin street. . R. VV. Lassitek.Jk. " w J " Visa m Mark. RlarW Prinr. v .Mav Anole and "Mat- inee," Chewing Tobacco at Davis,' Thomas - v-. Saw Orleans 2Xolac cropsl 'Just received iat C J, New Ward's.