il THE DAY V." THE DAY HAS TIIK . Largest City Circulation (.).( any pnpcr published in ; Ox fori!. -GIVES All the News of the." day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. k II. Nfiinr.K 2. OXFORD, N. C, TUESDA MARCH 18, 1890. Single CoriEs: 3 Cts -r a J m m 22U Sum eti-iing-:- New! TO - HAT AND DRINK! (Una Drjps Only 10c. a Pound Cnib Aprils Cider. on Draught. 5 Cent m !. ? i Suirir, Fresh From t.o Grove, 25j. a Pound. j :ock Apples. F&naaas, Grasses i!:i?.in Grip!. Lesions, etc, evr .:b: t3 Oxford. ( ocsauut r rn t-rd, oan & O? ? T . A. i jjax, oc a rr.una. f - - . f : iin.-y tl. ii l.ivii .jiks !.-forc yon Fruit Candy t. educed to 25c a Pound. ce the m-w styles c f French vcr,v varieties j?tt ojniictl. T. W. JACKSON As CO . OxfrI. N. c. j KinwriJ-f T, (i'.ini Dr)s oil V fe a lb. 1! are IJothered Just A lou t Findinir Some- thin to Hat. 1 ..1 :i.n : Ferris' ffntm. IJrcikf;t . ..i : Stri;. liccf Tongue and ... - n : I r it- 1 Itcef. .-; ' : New O Ic.ims Mloscs ver f : f.s, I'ntatw5. : ,,i;-MN : Hire, Oainn-al, lliniiy. :v".-n: Cutru tl Fruits ;utl Weta , .. n : bles. Titl:!-!, S.t'.tce?, r k-vm! at:eti-m catled t another ' R. V. Joiie Co., II "V 'Si - r . AT PARIS BROS. N1.CW SSTOKIS, Oxl OKt, - NOKTII C.XKOI.IXA. TriB WHITE- GOODS SHOW! no and t .uni:i tlf cle.i'. lrig-'t wfii;ci-ss of our Cot inn, Lin: n. W a. and Silk. ' Vn't will 1; ti barg.iii: . i:. K .: briifcricN ami Lin. s, a"d t. I:ics i;i our DttSs Go-hJi as ii .1 ks r';r,iP;, NM'; few davs a-o heard much of , the. niai Cuff, and HoMrrvmVd-MJa d. t n.f ent new re,den e of . Rev. 1 hos. k-rt !.ivN aad C oicV. and . K- Skinner It is a fine building and ( r e s. ; is Uanti!ully furnished. We have There is neus at our Gingham! k nr(i c,,-bl romnliments nai . the o ;ntcr--a rvilar gai-eri g A tin rltov Crrv - td ad-' oi mir." wt:ctncr yot: r no". .1 b U) biiv ! ' No !d h.ti-- ra n eeryt i"g IC ...-i ; ! ' , . ltr-t ikuIc w ar. now e. J j mi j Hottsckcvjrs wiii f;-tl the i:intf l.r.e of Ta!I Lint n, TiiweN( and Lu c Curtains tver cxhin-, :: t! in (Kfon; at Iar Bris. 1 , , . r . c ..... I .w Lulus liiiii (( nl 1 irs a. d ltt-liiteM a n! fm.r f.:a!,. j .... In lonabk iih. ar.d Snppvis. . vvnu ii wiar well ana m 10 per fection at iaii Ilris. ('t;ri.ip, l'oL-ar.d U ir.dowShade. We don't have to makes 'tnm for anythtn- our prices do t' at. tleaitn.ent i cmn Icte. Co ne .vnJ!e. lfv.nh.ive mvtr visit I PARIS, and i." vvu Uu..t ihe Kst giOvK fr thr 1 i t n.o H, )iu v.iil fmd ih- trip i-iot delightful. Yours truly, PARIS BROS.. w w 1 NLW MERCHANTS, NEW STORli AND NEW GOODS. . NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. 3Ilnor Kvrntu, Iletrospec-tl ve and Pro- prctlrr, fathered About the City liy Our Alrrt llrporlrr. Warmer, cloudy weather. Considerable tobacco on the market today. A "drunk and di-orderlv" this martiing contributed five dollars tuihe city treasury. Several ircntletnan from a distance came i ere ye,t- rday erxaminin- Oxford property wuri a view oi investing. f I m fx ' XT wxiuru lxxige, i. kj. kj r., ao, 103, has regular meeting tonight. ! Visiting brothers are cuidiaily invited. The mas Moore was brought to iovn yesterday afternoon and lodged in jail. He is frot.i Brasfic!d township and had b.e:i throwing stune-j at a little white Mrl o ll:e Snf'rem. Court decided vester- ,j;1y tjlal tju re was no err;r in the ase of the (jranvilie County Uuard of Ed uca: ton vs. the State Board oi Educa tion. Waen times are a little dull, yjur g:nd tiiien is not diht artentd and ready t 1 give up in dspair. He takes t fr sh gr.p, aiid makes things lively aam. The Injury done the tobarco plants by the recent toldspeb was even great e Umii iir-t reported Fully half o fie plants i:i this i.eighborhood were il H-(l. Two titis of O.xf rd held jointly a lucky ' ck t t i a io'ttry drawing wh.cii a - H wT a, few , day ago, and hey arc richer bow by four hundred dollars. Mr. K. N. Day has the little engine !y thj ptijiils of his Hotoi."gn al Si l oul n t xhii itlon in his - how win low It is a pretty price of woikman ship and is admicd by the passers by. A li'tlr ublic irtrr st ir.arifcsied in the g- vernment building Mr. B;ow er is end avoring to obiain fjr our ci'y might do sf me good and be a sta'itial he p in securing ti e appro pri.i'inn. We inadv rt'-ritlv overlfjoktd "x-s t relay mention)' g the memorial ser vices held Sund iy afternoon by the colored Odd Fellows and Masonic I. li:es of Ox'ord in commemoration of thi ir late brother, ' Rev. Jas. P. Hunt. Their procession -on the streets wa a highly-credifable one. Artltle House Furnish Ins. The Day man while in Raleigh a Jr )Cn h (o . Mf j ?A; ' . . , V ur n Jr'f vno n cnarge 01 y . H. R. S. Tuck r Co.'s mammoth drajiery department. T!ie fretwork fiivirlnif. fhn li-i-L- Imnl h.i ' tx simply superb in design and workman- , . , . e Miip. .ir uranam was a - pupir 01 Homer S IkxjI for several years, and Ts well-known to many of our citizens, We rom,rjluaic. hirn tqon hissuccess. , , " 1 r n Ht5 has true artist c ta-t-, and ts fully J able tr foni-te with the most exeri- a . I enccd house lumislit rs ol the north. He will bj pleacd to rtx-eive orders from Oxford ant! will give them his bet p rs nal attertio-t. JTohnston?s. Vegeta ble NolandinCj unex celled as a tonic , liver regulator and blood jnirifier. For sale by all druggists. The JVb landine Co., XticJi- in ond, Va -tr PURELY PETf , , Li In al. The Do in 8 and "Wiiii People Toi Mr. R. J. Coen w onltt of Some o'Stovall tb- ua. j ... t Dr. J. S. Meadow day. " -f. ' An the city tQ Mr V .CI Tlnl-V ' Dabney, is In the city. . Ji Mr. W: C: Rectf returned tliis morn ing from Raleigh..--. Mr. A. S. .Davii is on a trip to the eastern part of the, State. Dr. S., D. B ioth is off this morning for a short stay in Richmond. Va. f- IIon. A. 11. A. Villiams went off on h" northbound tratn this morning. ' .Miss. Roberts, of Knapp of Reeds, i?i visiting her sister, Mrs. j. C. Hund ley. Mr. Ed. Ward, . of Franklinton, was in the cit, yesterday, returning home this morning. Mr. N. H. Whitfield went to Franklin county, N. C. yesterdav on a short business trip. We are pleased to see Mr. G K Hundley, who has b-.'en quite sick for the past few days, able to be out again. Mrs. S P. Couch returned today from Danville, Va., where she ha i b .en for several weeks attending the bedside of a sick brother. Rev. J. W. Witherspoon, Rev. Mr. Ramsey and Rev. Mr. Veazey, of Vir inia, Presbyterian ministers, were in ti e city yest. -relay.. Messrs. John T. Thomas, and F. B. Hays went to Raieigh yester-- day, to stand examination before the .St.ite Board ot Pharmacy, which meets there today. Miss Lizzie Smith, of Richmond, Va., who has been spendi:-g a few weeks with Mrs. J.- M. Emmett, took her departure this morning. Mrs. Em mett accompanied her as tar as Kej: viile. Miss Ida Ncr.vood, of Baltimore, Md., has charge of the millinery, de partment '.in. Messrs. Hart& Lawrence's store. She is a most competent milliner, ad would be glad to show the ladies sto'-k. nf the city through the Dress Parade. Col. W. T. Gray, of Winston, colo nel of the 3rd Regiment, State Quard, arrived in the city yes'erday afternoon' Fie is on a tour of ' (inspection of the various companies uhdt r his command. The Granville Grays will have a dress parade this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock CoW For Sale. A No. 1 Milch Cow. for sale with 1 young Calf, cross breed Jersey and Devon. Address John w. Booth k, Tally Ho, N. CI " ' , . r- ' Largest lousiness in the State. , Ofcoursewedo the largest business . in this State because we are located here and do but little business in any other State. ' Fukman & Hays. CraUj-'s.Hoolt. 'J "The Life, .'Writings a.nd',Sjeeches of Henry W. Grady.". For sale by C. A. Con way.' Orders 'eft at C. J. XV ard's store will receive prompt .atfeiition. . ' Y 1 , :- .' ' x.ost:.i;" V '"' ? - . -, . . My bag of instruments, between -Oxford and Minor's Mjll. Anyone' will be rewarded bv'returnins same to Dr. Si D.-Ikxjtli, Ox Uird, N. C. Dnnlap's and Knox & Youman'3 styles in Hats aie shown at Pa: is Bros. A fine lot of smoked Jowls, sugar cured hams and shoulders. ' Kingafts pure lard. ( D. A. Hunt it Son. - t -Ci"lf r -1, Examine Paiis Bi os. mi8 line of gents' Dress Sniits. . . Best In the Market. ." "Rlack Prince," "May Apple" and "Mat inee," Chewing Tobacco at Davis, Thomas Co s. tt .. . Tlie leading: Corsets, E & G, at Paiis Bros. 1 . ' Sew Orleans Molasses. . New crops. " Just received at C. T varu s. - . .7 . THE LATEST NEWS. CAREFULLY SIFTED FOR . BUSY READER. THE items or interest About Xorth Carolina scissorea ana touaeuea iront our! KxciianTes. The Y M. C A. will have a tent at the annual encampments of the State Guard hereafter. A conscience contribution of $16 in an envelope, postmaiKea Lnanoue, in - 1 . 1 1 -! 1 . . XT t., ana sijnea "iviy conscience, nas been reteiveel at the Treasury Depart ment at Washington and pi acta in credit of the Conscience I'und. Messrs. H. Walters and Warren G. Elhot, ot the Atlantic Coast Lme,were in Rileigh ebterday for the purpose of prosp.-cung witli.a. view to extending a branch line into' that city if the riglft of way and other arrangements could be secured. Prof. E. Stuiie Wiggins, the Cana dian weather prophet, has predicted a violent storm. He says it will be felt all over the world, and will reach Europe from the 17th to the 19th inst. It will burst over the continent of meri a between the 21 -t and 22nd inst. Nothing short of a miracle he savs, will prevent the destruction rxT shipping that may be caught out of harbor. Volcanic eruptions and earth quakes will take place in the South and on the Pacific coast ar:d also in Europe. An-Aheville deective thinks he. ha- located Walter B n 'ham, the deaf mute murderer of Miss Turlington, at A:. twerp,. Germany, and. is so certain rthat lie is on the riht track that he has offered to go across the water at n is own expense, if the government will reimburse him if the .man is found to be the one want, d. A letter to that effect was written to the Attorney General, but he-replied that he had no authority in the matter. The rev ard has ben withdrawn, and unless he State cares to take some steps in the matter it will rest as it is. An Asheville special to theAVzcj- Ob server of this morni ng saysr News has just reached this place of a horrible accident near Hot' Springs, Madison county A twelve-year old son ot S. D Chambers, a highly respected 1 farmer, accidentally shot and instant ly killed his ' mother. The father Had been to Hot Springs, bringing I, home with him-a valise with some articles for the family : in it. He put the Valise down in the hous.and step ped out: When the lad looked into it to see what his father had brought him, he; found a pistol, and said to his. mother: "See , what 'i pa brought home." The pistol .vvas discharged, the ball striking his '"mother in the breast. ; Her ony words were: !'Oh, Lord, you have kiied me. IN A GENERAL WAY. Important Ilajipenings in Other States and Countries The LouiM'ana Lotter y Comjany forwarded to the. Government ; roo, 000 to tie used to protect tne .'people of Louisiana: asrainst inundation in conseqence of the Mississippi river This money was declined by the Gov ernor because 1 1 is on t ne eve of th'e session oftheLVg;s'a:.ure, dun'hgvyhich the renevval'.oV extension of theirchar ter Will be acted upon. - A M ntt v.s'a, Cal,, telegram says-: Thursday nlgiu John McCan, Chas. Harris and '"Ihomas. Gallagher con fin ed in the county jail overpowered the Sheriff when he came to L'tve them their evening meal and ' escaped." The prisoners .started uo the Rio Grande River. Friday morning Sheriff Heck er with a posse started in persuit and yesterday morning at daylight their camp was discovered. The fugitive s were called upon to, surrender but in stead of doing so they fired upon the F posse. ine bncr;:i returned lire, shooting three times and killing his 1 three men." None of .the Sheriffs posse was injured. . . i OXFORD FEMALE COLLEGE. Meeting in Its Interest at the Court house Ldtst Aiglil. The meeting at the courthouse did not bring out anything approaching a fun representation of the business in , . Teresrs ot tne city. 1 nose vvno are most concerned in the establishmetit of the Oxford "Female College and who would derive the greatest benefits were conspicuous by their absence. t 1 j I , . There was a spirited discussion, en- , , t-, . ' Capt. J. A. Williams, Capt. A. Ian dis and others. Nearly the amqiint required to secure the success of the undertaking was subscrib.-d, and comniittee composed' of Mr..R- H. Vr.u '.a ""-vtuiic, xjv. xv. a... anU J. E. Wyche, were appointed to make a canvass of the citizens tod.iy nd place the remaining shares-. - The stockholders will meet tonight, and it is to be hoped that the matter will be stttled then. Reidsville holds an election April 14th on the question of putting water works in that town. Showed II im the Door. Jobson Why, Jepson, I understand that you're married 'i Jep-.on iou understand right. "' Job But I vvas led to believe you had a disagreement with the girl's father. Jep Who told you so ? Job Tim son told me so. He told me that her father had shown you tlie door. Jep So he did. He's a painter and graiuer, and he, had grained a' door so well that it was the talk of the trade. So, being in the conversation one night and the subject ofvthe,door coming up he took me out and showed me the door. But before Jepson had got thus far Jobson had fainted. He could not stand such atiociousness. Boston Courier. A Vassar Dialogue. .' First Sophomore Shouldn't you think that May Northcote ought to learn Greek easier than the rest of us girls ? Second Sophomore I doa't know; Why so? First Sophomore Because she baa J ' cuHi a Twrffir.t Grecian nose. fBurlintr- : r ' r ton xree rress. The Force of Habit. Her Matter-of-Fact Father Daughter, I do wish you would learn to talc with out using so many exclamaton'es. E v- -ervthing you speak of is accompanied with "oh t " " the idea 1 " "great good ness !" or something of that kind. "Why I Goodness gracious, pa! How can I help it? The idea? We girls all talk thai way. The Skating: Record. The fastest five-mile record for skaters is credited to Frank Dowd, of Chicago, in 47 :17. He made this time at Montreal on April 3, 1885, on a twelve-lap track. The Clipper Almanac gives no five-mile time to either. Paulsen or McCormack, but credits the latter with a six-mile record in 21:22 on the Crystal rink, Montreal, a twelve-lap track. McCor mick says he can skate five miles in be tween seventeen and eighteen minutes, and Paulsen is confident he can make just as good time. Johnston's Vegeta ble Nolan dine. Unex celled as a to7iic9 liver regulator and blood purifi er. For sale b y all drug gists. TlieNo landine Co., Hi ch mond, Va. The finest line of Gents Cnffs at Paris Bios. Collars and Town L.ots for Sals. Twenty haif acre desirable lots within fif ty j-hrds of Main street. K. V Lassitpr, Jr. Full line of camples for custom mads smts- rits araDtesd in every resnect or no sale-. PARIS BROS. a 5 1 1 t , '1

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