pTHE DAY I HAS TUB I Larjrcst City Circulation Or- THE DAY GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. of any. paper puDiisnca in Oxford. per week. 1 T( t in YiSY'ivr" m VolumeII. Number 7. Something-:- New EA!T AND DRINK ! Gum Drops Only 10c. a Pound Crab Apple Cider, on Draught, 5 Qlass. Maple Sugar, Fresh From the Grove, 25c. a Pound. riaert Stock Apples. Banana, Oranges MiUr OrapM. Lemons, etc, evr brvcfct to Priori. Cocoanut Fritters, Can't be Beat, 25c. a Pound. ocr fancy Ben Davis Apple before you bur. m Fruit Candy Reduced to 25c. a Pound. j ur to scr the new styles of French randies over 50 varieties just opened. T. W. JACKSON ft CO., ikrmVm Block, No. j, - Oxford, N. C. Remember, Gum Drops only ioc. lb. Housekeepers arc Bothered Just Now Ahout Finding Some-, thing to Eat. MM-.rmoN : FeriU llama. Breakfast m.;istion : Strips, Beef Tongue and MwrsTios : Dried Bef. 5. u;et!os : New O leans Molases verj km;itiun : f.nest icoods Miu:ixnos : Ejus, Potatoes. 5t c;tTioN : Rice, Oatmeal, Hominy. .itxwTioN : Canned Fruits and Vejcctn- Mu-.mioN : bles. Picklrt, Sauces, tc. jrrfccial attention called to another NofCHOICE BUTTER. R. W. Jones & Co,, 3i S V -WHAT'S NEW- AT- PARIS BROS. NEW STORE, Oxford. - North Carolina. THE WHITE GOODS SH0W1 2T"Come ant examine the clean, briira! whiteness of our Cot ton, Lin n. Wool and Silk. You will find lianrains in hm broideries and Linens, and novelties in our Dress Goods and Silks Flouncings, All overs. La es and Collars and Cuffs and Hosiery and Hand- l-rn hief and Cj loves ana Corsets. JPThcre is news at our Gingham's xunter a regular gathering of the clans. Come and aa mire whether you uili to buy or not. HE,1"" No old house rats every tniny new except Hugh Davis. rA straw that tells of effects is the large trade we are now enjoj- inir. fcjT Housekeepers will find thenicest line of Table Linen, To weL and Lace Curtains ever exhib itL-d in Oxford at Paris Bros, ETThe ladies will find Oxford Ties and the finest and most tasn ionable Shoes and Slippers, which wear well and hi to per fection at Pari Bros. Curtains. Poles and WindowShades. We don't have to makes room for anvthinr our prices do that. tejrGcntA deiartment is complete, t'otnc and examine. If you have never visited PARIS, and if you want the lst goods for the lcat money, you will find the trip most delightful. Yours truly, PARIS BROS.. .NEW MERCHANTS, NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! OXFORD. NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED . IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. nimmr ErtaU, IletrospoetlTe and ptlTC, Gathered About tkc Cltr Or Omr Alert Reporters. ' Awnings in front of stores are mak ing their appearance Regular drill ol Granville Grays at 7:30 o'clock tonight. A large number of tobacco wagons came to the city today. . The weather has cleared off, and the lovely spring is in the ring again. The robin hunters are out now. They report plenty of birds, and are having great luck. 4 Easter Mondav is iust two weeks off. The ladies just now are much concern- m. m. ed about spring millinery. Mr. Henry T. Knott, of this coun- tv. realized 7to for A he tobacco grown on two acres of land last year. There will be a meeting tonight of Oxford Lodge, No. 390, A. t . & A. M., for exempIihcatJon 01 worK in me third degrees - ; . Messrs. Hundley Bros. & Co. have sectired the contract to furnish the brirV for the new warehouse tor Messrs. Davis Z& Gregory. Oxford and the immediate vicinity escaped damage by the "storm of last Saturday. It was rougn nereaoouis, but not rough enough to hurt. Two Oxford young men invested one hundred dollars in raising a small eroo of tobacco last year, and cleared five hundred and fifty dollars. They -mnlnved labor and .did very little work on the crop themselves. It is safe to sav our people s atten tion is more serionsiy turned toward factories iust now than ever before in the history of the town. The need of thrse en'erprisesto promote the growth ot Oxford is no longer a theory it is a condition. A man from Person county was in Oxford a few days ago for the first time in ten years. He said the town had grown so, and so many new streets had been oicned he could not find his road home, and a citizen had to go with him and show him the way out side of the city limits. All Th 8lelK Take". Mr. R. H. McGuire, chairman of the Commonwealth Club committee, has been working faithfully in the in terest of the Oxford Female College, and announced this morning that he rus succeeded in placing the last share of stock The stockholders will meet at the courthouse tonight for organization and other important work pertaining to the College. All interested are urged to he present. Inptrlaat Hectlag. The busmess men of Oxford and every citizen interested in the progress of the town are requested to assemble at the Opera House tonight, , at 8 o'clock, to consider a matter of vital importance to the business interests of the community. . JSeta IVext TaarwUf. The Granville County MedicalSoci- ety will hold its regular meeting at Stem, Thursday, March 27th, at 3:30, p. m. Business of importance will bo bro-Jght before the Society, says secre tary Ir. T. L. Booth. Johnston's Vegeta ble Nolandine, unex celled as a tonic, liver regulator and blood purifier. For sale by all druggists. TJie No landine Co., Rtcfi mond, Va. N. Ci, MONDAY, MARCH 2,4 PURELY PERSONAL. Tb Etolaga and Whembanti or ante Feeple Taa Kaaw. Col. tV. F. Beasley is in the city today. V . Dr. B. !F. Dixon came back home this morning. Mr. C' B. Osborn was iti Clarksville. Va., yesterday. Mr. W. II. Osborn came over, from Durham this morning. Col. R. OT Gregory and Capt. R. V. Minor went to Stovall today. Mi. J. M Norwood is off on anoth er, journey iii the interest of his cigar factory." " r v Mr. W A. Adams took his depart ure this morning for a trip to Rich mond, Va. . . s ..Mrs. E. G. Currin was among the passengers who left on the. Henderson train today. Mrs. S W.' Ed mandson has returned to the cfty from a two month's stay at GoUjsboro. Mr. J. J. Paris left tcday for the northern, markets to replenish the stock pf gdodVpf Messrs. Paris Bros. Welcome ITcws. Ft Jsv always 'welcome news for the buyers to learn of reduction in prices of goods, and the column advertise ment of Messrs A. Land is & Sons in this issue of The Day will be read with interest. The bargains offered are real bar gains, and worthy of attention. They are not trashy stuff, but worth having. Announcement is made of "Open ing" Wednesday and Thursday April 2 and 3, which ladies from every where nr rnrdiallv invited to attend. A beautiful tx'iibit is promised. This concern the largest and best known in this section of country s filled from cellar to roof with an im mense stock of the most desirable mrrhndise. Something to suit everybody, with prices all right. THE TRAINS. OXFORD A CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains arrive 10:46 a u.. and 8:oq p. m. Southbound trains arrive 1:50, p.m., and 4:22, p. M. ,-r', - OXFORD A HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:00, a. jl, and 3:15, p. M. Trains depart 1 i:oo,rA. m., and 4:40 p. m. The Mutual Life Ins. Co. is a grand old corporation. Its dividends are phenominally large its policy simple and liberal. i Welly Blr Ded hirh will sometimes in the future be at the head of every newspaper in the country. We an musi aie, dui mos who buy their drugs from Furman & Hays will be the longest livers. New Orleona Mle. crops. Just received , at New Ward's. C. J The leading Corsets, R & G, at Paris Bros. Life insurance is lively. Mess. Feild & Royster seem to be taking the lead with the Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York. The finest line of Gents' Collars and Coifs at Paris Bros. Best 1m llic Market. "Black Prince," "May Apple" and "Mat neet Chewing Tobacco at Davis, Thomas & Co-.'s. Examine Paris Bros, fine line of gents' Press Shirts. . . . , ; V'. Gndf't Book. "The Life, Writings and Speeches ot vv C.radv.'' For sale by C. A. Con- ,v Orders "eft at C J. Ward's store will receive prompt attention. - IT - Pcnlap't and Knox &,YoTreians styles lx Hats are shown at Pans Eros. 1890. THE LATEST NEWS. CAREFULLY SIFTED FOR THE BUSY READER. Items of Interest Aboat Nortk Carol In gel atored and Condensed From Our Exchanges. 1'. Some citizens of Greensboro have gone into the base ball business with a capital of one thousand dollars. A Charlotte Chronicle corespondent says that Roxboro is expecting to have the Lynchburg & Durham trains run ning to her depot by April 15th. At present, they are laying the track only 10 miles distance from Roxboro., The U. S. circuit court has- issued an iniunction against the Commission er and Board of Agriculture, says the Raleigh State Chronicle, restraining them, their agents and attorneys from seizing the guano of the American Fertilizer Co., which is contesting tne tax, shipped into this State tor. sale;-or from taking any steps to enforce the said license ; tax law against them. The Company applied to the Court for this injunction on the ground that the tax law violates the" inter-state commerce clause of the U. S. Consti tution. IN A GENERAL WAY. Important Happenings in Other States and Countries. The Kanawha, Ohio and Susque hanna rivers are reported to be rising rapidly as a result of the heavy rains, and a flood is feared. The New York court of appeals affirms the constitutionality of the law making electricity tne raemou 01 iinnci ing the death . penalty in that State. Five "condemned men are awaiting execution. The House committee has authoriz ed a favorable report on the Senate resolution appropriating $ 75,000 for th prprtinn of a bronze statue of Christopher Columbus at the western entrance of the Capitol grounds, and for the removal ol the naval monumenr now occupying this site to a square in the northwest section ot the city. Mr. Riair is not content with the fat vhirh his educational bill met at the hands of the senate Thursday, and has introduced it again in anotn pr form and had it referred to the Committee on Education, from which it will be reported doubtless in a few days. The new bill differs from the old principally in the amount wnicn 11 appropriates. Wiggins predicted a destructive storm on the 22nd of March and it materialized, although it was not as severe as he said it would be. l eie graph wi res were blown down , and some damages done land and houses. Fourteen buildings were destroyed at Edeemore. S, C. one lite lost ana several persons severely injured. So far as learned twenty-one lives were lost at sea. " ' Take Kilrair arrived at Purvis, Mississinoi' Saturday morning, but is now at Richburg where he will re main till Saturday. s He will then be taken to Columbia, there to serve out his sentence of two . months in the countv f The sheriff is undecided as to whether or not he has the right to hire him out. The Attorney Oenerai thi nks he has, while the District Attor ney has issued a contrary opinion. IW ' ' Johnston's Vegeta ble Nolandine, unex celled as a tonic; liver reaulator and blood purifier For sale by all druaatsts. Tne jso- landirie Co., $iph- mond, Va. For 8ale.; ., Three Hundred Acres of land near the (nwnnrnrrnrH It is srood grain and to bacco land and is well timbered. Will be divided .to suit purchaser. Apply to this -1 - 1-1 Single Copies 3 CtS n 'OXFORD FEMALE COLL ! . . - An Appeal In Its Behalf y a oung s lAy of the School. The following appeared as art editor ial in the last issue of the beminary Glow- Worm, written by Miss Nannie Merritt:. A few days ago the sad news ; fell upon our ears that mere was some nrobabilitv of our shool again chang ing hands, or being subject to a tvorse late man inai, uiscunuaun. v" what feeling of grief did we all echo, : "give us no change, out ao lei us Keep our present faculty. " How distress in? it will be in the future for the- . . alumnal to think of their Alma Mater as only a thing of the past. For years she has stood the winds and storms, and held a steady flame to raise the standard of education" in our beloved State. Not only has North Carolina and sister States felt the influence of this grand institution, but even across the dart waters her innuence ior gooo. is greatly felt.- One of her alumnae is now engaged irr tnai sseu-sacrincHig and noble calling, a rmssionary iirthe dark benighted land of Africa, and another in the heart ol neatnen .nina. What could chill, them morethan to learn that their dear old Alma Mater, with so manv pleasant associations had ; crumbled into oblivion? No more won Id the walls echo and re-echo witn " the cheerful voices and merry laughter of the girls; but henceforth and forever closed, the dust of time to be the only watcher over her sacred walls 1 But can the grief of the old alumnal equal ours? It can not ! We love each and every one oi ine prcacm farultv and especially arc we loath to give up our President, who ; a few months ago, wnen ine ocuiiuai under a shadow; made so many noble ; sacrifices and came to her rescue. We see the shadow upon the juniors' faces, who have been laboring with untiring zeaf to" win the goal Tune, 1891. They have looked forward to their re turn with many pleasant anticipations. Can it be possible that : the : cup of pleasure must be dashed from their lips their course either unfinished or ., pursued in another school, and there to encounter the many disadvantages that arise from such changes? Seniors and juniors, go as a ; band and fall at the feet , of our Presi dent, and with the silvery tongue of an orator entreat him to keep his place. Let us remain a united body M for "united we stand,divided we - fall." Can Oxford afford to, let such a school go down? Business men of the place, arouse yourselves; look steadily into the future; see what a shaBow of gloom you will cast upon your own, town and what ignorance you will bring upon your .own homes. Open your 'purses; 5 let riot ' money snatch from you your treasure. When . in its history has the Seminary had a more thorough corps of. teachers, and f a more efficient President? Never! Our teachers are are'riot surpassed if equaled by any in the State. How can we think of this happy band's be ing broken the golden link which has bound them, here being severed? Not that it will discommode them in the least, for there are too many schools desiring just such a faculty as we are ' now happy to possess Let- not our loss be anothers gain. We have no such selfish hearts as to r say we will leave for good in Juneand care not what becomes of our dear old Seminary. Alas, how sad! 'Tis true we bid bur dear college life adieu forever; ten of us will launch our barques upon life's rugged $ea, and all sail. to distant homes, to different climes and to un told duties to which we are now stran- gers. But may each , barque sail as a gondola on a silvery sea; and as we pause to muse, let us in imagination hear our walls reverberate with the same dear voices of our present teach ers, and President. And may not one strange voice break the harmony. Pull line of Baisples for. cnatom made snita. Pits guaranteed in every respect or no sale, ."" BB08.