! THE DAY . i HA THE ' j arc5t City Circulation of any paper published in Oxford. THE DAY GIVES ' All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. M Votta11 Number 23. OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, PRIL ,11, 1890. Single Copies: 3 Cts r. P1UXK! DRINK ! I j ... dnnk "MM-son nas inrcn oeneu uv hv T. U'. a kwn A Co., and cv-ire prepared to (urnih you with v hot ICE COLD i-Ji W.itcr. Milk Shakes. Limeade vib Cider. Dorp Rock, Multo, ;tc irom itic newest, cleanest and lj fUmuin in the city. 0:t . are made fresh every . , r .in . from the best Mii;ar and ... v .rrf Jth pnrc fruit juice, ax -,n from porcelain ta:.ks iso t n w r U in our tu..tnin. Sv t'tir new arrangement every glass i, .htd in froh, clean water ugh ti e well. i old dirry buckets. FOl'v A COLD DRINK Vm a clean fountain, nnd a mat. t. f rtaMe plac e to drink it, call on T. W.. JACKSON & CO., . 41 I'-Iuck Nk .v. O i ford, N. C $$$$ EEBE EEEE DDDD Si; E D D i I- E D D ; E E D D EE EE I) D si; E D D S E E D D 5 SB E D D: EEEE EEEE DDDD tMr stock is fresh and relia- l!e, and from the best seed rowers in the United Sates. Til E Y COME UP. 'UXDRETH'S SEED. FERRY'S SEED. CROSMAN'S SEED. fcEvcrv vanctv of Garden Seed. Lawn, Grass and Field Seed. YOU COME UP fcAnd make your purchase in this line from me, and you arc sure of satisfactory re sults. J. G. HALL, Sccdman, Druggist NOTES OF THE DAY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Minor Brent, Retrospective and Pro spective, ttathered About the City By Oar Alert Reporters. A great many visiting business men it. the city. Meeting of the Commonwealth Club tonight. Northern ice is being received here and stored away for hot weather. A frame house is going up near the old Oxford & Henderson dtpot. The men who were straw hats a day or two ago acknowledge now that they were a little premature. Hailstorms north of us changed the weather rather suddenly fromsuuimer l.ke warmth to the cold of winter. Mayor Smith says he will have mer cy uion Jim riarus, provided Jim does not do anything in violation of the law. Messrs. Paris Bros, have all their goods nicely arranged and are comfor tably settled in their new quarters in Herndon Block No. i. Iheir store has a very attractive appearance. mm Information is received here that heavy winds blew down the steeple of the Methodist Church and several chimneys at Boyd'on, Va., about thir ty miles from Oxford, last Wednes day. The Commonwealth Club holds a meeting tonight at the courthouse. One ot the matters to be considered is the organization of an auxiliary im migration society. An invitation -to evcrv businos n;an ot tr.e city to at end these weekly meetings of the Club s again extended. The co-oerathn jf everyone having Oxford's interest at ht a t is cordially solicited. The Washington correspondent of he Durham Globe writes that the lind chaplain of the House in his uayer Wednesday morning said : our only help. we commend to Thy fatherly care and pity Thy servant, a member of this crushed by the untimely and terrible dld n gC death of their son. the son of their hearts and hopes." PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings and Whtrrnbonli of Some People Yon Know. Mr. R. W. Clay is in the city. Mr. Zollicoffer, of Hendefeon, is in the cits today. : " - Mrs. Dr. Thorp is very ill, we are sorry to learn. Mr. N Chapman went to, Clarks ville, Va., today. . ' Lieut; Wm. Lassiter went off on the train this morning. V Miss Amanda Fowler hns returned from a year's visit to California. Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Mitchell re turned this morning from a visit to Dutchville. Mr. fc. C. Bullock is off airain to property 3' interest attend to some Enfield, N. C. Misses Mollie and Magg Woods, of Knap of Reeds, are the guests ot Mrs. Dr. P. Booth. 7' ' Misses Mary Belle and Nannie Gregory are spending a few days with friends in Henderson. : Miss Mary Hamlin, of Virginia, who was the guest of Miss Annie Lan- dis, left this morning to return home. Mr. John L. Kenned y,v book-keep er of the Hicks; Tnbaccd. JCompany, came back yesterday afcernoou from a visit to Kicnmona, va. - Mr. Chas. J. McHenry' represent- ing tne extensim nmsip house ot Messrs. M B. Ramos & Co, , Rich mond, Va., is in the city. Messrs. R. R Bridgers, Henry Lipps and J. H. Walsh, officials of North Carolina Division of the R. & D. R. R., were in Oxford yesterday. Mr. W. H. Norwood, 'formerly of Durham, has come to Oxford to reside and will encage in cicrar ..manufactur itig with his brother, Mr. T. M. Nor wood. Festival L.at Mght It was an ice cream festival last night, the ilimination of thesrrawber rv itature oeinc: due to the non-arri val of the spring-tide, fruit. The ber ries were ordered from Richmond, but The cream, with i. . u u , j i: idKc aiiiL.iiuieiiis, iiowcvci, vcu ucii cious and heartily enjoyed; The Opera House presented an ani- THE LATEST NEWS. CAREFULLY SIFTED FOR BUSY READER. THE ANI) CONFECTIONER. Iain St., - - Oxford. N. C. housekeepers arc Bothered Just Xow AHout Finding Some thin to Eat. Fern Hann. Prelcf.i5t Strip. rWrrf Tongu- anl Dried Ucef. New O- leans Molascs vcr finest xls VXZ. lotatX5. Rice, Oatmeal. Hominy. Can net I Fruits .in I Vegeta ble. Tick Irs, Sauces. &c. to auoiher ' . a no v Mt ?N Kail road Commission Demanded. It has transpired, through a telegram maled scene' and the affair was 3 suc from Raleigh to the Atlanta Constitu- cess Some Sd singing and piano tion that the following resolution was P,a'inS contributed much pleasure to 1.1 Ill oassed bv the Farmers' Alliance of the ine evening. ADout iorty dollars were various counties ol Worth Carolina Jast ,ca,,"Vi wu,,u u njric- I ? a i i i mi"- r i Saturday rian nurcn uunaing iuna. j . Wnereas.lt IS me Opinion Ot tne Reunion orOld Soldiers, Atlanta, Gn. Alliance that the agricultural interot of The R. & D. R. R. will sell fsorth Laroltna would be advanced by parties attending the Reunion of the creation of a railroad commission Old Soldiers. Atlanta. Ga., round-trin ... I ' ' s. for this btate, and also the lasge tickets to that point for this occasion of the Mib-treasury bill pending in at the rate of one fare for the round in Congress. Therefore, be it trip. Tickets on sale from all first Rt solved, That we hereby pledge and second grade - ticket-offices in ourselves not to give our support to North Carolina. April 24 to" 2 inclu- any candidate tor tne legislature wno Sive, good returning until and includ is not Known to be in lavor 01 a rati- mg April 28,1890. Round-trip fare road commission lor ixorth Carolina, from Goldsboro, 514 qo; Raleigh. nor any candidates K.r Congress who $14.50; Durham, $14 05; Oxford, will not pledge himself to exert his $15.00; Henderson, '$15.50; High best ettorts to secure the early enact- Point, $10.05; Salisbury, $10.40. ment of the bill before Congress Concord, $8.60; Greensboro, $12.20. known as the"sub-treasury bill. Just One More. "How did you like that suit of clothes cleaned for you?" "They are the nicest that ever had benzine; how much did you say Items of Interest About North Carolina Scissored and Condensed From Our Exchange, Louisburg will build a new tobacco sales warehouse 85x210 feet. E. E. Gambrell, superintendent of the mills at Leaksville, has been elect ed superintendent of the Raleigh Cot ton Mills. The New Hanover county commis sioners have passed an order to erect a brick poorhouss and outbuildings at a cost ot about $1 7,500. Attorney General Miller yesterday aDoQinted. lhos Jr. Devereux as dis- trict attorney from the eastern district of North Carolina. The Burlington Light Infantry Capt. E. C. Holt,has been admitted to the Siae Guard and assigned to the 3rd ivegiment and lettered as Company G. A grand concert will be given tonight by the "Kings Daughters" of Raleigh and Durham at the Metropolitan Op era House, Raleigh. Excursion rates on the railroads. A party from Zanesville, Ohio, says the Durham J?ecorier, wants to start a $100,000 engine and boiler works in Durham. The matter has been re ferred to the proper authorities. Rev. J. L. White, of Durham, N. 0. who has won a wide and favorable reputation as an efficient and success ful minister of the Gospel of Christ, is aiding the pastor. in a series of meet ings in the Baptist church here. Nor folk Public Lecher. The Charlotte News says: A few days ago 1'rof. Furman arrived at the Central with a specimen of tin ore which he had found on one of his new purchases at King's Mountain. The specimen showed sixty percent, of tin, and is more than double the value of the ore from rhe Black Hills mines It is exceedingly rich ore. RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Daily- Sales Small Meeting of Tobacco AssociationPersonal . Richmond, Va., April 9. The dai ly sales at auction are small. West Virginia birights have ceased to come in. Only remnants of planters' stock remain. Old mahogonies have dwind led down to the filling kind of wrap pers, and yet these small sized dark ones find ready daily sale, while fillers are'picked up by home manufacturers when at all reasonable and sound. Several small cutter sales are reported. Dark tobacco quiet. Receipts mod erate. Manufacturers are generally busy. Some have large orders ahead. At the meeting of the board of di rectors today, a meeting of theTobac- co Association was called tor next Tuesday, when there will be a full ven tilation of the letter that Dr. R. A. Patterson gave Mr. B. T. McCue. Our people are aware that the merely political feature is reason for the seri ous objection to theendorsation of Mr McCue, independent of its being a matter of supererogation. The Tobac- V 1 m co exchange never as a body inter feres with politics. Mr. John M. Taylor was out and on 'Change Tuesday, before the heavy storm came up. Mr. C. C. Dula. of Dan ville, was a new wrapper buyer on the market yesterday. a. e. d. THE TRAINS. IN A GENERAL WAY. Important Happenings in Other States and Countries. ' i 1 attention called tciitiicK i;UTn: t. W. Jones 5c Co., I- VAIX OF TOWN LOT. I tVf4o!t hiTintbern m.vlcin the payment f a crruin bond ciecutcd to me by Or. S. f":h.n iht; ih !c$tembcr, iS$7, and i tiri ,y mortgage on real estate, I shall - Monday, the uth day of Mav. 1890. at t r Hmhouedjnr in Oxford, sell at public icn. n rrcah.thc land or lot descritxd in ?'rrv!,Ra ch is recorded in Register I Ws- otike, book is. 407. L Howard Dorsbv, I ni ti t . I Seasonable Information. a An important preliminary to growing beaut ful flowers and fine vegetables is the selection of good, fresh and reliable seed. You can get the best the United States af fords at J. G. Hall's. See his new advertise ment in Tiu: Dav, and call around to make your purchases of him. ammonia: ' If you want your last summer's suit to look like a newo' eget some ammonia or benzine from Furman & hays and have them cleaned. Oxford Bottling Work. New enterprise open lor business in a Fully equipped for bottling lager .77 7j).cn 7h9.Q Vartatfr,- few davs r ber and mineral water- Everything com hla NOlCinClinC. lUieX-W and of the best. G.T. Roach, pro- CellCCl CtS Cl ZOIltC, aier moud, Va., where he is succeeded by C. W. ventilator and blood Burr J- Part purifier. T7V c7) 7 Parties wishing to purcnase iron sates JlOr SaiC C2 win gave money by calling n J- F. Ed" ,T -j rrrjt "VVi wards. He is agent for Macneal & Ur all druggists. Ine Jo- band s Iron SafCs. Tkrami'na T3--i Urn flna liti a f rrcno landine Co., Bich- Hon S. J. Randall is rapidly sink ing and his life i& despaired of. Kansas City is the latest to throw off the Republican yoke. It electecT this week a Democratic mayor for th first time in four years. The United States Rolling Stock Car Works, the largest in the South at Decatur, Ala., were destroyed by fire last night. Loss, over $200,000. The Texas Standard Cotton Seed Oil Mill and Refinery, near Galveston was burned last nieht. entailing: a loss of about $200,000, which is mostly cwvered by insurance. Arkansas Citv, Ark., is the centre of the worst flood of the Mississippi riv er between Memphis and Vicksburg I he town is completely under water and about half ot the Donulation has deserted it. Death has claimed eight members ot the Fifty-first Congress four Dem ocrats and four Republicans Cex; Burns, Townshend and Gay on one side, and Kelley, Laird; Nutting and Wilbur on the other. A telegram from Roanoke, Va., dated the 9th, says 1 1 he greatest tornado tor many years passed over this city this evening. The cast house at the Cozier iron furnance was blown down, and three men killed and one mortally injured. Loss to the furnace company, 5,000. - Nearly one hundred dwellings in the course of erection were completely demolished. The Salem furnace was blown down, and a heavy loss is reported, and buildings in that vicinity were reduced to ruins. The loss 111 the city and neighborhood is $100,000. OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains arrive-10:46 a. , and 8:oq p. m. . Southbound trainsarrive 1:50, p.m., and 4:22, p. m. OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:00, a. m., and 3: 15, p. m. Trains depart 1 1 : 00, a. m. , and 4: 40 p. m. Hart & Lawrence have a few French and American Sateens, brought over from last season, wh'ch they will sell at cost. Dunlap'g and Knox & Yonman's styles Various Things. ' The American Museum of Natural His tory in Central Park haa been offered an egg valued at $300. It is a little over a foot in length, its holding capacity be ing two gallons, and, in round numbers. it equals 150 hen's eggs. It is from Mada gascar, and is a relic of an extinct mon ster bird. Rev. John Jasper, of Richmond, Va. the colored clergyman who won fame by his sermon, MDe Sun Do Move," has just preached the sermon for the one-hundred and seventy -fifth time. Baron Rothschild, the Paris banker, lives in constant fear of the communists, and his valuables are secured behind al most impregnable walls, A Nebraska farmer says that when his hogs lose their apietite he takes them out riding in a lumber wagen and jolt them over the roughest places he can find. There has long been a tradition in Japaa that once a treasure of gold bars, worth now $800,000,000, was buried far beneath the earth somewhere in the inclosure of the castle of Yuki Harutomo. Last May excavations were begun, and the work men have come to pieces of boxes covered with plate-iron. ' Beer bottled in 1793 by an English firm was recently opened in a London res taurant, and was pronounced sound and hearty The buiu0 fnansoleum, at Dumfries, has been leased to a gravedigger, who sells in it curiosities and relics of the dead poet. Johnston9 s Vegeta ble Nolandine, unex celled as a tonic 9 liver, regulator and blood purifier. For sale by all druggists. The JSo- landine Co., Rich mond, Va. mond9 Va. I Press Shirts. in Hats "are shown at Fans Bros.

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