u r tit .t r. rtt t: it o n t. ix I Th C1oImC r an Epoch, L-rd c.imon !..; volume of rcro u:.l Frowning. U .t 1tTl. a,, interest th-t i Ix-hU to tlu-ci iilcul habit ami n.'c.-rce4 i - : . 4 ir. tfr:ti mr brail sun- v. n it fir. r. j rr.rnrciarJ a,..o-pct rich wiliisug- with fortune , cfeuui Ljokm back oversixtv yeavs t .r.rrm. rwiUnliokirmif; t.ii lb3Jw,d the prewnt moment. ........ j i . i I :. .nto m . in t-l 'I. .. . . v.. . ., v ' f . r i J. Looking back over sixty yeavs sGJ tnd the present wonwnl, " 'J comma .Jin potsdo wenee? The iiii:i;rv triv. tio to - . ... r ftt ro in tnrth ere It pro- int0 it, . . r, . - ... , , . , - ,,, r uc uk j.r4 of what constitutes the I mi to f.-r.nfy nm-t have s"4W JU "icmunHuJ. Manychrum- p nave rr.-i.cv I r a trace of th r. i:i iwiwrrtl.tliiisalwaTac.iarac ir.r. d the frw preat mriken of on;. 1 tife erM in t-i I,.it form of art, h i t- flood th linen with lwilchin; U;i- and exq'iisito coloring, and to e:i iHi ilim win u hnerroupin of imagery i nr .-iitify m re critical tr-st ; but to l a ;0 m.ike jetry through which a irr.'Ht ie:tiality mdli the thot.wht. I'.n t.rr. ?. I v. ..j.r.Srnt. mul 9tru,;!e .2u p4tlwnp:jr hU trUN and ,,,", j,".i.r.tt w r.ay j IrM a alve of !i I , "'ft " ". " if. J . , ! tm n- i IOjou ho al ! .! .1. H - rv.-,r-!nc- ' - r. t -'. r'v nunt ll.rj ftn, but i.: t I.riU" !tj.rrr"l tl't in. r l t'.ci.t all a l an4 tuJce Rn thrift. , ! .. i v. k ta;p, or he a.j.iral.ji r.f a criod is not tf il. i brirf l.fc, ami nothing f .... - . , , I fo:i-n.cfrr. V hen Tennyson's utar l-oaa i t. ri .il.ve the cl ilk clilT of i:-:g!.m 1, (Toothers mtnfrfn! -rl was sinking bo : liinl l!io vine cl.i-1 hill of (Jennanr. i .I :t th-n there wiu a lull; the zenith j v. a- t! e !arJ;cst j nil of the sky ; morn l tnx mu! cvruin siiii'e l at each other j ?riM 1 norl t. I he perio-1 of the ohl inisr.fv ft rc was clo-insr, thoeniof :li9 now wan ojH-ninc:. Iluzoanl Tennyson, k f - . in hiimblr trt:?t all that majr .i :n i-'tr ami He should . rM. !! t r i! 1 ; ... rr .;. lUs time will sur?!y i II.- C r .ii.in out .f tht revolution. y ere fornel in NORTH STATE MUSIC GO. C. G. STONE, Manager. PIANOS M ORGANS. RALEIGH, T. C. OR OXFORD, N. C. Standard Pi anos or Organs at remarkably low prices and easv terms. The " Kr a n i c h & Bach" have Pianos no supe rior. Send for catalogues. It will cost you a postal card to write us for prices. . We will save " you from 25 to t!75 per cent, on S.I f-. (.nil.i..ru;.o Mij..rI i no rail-. il e twoii con.cirah!e lrriU, were the . i ..... i! .-1 ji c;iM r . . V;J ."i i. whol.i-pia :i- i. ..'. atfi In h.il U,n u vc-try-t i,i tt r-t'-Triif i chtuc!t. lliia - 'i -r M f.t-r h.i ! 1-ft when ho !t.i l I'.is Wi.lm t?i (wiMVitte 1 .ri . - i M'fnlfX et.t. evn ?piltiu ,.t If lot t filial. ,. ; . .i i a at u ! 1 an 1 active in in. . ir.lf;vitIisa'i. lit: Ut-otno . i , .i 1 in t l'hil.i- n i ,ih iv! lii.it- ti 'u ral Howe, the n.ii.rn u. itT, who then hvhl that . .. f r ;i ;1.1 intentlo m having 1 y u tin An.erio. he a ! :. in-! .al'il t e lu-a.e4 bh c; , : T'li '.. I! !. now Wet- . r: i .. ti:e.v tri"I by court ! -t I : il t l hanel. ; r ' P r. .iriiicnf hi .arrtrst. wont i t W :i!;ii.n r.v.il Ie nlitl fcr :... i 1 hi, (i. The p-nral an- i i a" th t.it of t:.b!ic alTair .,-- ' to il in cc- ary tliat .m.-imM .ltf r. "():n-rwise I . iu ; cl;e,ifill re!cae ycur ri I ! xrl.tinvil Jlillor. "hei my n n m my iiici-svint iler. " I t- e 'ni-r il, "Mv ilear frienJ, I v rc-a!etl worLL HiU ry alonecan ti'il in how th epiK:ii wear them-elvea ? n,t by prirnlirnj an old o-iler of thi i ; into chaos utn n wl:oc formless fac? a iVor f hrli c :ne ti walk. toKir, "Iy't hTe U Ii ,t, " to r ca t the sn!!:taiica 4f thuij;-. to iiteak into life a new anl :i-iiveir.l idfa, t nivo frebh significance ' U the ancient, in.lejtri:ctihle materials f cmllr...ti ?n. and to tlotxl the wlioSj e i.f experience with a fancinHtion . n vor lvfre UrauicJ of. l;it we all Jeri.le hlttry an. I fall in with the petty currant that blow thi 'way and that ' oct ween the ;TTeat i-eulatin cnJ tratw , forming gab of the e tinoxes. The com- !:i.nnilm,;eniiM c.nfj with his season, i e his a;pinie 1 work, and withdraws ; ; he U like :hc storm .f jp in and autumn, wl.i-.ks U4 as he wihi while he lives; but I no 8Kner di.es ia joucr legin to wane thr.n we -et our fates to welcome a I w taker an I m l U r a less exr.c:in if n.t a piit.vly ..irrvati.ij influence. At thi moment tlu- :iyterical purveyors of icom-c n tn r.rt ;t-ttii)ij readv to ilittle j re;i!i;-an. Tey have already howled : thrmsrUes hoarse i:i deri-iion of liu.jo. i In cur rointrv we ct-u'd acarcelv wait i for the cotlia of Lon:rfellw to lie covered ; Pianos and 15 to 40 ' per cent, on Organs. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO- PIANOS from $160 up. ORGANS from $30.00 up. Get our prices by all means; we will save you money. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO. The "MIL- -:-D0Y0UWANTA-:- Picttare Framed? I have alarge assortment of picture frame moulding, and will frame any size picture as well and as cheap as any one. I also do a general business in Cabinet-Making and Upholstering, and solicit a share of the public patronage. EME RSON'S PIAXOS Are the best in America for the money. . Write for prices an( terms. WE SOLD MORE PIANOS In the past 12 months than every other dealer in North Caroli na combined. Get our pri ces. :ri-asso3wo33; m Hi IH 't: U.r T l E-9 J'll LER is the acknowledg ed leading Or gan of the world. The "KIMBALL," is the best Or gan in the world for the money. TrjT wu fr tui fx.iiuple of Christian ; before at iemptin to reverse our opinion :UV and he j;raiUnl Widmau's par- of Ids juK-try. The experience of Robert j lroMii wnile he h eJ will probably A r.rr:it iird. la.wavs co ismI wtH wxih that of hi. fame One of t;w atirncti'Mi. at a church fair after death, for hi fault set him out ide r i .'titly heM iu Norwich, Con.. w;u a ! ti ? well-.iei!ited boundaries of art. BuV tory cond;cti-l n a Miir.ll jc:de. Tea u'ter all. is there not a precious lesia .r .tis cunuil.inl IQ cents each. Eicn ! inclosed in ti.e hi-tvry of poetry dicing n . cnUr drew a tdip of pa;vr from a itbepo.1 sixty yaij. What if w. are I at. Tlie sllp were nutnU-red f:om one ! forced to admit tliat of all the po?t who t 't.-n. Hie papT were then pi iced in suiting about the .year lo0 but :r:..;!.cr b-t a?i n. monker allow 1 I two have Lwn irreat? "Vhat if we must t.. ;u k on.' ut. T.ie who had ut I further aau sir that Drowning and inz obtained the idip 5e- alt WuKman are Claimable only as lonli v wad entitled to I erratics? Y still have the comfort . forded by the fact that in no period of tiie w raid's hi lory was there everat.ixtj year epr.ee into which so many notable poets were crowdei? In France, Eug land, and Atcrid, if Uie lists were made NORTH STATE MUSIC CO., RALEIGH, N. C, OR OXFORD, N. C. DURHAM MARBLE WjDRKS ! II. J. COUNCIL, Hunter's Old Stand, Oxford, N. C. MRS. O. O. WHITE. 0 OPENING DISPLAY OF j Spring and Summer Millinery, And Fancy Goods, WILL TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, April 2nd and 3rd. My stock was carefully selected by my self, and consists of the latest novelties in trimmed hats and bonnets-, for Ladies, Misses and Children! New shapes, colors and combinations. A 'arge assortment of Childrens's Caps. With a stylish and tastv trimmer from one ot the largest millinery houses North and with an experience of eight years myself I feel sure that I can please. I ask the Iauies to call and examine my stock "HOME : SWEET : HOME" IS A SWEETER HOME WHEN Prettily Furnished, AND Jos. A. Webb Has the Prettiest Furniture and the largest stock and greatest variety ever shown here which he is offering on the mcst liberal terms. Fancy Chairs, Dressers, Sideboards, Bookcases, Wardrobes, Everything. DEALERS IN- il.tr !ir.t draw I t :d bv tl; inori 0 ut. b c r.t poin to the fair f und. Af t r each drrwin by the monkey tho U ttfH h?rtyil. One nihta youn.- ; in won over at thi lilt! game of " i c N ar!y eTt ry time the t:unkey .h "the slip thi jun man had so 1 c:-d at tht I M drawing. Tho pra- :n.uvvU at fh" ycnin tuaa luck I I tit f r an I ccident thy nevt r t:!d have h ie a-cril vl hi winning t -an ca no but 1 fortu.'.e. E.cry t-. i f i a'vr the vo:inir man drew ho i ...I 1 iih a piece of lump stiar. f-nr i h. monkey . wrakn s for swvet i I .urn to pick, out th MiareJ s!ix -''(iiiii n.an ilr,t,,-etl the p.eco of su- cr while It" a rubbing ii on a slip 1 th.-n liU Miwr: !::!!. ame wai Ui "crml. I l.tn T:ne. -MONUMENTS,-:-TOMBSTONES,- AND ALL KINDS OF MARBLE. Give the verv. best work, and use the very best material. All work put up up, no perfectly sincere critic could fail free of charge, and perfect satisfaction assured to firu a t.urprwm catalogue of lyrical urprl el the labv Sundar .!t. H.i !nt iaten 1 to surprise it ; he r: lid t a iuc. He hail lneil to church d i.: r.'uc.ti::,; l.o:n? hew lit revolver ?f i hU -ket Jo put it away. Th labr ,. I f,r ihf wca-on a double act"'on ""'mi ind if the Kby wanted it the y tnu: hate it. II ale.in; that it wa ; i til u jlayjl.in V. alhri le drew tho I'nde-i e. eryti of them from tho r;tid-ry, an 1 ihe.i to how the biby how I rate th tor he milled the Irijjer. it a when the baby wa surpried ! Is would surprise any b.t!y to nee it. papa k,t tl. ck-.tove on a qu!H hundajr Jt with an unloadevl revolver when ti.. c)k -stove wa quietly pursuing its v U;ouand dietin Jiard wool at the r !' f an nrmful a minute! The Run At aeu.py weutotT, and didn't go S m It ri i ly. t i t her. Iuck. .iratorfal renim has proluceJ a pair c-f "pant" with but a single . seam, a Ani Ieof which was dlplaved at tha ta:'..r4 convention; but where L the f-uhty pniu4 ihat will ascend the vn of invention and pive us "pants" Hat won't hxg at the knees? Chicago lurulX poetry, all of it produced since 130, and. in iu volame, variety, arthUic finish, wealth of color, and pictureoqueness of iiiioerv. umivaled by the sontf of any ix;y year of the wot Id's history. We may Of J that we are too near it to judge, and doubllcbd we are, but certainly we can count names and makes inventories. The contemplation of the ttvsk of merely numbering the noteworthy contempor aneous poeU and their notable works is of iisef enough to impress any fairly ju.iicial mind with & sen of the injus tice we are doing ous We by overlooking the tremenuous lyiical fecundity of th pnaent time. Pub.ic Opinion. The Very Lowest Prices Always. DURHAM, N. C. f AK CITY STEAM LAU.NURY, I ' KALEIGH, N. C. C. D. OSBORN, Agent at Oxford. "Parties wantincr Laundry work done can leave packages at Osborn Hotel every Mon day morning and call for them Saturday morning. Raleigh prices. ro express a 1 . . cnarsres. woric not surpassea anywnere. J. ii. ROLLER et AGENTS FOR THE I. EST FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT I N SURA NC K COM PA X I ES. Office, Herndon Block No. i. 9-1 7-t Feild & Royster. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, AND TORN DO INSURANCE. Tr 7t i fn779Q TCncACL All otir companies are peifevtly reliable. JOIinhlUli f l.ysll iss naid uromotlv. See our Life Policv blC NolandiUC, IIUCOO before vou nsure. ' celled as a tonic, liver yaw utuai mmm rcrrulator and blood rfUlpAVV purifier. For sale by old eiia,"toie. all drannistSm TJie JVo- only half cost of old line companies. -n T 7 WT T T VHV TroiT A rrvr landlne uo9 jx wiv-x - mOUd, Va. 1 OXFORn, N. C. ! It i easv in the worid to live after tho world's opinion ; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the preat man i he who. in the ruidit of the crowd, keeps with perfect sweetness the indepen dence of solitude. Let not any one be querulous even in pain ; let her not injure another, indeed or m thoufrht ; let her not utter a word by w hich her fellow-creatures may suffer Mrcajdne. since that will obstruct her own progress to beatitude. W. T. BROGDEN, GENERAL MERCHANDISE -:- BROKER. OXFORD, N. C. : j Office at C. J. Ward's store for the present. Parlor and Chamber Suits of newest de signs. I will accommodate and please you if you will let me. I have too many things to talk about. Come to see me. Jos. A. Webb. For Sale-Bargain. A large iron safe, of best make and in first-class condition. Ap ply at this office. ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. GK ANVILLE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, February 22, 1890. R. T. Smith, Adm'r. of R. T. Green, deceased, ... Pl'ff. vs. Lucius Green, Thos. Hayes and Caro line V. Hayes, his wife, Wm. Bal lard and Bettie, his wife, Mary Green, Ben j. Green, YV. VV. Green, Isabelle H. Smith, Martha J. Wor tham, Wm. Thorp, Ex'r. of Peterson Thorp, Louis Thorp find James Thorp, Ex'rs. of Lcuis Thorp, . . De.'ts PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT. To Thos. Hayes and Caroline V. his wife Lucius Green ': Take notice, That R. T. Smith has filed, in this office, his petition for a final settle ment of his administration on the estateof Robert T. Green, decrd. and the same will be heard on the 7th day of April, 1S90, at which time you are notified to appear and demur to cr answer the said petition. This February 22, 1800. R. YV. Lassiter, C. S. C. Graham &. YVinston, Atty's. II. T. HUGHES' -TONSORiAL PARLORS I Under Herndon Block No. 1, Com. Ave. I have combined my two shops and my present quarters are in two large adjoimrg rooras. Have added to my furniture, am having'electric lights put in and fixing up crenerally to provide Oxford with e!egant and comfortable tonsorial parlors. With what I have ordered and now on the way I will have everything which pertains to a PIEST-CLASS ' Barber Shop. Will have a full complement of competent assistants in a few days. Will spare no efforts to give my customers com. plete satisction. OPPEKH ELMER, PPENHEIMER, Paper-:-Hanger, OXFORD, N. C. Paper hanging and decorating in all its branches. Decorating YYalls, Cornices, Fancy Centres, etc., a specialty.Satisfaci : ton in every instance or no charge. Full Line of Samples on Hand. y?Orders left at my Stall, No. 11, City Market receive prompt attention.

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