rCHLlsiIKU KVK1V AKTKRNOO.V ( KXEPT SVSltKYJ AT MtKMHJN BLOCK XO. I. II. W. KKOMIKI.MHIt. Alitor, SutiHscriitum : io cent a week. Furimh- THR OA.'S''- I .ot ImprolMblt. ilmmgtou btar Rhode Island Democratic. Think of it. She is little but she i Ioud.aw ucd to le as sol idly Republican as the most benighted of her s't r States. I woman t surprise us u vernont anc i to city subchln-r by carriers, who will rsev Hatnpshire walked into the Den- tly collection. 40 cents per nr:it r fam vnre e n mostanv Hav .... .t. . i : .. ....... I J . t fwrt cournunicati n on live subjects I ,,4t" 4" l '-"-ww.v j ."w u. ustc!. Tinr rtlttor disclaim any rtsioti I Hie la liliy uji..iy fur oinijit4 circsscvl by cuires (ondrafv u:iscnlrr n-t gctum their painr promjiIy ami regularly are requested to notify the office at once. Our adveriisiny rates are very low for one wreck, or hi insertion, about the same 9 charged by weekly Mewsp.ijH s for one time. Having a thorough city circulation, and reaching daily a number of post-office in this and surrounding counties, it is a ;?cndid advertising medium. Leal advertisements, such as adminis trator's and executes' notices, commis sioners and tru-tees siles. summons to A "boil" on the stove is worth two on tbe n-ck. Kind words are like bald headj, they can never dre. Silence is golden ; but it is the other felloH-'u hilence that is meant. Tlie game of blind man's buff suggests a fellow feeling for a fellow-creature. In the lap of luxury one forget (he von residents etc., will le charged for at I lae of time and the slapa of conscience. legal rates, except wnen tney exceeu a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re serve the right fix our own price. All such businevt must be PAID FOR IN AI VANCE. The charge is very small and we cannot anurd to take risks or watt the pleasure of persons to pay Kntered at tre rust -Office at Oxford as second-class mail matter. A. Landis & Sons. Dress Goods! Dress Goqds; Dress Goods, offering: We are this week some Great Reductions Dress GooBs'pn Robe Dresses. Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods i Dress Goods' Any one in need of a dress will do well to call and ex- .1 1 . amine tnese Dar- (rnins t! OXFORD, N. C. Friday, April iSt i Sot. A UAK i:I.G. The Day has an abiding faith in the industrial future of North Carolina. The time will come, and we believe it is not far distant, when our wonderful ly valuable resources will be devel ojed. The attention of capitalists is being directed this way, and large in vestments are being made. They are but precursors of those which will fol low. The State Chronicle sees the sunshine breaking through the clouds in the following editorial. An exchange announces that Gen. Rtteil A. Alger, the millionaire ex Governor of Michigan, is negotiating in liurkc and in other Western North Carolina counties for large bodies ol timber lands. Mr. Geo. Vanderbilt is spending four ruilltona of doliats on his recently ac quired estitc in Buncombe. John Innun and other jartiei are contemplating tne erection of two half million hotcb in Abbeville. The North Carolina Steel and Iron Company, at Greensboro, will at an early day consummate its plans and be gin active operations on a jaid capital of a half million dollars. Mr. Thomas A. Kdison is bonding several hundred houxand dollars worth of mineral lands in Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg counties, with a view of beginning active mining operations at an early day, with millions of mon ey to back him. The large granite quarries near Salisbury are going into the hands of men of capital and vim and arc going to be dcvciocd and worked extensively. These and a hundred other invest ments of lik; character show what is going on in Old Rip Van Winkle. Stop your grumbling and join the new army of progress. Mystery lends a charm to almost every thing excepting boarding-house inince- pie. A man is happiest when he can forget ill the mean things he knows about hiin- lelf. It is said that a man from the Pine Tre? State can be told by the pitch of his roice. Boston is called the modern Athens bt cause grease is always to be found at the hub. A bear seldom lives longer than twenty fars, unless he infests the stock ex change. The man who is employed in afeather tore is apt to get down on his knees prett? often. BABIES ON. WHEELS SSTWe have a full line of Baby Carriages, of all styles and qualities, ranging in price from $4- up to $25. Any one needing a baby carriage will do well to call and ex amine these before buying. WE ARE OFFERING THIS WEEK 20 PIECES OF CHI NA AND JAPANESE MAT TING AT GREATLY REDUC ED PRICES. BE SURE TO CALL and EXAMINE THESE BARGAINS, Paris Bros., Main St. Opposite Courthouse. JGCan show you as nice and clean a line of Dress Goods in 'Silk, Wool and Cotton Warp Henriettas, Cashmeres. Al mas," Tamise, Nun's Veilings, etc. , as you will find m any nearby market. WASH GOODS We can "get there" on wash fabrics. Satines, ' Challies, Ginghams, Zephyrs, Lawns andCalicoes, from both for eign and home mills. Embroideries and Flouncipgs. We have a full and select line and can not say too much for them. Ladies' and Gents' 'Neckwear. 1890! SPRING MsS 11 ART & ART & ART & AWREXCK "".u.'uUl.,,u t (Successors to Hart, Lawrence Ccch Nature lias wiselv arranged. matters so that a man can neither pat his own back j WE OFFER FOR THE NEXT iiur tiick liimselL LOVK'M (U'KKU I'll lMC. Ttul is a ratlier atounding piece of news which comes from Syracuse, N. Y. The announcement is made there of the betrothal of Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of the late Jefferson Davi, to Alfred Wilkinson, of Syra cuse, a grandson of a prominent leader of the abolitionists, Rev. Samuel J. May. The procctive groom is said to be a very promising young man. Miss Davis was at racuse about four years ago. The war is indeed over when the "Daughter of the Confederacy" con tracts matrimonial alliance with a des cendant of one of the bitterest enemies cfher lather. Love isa capricious little rascal, and holds in scant respect the prejudices of the pat. We buw humbly to the reproof ad ministered The Day by the accom plished editor of ihc.Orf harts' FtienJ, and ajologize for the mistake we made. Wc were misinformed, al though from whom and how we got the wrong information we are unable to recall. The phrase "Ererjthing goes" is not absolu'elr correct. For instance, there U the Kcely motor. It is a risky business to en era ere a chmLst in a war of words, as he is al ways ready w ith a retort "Poets must suffer before they can vrife, " says a philosopher. After that ii L other people who suffer. "What isa laundry, mother?" "It is i place, my child, where your father ends his shirts to be torn into ribbons. " A novelist asks in a recent title, Would You Kill Him?" Certainly, if he were a tom-cat who murdered sleep on the back shed. A South Carolina woman possesses the mysterious power of making crockery Hid furniture fly around the room. Of Court she is married. SIXTY DAYS AT REDUCED PRICES 1,000 Ladies Corsets, AS FOLLOWS 200 Ladies Corsets at 47 cents worth GO cents. 200 Ladies' Corsets at 69 cents worth 75 cents. 100 R. & G. .Corsets at 75 cents worth $1.00. 100 corsets at 29 cents worth 40 cents. 200 P. C. corsets at $1.00. 100 different brands for $1.00 worth $1.25 to $1.50 each. 100 French Woven at 75 and 89 mit; worth SI .00. T-1 r....J i f I r f r ii i X.- T t - t 1 1- tA wonXrM mVd : 1 ftHA PTITTiTT.Si PTPPHAT VlliE. i? UVV.dU9r 11 11.13 never failed in any in starce, ro matter what Dunlap's and Knox & Yonman's styles in Hats are shown at Paris Bros. Nothing Succeeds LIKE SUCCESS. the disease, from LEI' ROSY to the simplest disease known to the human system. The scientific men of today claim and prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AND Rhadam's Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination ol diseases, we cure them all at the same time, and we treat all diseases constitutionally. Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kid ney and Liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Female Troubles, in all its forms, and in fact, every Disease known to the Human System; Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. See that our Trade-Mark (same a above) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer," given away by J. G HALL, Druggist, Sole Agent for Granville County, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE., Having qualified as administrator upon theestate of James A. Hunt, col., dee'd, no tice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate sentiment, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 15th of March, 1891, or this no tice will be plead in bar of them. This March 13th 1S90. B. S. Royster, Adm'r. VERY CHEAP. 2,000 New Style Challies at 614 and 8 cents. 1,000 yards New Style Challies at 12Mj cents worth 20 cents. 1,000 pieces odds and ends, Lilse, Thread and Silk Gloves and Mitts at 10 cents per pair. 500 pairs Childrens Hose at 5c worth from 10c. to 25c. per pair. WE ARE OFFERING SOME kWe will go you one" that we can show the newest, nob biest and most "get there" line ol these 9oods tnat can iZ1 be found in the city. Ladies' and Gents' Shoes. We have got them. Oxford Ties, Newports and Opera Slippers in Black, Tan and Russets. STRAW, WOOL HATS IN ALL SHAPES. AND THE FUR NEW Carpets. Rugs and J?Jgjngs. Japanese Mattings, inserted figures, something entirely new. They are beauties. Tin ware, Crockery and Glass ware. COME TO SEE US. PARIS BROS. HARDWARE I TJ A ROW ARE ARDWARE ! JQARDWARE -NEW SPRING GOODS, -NEW SPRING GOODS.--NEW SPRING GOODS.- irOur stock of Dress Goods is now complete. Mohairs, Brilliants, Cashmeres' Henriettas, PJaid ami Stripe Novelties. All new things in Dress Fabrics will be displayed on or counters during this month. Trimmings o match all Drqss G oods BIG BIG REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS IN IN - -EMBROIDERED--EMBR01DERED- FLOUNCINGS. FLOUNCINGS. DON'T POMBT TO gOME. Please Look at our Oth er Advertisements." A. Landis & Sons. EVERYTHING IN THE HARD WARE LINE FROM A SEW ING MACHINE NEEDLE UP. My. PriGQS tbe Very Lowest I ALL GOODS SOLD Warranted as Repre rented ! -o- MY STOCK OF Plows and Castings IS COMPLETE, And the Prices cannot be Downed Pby any firm in this country. -o- FULL STOCK. OF -AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. - -o- I am agent for the celebrated OLIVER MILLED PLOW One of the Best Made.. : o ' ' : FULL STOCK OF PAINTS AND OILS. . : -o ; -. Somet hi ng New. If you have a room not convenient for a pipe buy the "GRAND." No pipe required. It will heat your room for one cent an hour. ' J. F. EDWARDS, Main Street, - Oxford, N. C. t Check Muslins, Plain and Fancy White Goods in big variety. Te will make' prices as low as goods can be sold. ESHoiisekeeping goods of every description. Clothing, Clothing,. Clothing, Clothing, Clothincr, Clothing, CORRECT STYLES, LOW PRICES. Men's Furnishines. t7 Men's Furnishings, AI en's Furnishings. BHats ! Latest New York Shapes. -VI . 1 iiotninsr, Clothirie Alillinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Milli mer y I Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Milli nery Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery! Millinery ! Millinery ! iOur Millinery Depart ment is now nik" with -all the novel ties in the Milling line. Miss Ida wood, a Milliner Baltimore, and a3' dy of excellent taste and experience, is & Charge. She is noted for artistic trimmir2 Mr. M. F. Hart has personal charge ol the business nov' and will use his best efforts please accommodate e patrons of the house Yours respectfullly, Hart & Lawrence. Hart & Lawrence. Hart & Lawrence.