THE LEGAL STATUS OF D'HIS. JL. Qar Km for th Dlacrluiluatloa A k ml t them Under Couiuiuu w. lYcLably few pennms who have not Tea l a little law have ever thought tlit I r jp ity in dogs i- t all different from j rorvrty i'i horse or other domestic taiaia!. They go tu krge kennel shown ari l n Inure dog which are worth, E?vetal hundred d liars, Hauling that tii r would le glad to own tuch nobla a .uuaU The e these dogs put tnrotigh tricLs that show wonderiul jvwe: of Comprehenivn and memory-, ard they drctare ihut the dog is the mt intelligent of i-11 beasta. It U a tirprle when the learu that a dog a trained, intelligent, affectionate dog can Le stolru and carried away, and at Con nil n law the owner will hare no remedy. To tal felt niou-dy and carry a war other animal is larcenj ; but there it ro Larceny of d pat common law. The reason of Una for there w a rea M.n t.riket u in these day aa ratlter absurd. It takes u back several cen t. tries, to a time when aociety and law vera oo a different baia. When the earlj Cnglidi law book were written. It a cu.'toii erj for the gentlemen of the realmcto keej. Tariou wild birds and b--iU in a balf-Utned condition to lia tor hunting. Ku.(oUi and hawk were c tan. only m treated. In the same way dogs were kept for hort, and were in truth uly half domesticated. It wan on the itiojn-1 they were animal of an e-tseutUil wild n.nture ferae naturae and were not wIi I!t reclaimed, that it w not a felony to steal them. On this reasoning tie lawyers got themsehea into the bt range position of holding that i "while it was not 1-rceuy to t-teaJ a dog, it wa Lirceny to Meal the skin of a dog. mid :o te:i many animals of les4 account than dag-t. " Yet it was not held so of bird kept for sp rting. Icrd Coke says in hij Institute": Ot Mme thing that be ferue naturae, leing reclaimed, felony l lay be commii:cd in respect of thrir noble and geneiou.. nature and courage turning oh Iatii:m (for the diver- ready to die for his dog ; yet tnis is noc an unknown case. a oysianaer at a railroad station not far from Boston might have seen a courageous deed in defence of a dog not many months ago. A liaudsouie Irish setter accom I master to tne depot, wnere tney were wailing for a train to the city. A train froru town came first and left a number of passengers, among them a man with an ugly bull terrier. The bulldog had no sooner alighted on terra firm a than he yielded to his besetting temptation and picked a quarrel with the gentle manly setter. The latter must have had eome genuine Irish blood in his reins, for he faced his opponent sturdily and gave tooth for tooth. All would have ended very harmlessly, had not the train for the city moved into the station just then, while the dogs were rolling over i 1 . 1 1 T ! niid over on me iracats. xx;iore uue could think they were down in front of the engine, closed on each other's necks. Then it wa that the master's love for his favorite displayed itself. Forgetful of the train and his friends, he dashed upon the track, chvped his beloved dog in hw arms, and staggered to one side. hardly knowing where to go in his ex citement. It was a very narrow escape. Not a man on the platform expected to find him uninjured when the train came to a stop ; but a happy instinct guided him in the direction of safety, and both men and dogs escaped unharmed. R. S. TUCKER & CO., R. S. TUCKER & CO., RALEIGH, N. C. HE DRESSY-GOODS -OUR- IMPORTED ROBES -AND- TUB-PIBBMOHT mjM Richmond & Danville R, rt C ' 1 A - 4 Iyv- I frrlnrCO SrhorlrTfi in "ViV A. i;XIOrQ rVUcllLb JL1 vr"" l""r Jan. st "The Boston Linen," "The Boston Bond," Rank T.inen" DAILY. X 11V TRAINS RUN BY 75? MEK1D1AN TIME. SOUTHBOUND. DRESS PATTERNS Are wonderouslv beautiful and cover a wid er ranee of fancv than was before attempt ed. Merit olaces them in the front ranks - . . .tt of our dress goods department ana every thing that stands for beauty, grace ana qual ity is found in them. lhe prices range from $2.50 to $25.00 a suit. Mohairs. Their lieht texture and firm weave, as well as their lustrious hues, make them the most Donular of summer fabrics. We have an abundance in both blacks and colors. 40 to 44 inches wide, 40c. to $1.10. Henriettas. 40 to s6 inches wide. ciOC. to Ai.oo. These are all wool and include every new and de sirable shade for the present season. Serges. All wool 40 to 46 inches wide, 50c. to 90c. Cloths. In spring weights and colors. 46 to 54 inches wide, $1. 00 and $1.50. I dr ITU MoiXI Wlr AND OTHER LEADING VARI- Leave Philadelphia . Leave duiuiiiuic. . . Leave Washington. . Leave Charlottesville Leave Lynchburg . Arrive Danville.. . . ETIES OF FINE PAPERS AND ENVELOPES FOR POLITE CORRESPON DENCE. W. W. JONES, -Bookseller-: -and-:-Statioiier.- Leave Richmond . Leave Burkeville Leave Keysville . . Leave Danville . . Arrive Greensboro Leave Goldsboro. . Arrive Raleigh. . . Leave Raleigh . Leave Durham . . . Arrive Greensboro. i2.i5a rnh 7-2o a m 9 45 a m 11.24 a m 3-35 pm 5- 40 I ni 8.20 p nt 4-30 p lu 6- 57 p m lUluPm 2 55 a ni 7- 45 a i; 2 3f a ni 429 a ni s 5 a ni Leave Winston-Salem Leave Greensboro. Arrive Salisbury . . M. OPPfiNHEIMER, PPENHEIMER, Arrive Statesv'lle . Arrive Asheville Arrive Hot Springs When brute companions can endear Fancr Woolens in fine Serges thrives in such a way to the.r own- d CamcVs hair. rs. it seems out of place to raise the question of property. The old reasoning Scotch and Tartan Plaids. has been revised; it is not from tbehaae- Small Checks and Stripes. iu. but from the nobleness and ndelilv 1 of canine nature, that we are unable to Shepherds' Plaids and Graj' Paper-:-Hanger, Leave Salisbury. Arrive Charlotte . . . Arrive Spartanburg.. Arrive Greenville . . Arrive Atlanta . . . . j value our dog 4 in dollars and cents. It j u not necessary, however, that men fhouM die i 1 defending them ; for in the ab ence of a common law remedy th j Mialiug of dogs is now punished al-xuo.-t universally by statute. Klectrictty Instead af Sand Club. A novel and somewhat scientific plan for relieving ladies of their purses has beii succetsfully carried out by a gang of thieves along Milwaukee avenue and 9 ion) of princes and of noble and gen- adjoining streets for the past week or so. crou pr.iits. to mke them litter for ' The scheme is to give the victim a vio Creat eiDplftmcnt.., as all kind of fal- j lent electric shock, thu3 temporarily ons and clher ha..ks if the tarty that j paralyzing her. kteals ihcrn know tl.ey be leclaiuied. " The most recent victim was Mrs. Ja- Ttms the dog was di-tii.guu-iicI fiora eobsen, a professional nurse. On Friday the falcon as being less notle ami gen rruiii. It is here that the great injustice 1 wm to have been perjetrated on dogs, Not noble indeed, and generous ! I can i.nagitte the iiuiigaalion w ith which tin r id ii rt tjimi would say this as he tiioutii .I the m.tiiy hours he had spent w ith his dog and gun in rambling through the October woods. How a teteran gunner kiudies at thesugeslion, for thoe hours cat with a knowing jointer cr sympathetic setter, after the ctiail and rartride. are among the evening sne was reiievea 01 a purse con taining $12 and several bundles by the electric method. She was returning home on Centre avenue, near Milwaukee avenue. As she passed in the shadow of a building two men brushed against her. One of them touched her wrist with a piece of metaL S ie at once re ceived a violent el ctric shock that caused her to let go her puree and several bun dles and sent her reeling against the building. She was so dazed for the mo ment that she did not realize what had really joyous occasion of his life. If th i happened. As soon as she recovered flight cl the falcon can stimulate noble nature to greater fitness for high em ployments, surely th companionship of a loving dog eager to satisfy hU master is a moral influence o! no less value. In some States Judges have come to think so, and to rule accordingly. In Hvw York and New Hampshire decis ions have Loeu rendsred that the oil common rule must be abrogated and a dog thief held for larceny. In oue of theeo decisions the warm hear tod judge defended our abuse! pels with a nurited eulogy : "When we call to mind th ma!l paniel that saved the life of William of Orange and thus prob ably changed the current of modern klstory C- Mo;leys Dutch Republic, CSS), and the faithful 3 . Dernards, which, after a torui hai swept over the crests and idM of the Alps start out in searck of lost travelers, th-cl uni that the na ture of a dog is tvtsout.aiiy base, and that Le slioutd be left a prey to every vaga- I Load who cl.oos to steal hi at. wiii not now rvcrite ready ae.iL In nearly! every hourhold in th land Can bo found chattels ke;t for the mere whim aud pleasure of llie owner, aource of fcolaca and serious labr. exercising a re lining and elevating int.ueuce, and yet they are as much under the protection of the lw as cuatl.o purely useful and abso lutely enlial Tnis co'iimuu law rule was extremely technical and can rcarcelr be hail to liave had a sound Lads to reat on. " Tlaere is one other reason why, per . lisps, dogs were not included with the other do:;et:cated animals under the law of larccncy. Ihiring the reign of William L, the grau l larceucy of chat tels over twelve pence in value was made punidiable by death. Lord Coke hints that it was not held Iarce.icy to steal dog- bcaue it was not tit that "a roron should die for them. " The 1 arned j-;de qtioted above add-i to this ironically : "ami yet lho$e ancient law friver th ii;t it not unlit that a person k!ouM die f r stealing a tame lwk or falcon. Mi.ce we arv not ready to con cede the su;er.ori:y of haw k over dogs te will gv t.'io windt? length of saying let the d. thief if need be, to pro tect our dumb fricod. " Karelr da we hear of a man who 1 from the effects of the shock she began 1 to look around for her purse and bun ! dies. They were nut in sight. Then it dawned upon her that she had been robbed. The two men who had passed her were just turning on Milwaukee avenue. Quickening her stepi she fol lowe them, hoping to meet an officer that ahe might have them placed under arrest. At Chicago avenue she quit the pur. uit and ran to the police station and told what had occurred. An officer was sent out with her. but the men could not be found. According lo Mrs. Jacobsona description the men were about 5 feet 6 or S inches tall. A similar case was reported earlv in the week by Mis Czarkofski, a type writer who lives on Noble street Her week's wages were taken. How the fellows produced the elec triclty Is not known to the police. Some are of the opinion that they carry a small battery with them, while others take the view that they attached small wires to the electric light circuit. Mrs. Jacobsen aid the nhock w.vs so violent that it ftunnod her for the time being. Chi cago Inter Ocean. Why Dog Abenad la Constantinople. Tnere is a queer explanation given of the reason why the people of Constanti nople tolerate so many dogs in the streets rf that city. It is in effect that when a Mussulman commits a sin he prays and pays to have it forgiven. After this is done he takes a piece of bread and breaks it into bits, which he throws to the dogs. If the latter accept the food it is a sure sign that the sinner is forgiven. If they refuse to eat it, he is not forgiven. The more dogs that roam around, the more bread will be eaten and the more siu for civerv ' , Johnston's Vegeta ble Nolandine, unex celled as a tonic, liver regulator and blood purifier. For sale by all druggists. Tlic JVo landine Co., Ricli mond, Va. ; ' Alixtures. 3S to 42 inches wide, 40c. to $1.25. Challies. The Thames now so popular are nere in full force, in more delicious colorings than ever before: in delicate traceries of ferns and erasses and wi'd wood blossoms of every description: so pretty that they win t'ie admiration of all visitors. Challies in dark and light co crs, small, medium and larj;e flora! figures and stripes, at 5c, 6 c, 8ic..ioc, I2jc, 15c, 20c. and some ex quisite novelties in rrench printings at 50 and 600 Dress Trimmings. Our great stock is especially rich in the most recent novelties that have the approval of the leading fashion authorities of the world. No reasonable want can fail of be ing supplied as in. variety our stock shows an assortment that gives the buyer the wid est scope of choice. OXFORD, N. C. Paper hansrins: and decorating: in all its branches. Decorating Walls, Cornices. Fancy Centres, etc., a specialty. Satisfac- lon in every instance or no charge. Full Line of Samples on Hand. ;2r-Orders left at my Stall, No. 11, City Market receive prompt attention. Leave Charlotte. . Arrive Columbia. Arrive Augusta - 3-oop nil 5 05 pmj 5-45 P ml 8.40 p m! -l''Jn 9-42 am 2.20 pm, 1 5;(Jjrrj -4 4o pmj 9.00 . 4.451m; i.ooan, 5-f P") 2.55 am 7.30 am i2126aJml ,?.SaJ 2 01 a mi"mTm 7.3jam; 4.36 pni 9-28 a mi 6.10 Dni 12.32 a mn.aja 2.05 a 111 4.51 a m 5 56 a m 11.00 a m r 2.20 a m 630am 10.30 a m 12.40 pm 338pro 4 46 pm 5 10 pm 9-OOpm NORTHBOUND. S ALE OF VALUABLE MILL. In the special proceeding entitled Calvin Waller against William Bowling, pending in Granville Superior Court, the undersign ed was on the 21st March, 1890, appointed commissioner to sell the mill tract of about three and an half acres of land on Knapp of Keeds Creek, adjoining the lands of Calvin v aller, R. Corden and others. This he will do on Monday, 5th Ma3', 1890, at 12 m., at the courthouse door in Oxford, to the high est bidder. Terms easy Sale is made for W. H. & R. S. TUOKER & CO., partition. A. W. Graham, Com'r. RALEIGH, N. C. March 25, 1890. JQR. C. D. H. FORT. DENTAL SURGEON, OXFORD, N. C, Has recently had his office refurnished and made arrangements for a new gas apparatus for extracting teeth without pain. Office over Haithcock's drug store. vwaeoflRM Mi E FYPk 'r FREE Our faciliuei ar One of the BENT Tel ricoDCl t n Che world. Our unequal rd. and to in trod ace onr tapenor pooas w will Hndrill to OKI rERSOir in eack locality, as ftbova. Only those who write to nt at one can nak rare of tha chanca. All yon hava to do in. return is lo snow onr gooam to those who call your neighbors and those aronnd yon. The ba- artnninr of this adrartisemant shows Lbs amaii ana or ui teie Tha foUowinf ent gires the appearaaaa of it reduced to ''afi'aaw'" trt the fiftieth next of its bulk. It is a rrand. double sice tela tcopa, as large as is easy to carry. Wa wUl also show yoa how yo .k. from H.l tiHlOi dar at least, from the start,with- Hl eaparienco. Better write at onca. We pay all ezpresa charges. Addreee, H. HA1XGTT a CO., Box 0, rosTLAKD, iuih. J. R. ROLLER & SON, AGENTS FOR THE BEST FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Office, Herndon Block No. 1. 9-1 7-t OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, RALEIGH, N. C. C. D. OSBORN, Agent at Oxford. Parties wanting Laundry work done can leave packages at Osborn Hotel every Mon day morning and call lor them Saturday -k a a morning. Kaiegn prices. xvo expref s Work not surpassed an3'where. charges. pOR SALE The undersigned offer for sale privately the Oxford Female Seminary propertv as building lots. The property will be cut into lots to suit purchasers. Terms easy. J. M. Currin, . John Webb, S. H. Cannadv. March 24, 1890. MQEPREE. AYi V WX worth S1UV.OU. bti Iji 11 1 lhill I 1 im tha worM Pcrfe4 t,tl timehaapar. Warranted heavy. sou COLD fenntias; caaea. Both ladies' and gem s aizee, with works and eases of eaual raise Ovs FEUOKia each locality can secure oaa free, toerether with our large TsJoahie 1 me or mm ottave sioia wmm- 1 nrea eeiin iaa mm weu '""aatha watch, axe te3. All tha work y need do la to show what wa send you to those who call your friends and neighbor and those a boat yon that always results la valuable trade for a, which holds for years when enca started, and thus wa are repaid. We pay atl ezpresa, freight, ate. After you know all. If yoa woe Id like to ro to work for us. yoa caa ear from S20 to MSO per week and upwards. Address, bUkmi & Co.. IloxolS. rsrilaM, Juue. J - v 1. W-M l) "iAASlTt JOB OSBORN, IV iTERCH ANDISE TROKER lYlERCHANDlSE JQROKER Oxford, N O. Price List or Samples of Molasses, Sugars, Cakes, Crackers, Candy, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Peanuts, Cabbage, Potatoes, Peas, White Beans, Tea, Malega Grapes, Crockery ware, Glassware, Tin and Stoneware. Lumber by car lots dressed or oth erwise. . Meal, Brown Stuffs, Ship Stuffs, Br?n, Corn, Oats, fec, &c. Fiour. I DAiLY. No. 51. NoTT Leave Augusta. ... 6.10 pm 8oTm Leave Columbia. . . 10.35 pm 12.50pm Arrive Charlotte. . . . 3.13 am 5.15 pm Leave Atlanta .... 6.00 p mj 7.iolTm Arrive Greenville . . 12.35 am 1.48 pm Arrive Spartanburg . 1.39 a mj "2.52 pm Arrive Charlotte . . . 4.25 am; 5. 30pm Arrive Salisbury . . . 6.02 a mj 7.05 p,p Leave Hot Springs.-. 7.50 p m 12.253 Leave Asheville. . . 9.41pm) 1.54pm Leave Statesville . . 3.15am1 5.5 pn Arrive Salisbury. . . 4 20 a mj 643pm Le ve Salisbury. . . . 6.07 a m' 7-i2pm Arrive Greensboro. . . 7.4 c; a mi 8.40 pm Arrive Winston Salem 11 40 a mf 12.0 af Leave Greensboro.. . 9.45 a m; u.oojun Arr ive Durham . j 12.01 p mj 5.00 a rrj Arrive Raleigh. 1.05 pm; 7 45am Leave Raleigh . . i 1.05 p m t 9 00 am Arrive Goldsboro . . 3 00 pro :12.50 pm Leave G eensboro . . 7.50 a mi 8.50 pm Arrive Danville . . . 9.32 ? m 10.20 pnv Arrive Keysville . . 12.20 pm 1.50 am Arrive Burkeville . . 1.73 pm 2.40am Arrive Richmond . 3.30 p mi 5.15 am Arrive Lynchburg. . . 12.25 P m 12.55 am Arrive Charlottesville 240pm 3.30a m Arrive Washington . 7.10 pm 7.03 am Arrive Baltimore. . . 8.10 p m f 8.20 am Arrive Philadelphia . 3 00 a m 1047 am Arrive New York . . 620am 1.20pm Daily. t Daily, except Sunday. BETWEEN WEST P01ST. BlfHlOND Via KKTSVILLE. OXFORD AXD MRHAI 54 & 102 8.00 a m 9.40 a m 1 1 .00 a m 1.00 p m 2.05 p m 2.25 p m 2.32 pm 2.5 p m 3.06 pm 320pm 3-35 P m 3-5o P m 3-58pm 4 22 p m STATIONS. Lv West Point . Ar Richmond . Lv Richmond . . Lv Burkeville . . Lv Keysville Lv Fort Mitchell Lv Finnevwood. Lv Chase Citv . Lv Five Forks. . Lv Clarksville . ILv Soudan Lv Bullock's . . Lv Stovall . . . ' , Ly Oxford . . , CHEESE, BUTTER AND FISH. Bulk meat by box or car load. I have full line of samples of Molas ses and Syrups just in from N. Y. Furniture of Every Description CEMENT of every description. Soapstone Finishr in Barrels, Drv. Sewerage, Drain Tiles and Fire Clay nimneys. acove-pipe thimbles and Chimney Tops. Rubber Stamps of Every Description. Hominy and Grits. Call and Look and Save money REMOVED TO Three doors west of Osborn House. One good room already furnished on second floor of building to rent Also three rooms to rent in Whit building on Main st. 5.00 p m 5-15 P m 5 45 P 'ii Ar . Lv Ar Ar . Ar . Ar . Ar . Ar . Ar . Ar .Ar . Ar . Ar Ar 4.22 p m 4 45 P m 4o5 P m 5.17 p m 5- 35 P m 6- 39 P m 7.00 p m Lv Oxford . . Ar Dabney . . Ar Henderson Ar Lv Lv 55 & I0J Ar Oxford .... Ar Stems . . . , Ar Lyons . ..... Lv Ar Holloway Lv Ar Durham . . . . . Lv Ar Carey ..... . .Lv Ar Raleigh ... . . . Lv 6.10 pm 4 45 ln 4.40 pm 2.45 pi 2.00 pin 12.58 pn 12.47 Pm 12.30 pm 12.10pm 1 1.55 a" 11.40 am 11.24 am 11.15'n1 10.46 am 10.00 aro 9.25 am 8.55 Lv 10.16am 9.43 am 9.25 am 8.33 am 8.15 am tDaily. t Daily, except Sunday. Additional trains leave Oxford daily ex cept Sunday 11.00 A. m., arrive Henderson 12.05 m., returning leave Henderson, 2.i p. m., daily except Sunday, arrive Oxford 3.15 P. M. No. 5c leaving Goldsboro 2.20 P. m. and Raleigh.4.45 p. m. daily, makes connection at Durham with No. 19, leaving at 6.00 P. M. daily, except Sunday for Oxford, Hender son and all points of O. and H., O. and C. and R. and M. Roads. Passenger coaches run through between West Point and Raleight via Keysville, on Nos. 54 and 102 and 55 and 103. Nos. 51 and i connprf at Rirhmond from and to West Point and Baltimore daily except Sunday. No.s .soand ;r rnnnert at flnMshoro with trains to and from Morehead City and Wil mington, and at Selma to and from Fayette ville. No. 52 connects at Greensboro for Fay etteville. No. 53 connects at Selma for Wilson, N-c-Nos. 50 and u make clnc ronnection at University Station with trains to and from Chapel Hill, except Sunday. ,. x i-Keis on sale at principal stations w points. For rates, local and through me tables, apply to any agent of the company or to Sou Haas, Jas L. Taylor, Traffic i 1 W. A. Turk, Div.'Pass. Agt ; Raleigh, N. c