THE DAY II S T!IK THE DAY GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. Largest City Circulation j! if any paper published in r l)::fon!. !! V: 1 1. Xl'mhkr 30 OXFORD, N. C.f SATURDAY, PRIL 19, 1890. Single Copies: 3 Cts DRINK ! DRINK !j j , !: ink e.iso-i h been opened j t ,1 y by T. W. Jack-on k Co., and ; t v re i.r.and to ftirni!i you withj ICE COLD UV.'cr, Milk Shake. Limeades, ( m Cider. Deep Rock, M.tlto, etc., t, fi .ui t!ie n .v.vs:, cleanest and L , j i t r:i in the ity. O :r rr?"S are made fresh every I;1(.f s,.-, iioiu tlW Ust suuar and 4urrri it'i p-ire frui: juices, and c f, j, o in m porcelain tanks No tin L: !U in nr fountain. ; ir n . ;tri-ani;rment every glass j . . .: ! in !roh, clean water right i i f well. No old dirt v buckets. lOU A COLD DRINK - . 1 an fountain, and a mat, , ; ::.nIe pla e to drink it, call on T. V. JACKSON & CO., ! , . !::.. V. Nu. j. Oxford, N. C. KI-UB KEEK DDDI) K E I) I) s i: e d D i: e d i) s EE D . D S E E D I) S K E D D S S E E I) D : EI; EE EEEE'DDDD : ;-,Iv stock is fresh and reli; Me, ami from the best seed growers in the United States. THEY COME UP. LVXDJvETH'S SEED. FERRY'S SEED. CROSMAN'S SEED. Evcrv varietv of Carder. Seed. Lawn Grass and ' Field Seed. YOU COME UP 3 -' And m. ike your purchase in this line from nic, and vou are sure ol satisfactory re stdts. J. G." HALL, Sccdman, Druggist AXD CONFECTIONER, Mux Sr.. - - Oxroun. N. C. H .:-c!;cejers are Botheretl Jtist ".v About Finding Some tliirs; tu Hat. Frrri', Miip. Ikef Tonguf ami New Orlt-an Motascs verj liiifst iwhIa IIch, r.lalc-5. Kicc. Oatr.ical, l!mny. Canned r'rtnls Vegeta ble. Pick Irs, Sauces, etc. M 1 I I. ' ' till a:tcni.n called to anthcr lXV. Jones & Co,, Vvi i; ,,K TOWN LOT. ment Jr. i. HOWARD llUKSEV. ' ! i"": having been made in the pa -Vir, .&! rcfjulator and blood OTfr T,lZpurtfcr. For sale by fr"ti all druggists. Ttic No &:;S1? RrsiMrr j landin e Co., R ich- NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED N SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Minor Kventa, Itetrotpectl ve nml Pro wpectlve, Ciathereil About tlie City Ily our Alert Reporter. Commonwealth Club did not meet lat night. The weather is sunshiny enough but unaccountably cold. There will be about the usual num lier of criminal cases to try at the com ing term of court. Dowser's Vaudeville ? and Corned v Henderson tl.L Comjwny went to morning, where they appear tonight. ' Maj. A. S. Lanier was at Mender- son yesterday, and insjier ted the Vance Guard. He reports the company a verv fine one. - I here is nothing like grit and en- erg'- to bnilu up a town. Tne right km i of men can n ake a garden spot out ot a oesen. A conference of representative Oxo -.1 i t i mi i i nuns with Col. Robinson will be the nextslepLwardtlins the brand. of ti,c l),.rhan, K Nurthctn Railroad. ... . i.ran-iie superior court next on- Vf-' it ' V His Honor is expected to reach here tomorrow from Person county, wher. Ik: ha been holding court for the pas. week. Our county commissioners offered 10 compromise the debt matter wit! the Vance board, and the offer was a very h'.xrrnl one. It looks now as if our neighbors will have to pay som twelve or more thousand dollars inti (I ranville's treasury. It is understood the sum thus obtained will be used in erecting a new courthouse. A lrttier Recaptured. A large, powerful negro man, bound securely with ropes, was brought to the city this morning, and turned over to Sheriff Rogers for safe-keeping The prisoner was Henry Timberlake, dias Henry Buck, who escaped from tl i.ui Here two years ago. lie was cap I . . - I "fed in Durham county by DepuU Sheriff Hall. Timberlake is wanted to answer the 'large of breaking into the store ol ir. Charley Wheeler. A confederate named Weaver got five years in the penitentiary It has always been a nystery how Timberlake got out o! jail. He had . picked a hole in the wail, but the hole was rather small, and how such a large man managed to Mpecze through it nolnxJy could ever Jiderstand. Hellglotts Service Tomorrow. l'ArnsTCiiURcii. 9:4 a. m.,Suii lay school. 11 A. M., sermon by pas ttr, Rev. J. S. Hardaway; 7.15 p. m, sermon. I'KI.M-.YTFKI AN ClIl KCII. 9 A. M. . Sunday school, ii a. m., sernlon b) paster, Rev. Jos. Rennie; 715, p.m.. sermon. Mhthodist Church. Sund.iv 4"hool at 9? 2 a. M.;J. W. Hays, Kstp. . uperintendent. 11 a. m., sermon b ttev. W. L. Cuninggim, pastor. 7:15 r M., sermon. W t I l.nscorAi. iiuklii. 9 A.M., sun- t ... .... t . i ... 1 cuyscnoo,;ii a.m., sermon oy ivev. . W. W. Walker, rector; 7:15, r. V. M. C. A. Services at 2:30 i m , to which all are invited. Tohn sZon's Vcgeta- 9J blc Xolandinc, uncx- celled as a tonic, liver mond, Va PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings ami 'Whereabout of Some People Yon Enow. Mr. Job Osborn went to Stovall this morning. Messrs. W. T. Meadows and Daniel went to Henderson today Jeff Dr. B. F. Dixon left on the train yesterday afternoon for a short trip. Col. R. J. Mitchell cain home last night from a visit to Person county. : Mr J. T. Britt, of rhe Public Ledger, i back from a trip to Richmond, Va. Mrs. W. D. Lunsford and Miss Magi Lunsford, of Durham, are in th- titv T r r r-- r Mr. Abe Mav, of Cincinnati, Omo. brother of Mrs. M. Oi.jj.ihe;;ncr, i jtl the city Miss Mary Currin came home yes . J r - . ... . lerday evening from a visit to Rn h- nlond Va Co,; w F Beasey arrived Q ford terday atWrnoon, and kf. la 'ui.j ii i is iiioriuiJi:. -lr- 1 r. Hart, a'ter spending a r . ,,r ' j . ''Z . f,0"' I c" ,.'B rdl' 'afternoon . Miss Mary Rovster. who has 1-een n a yjs t lo'th . -f j? M ; w Hunt, returned to Stovall today. lrebyierl.m Building Fund. Piic congregational meeting at the Presbyterian church lat night, called for business connected with the pro- posed new building, was very sh ,rt, Knd adjourned to meet aain tonight. It was expected that Rev.Jof Rennie, the pastor, would coniw- $ver from Chase City yesterday afternoon, but he was unable to cec here. He will be , . w m the city today. A report was submitted last night by the subscription committee, showing the amount on hand and subscribed so far to be 5,400. Funeral. The funeral of Mrs. Hannah B Crews occurred this morning at ten 1 l 'J ri CIUtK at me rebiuence 01 ner son, Mr. E. T. Crews, on Broadway. Rev. W. L. Cuninggim performed the las: ad services, after which a procession c j j . 1 t .1 .iu. me waio.u eiuClc,y. in. ... . - - y a r t . . ti ,arSe number of people who attended tlie hmeral attested the high esteem in wmcn tne deceased was neid. The Theatre. 1 he features of the performance at the Opera House last night entitled to praise were the fine orchestral musi and the good comedy work of Mr. Chas. Bowser. The skirt .dancing was carried beyond legitimate bounds, and was decidedly objectionable. The sjecialty turns were of indifferen merit. There Was a fair-sized audience in attendance. Derided In Favor of Granville. the Vance county debt case came up before Judge Boykins at Louisburg yesterday. R. W. Winston, E q., represented Granville, and telegraph ed here that a decision 'was rendered m fav0r of our county. tur neign . & ;t is sum)OS,.d. will appeal to the! ' . Are you sick? If so, you can be restor ed to perfect health if vou use Radam's Mi- crobe Kiiler. It purifies the blood XKl thorough- 1.. 1 ; A..., .-rt.i 01-0 o I o ti, t,,, ,fih mHirin i; .m-t- ply wonderful. For sale by I. G. Hall, :ist. Notice to City Taxpayers. All taxes due the town of Oxford, not paid by the 20th inst., will be collected by distress, verb. sap. V. T. LYON, Collector. For Sale. Two pairs fine Guinea Pigs. Apply to Furman&Hays. - -V ; 1 THE LATEST NEWS. CAREFULLY SIFTED FOR BUSY READER. THE Items of Interest About North Carolina Scissored and Condensed From Our Exchanges. A German colony is to be planted on 40,000 acres of land in Montgomery county. A YoungMen's Christain Association building will be erected at Davidson College. W. O. Riddick, of Gatesville, N. C., has been appointed a cadet, at West Point. Civil Engineer J. L. Ludlow has hied in the offi e of the Henderson town clerk his acceptance and bond in the: sum of St-ooo for a complete 1. system of waterworks for that town. A company has been recently or ganized at Southp.-rt, says the Fayette vile Observer, with a capital of $100, coo and officers chosen, for the pur pose of establishing a coaling station at that ooint and to bui d wharves 1 , ' . It , c.' ,d'ede?'- SfouthI'rt , 1 ' nearer the sea h.ghway of vessels by more than 100 miles than Newport N the on, considcrabIe coaling station on the South Atlantic coast, and the organization of this company js the natural outcome of the COmple- tion of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Val ley railway. , The Goldsboro Argus says : The aivcrbary 01 wuu rCiiowmp u, Anr;i Ath nnH-ii rormennenrf NVmisp Lode, in 'this city, will not celebrate the -occasion until the Monday follow -g. April 2btn; but it win ceienrate , T a'JU ,u 1 'fV1 it is comiem- piatea nvv ana ims programme win nrobable he adoDted. to have a nicnic n Monday at Lamb's seine hole, on Meuse river, the classic stream after ahich the lodge here is named. On the occasion a regular old fashioned fish i'ry and barbecue a la mode before the war will be indulged in. But the event of the anniversary celebra- tion will be a public address on Odd Fellowship, to be deliverd in the even- I. . 1 1 . . ,ng by our distinguished, brilliant and eloquent townsman Mr. C. B. Aycock. IN A GENERAL WAY. important iiappemntrs in uuier sibics auu tuuuincii rt is stated that the Governor's man Lion jn Raleigh will be finished in thir ty days. the -lwin-Uty JJaiiy says tnat tne subscriptions ror tne 150,000 noiei ai Winston have reached the amount ne- cessarv and that the building of the notel is assured. A. heavy failure is announced, that of Louis Frank & Co., importers 01 raw silk, of New York and Patterson N. Y. Liabilities $900,000; nominal assets, $1,200,000 THE TRAINS. oxford & CLARKSVILLE r. r. Northbound trains arrive 10:46 a. m. , and 5:01; p. m, T ST. Southbound trains arrive :o, p.m., and 4:22, p. M. OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:00, A. m., and 3:15 p. M. Trains depart 1 1 :oo, A. M. , and 4-4 j). m. Austin, Tex., August 24th, 1887. AUSTIN, lex., AUgUSt 24m, 1537. This is to certify that my son Fred has been tronDiea wun catarrn ior me pasi tvy years, and a ter using William Radam's i -,t i . r it . A- J rooe e r tn ree - v.v. ---- i it upon mv son or-sale by J. G: Hall, druggist Parties wishing to purchase . Iron Safes! will save money by calling on J. F. Ed-j wards. He is agent for Macneal ik. Ur- band's Iron Safes. I Hart & Lawrence have a few French and! American Sateens, brought over trom last season, whch they will sell at cost. The leading Corsets, E & G, at Paris JUDGE GILMER. Will Accept the Noinliiatlon--llrover Gets a Black Eye. The Greensboro Patriot oths week has two items of interesting news which we give below : Judge Jno. A. Gilmer, in response to a question asked him by a reporter of the Patriot yesterday said : "Jf the Democratic convention should nominate me as the candidate of the Democratic party for Congress in this District I should esteem it a duty that I ovved my party, as well as a pleas ure, to accept and do everything that in me lies that is honorable to carry the District and redeem it to Demo cracy." We learn that Hon. John M. Brow er, M. C, made application for mem bership in the Farmers' Alliance at Mt. Airy recently, but that he was un ceremoniously rejected black-balled. The reasons given nim, we are inform ed, for his rejection, were good, but, being purely of a personal character, we do not care to repeat them. We learn that Mr Brower, to use the lan guage of our informant, "is very blue over the matter.'.' 'Phis seems to con :radict the yarn that the Alliance would support Brower for Congress. Cleveland Says It's a Lite. In an interview wih a World re porter President Cleveland said of the Sun's story that he was under medical treatment for corpulency: "The whole story is a lie." Mr. Cleveland also said: "I do not care how much I am criticised for my jublic acts. 1 hat is perfectly legiti mate. There is a line, however, it -.eems to me, where abuse. should stop. The man who invades the privacy of a amiiyana inauiges in coarse a tacKS on private citizens, places himsell on .on thp nfa hlflrL-fnuirH" Regarding the frequent personal at- racks upon himself in . the Sun, Mr. Cleveland said that he did not see them, but every time one appeared, a dozen crank's more or less would write to him about it. "Whenever I receive these cranks letters, continued Mr. Cleveland, I know .that the senile old liar and thief Dana has been at it again." Last Year's Tobacco Crop. A. Walker in Durham Globe. It is now estimated by those who have canvassed the surrounding coun ties, Durham, Chatham, Granville, Wake, Person, Orange, Caswell and Alamance, at least 80 per cent of the crop has been sold, and this goes to prove that our prediction, made some months since, was correct. Westated that there would not be more than 6; ner cent of an average crou sold as the production of the-jSo. crop, and we feel well assured that the crop will not exceed that amount. lie Is With the Boy. New York World. President Harrison has approved ihe bill permitting members of the House to reimburse themselves for the money which Silcott was permitted to steal .from Serjeant-at-Arms Leedom. How could he do otherwise after in dorsing that old claim of the Indin- napolis law firm? Johnston's Vegeta ble Nolandinc, unex celled as a tonic, liver regulator and blood .2 T7. n 1 Tn.. 'Ullt- lilUM JJ U I UIU U fi jj 77i VVl- (III ai aggibLb. JLIIV lYW" 11(111(11110 VO.. MlCfl- XTOniap S ana A110X CC XOUman 8 SLJISS jn Hats are shown at Paris Bros. Malarial Fever is caused by. Microbes. I The germs are in the air you breithe. Take Radam s Microbe Killer and that wilt kill the germ and you cannot have an acha or pain. For sale by . G. Hall, druggist. - Examine Park Bros, finelina of gents Dress Shirts. Mortgagee.

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