""" "" 1 " Paris Bros., THE DAY. W !! $ S- e- 2H A. Landis & Sons. PUBLISH Kl KVKKV AK TEKNOON" ( KXEPT 51MHVI AT mi;knihjn block NO. I. It. W. KltOMIKIMKH, Kdltor. Sub- ripiion : to cents a week. Furnish ed to city ulcnfcrs by carriers, who will make wtekly collections. 40 cents jkt month if pai'J in advance. Short communications on live subjects soltcittvl. The editor disclaims any resun nihility for opinions expressed by corres pnifc.ls. Suhcnbers not rttin their paper promptly and regularly are requested to notify the oihee at once. Our advertisinf? rate are very low for one week, or insertion?, about the same a charged by weekly newspapers for one time. Having a thorough city circulation, and reaching daily a number of post-offices in this and surrouiKlms counties, it is a plcinlid ad vertiMnn medium. Le.il advertisements, such as adminis trator's and executors notices, commis sioners and trustees sales, summons to ton residents, etc., will be charged for at !i-nal rates, except when they exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re serve the riht fix our own price. All such business must be PAID FOR IN" AI RALEIGH, N. C. DRE'SS-:-G00DS Dress Goods' 1 Dress Goods' We are offering this week some Dress QooDS ,Great Reductions i Dress GooDs'in Robe Dresses. Dress Goods Any one in need Dress Goods of a dress will do Dress Goods well to call and ex- OUR IMPORTED ROBES AND DRESS PATTERNS Are u onderouslv beautiful and cover a wid er range of fancy than was before attempt- Dress Goods' amine these bar- eu. Merit places tnem in me ironi ranss or our dress goods department and every thins; that stands for beauty, grace and qual ity is found in them. 1 he prices range from $2.50 to 525.00 a suit. Mob airs. Their light texture and firm weave, as well as their lustrious hues, make them the most popular of summer fabrics. We have an abundance in both blacks and colors 40 to 44 inches wide, 40c. tofi.10. Dress GooDsilgains. Henriettas. 40 to 46 inches wide, 50c. to $1.00. are all wool and include everv new VANCE, The charge is very small and w e cannot a fiord to take ri sks or wait the sirable shade for the present season pleasure J" person to pav These and de- Entered at the Post -Office at Oxford second-class mail matter. as OXFORD, N. C. Saturday, Atkil 19, 1S90. Serges. All wool 40 to 46 inches wide, 50c. to 90c. Cloths. In spring weights and colors. 46 to 54 inches wide, $1.00 and $1.50. WHO lit 1M) UP TO w.s. Fancv Woolens in and Camel's hair. fine Senres The article which follows is from an Scotch and Tartan Plaids. unidentified exchange. It is applica- Smal, Qhccks and Stripes. Die to uxioru jum as wen as oiner towns, and we commend it to the consideration of our read- 1 Grav thoughtful crs Shepherds' Plaids and Mixtures. 3$ to 42 inches wide, 40c. to $1.25. Challies. The Challiesnow so popular are here in full force, in more delicious colorings than ever before: in delicate traceries of ferns fiic, toe, 12'iC, 15c, 20c. and some ex quisite novelties in French printings at 50 Dress Trimmings. At this day and time, progress is the watchword and tho-e who fail to catch the full imiHjrt of this ideashould be in the rear. It will not do to even and grasses and wi'd wood blossoms of take an advance tuition and hold it by every description; so pretty that they win ,fin(i;n,, ..:n UVrntKfmnvf. K-w-L- the admiration of all visitors, Challies in stanmns still. We must moe back- dark and light colors, small, medium and waru or forward. It we continue to large floral hpurcs and stripes, at 5c, 6?;c, push ahead we have a fighting chmce . t......v .... .. :k ... i.. iu uji uu nit j ii m.tiun. 1ul I and 60c he who stojis will get left as the col umn moves onward. This is true of towns and cities as Our great stock is esjecial!y rich in the ... 1. 1.. 1- v . - most recent novelties that have the approval well a individuals. No city or town oflne IeailinK fashion authorities 1 of the can hope to keep its place in the for- world. No reasonable want can fail of be- ward movement with anything short of inx supple as in variety our stock shows the most vigorous and determined ac- "r"l!g,vcs the buyer the w,d" lion. ir.c live, prog rest ve, uusmcss men of every section recognize this fact, and they are pressing forward in every tossible manner. Surprise is often expressed why some town with a little natural advantages succeed so well. It is because the right kind of menarethere. If a town does not succeed, it is because it has no live men with vim and energy and money. It take: push and work, but it also takes money, and the men who take hold to do the work must have the m-n with the money alongside of them. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., RALEIGH, N. C. BABIES ON WHEELS JCssTWe have a full line of Baby Carriages, of all st-les and qualities, ranging in price 1 from $4- up to $25. Any one needing a babv carriage will do well to call and ex- amine these before buying. WE ARE OFFERING THIS WEEK 20 PIECES OF CHI NA AND JAPANESE MAT TING AT GREATLY REDUC ED PRICES. BE SURE TO CALL and EXAMINE THESE BARGAINS, WE OFFER FOR THE NEXT SIXTir DAYS AT REDUCED PRICES 1,000 Ladies Corsets, AS FOLLOWS : 200 Ladies' Corsets at 47 cents worth GO cents. J00 Ladies Corsets at 69 cents worth 75 cents. 100 R. & G. Corsets at 75 cents worth $1.00. 100 corsets at 29 cents worth 40 cents. Main St. Opposite Courthouse. TCan show you as nice and clean a line of Dress Goods in Silk, Wool and Cotton Warp Henriettas, Cashmeres. Al mas, Tamise, Nun's Veilings, etc , as you will find in any nearby market. WASH GOODS. We can "get there" on wash fabrics. Satines,. Challies, Ginghams, Zephyrs, Lawns and Calicoes, from both for eign and home mills. Embroideries and Flouccmgs. ART & ART & ART & "' .,, iNOtllinCf rUCCeedS 200 P- C. corsets at $1.00. LIKE SUCCESS. We have a full and select line and can not say too much for them. Ladies' and Gents' Neckwear. ' 'We will go you one" that we can show the newest, nob biest and most "get there" line of these goods that can be found in the city. Ladies' and Gents' Shoes. We have got them. Oxford Ties, Newports and Opera Slippers in Black, Tan and Russets. STRAW, WOOL' AND FUR HATS IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES. Carpets, Rugs and Mattings. Japanese Mattings, inserted figures, something entirely new. The' are beauties. Tinware, Crockery and Glass ware. COME TO SEE US. PARIS BROS. HARDWARE I TJARDWARE I ARDWARE XjL A R D W A RE AWREXCE' UAWREXCF (Successors to Hart, Lawrence & C wiran.) -NEW SPRING GOODS. -NEW SPRING GOODS. -NEW SPRING GOODS now complete. Alohair? Brilliants, Cashmeres' Henriettas, Plaid and btripeAovelties. All new things in Dress Fabrics will be displayed on our counters during month. Trimmings o match all Dress Goods L Thf reason Radam's Mickobi: Killer is the most wonderful medi cine, is because it has never failed in any 111- starce, ro matter what the disease, from LEP ROSY to the simplest disease known to the human system. The scientific men of today claim and prove CAUSED BY MICROBES, AKD- A cork Euros' dent of tlie Rcidsville JKcviru from Yancey ville, discussing Fifth Congressional District politics, that every disease is says : "Would it not be wise for us as Democrats to try one time the low er endol the District? Wil liams, of Granville, I think co-ild have In'atcn Itrowcr at the last election. Uemust realize the fact that there is out of the system, and when that is done ... , . you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter worK ancaa oi us ana to win me ix-m- what the disease, whether a simple case of fvrit nm hirmnniw Whit nnt-irr. Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at t.ie same time, and we fJOO nmri Pliilrlrnc TTrco onhin is there to Williams? Could treat all diseases constitutionally. ouu pairs uiiiiarens Hose at 5c. RMam's Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them 100 different brands for $1.00 worth $1.25 to $1.50 each. 100 French Woven at 75 and 89 cents worth $1.00. 1000 PIECES RIBBON VERY CHEAP. o nnri v Ci..i rM.ii i 1 -,WU ACW OLV1C V-IIclllieiS tit U74 and S cents. 1,000 yards New Style Challies at 12V2 cents worth 20 cents. 1,000 pieces odds and ends, Lilse, EVERYTHING IN THE HARD- memmm. Iiltiypf v iil.iajiliiiil i3g!aailig p ilspi Wl f!:i ; BCheck Muslins, Plain aitf Fancy White Goods is bier variety. We vi make prices as low as goods can be sold. JGHoiisekeepiirg goods of every description. Clothing, Clothino-, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, CORRECT STYLES, LOW TRICES. Men's Furnishings. Men's Furnishings, Men's Furnishings. THats! Latest New York Shapes. Thread and Silk Gloves and Mitts at 10 cents per pair. he not come as near harmonizing as others? ixl os think over the matter earnestly and act for the best. Lay ing aside all preferences for friends, let us act and work to win the old Tifth back to its former position of great usefulness in the Democratic column." Sound talk that ! Ex-President Cleveland's denun ciation of Mr. Dana is severe, but the provocation excuses the language em ployed. The Sun contains nearly every day mean llingsofa iersonalj character intended to hurt or annoy Mr. Cleveland. per worth from 10c. to 25c Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, pair. Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kid- WF, At?R nFFRBTNK &fWE and Fever, Female Troubles, in all its forms, and in fact, everv Disease known to the Human System. Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. See that our Trade-Mark (same a above) appears on each jue. hend for book "History of the Microbe Killer," Riven away by J. G HALL, Druggist, Sole Agent for Granville County, N. C. BIG BIG REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS IN IN Johnston's Vcgcta- SA LE OF VALUABLE MILL. -EMBROIDERED-TEMBR01DERED- FLOUNCINGS. FLOUNCINGS. ule A ola name, wicaH,1.,"l,iespcia Ca!in 1 . . I Waller against W illiam Bowling, pending CCliCa aS (I lOniC llVCriTaxmnc superior Court, the undersign- w , eu was on mt-aisi .Marcn, isoo, apiximted VCflltlatOt anil OlOOa commissioner to sell the mill tract of about ww three and an half acres of land on Knapp of PllrlJlCr. JL'Or SaiC OIJ ReedaCreek, adjoining the lands of Calvin y . , rm -xr Waller, R. Corden and others. This he will (ill driiggiStS. JtZCiNO- do on Monday, 5th May, 1S90, at 12 m., at j y st yy y, 1 me rouniiousc uuur in kjiiotu, 10 me nign Ulna I JIC CO., ItlCl- est bidder. Termseasy. Sale i made for ,..,7 T7. f partition. A. W. Graham, Com'r; - V it-If j I March 25. 1 DON'T FORGET TO GOME. Sr Please Look at our Oth er Advertisements. WARE LINE FROM A SEW ING MACHINE NEEDLE UP. My Prices the Very Lowest I, Warranted as Represented ! Millinery ! 0 Millinerv MY STOCK OF Milling! j Plows and Castings MiiiSe?! IS5 COMPLETE, . Millinerv! 1 . U T) ., . S uu uie rnces cannot oe JJ owned 'by Millinery! Millinerv ! any firm in this country. -o- FULL STOCK OF -Agricultural Implements. -- -o- I am agent for the celebrated OLIVER 6 HILLED PLOW One of the Best Made. o Our Millinery v Depart- filled! Millinery! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery ! Millinery !j iviuiinen' I Millinery ! Millinery! Millinery ! mptif i now Biltu with all the novf' ties in the Millie line. Miss Ida. Nor wood, a Milliner 01 Baltimore, and a'a' dy of excellent taste and experience, is charge. She is noted forartistic trimmirig Mr. M. F. Hart personal charge oi the business riv' and will use his best efforts please ario accommodate the patrons of the house. FULL STOCK OF PAINTS AND OILS. M?i o 8Something - New. If vou have Yours respectfulll V a room not convenient for a pipe-buy T T - the "GRAND." No pipe required. Hart & LaWrCIlCC xv wm iiciii your room ior one cent an hour. " A. Landis & Sons. : J. F. EDWARDS lldu a wlu,v Iain Street, Oxford. N. C tlart laWreil 7