THIi DAY THE DAY GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. it s tiii: ( lpi-st City Circulntion j. .f any paper published in Oxford. v .!.! -Mi: u. Xu in i Mr a:i. j OXFORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, ;APRIL 23, 1890. Single Copies : 3 Cts r:.K: DRINK ! DRINK! I ! D I ' drink son his liven Mpeued r tn ,v T. W. Ja'kxm V Co., andj , , v .ue I ' -iund f to lurnUh you with' ICH COLD ,f i W.i'cr, Mi!k Shakes, I.imtades . i i .... t... - m.i,.. .... i . t . 'M il is c nrwiv, cicjncM and i t i " in the t iiy. :t rajs arc ma le fresh every t i.. trii.ti the lot sugar and with pire frttii juices, and i jri'tn Kjrcci.un u b ; t t'tir lou u.iio. , - i . No tin j if tu w arran,incnt every gtas . in frh. d an w?W light c wed. No old dirly buckets. Foil A COLD DRINK I a 1 can fountain, nnd a tuat. t rr.W'ic p!a e to dnvk it. tall on T. W. JACKSON & CO., !.,- I n r.!ck No. J. Oxford, N. ("!. i:mi:e eeee dddd I I I t I s si I s I t i s I I s f A t 1 t ft HE w W I A 4 I 1 D I) D : iv H 11 U S E E D D ::: EEEE EEEE DDDD stock is fresh and relia-! , Me. and Irom the best seed growers States. in the United 1 THEY GOME UP. LANDRETirS SEED. ( FERRY'S SEED. j CROSMAN'SSEED.1 wEverv variutv of Garden Seed. Lawn, Grass Field Seed. and YOU CUME UP JAnd make your purchase in this line from me. and vou are sure ol satisfactory salts. J. G. HALL, re-: ; I Sccdman, Druggist AND CONFECTIONER, Main St.. - - ( l!..i:vCkcccrs are Hothc-red. Just : . X.nv Al-out Fimlmg Some- iniii; 10 i;at. m .trioN : st . mi.s : m r 1 n : r -s sti .N : ri : i ti..s : ' ' .1 -n.iv : FcrTi Hams. Breklast Stri;. Ik-cf Tongu andj uricu iwci. 1 Now tiih:nMolases very Kus. iNuattKs. k1cV0atmc.1l. !!..miny Cantifd Fruits ami Vtjjcta - blcs. Pic kles, Sauces, Sic. ai:rn.i.m cnllol to another u hoick currK::. ! H. W. lones & Co. S U.i: K TOWN LOT. . having ien made in the payment : frii:Kn .;ml f trcuted t me by ir. S. 1 E" -Ji.i.n tt'c Mh ,tember, iS7, and ""ftir I l.y mor:in;je on real estate, 1 shall r M T.tJ.lV. ihf I "Vli flu- rf M.11' INK), at 1 1 :ui . use dr n Oxford, sell at public t-.rv.ivh.the land or lot described in j fta-e nhkh is recorded in Regtstr jtfcr. bunt ?s ni't jr. . - - i - rti f.i to, ino. Mortirarce. NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Minor Kvcnta, Retrospective and Pro pectlve. C.athered Aiioul t lie Clt- Uy Our Alert Reporter. This is a perfect spring day. Several new enterprises will be start ed in Oxford in the course of the next lew weeks.- Messrs. HundLy Bros. & Co. are now making brick at tie rate of thirty thfi.sui'.d a day. Smoking tobacco is being-manufactured very successfully at Wilton by Mr. W. J. Harris. The Oxford Tobacco Company has rented the old Williams l.nton building on Spring street. We hear of several handsome resi dences to be erected on College street during the comhg stimm.r. At the "horse lair" yesterday a mule was olTered f r thirty-five cents, and was considered so high at those fig ures that a purchaser could r.ot be foul. d. The Hoard of Examiners of the State Mcduai Society will meet in Oxford on Saturday, May 24, at 9 o'clock, a. n., preceiUmg the meeting of the bcuty. The Ox "ord Dook Store has a new ! advertisement in The Day, anm.unc t . .. .... ing the agency ot engraved visiting tards. Tr.e best and n.ost stylish cards are furnished at lowest prLes. u5 ina,r "1V?,,C 0 . ? irinuv uouegc lasc rriaay resuneu in a victory for the young speakers on the negative side of the question. Mr. S onewall I. Durham, of Oxford, ! was one of t';e victors. 1 i Messrs. J. R. Roller & Son have ac- crpted the agency of the Middietown, a. lnd and Improvement Co T iie prospectus siow that this company offers very fine investment in some ol the best mintral lands of the famous Shenandoah V.dley of Virginia. Stock is old on the intal!nxnt plan and at first cost. Investors can get in now on the ground flcor. Cirniivllle Superior Court. The following cases have been posed of in the Superior Court dis since csterday afternoon: State vs. Calvin Tate, LucindaTate, ar.d Dave Jenkins; larceny; verdict of jry 1 ot guilty as to Dave Jenkins; Luc ii da T;.te wss sentenced to the! penittntiary for two years and Calvin T. te was scr.Unccd to the penitentiary u r three y ars. Male vs. John ung. Young was . rraignid upon a bill of indictment harcir.u him with muidcr, and his lr:al was set for Wednesday of the iist wick t f the next term of court. j State s. He; ry Timberlake; larceny; i on trial this afterncon. j Sta'e vs. Tink Tabom, larceny; ver Oxroiil). N. C. j tbet guilty. nuie litiair M . ,s a w itRefS j Mittie William, who was put in murder s in the Voting case, was released on hail tor appiar- a ice at trial next court. Ktarta Toiliy. Qnr telegraphic service starts today, j earlier than we anti: ljKited. It is not , omplete as it will be a little latter. j" 1 . JOilUHVOU S I Cff'Ul- j)fc XolUIldiJlC, UUCX- regulator and blood purifier. For sale by all druggists. Tlie No landine Co., JZicJi- ii ri s7 Vflm "v ,y t lc ''9 ' l Hart & Lawrence have a few Fren h a-v American Sateens, brought over frjru l. s,t season, w h'ch they will Svll at cost. PURELY PERSONAL. 1 The Doinct ami AVlierraIontSs of Some People You Know. Mr. . Warlick, of Milton, N C, is attending court. Col. Warren Overleyy of Clarks ville, Va., is in tlie citj I, V Mr. Henry King r . $nied to Ral eigh yesterday afterno i. ' Mr. Rhinedollar, thr popular Balti more drummer, was in 'Oxford yester day. V Mrs. J- D. Cooper and children, of Henderson, are the guests of Mrs. J. J. Paris. ;"' Mr. E. O. Larrick, of Middietown, Va., rej)resenting the Iiddlttown Land and Improvement Co., was in the city today. We understand th;it ;Mr J. WT. Markhan Iijjs returned to Durham from Hot Sprir gs, Ark, nun h imp:o ed in health. For s(me nvMiths he had been suffering from inflamaiory; rheumatism. Dr. J. M. Hays will lrave for Kan sas City, Mo., in a few days, to attend a convention of the railroad surgeons of the United States on May 1st. Dr. Hays is a surgeon of the Richmond & Danville Railroad, arid gos as rep resentative of this system by xequestof the chief surgeon. . . Lecture Tomorrow Might. Rev. Henry D. Page, P.otestant Episcopal Missionary to Japan, corn s here from Durham tomorrow, Thurs day, April 24, and will deliver an ad dress at St Stephens' Chun h tomor row evening. Services begins at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. Page is said to be a good speak er. That fact and the.4' importance of the work he represents ought to secure him a large and attentive audience. STATE SIFTINGS. Items of Interest About. Xorth Carolina Culled from Gxeliansfes. Hendersonville, a smaller town than Oxford, has waterworks and a street railway. The State board of education has re ceived some $12, coo from the sale of swamp lands during the current fiscal year. During the twelve months ending Man h 31, 207 buildings were erected 111 Wilmington, at an approximate cost of $310,000. The Fayetteville Light Infantry have decided to withdraw from the State Guard, declining to wear the regulation blue uniform. Fannie Tucker, Cannon Lewis and Nelson Hines were arrested in Raleigh j yesterday, charged with theft of goods from Norris it Carter's store. A compromise has been effected be tween the State and the R. & G. R. R. Co., the latter agreeing to pay $15,000 taxes. It never paid a cent ol taxes before. The Dowser Vaudeville and Come dy Company busted at Raleigh. Mr. Bowser and his manager skipped with out paying the salaries due the mem bers of the company. The board of trustees of the Baptist Female College were in session at Raleigh until a late hour last night, and adjourned until this morning without deciding upon a site. The latest from the Montgomery count v gold fields, learned from parties from that section, is to the effect that I a strong company, stocked at $1,000,- 000, ia been tormea to worK tne maun ders, the Worth, and other adjoining properties, says the Salisbury corres pondent of the Charlotte Chronicle. Machinery for a stamp mill aid 1 I hydraulic purpose has been bought, ! and about fifty hands are employed on the ground, leveling and preparing for its erection as soon as it arrives. Several n.w properties have been ac quired by the company in the last month. Florida Oranges and Havana Pineapples j at T. W. Jackson &. Co's. THE NEWS-BY WIRE FATAL EXPLOSION AT NEW CAS TLE, DEL., THIS MORNING. Hundred Thousand Dollar Fire Today at Rochester, ISV Y. --Ten Towns on the Mississippi Under Water. By telegraph to Thk Day. . Rochester, N. Y., April 23. The fine block of buddings known as the Haynes Block was destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The loss is estimated at fully one hundred thousand dollars. The Situation at Sew Orleans. By telegraph to The Da v. New Orleans, April, 23. The siiuation at tnis j; lace, and above here, is apj a. ling. Ten towns are complete ly submerged, and appeals for help are being made. Leevtrs are breaking. no " Fatal ExpodionThree Persons Killed and Five Injured. By telegraph to The Day. New Castle, Del., Apr. '23, A terrible explosion occurred here; this morning at the Etna Mdls. Three persons were killed outright and five oihtrs more or less severely injured. IN A GENERAL WAY; Important Happenings in Other and Countries. States The American Cotton Seed Oil Company, a new trust, was incorpo rated yesterday under the laws of New Jersey. The World's Fair bill, with Senate amendment of a naval display in New York harbor, passed the House yester day, and goes to the President for his action. A body of sinking carpenters caused a riot in the southwestern part of Chi- rauo. 111., yesterday m' miner, ana- as the result about fifty of them are lock ed up, and the sergeant of police received some bruises. Starving Indians in the vicinity o fort K-ouinson are on tne eve ot re volt, and the troops are under order to take the field at a moment s notice. Rations are being issued. Lat Sunday at Springfield, O., a crowd of people stood on a bridge witntssing a baptising. Suddenly the bridge eave away, and men, women and children fell into the creek below. Four persons were fatally injured and filty were more or less. hurt. The Pittsburg Development Compa ny had its first sale of lots yesterday 1.1 the new iron manufacturing town of Carneige City, Va. A large body of capitalists Irom all over Virginia and from the North were present. All the lots offered were freely taken at prices largely in excess to the listed prices. The sales aggregated $150, 000 and private sales still continue with activity. A Mexican Invention. ' New York World. : The statement is made that a Mexi can has solved the problem of prevent ing railroad conductors from 4hanging up fares." A machine looking like a typewriter is carried through the car I he photograph 01 each passenger is A -f A. A. taken, the amount of his ticket'is in scribed and his name printed. , mmm . THE TRAINS. OXFORD &. CLAKKSVILLE R. R. , Northbound trains arrive 10:46 A. m. , and S:o5 p. m. Southbound trainsarrive 1:50, p.m., and 4:13, p. M. . OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:00, a. m., and 3: 15, p. M. Trains depart 1 1:00, A. m. , and 4:40 p. m. . Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safes will save money by calling on J. F- Ed wards. He is agent for Macneal & Ur band's Iron Safes. RAILROAD WAR. The It. & D. Attempts to Dlsposest the D. &N. at Durham Lively Fit;ht. The railroad war of a year ago was re- : newed at Durham yesterday, and1 1 here .( was great excitement among the peo ple. Durham claims jurisdiction over' Peabody street, on which; the greater portion of the disputed righVof way lays, ana refuses to allow the D. & N. track on that street to be torn up until a case involving its claims to the street is heard and decided at next term of Chatham court. We get the following account of yesterday's troubles from the Globe This morning a force of the O. &: C. hands were put to tearing up the D. & N. track, and Mr. W'ilson, the section master, Mr. Lipps, the civil engineer and master of maintenance of way, and two colored men were ar rested. They were carried before M?yor Christian, and Messrs. Wilson and Lipps were discharged and the two colored men were bound over to ap pear Friday at 10 o'clock. It was agreed on all sides that the track should not be disturbed anywhere on Peabody street. This left a space lying between said street and the R. & D. R. R. of 346 feet on one rail, and 123 feet on the other, beginning at the first cross tie at the western end of the coal shoot. The force then went to tear up the track occupying this space, but found it filled with D. & N. freight cars with heavy brakes on. Thus the D. & N." held posses sion. The forces then proceeded to move the track ot the O. & C. R. R. so as to connect it with the track of the D. & N. at a point on the disput- ed portion of the track. At this juncture the town authorities caused a portion of the D. & N. track to be torn up where it intersected Peabodv sreet, and planted a hugh upright timber in the middle of the right of way. This seemed to say "thus far shalt thou go and no further." Then it was surmised that the D. &' N. would run a line from some plate V beyond the disputed eastern point down Peabody street and connect with the road where it will alj be with in the street limit, leaving" .out" "the electric light house. Just here Mr, W. L. Moring, one of the force of the O. & C. road, under the direction of the attorney for the O. & C, attempted to cut down the upright, timber that the town authorities had' placed on the track, and he .was promptly arrest ed. This put the matter in a shape to be heard on habeas corpus proceedings, and this no doubt will be "done. Ap plication will be made, to some judge in Raleigh, it is thought, and the le- gality of the arrest, and the question whether the O. & C. has the right to tear up the track on will be determined. Peabody street, The Person Moonshiners Commit An other Bold Outrage. A Roxboro corresdondent of the Raleigh Chronicle, under dale of April 21, writes: This morning, before day, the store of J. D. Jones, of Hurdles' Mills, Person county, was forcibly entered by a party of disguised men. They were after a still worm, supposed to be worth about $25, which had been depo.-ited with Mr. Jones a few days before for safe keeping by the revenue officers. They were fully armed and were sufficient to overcome Mr. Par rot, a young man who was sleeping in the store. They seized the worm and made their way off through the dark ness amid a volley of shots exchanged . between Parrot and the moonshiners. JohnstotJs Vegeta ble Nolandine, tuiex- eelled as a tonic9 liver regulator and blood purifier. For sale by all druggists. The JSo- lanajne Co., B,cn monrf Va.

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