A !i-n-vr iiiJ rcall dramatic situa if r; i. u.m JocriltfJ bf tli author of -uU-N.'allltla Ux3c uhicli treat of W t Indian Itfe. IuecLs and repiiles u? -l.u: Ju:it ia the Wcjt Indict, and ono ,Ka zi t cll acU. oil tita ccrtaia f a ;:!, ln ;tit rtcvu Lird, which aro j- ir.IIicrm!osil;d Torlively. TIicjo ccaltuoj aro quite Uai;, and when i. cJ.d-.ju Lclilad (L.ui. I iui i..cc eiuia on Iho tranda, tvau-win; a littlo gnca lizard tlorlia-j tl-uliiu-r tlic fiici. It Lccuuo bold' ; t in ujj tf iu quick movement! ..ui;d 0:1 mr foot. I rarula a su Jilen m cX and caujht tho Hub fellow by t; t:t. GiIii a wii-b lujdaricdoff, I . .atn-tlat jo: lion ol Lb proper tj in II. Ii 1 1 , a;id. U'iuj no for it, I . ti ; ,J i: oa ILq iljr a-iJ rUuiil ui i:.-:i.ly I lovlcd down, andsaw tliafc r !! of auU had fvU.id tho jueco 1 tail, t a I wee hurrying UT with their trcai t u Cut n tLoj couIX "When they dr.l it aluio.t to their hole, I 1 -Ucvd my littfo grcoa fricni. a few i vIwa away, intcullj eyeing his missing jrx:y. Tho aa'.s were ja.,t Riving a a! toward their when tho U i;d suddoaly tnadc a dart upon thorn, 1 b'u bit cf tud, aaJ awu.llai.cd i: j o c o-.4 s- ro c-rz. ha an. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, RALEIGH, N. C. t A, LANDIS& SONS, Acents at Oxford. Parties wanting Laundry work done can leave packages at our store every Mon day morning and call for them Saturday evening. Kaieign prices. No, exprefs charges. Work not surpassed "anywhere. ASK FOR PRICE LIST. Vw of tho season neuralgia and n union ia. Ti;e old toper does not need Ico when V oj 011 a "skate " It has liecomo a common thing to ask fctljevTerci"SUch weather? Tho Vrvnchman says: "When I start out in fearch of a wife Vm going to Havre. " "In vino Veritas" doesn't always como cut rihL Soino men lij dreadfully when they are druuk. r r resiirn.it ion in timo of trials and T.t?!triiIt!t it w do.it tful if a saint him bi If could equal an K.uropean cabinet. J. R. HOLLER & SON, AGENTS FOR THE BEST ' FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Office, Herndon Block No. 1. 9-1 7-t Rent of Opera House I Ire Opera House will be rented, wtr.c year commencing the first of r on Monday, June 2nd, to t:.w it ghot bidder. J. A. RKNN, Chief of Police. Notice I Citizens are warned that cows al lowed to run at hre or to get on, the muc walks while lcin led or tied on the streets, will be impounded. Uy t ruer of the Mavor. J. A. RKNX, Chief of Police. JyJOTICE OF INCORPORATION. State of North Carolina, J Granville County. To whom it may concern. This is to certify that W. A. Davis, N. A. Gregory, H. C. Herndon, J. G. Hall, B. E. Parham, C. R. Blackley, E. T.White, E. W. lones, J. B. Roller, J. M. Gregory have as sociated themselves together under the name and style of The Davis & Gregory Tobacco Company ; , That the object of said Company is to buy, sell and manufacture leaf tobacco ; The capital stock of said com pany is eight thousand doliars ; The chief place of business, Oxford, N. C; The duia tion of said corporation is thirty years; The number of shares of stock are three hundred and twenty of the par value of twenty-five dollars each ; That no stockholder shall be individually liable for the debts of said cor poration. Said corporation having paid the twenty five dollars required by the statute, and otherwise complied with the requirements of the statute has been dulv incorporated. R. W. LASSITER, C. S.C. April Sth, 1S90. JXECUTOR'S NOTICE! Having qualified as executor of the last will and t stamtntof b. A. ruckett.ail per sons indebted to the estate of said S. A, Puckctt are hereby notified to come forward and settle the same at once and those hav ing claims ajrainst said estate to present them for payment on or before the 12th day of April, iJvji, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. S. R. PUCKETT, April 1 2th, 1S90. Executor. -:-D0 YOU W ANT A-:- IPictt-ire Framed? r - ; I have a large assortment of picture frame moulding, and mil" frame any size picture as well and as cheap as any one. I also do a general business in Cabinet-Making and Upholstering, and solicit a share of the public- pat ronage. H. J. COUNCIL, Hunter's Old Stand, Oxford, N. C. "HOME -:- SWEET : HOME" J IS A SWEETER HOME WHEN Prettily Furnished, AND Jos. A. Webb Has the Prettiest Furniture and the largest stock and greatest variety ever shown' here which he is offering on the most liberal terms. Fancy Chairs, Dressers, Sideboards, Bookcases, ' Wardrobes, Everything. Valley Mutual -Life Insurance COMPANY. Old etnei ZKelia-Tole- O n lv II alf Cost of O ld Li n e Com pan i es W. T. LYON, Local Agent, . OXFORD, N. C. s rLt: OF VALUABLE MILL. In the :ccinl proceeding entitled Calvin Watr .isainsl William Bowling, pending i:t CrAJiviilc SuiK-rior Court, the undcrsin nt wan ihr :isl March, i."90, appointed f'.r.trti;.joticr to sll the mill tract of about iVtk-s and an half acres of land on Knapp of kvred. Creek, adjoining the lands of Calvin V.'alU-r, R. Cordcti and other. Thi he will '.'ti Monday, 5th May, ltu, at 12 in., at !; ivjrihuc door ih'OxArd, to the high it bolder. Terms easy. Sale h made for Iirtl:wn. A. W. Graham, Cora'r. M 25. l?yO. Feild & Roy ster. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, AND TORNADO INSURANCE. All our companies. are' pel fectly reliable. I.osses paid promptly. See our Life Policy before you nsure. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. H.ivincnuAlifird as administrator unon the estate of James A. Hunt, col., dee'd, no tice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate sentiment, and to all persons liolding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 15th of March, 1S91, or this no tice will be plead in bar of them. This March 13th 1S90. B. S. Royster, Adm'r. Parlor and Chamber Suits of newest de signs. I will accommodate and please you if you will let me. I have too many things to talk about. Come to see me. Jos. A. Webb. H. T. HUGHES' --T0N20RIAL PARLORS I- Under Herndon Block No. 1, Com. Ave. . I have combined my two shops and my present quarters are in two large adjoining rooms. Have added to my furniture, am having electric lights put in and fixing up generally to provide Oxford with elegant and comfortable tonsonal parlors. With what I have ordered and now on the way I will have everything which pertains to a Barber Shon. Will have a full complement of competent assistants in a few days. Will spare no efforts to give my custbmers - com plete satisction. . : WHUIS COISCCK f0 MANY f OH MAJIT ffl TC AYE KOBE1 Oneoftbe It EST T rtruoci the world. Oar facilitir, re nnequalcd, and to introdace oar , aperior poudi rtt will w adr KEB toOMB hkmib in ech locality, M above. Only those who write to us at once tan make sure of the chance. All you have to do in rfrV d - J '1 return is to mow our poena to tlfet C tbo who rail your nfrhbora (-Innintr of thia advertiKemanti howl the email end of the tefe- icope. The foUowinf cnt itfvea the appeananee of it reduced to - -zt s-. - V. about the fiftieth part of iU bulk. It ia a grand, double aire tela cone aa lantt aa ia eaar to carry. We will aleo ahow you how you :Pl,"l.. ne.-i to 1 O i dir at least, from the tart,with- out einerience. Better write at once. We pay all express charges. lddaa. H- 11ALLETT a CO.. Bo 8 SO, Poktlaiiu, MAIS. lie mm CI! UilU Flie Leadino: Insurance Com- f pany of the World. 1. Dccausc wc carTA- the largest amount of outstanding Insurance, THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. HE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS OVER 8105,000,000. AN UNPARALLELED RECORD OF FORTY-FIVE YEARS. . , THE ORIGINATOR OF THE TONTINE-SYSTEM. Issues The Most Desirable Contract. BSEE IT BEFORE INSURING." SAM'L. L. ADAMS, Gen'l. Dist. Agt. .. ' r For Northeastern North Carolin. THE BANKING HOUSE OF J. C. COOPER & SONS, HE BANKING HOUSE OF J. C. COOPER & SONS; . DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS; OF - . Banks, Merchants, Farmers, Corporations, House-keepers and others. Every accommodatidh' consistent with sound banking extended to its custbmers. North Sta Music Co.. P I A I C. G. STONE," Manager. ORGANS. .1 . RALEIGH, CJ OR OXFORDN. C. Standard Pi- iDm M SMp V It : will cost ands or 'Organs at remarkably low prices and easy terms. The "Kra n i c h & Bach" Pianos have no supe- nor. Send for cata-ogues.. you a postal card to write us I for prices. We will save you from 25 to ' 75 per cent, on ' Pianos and 15 to 0 per cent. ' on Organs. NORTH STATE. MUSIC CO- EMERSON'S PIANOS. Are ; the best in America for the I -I -I T , money. . vrite or prices and terms . - PIANOS from $160 up. ORGANS from $30.00 up; uci uur prices uy , Y all means; we J will, save you money. . NORTH MUSIC M 'nws? zy C5p xs o 2. licence wc nav larger and more dividends than any other Company $3,964,358.38, to our pofxv holders in 1SS9: and added to our surplus for Tontine policies, $2,000,000.00. 3." Because wc wrote $175,000,000.00 in 1889, the largest amount ever written in one year by any Companv in the World. k Wo nro tho originators of the Tontine System, which other companies are patterning after. 5. The EOUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY was the first to write an indisputable Iol:cy in court; also the first to issue a $100,000.00 policy. .Now our NEW FREE TONTINE POLICY is a simple promise to pay. The back of the policy mav be blank, or have endorsed upon it the special privileges granted. Agent for Oxford and Surrounding Country, - OXFORD - North Carolina. S. L. MTTiTiER, Traveling Agent., WE SOLD MORE -PIANOS ' In the . past 12 m o n ths than e y e r.y other dealer in North Caroli na combined. Get pur pri ces. ' ' ' . STATE CO -4 LER,, : is the j, acknowledg- iwiiHiiRiiiRiinniiiaiiiiiiiiHianiililfl .. iaiyifggiiiiia The "MIL- 'iS'Sra&nii'iJt.ii :MmmM& tiIj.ed leading Or- ,f , gan of the world. The "KIMBALL" : j! is the best Or gan m the a worm ior mc NORTH STATE MUSIC CO., RALEIGH, N. C., OR PXFORD, N. C. , s . DURHAM WORKS -DEALERS IN- -M6NUMENTS,-:-T0MBST0NES,- AND ALL KINDS OF MARBLE. Give the very best work; and use the very best material. free of charge, and perfect satisfaction assured. All work put up The Very Lowest Prices Always. DURHAM; N. C