THE: DAY 3IVES ' All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. THE DAY HAS THE Largest City Circulation of any paper published in Oxford. m riff ipi'iii. Volume II. Number 89 rjiQ HOUSEKEEPERS. Grackors! GrackersrSrackers! Vc have just received today another ship nu iit of those celebrated Milward-Cliff Crackers -a!! the popular varieties, including : Lunch Milk, Cream Spray, Gra- . jm mk. W ham Walcrs, lig uiscuic, Kntck Knacs. XXX Soda. Gin ger Snaps, Scotch Cakes, Hoti- cv Jumbles, etc. fiOO Dozen Lemons to be sold at cost. Call today; they arc go ing rapidly. THAT ICE COLD STREAM I still flowin from our fountain. And the Mrram of patrons is daily asuminj larger prrvjiortions. Cleanest Fountain, Best Drinks. Every glass washed in clean well wate . T. Y. JACKSON & CO., Ilcrndon TWk No.j. Oxford, N. C. Drinks That Cool hut DO Not Intoxicate. MukcMotic, hrftrt. Ice I ream S-U. Acid !h.ihtf. Ac the WhS r4 all the ipul.r n,rucr c-m5 t-evcracc from the Stxla Water Fountain of SS.HAlTHeOSK&SO. i:crythip - nrt nd nce and inrilins. evi-ry .1 rinMrd in clean wter. .nul twroruMc seat to Ccst while drinking. Uc ueonly Tho Best Rock Candy Syrups PUVVOKlin WITH PUREFRUITJUICES, The mt UtaMe ti e had ami tMiivrty uuinrrM. N artif'icUl eitiuct m our dfiok. Syiujv ma!e frch rry dy. We recuronicnd Hereford's Acid Phosphate, The finest nerve tonic and Reneral lnv;so. ator eer Uj.cfted from any fouiiUin. The ikctr end.-re it. If you feel lirevl t ehautct! frtm worry vr the heat, it puts new life in you. WE INVITE YOU MOST CORDIALLY TO Pay US a CallJ.S exhibited in cx.rac And ferl aMiircd yiHi wit! find everything to tlexe jou ana meru rHv" J i'e- Peing centrally locatetl. next to the jt ot?ce, our fountain t the mmt conveniently reached for the Knral public of any in the city. . S. S. HAITHCOCIC CO. HousckccjKrs arc nothcrcd Just Now AtKut Finding Some thing to Eat. SCGCKSTION : M-.ofc.vrtoM : m i;estioh : M t;KHTto : fc;oKSTios : Ferri Ham, brciiciasi Strip. Beef Tongue and Dried Beef. New Or!eanMolascs very finest kok1s. rHs, Potatoes. Rice, Oatmeal, Hominy. blc. Tickles, Saucer, StcT rT-SteciaI attention called to auothcr lot of CHOICE BUTTER. R. W. Jones iSc Co., i IVE DOLLARS FOR A FIRST-CLASS Electric Door Bell. PUT CP BY II. D. WHITE, AGENT FOR THE Manhattan Electrical Supply Company, of New -York. A 8icimen of the work can be scvti a Mi. Ilionsa. White . 1 r ' NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The Minor Events About the City i Sm4t,m.wm..t i.v tii Alert llenorters of The Day, The Literary Society meets tonight at the residence of Dr. M. V. Lanier. Look out for another electrical storm as a termination of this, hot spell. Little knots of people were gathered about the street last night discussing base ball. The Oxford Base Ball Club is open for engagements, and is anxious to meet the bist nines of the State. The serenaders were out on College street last night, and som: bad boys silenced their music for a while with a baby wakcr" which made the earth tremble. The're will be an ice cream party ?t Mr. D. A. Hunt's residence tonigni, given by a number of young genue men complementary to their lady friends. Invitations to the Soldiers' Home Festival at Rnleigh next week have been .t.nrW the miliiarv companies at f.oldboro, Oxford, VVarrenton, Hen derson and Durham. The Oxford Land, Improvement f-irttirini? Company cot In orders today for between two and three thousand aoiuis unu u. .v,-- short while now before .1. m.tiint i iilnred ana the IIIC ClUiv n w IkjoUs closed. We are indebted to Mr. Job Osbom, if vilf.nwakcmcrihandise brokcr.for a nrw tiatcntid jxitato masher, son.e- thing that will ticngni e cry house-keejK-r, and for one of the Daisy Fly Killers, a novel and most effective destroyer of the pestiferous insects. Either of these articles t an be iiought of Mr. 0bom for twenty-five .rt -rh Hi? has alo a new ther mometer and storm indicator that is a beauty. At the Denial Convention. We sec from the Wilmington papers that on the opening day of the State Dental Association convention in that citv, our townsman, Dr. J. E. Wyche, read a a)eron 'Chemistry and Me tallurgy," and on the iollowing day, together with Dr. F. S. Harris, of Henderson, was down on the clinic programme for. Treatment of alveolar abscess by extraction; excision of 5ac and replantation of tooth, nitrous Klrctlonv or Officers. I. O. O. r., 1IIVII J'"" 9 " No. 23, last night elected the toiuw ing new officers to serve for the next six months : V. D. Lynch, C P. V. T. Meadows, H. P. F. D. Hays, S. W. J. M. Hays, J. W. A. A. Hicks, Rec. Scribe. H. D." White, Fin. Scribe. C J. Gregory, Treas. Fourth of July Ites. The Richmond and Danville Rail- -t-wt VV11 low rate round trip tickets between all points on its lines within a distance of three hundred miles July 3rd and 4th, good return ing until and including July 7th l89 on account of 4th July holiday. Dwelling Ilouae for Ileol. civiArcf rooms. On Main street. Con veni'eiuly located. Apply rovster Vm. Deering's Mowers, and Reapers Biuders for sale by J. F. Edwani. Euy the Eacelsior Cook Stove. The best in use, at J.F.Edwards'. Large stock I'ainU and Oiu at J. F. Ed wards'. - nntnl V TTTXTT? OTbi tQQH -. T. OXFOnO VS. HENDERSON. I The B.e Ball' Clnba of the Twro Places Pl.y Here ahd Oxford Wins. The score of the game of, base ball rxii.,04 hrpvpaprHav atternoon be- . Vt J i rWfrrd tween the Henderson and Oxford Clubs was I 2; to 5 in favor of the home nine. '- -. and the large crowd present had frequent op- portunities to indulge in wild .Veils of approvals. The Oxford boys outplayed iK. rrntntives of our neiehtxnng J . I'. citv at everv point. Iniercaucht West without a passed ' rf - I ball, and as usual showed up strong at fU Mknn se was'bn every lip. u;c Pn,nl u'noi to be found in the btate. vvesi putucu tvi" fectivelv. Only six hits were made erru: th number WOUlQ . . . ill' have beea still less if he had . received better fieldSupporL While tho Ox- e,A 'brilliant work, iuiu r J w they made an unusual number of er- rors the result of he want of practice cA at short sop, was quick; grace- fl nnd did a full part towards win- nine the victW Turner held the first 1,1 8 . . .1. base well, and Meaiuy g, u, of making a first-class third baseman. inn was not in; his usual form at second ' base, but redeemed himself with timely hits and fine base running, wun umeiy ii Devin, Currin and Hunt, in the out 1 littlp tn do. except at the tKh-ir an(1 thev got on to Fleming's delivery all right. : On the Henderson s de, Overton sustained hi reputation as a hne eaten- er. Fleming was strong in the box and was much complimented by the specta- i' ,. a 1 tors Dunn was in good lorm. out Hart was ali'ttle off his , ustomary work at first base. The remainder of the lub did nothing to distinguish them- . :ees. . Mr Tom T. Stravhorn was umpire. and filled the position most acceptably. . J J " The following is the official store : OXFORD. TLAVERS.. R. B. H. P. O. A. Cain, s. s.' 12 3 4 Jones, 2nd b. 2 2 0 1 West, p. 3 1 1 10 Lanier, c. 2 2 12. 4. Hunt, r. f. 1 . 1 0 0 Devin, 1. f. 2 o 0 0 Turner, 1st b. 1 1 9 1 Currin, c. f.' o 2 o ; o. Meanly, 3d b. o 1 2 2 , E. I 2 O o I o 2 o 3 12 12 27 22 HENDERSON. PLAYERS.' R. B. H. P. O. A. . E. j Hart, 1 st b. 2 2 7 0 2! Dunn, 3rd b. 2 1 4 3 ;t Overton, c. 0 6 13 o;1 Kimball, c f. , 0 2 , 1 ; 1 2 Stone, 1. f. - o 0 0 , i- t 1 Fleming, p .0 o 1 12 o Goodrich, r. f. 1 o b 0 0 Finch, 2nd b. o f 1 ' ' o lul wards, s. s. o o o 3: 0 5 - 6 2 r 21 ; 7 "" SCORE BY INNINGS. Oxford, .2 02 O O I 2 0 5 12 "Henderson I 1 I o 2 0 0 0 0 5 Two base hits, West, Lanier 2, Meanly. Struck out, Oxford to, Hen derson 9. Passed balls, Overton 2. Double play, Kimball and '.Finch.- T. J. Strayhorn, umpire. . . Tn M.nnfirlnrm. , . Parties wishing to locate Factories on the lands of the Oxford Land, Improvement and - . 1 nn cnrt10. Manulactunng company uu . thin" to their advantage by communicating with ' H.C. Herndon, President Bank of Oxford. . BrewsterSoule, King, Rice Coil, Spiral, Thomas Coil and Boughton spring buggies, nr.roc frnm tto$n each, at . ' Owen, Barbour & Smith. Nice lot fishing lackle at Ji? F. E waids; QVER THE WIRES. THE BURNING MINE AT DUNBAR REACHED THIS MORNING. I Nine Vessels Wrecked and Thirty-live T )a off Setid-A murderer Hanged. Bvteiegrapn 10 int. ivay.j Dunbar. Pa., Tune 27'. 1 he rescu- ers at the Hill Farm mine succeedeo at ten o'clock this morning in reaching the burning mine. There, is great tex- citement. 11 is nopeu iu urd ...r .- . - ."I 1 : 11 rvat r( todies 01 me iosi ku, u - finding tnem auve naving uccu auau- ! .-t' ' 1 doned several days ago. J - JNEW yokk, iuiic zy-" ia that nine vessels were lost m a sale off . - were lost. - t ; .FINE vhy. iviiimim., juh r It t Titna at Brooks, the murderer 01 mrs. Junius, expiated his crime on the gallows this morning. 1 - DtTii Gregory, oxford, The following is from the Hender son Gold Leaf of this week: phe first brick in the new warehouse for Davis & Gregory was laid to-day Th,-hnildinffwillsoonriseup, a valua our tobacc-Q market arf ornament to College street. OYfnrH Day: Monday. This will be one of the largest, be?t lighted and most thoroughly modern tobacco sales warehouses in the State. 100 nronrietohr. Messrs. Davis & 1 i i ir- iji vim illu. j. The I nr-n nr rr tl- ft X n IT 3 II H u-., warehousemen in North Carolina, fully alive to the best interests of their paironb, aim cu .v. proprietors of New Johnson Warehouse have- won an enviable reputation for themselves, and when they get into i IIVI A ----- . ineir new cswuiwuuuw w-rv-. still greater things of them. Bring yoUr orders for tobacco flues to J. F.Edwards. - : " unTPt nD a wvtt.r.E for sale or rent. Pos- I ' Anolv to R V. I oC-J'vii P1 Minor Rubber Belting and Packing at J. F. Ed wards'. ; , A dwelling house, with garden, for rent at $5.00 per month. Apply at this office. v , Caih for. Ice. ; It is impossible for us to keep ice accounts. The amounts are small and require too much time to keep the books. Afto thu Hat nnrchaers must nav cash or buy tickets. The tickets are $1.00, $2.00 a- c-, nn. Anv nortinn of the ticket not punched will be redeemed with cash any time before Oct. 1st, 1890, at T. G. Hall's. Double price will be charged for ice after the electric lights .are turned on. . - ; : ' : Niirrips ancl Tumo seats. Carload of wagons, ;one and two horse,heavy and light. Prices trfsuit the closest buyers. Come in and see tnem. . v. Owen, Barbour & Smith. . ' - ' ' t At It Agln - . ' ' f' 1 Tumor Rr Rrn. have rented stall' No. I s. Oxford Market, and will open tomorrow with a mil stocK 01 me Desi meu tuj.i". a charp rr natronace resoectfuly solicited. j Best eflforts to please. Give us a call. - Large stock of Iron Age Cultivators and Double Shovel Plows for sale by J. F. Ed wards. ' . -,. - - : ; ; . i ' ; : -Parties wishing to purchase " Iron .Safes will save money by calling on J. F. to wards. He is agent lor Macnear ur band's Iron Sales. . .... , - Take Notice. nAi;nnltont lirpncp tax-oavers will take notice that they must pay their license tax on or before July 1st, or I shall be forced to collect accprding to law. .' J.s A. Renn, Chief of Police. Harvesters, Mowers and Hay Rakes, the best made sold by , . ' Owen, Barbour & Smith. - t ctnrk VVaon and Buggy material for sale at J. F. 'Edwards. - T m 9 BW stork of Carts, io different styles Stude baker &Frasie's warranted one year. Owfn,' Barbour &-.smith. Single Copies: 5 Cts PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings and Whereabouts of Some People You Know. Mrs. Bell Currin, of Virginia, is visiting at Mr. J. M. -Mr Thornton Yancev. one. of Per son's solid citizens,is in Oxfordi today. Mrs. W. H. Elam. of Mecklenburg county, Va., is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Marsh. Mr. Thad Manniner. editor of the Henderson Gold Leaf, is in the city oday, and paid us a plesant can. The Richmond Times savs a cable gram, dated London, June 24, announ ced that Mr. John M. Taylor would sail on that day tor noire. Dr. J. M. Emmitt went to Buffalo Sprines. Va.. this morning, being summoned there to attend Mr. JohlX; Y. McRae, of Raleigh. The doctir; will be absent from home a week or more. : FRESH FROM THE PRESS. , State and General Items of Interest from Today's papers. t - - . . Ex. U. S. Senator.andex-WarGov- ernor Sprague, of Rhode Island, is now Chief ot Police at warragansett Pier. - .. The Chattanooga (Tenn.) News mi - r- T t J t-. says: ine Kev aam joncs uauguier, Annie, and rrot. wm. oranam, wno eloped from Cartersville last Christmas r.nA mnmpn in i hattannoca hv UliU " - w 0 the Rev. Mr. Drumbell, rector of St. Paul's Church, have separated. The couple went out to ride Christmas day, drove to a station above Cartersville, ai d took the train for Chattanooga, , where they were married. They mar- ried in haste, and are now repenting at leisure. It is rumored that frot. Ora ham will apply to have the marriage annulled. The Wilmington Star 'says there is a band of highwaymen intesting-the - road leading to that city. Alex Moore, a colored farmer, was attacked by three unknown negroes a few days afro and robbed of his money in broad . daylight. He was on his way home from market in Wilmington.' jno par- . a.1 "if '. UCUiarS were given calcjh mat mwic was attacked about noon on the road, ' was struck on the back of the head and severely hurt, and that the T nd outcry he- made for his son, Uack Moore, frightened the robber, who ran . on. , inis is me lunu ui iuuiiu u lui rence of the kind reported within the past few weeks. - A special from Columbia S. C. , says there is trouble between the races near Bamberg, Barnwell couty. On Saturday some negroes went fishing in a boat owned by a white man, after they had been ordered not to use it. When the negroes returned they were set upon by the whitesand beaten. In the fight a white man was severely in inred. On Tuesday night Robert K0arseand a number ot inenas wenr to the house of the negro who appear ed to be the leader of the party. The negroes were in ambush near the house, and fired on the whites, wounding eight of them, none dangerously, however: The negroes then fled. , It is feared there will be more trouble over the matter. The Greensboro Patriot says: About three weeks ago a party .of reve nue officers who were returning from a raid in Stokes and Surry, were ambus caded in what is known as the Smith settlement, in Stokes county, and fired upon by blockade distillers. One of the party .was Mr. Eugene Murrow, of i 1... JoiMitir morcl-o1 fr .mis cuumy d , utpuv, n ... ; Murrow's horse was wounded and reared and fell back on him. Mur row was sick when he left 10 go on the raid and , after being injured by his horse falling on him, was brought here on the train- His symptoms develop ed into typhoid fever and a few days later he was taken to his home where nu died yesterday evening. TJiis morn ing Dr. Charles Glenn held a post mortem examination and found that Mr. Murrow's death was caused by the Injuries received in the encounter with jhe illicit distillers. .. ' V