THE1 DAY. rCSUSHCD EVERT ArTEHSOON (EXF-IT SUNDAY) AT lIi:NtON LOCK NO. I. II. W. KUOSIIKimilt. Kaubr. . Subscription : 10 cents a week. Furnish ed t city ftutocribers by carriers, who wll r4ke collections. 40 cents per iaouth if paid in advance. , Short communications on live subject -'tcitci!. The editrr disclaims any respon sibility for pinions -cprcscd res pondeat. - t ', v J- Our aJcrtiin rate arc very low for otic week, or six insertion., about the same at charcrl by weekly newsjwpers (or one tlm.T" Having a thorough city a re u. at ion, am! reaching daily a number of post-oflices In thU and sarminJin; counties, it is a ptcndu! advertising medium.' - ' j ' ' Lczxl advertisements, such as adminis trator's and eieoitors, notices, commis iun7t' and truitces sales. ; summons to no- reslJcr.ts, etc., will be charged fur at lent ratrs, ctccpt when they exceed a cer lain linn of space, in which case we re serve thcruht fi our own price. All such lysines must be lH FOR IN AD VANCE. The charge is cry small and we cannot a!Vrd to take risks ot wait the pleasure of persons to pay. , . llmcTcTaT the rw-Oflice at Oxford as ocoud-cla.s mail matter. OXFORD, N. C. FfttOAV, June' 27, 1S90. NKICllUOULY. KXCOfllAUKMEST- The Henderson Go!J Zr.this week Independence be ntxd along with tie natiraal dot un.ent at the'Fourth. . i July celebrations in North Carolina. With the members of the ice com bine, the product of their factories met easy enough if their heirts don t. ThcSandr Newspaper, phn-i.fMnhU Record. Rev. Thos. iVikonT Jr.. a Ibptist .i.,ntfm'in nt; New iYork City, in t)reachinton bunaay last o;.'; A COLD WAVE HAS STRUCK US. You Can get the Full Benefit of It' by Calling at, Subscribe Now-; THE PIKliMONT M LI5EL Kicnmona a, uanvnie K. R, q0 -TO Condensed Schedule, in Effect Jan5gjj .TRAINS RUN BY 750 MERIDIAN TIMp, SOUTHBOUND. DAILY. Th Day ireacnini; uii ou4iu- w.. ... . . , - day prcsi.'.' argued that the birth and TD A DTC DRH crowtl, ofihei Sunday newspaper ;. was JrrlC) J- lAvJO. rrally ' an indictment of the Christian Leave New York . . Leave Philadelphia. Leave Baltimore. . . Leave Washington. . Leave Charlottesville Leave LynchbiTrg . Arrive Danville.. . : Warners. fold Wave Korsets. There js solid comfort in them during hot weather. Also full Church for.ncclecting its true field of l-ilAr in trnnrinfj. the Iivine questions of the dav which bear, upon the life of the Deoole. In conclusion Mr. Dixon - i said: , t . : ? . , , ; - 'Hie mightiest educational influence in the city 'today is the press,' and the S-mday press is just three times as nni 1 ti ri tlirHf t inf? as stronc as the wu - .' . v . - week day press. I know that it can be improved uiwn, but it is better in its 01 dual it v, belter in the matter that i t contains, and better all the way througn C p ?C than the week-day press. You should IX. OL VJ. O., pray for the man who edits the bun- div 1 aiKT, ana you snouiu icci iui io.. who preaches to a . million people in In short, medium and extra long one day. ooa nas put m lop"-; waist bility on the editor of this Sunday . Leave Richmond . Leave Burkeville . Leave Keysville Leave Danville . ,. Arrive Greensboro Every Afternoon, Egg! Leave Goldsboro. . Arrive Raleigh. .'s . eisjh ; Leave Durham v . Arrive Greensboro . No. 50.; H2.15 a m 7.20 a m 9.45 a m 11.24 a m 3-35 pm 5 40 p m .20 p m 52. 6.57 p Il-Oopfr, 2-55 a 7-45 a 3.00 p m 5-05 V ni 5-45 Pn v 8.40 p ni 10-27 pm) 1 Leave Winston-Salem Leave Greensboro.' . . A rrjve Salisbury ; . 2-3oa 4-29an 5-oar, t'5anj Q-42,n 2.20 pmjt 5.00 pn 4 4Uj rn 4-45 P m r 5 48 p m " 8. 20 p ni t 5- 3 P m 9-00 pd i-oo am 2-55 a rri J'sani Arrive Statesville Arrive Asheville ... . Arrive Hot Springs : A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Leave Salisbury, . ; Arriye Charlotte . . ". Arrive Spartanburg". Arrive-Greenville . . Arrive Atlanta... r 1 eUsMilrl tirnv fhnt he lie makes, frtciucnt and handsome nicn-r,.i ku md- .ind worthy of the - - ' , 1 I ua a m-w , . .1 1 1 1 1 I n Vi m tion or the industrial activity, inc cx- ltUst that, nas Dcen piaccu ....... mIn WAVP T IMF e :t.ary enterprise ami 'promising fu- And that Cod has given you IN THE COLD WA E L1NL Leave Charlotte. . Arrive Columbia. Arrive Augusta 2.or ani;12.2)J 4-3hpnl b.iopn 7-3i a m s 9.2$ a 111 12.52 a m.n.2j an 2.05 a ni 12.40 pn 4.51am 3.38 pn 5.56 am 4.46 pn 5 lopni 630am 10.30 a m; 900 p 1 NORTHBOUND. DAjLY. Hustle. .YOU WILL ALSO FIND Complcteline of Challies, Lawns, India and China Silks, Or gandies and Mulls. 1.1 .1 n . I .nr, of O.fcrd. and we thank our mc power tnVs to ,,ay. jiciirhbor, on behalf of our citizens 1 UV Dur loam Globe. : .I ..n. ' Durham hastaken on her former jt. .u wH-r: - character ofa hustling town, and is There arc few North Carolina towns - to makethincs hum; but she will better advertised or better known or navc lo jjecp her weather eye open if more sjxjlcn 01 in ana out 01 uic oiait S1C ,ntcnjs to stay in trie lead, i ncre just nuw than Oxford. Oxford Day. js Hcnjcrsonf enlarging her faciliti s A fact to hich we can testily. -na for junjung tobacco and offering in th r.-s.?.!? will tv a rich harvest in car-i .1.. fartiirpr? to set Ull ifal and new industries for the town. jn .,553 within her borders; and kerchiefs, Hosiery and such. "h todc of Oxford arc wise in their I t-Itb hrr Hifr lnnrl r.nmiianvl - 1 i . Gives all' the News Silk Mitts and Gloves, Hand- . j ilay and generation. Oxford is on the eve of a Oxford, with her bier land company sounding her praises abroad in all the 1 tufl nnrl renchini? out after various Srcat thines to build tin a city; and Greens- Latest Telegraphic Newsr Fresh Home News. Leave Augusta. . . . Leave Columbia. . . Arrive Charlotte. . . Leave Atlanta. . Arrive Greenville . . Arrive Spartanburg . Arrive Charlotte. : . Arrive Salisbury . . , Leave Hot Springs. . Leave Asheville. . . Leave Statesville . . Arrive Salisbury. . . Le? ve Salisbury. . . .1 Arrive Greensboro. . , Arrive Winston Saknil Leave Greensboro.. . Arrive Durham . . . Arrive Raleigh. . . No. 51. j No, 53. 6.10 pm 850 a 10.35 pnij 12.50 pj 3.13 a nv 5.15 p 6.00 pm' 7.10 a 12.35 am,1 1 -4 s P 1.39 a mi 2.52 p 4-25 a m 6.02 a mi 5-30 P 7-C5 P 7.50 p m1 12.25 p 9.41pm! 154 P P 6 43 P bomn it apicars. Her people are t wj;h iron furnaces and rolling Iit? COLD WAVE HAS CON- uiivc iiu. iitivw v.! miUS in prospect, ijliuiio utmi; uujii, ra Vd have nothing undone thit tends anfj eVery scheme for improvement re- Commonwealth Club has done much qj uurharii has-a move on her, but IO aHCru:c uic wihuiuiih; I ShC IS not me OlllV IUWU litai la muv tract capital irom abroad, ana the sue- Leave Raleigh . Arrive Goldsboro 3.15 a nit 4 20 a in! 6.07 am! 7-2 p 7.4s a m; 84V 11 40 a ni 1 12.30 a 9. 45. a m, iioop 12.01 p m 5.00 a 1.05 p ni, 745a 1.05 p m f 9 00 a 3.00 p m 12.50 V 1 1 irirr VIKa Will hlVP . TO nilSlIC WUrbC - j s Ji b - ccs of th Iind, Improvement and than evcr; or sure as fate, she will get .wv - 1 nun otiiui, uiut ""'v ; : r. - inuTiettiring Company, recently or- jeft . some' Gf her neighbors. " ' ' gantzcti; almost unprecedented . Her ' ' '' ' - o n p4p'.trshar -their i faith in the ; . ; intrn bv imttrnff n'oncy into new -en- Jt. ' TRACT-ED THE PRICES. See the goods and ask the figures. PARIS BROS. State and General News Leay c eensboro . . , ill 14 V V II1V Arrive Keysville . arrive Burkeville . Arrive Richmond 1 Arrive Lvnchbure. . Arrive Charlottesville Arrive Washington Arrive Ba'timore. . Arrive Philadelphia Arrive New York . 7.50 am, 8.50 p 9.32 a m' 10.20 v 12.20 p ni J.50 a 1.13 pm; 2.40 a 3.30 pm1 5.15 a 12.25 p 12.55 a 2 40 pin 3.20 a 7.10pm; 7.63 a 8.10 pnvt S.2oa 3.ooaini 10.47 a 620 am, 1.2Q P : tertirfees ad industries, and outsiders rcadHy follbstich example. One mail 25 PER GEMT recently bronht $4000 in cash from . two p?Kr, Wilmington and Fayette- KCdUGtlOD. vHIe, Tor stock' in: the Land and Im- Ctnnr&nv. . We have it s Mrtim tSccrctarv. Sir. W. C. Reed, 11 ?nr vfvlr ?vbrm:r:rid!v taken all nvcr N rth Carolini." Richmond, Nor- ." Tolk.--lialtimorc-'and elsewhere, their -atk'cris in'nbcins'tt.o i far exceeding ! the tnos l sanguine expectations of the . ritnmrfx ni . tlx? . ctttcrmie. This . Ji .iw wlit intclhzeot arid well direct- : n i-nrrrv concentrated . and united rfort will do: Th '6WyZtj wish- ; cs con thru ctl growth and prosperity to . r ... 1 thJ town imd ccpJe-oi uxiora. . - . , ? SfrrLi.Mr-vT.vLi efforts on the jart o! our citixcns'gencrally would .do " much to hefp lit Oxford Land, Ira- proveuurnt and Manufacturing Com- , tuny ia their efforts to put Oxford in the front ranks of ' North Car.olim cities. Srart some b?g Enterprise on the co-o:Kra:ive:ti1an: A larc cotton Uctary or " a tobacco factor);: in . .vtance. elegant, roomy, moo . . trn Ibrickjiotcl. t rie latter is one :of oar crying nevd-. As an investment taTl am overstocked with PICTURES Steel Enjrravinss, Ar- totvpes and Etchings in frames? wnicn 1 will close out for "the next thirty day" at 25 Per Cent. DISCOUNT. Oxford Book JStora WOOTTON'S "PATENT WIRE Tobacco Hangers ! : ARE THE BEST, Simplest and Cheapest Wire Hangers in the Market. Qures The leaves Only I- -loim that i1if( hangers are cheaper X- V." . than any other: are detachable, ana any immKpr ran rp usea ner suck: insure a uni- Torm barn of tobacco; more tobacco can be cured per barn; tobacco brings belter prices; does not bruise; stalk Is not cuied, savins fuel and time. Any barn can oe usecu sara- iMi c.Mt u i h mmnh pi lor c rents nosiase. 71 .1. . J''. g o fnr klipm of vour storekeener or aeent." If they do not keep them send to us. Price per 1,000 with sticks. . .... .f5.oo Price ner 1.000 hangers only 4-5 Daily. fDailj', except Sund Every Citizen Oxford . Should Read It. , 1 , , nt RF.TWRM kST"rOIT. K1(III0.D AW KALE wjl -: Via IET8VIILE. OXFORD AiD DIKUl -IT IS- 54 & 102 b.oo a ni 9.40 a ni 11.00 a m 1.00 p ni 2.05 p m 2.25 p m 2.32 p ro 2.45 v m x.06 p m 4 o p i: 3-35 P m .3.50 p ni P m 4.22 p m 5-9 Pm 5-15 P"i '5 45p ni STATIONS. 55 & Lv West Point. Ar Kichmond . , Lv Richmond . - . Lv Burkeville Lv Keysville Lv Fort Mitchell Lv Finney wood. Lv Chase City . Lv Fivre Forks.. Lv Clarksville . Lv'Soudan . . . Lv Bullock's . . Lv Stovall . Lv Oxford . . Lv Oxford . '. Ar Dabney , J . . Ar Hendersoij At .Lv Ar Ar! .Ar . Ar . Ar - Ar 6.10 445 4.40 45 2.00 12-47 FOR OXFORD FIRST, LAST, 4.22 p m 4.45 p m 4-55 P .m 5.17 p m 5-35 P m 6.39 p m 7.00 p m Ar Oxford . . Ar Stems . . -Ar;;Ly-ns . . Ar Holloway . . Ar Durham . . . Ar Carey . . . Ar Raleigh . . . . Ar'12.10 . Ar.i 1-55 .Ariii.4" . . Ar.u-24 . Ar 11.15 . A r' 104b TArio.oo Ar IO-46 I.vflCl . Lv .Lv 9.09 9-43 . Lv' 9-25 t !8.l 2, -y' AGbNTS WANTED. All the Time. ' tDaily; njbaily. except Valley Mutual Life Insurance Tokcco mgw Manufg. to, COMPANY. Old. ard IRellsible- we belicrr ft would yield good returns. OSLy Half Cost of Line Companies 4 ' ; : It euU certainly tio as niuch as. any Vft y IYON, 'hbcxi AGENT, :; ; . -cuhcr; one ;dunS: ,tords .promoting OXFORD, N. C. the growtli and prosjicrity of Oxford. L Houston, Halifax Co., Va. : r- JYSSOLUTION NOTICE. . , Thm firm nf E. O. B'ransford Co. was dissolved on April 1st, 1890.. This was of OUrse KnQWQ IO inc ousiiica "icn and elsewhere, but we; publish this in justice to us both. We dissolved oy rauiuai iw n.l in irnnrt filinsr. The dissolution was because 01 tne removal 01 u.j"" l" inue firm . . . ...... t .ftrWTTr,-rtSPP Danville, Va- E. OVBransiora wiiicom Tii r fcilitirjl situation ih lNOrtr V-4C-f'v if s ilrVoii 1 I hi IUI ,ua k,lc;np(.e in Oxford under the old Vtf ctomtnaa)rnnIcie.,Dcroo. 't7n J npp-:s:.trt; . ' ' e:o.Bkansford. cratic victory so tuffs rqc:nuliOJi i .'h--- rUVi: ' y ' r- : r bi Con-ris' h concerned: The a EYK : t:Z31$XZ T- C. D. H. FORT. . 40 CTS. A MONTH $4.50 a Year. 1 j .:i.T . . . . . . r.r.T( a&iy Additional trams leave .- c.. . arrive 12.05 p.m., returning leave nc'-- Qj p. m., daily except Sunday, arnve No. jc leaving uoinsDoro -pci oiwh.P-M. dailv. makes conneci . A n w r T V . I m i III. 1 daily, except,, Sunday for pxfora 1 son and all points ot u. anu - ana k. ana jh Koau. ,.v t-. : . t throniL" -1. rflM lxfurir .Mill ; bcall.risht, aad-maayroolln the 'Rrpubticari cbVntieinicJ. 7" . e.f ftrva I fpxmc of rnlarrd to rwtjf c- .i.-rxr-'. yiM ISr.'i:. .v.-. OXFORD, N. C ' " " refurriished and U-u "' .'iilu?,"Tw:2. I made arfangements fora new gasapparatus DENTAL SURGEON, " . OXFORD. N. C. 7 'ZirlsZlTo 1 0 t Waft. IWW-O-I.WW. ' - iiiwiwwwwn I V -1 JMfiT V K tr-" - T-Vt.n!irrt' DjcJjration ot ivuAUk.n.iu.w. J3 .h y. t made arf anemeritstdr "a new gas apparatus 1 " I &ir Vf: 4? "'i - V ttarac1C teeth without- pailw.JSt-UBSeRIE N'OW-I WlT ,Ii!JWLAp.iut. STHaltbcock's drng store. . - 4., uxjwjVAvix:'!x 1 v va Jl VV.AJiT:M; Nos.; 54 and 102 and 55 and iv ' Nos. 5i and 53 connect a . R and to VVest Point and Baltimo1 except i,unaay. : . ,dshoTc rs.r s cnanasi cuiiiicli "... . h trains to and from Moreheal City f min-ton, and at Selma to and from ville. T for No. S2 connects at Greensuv." etteville. r w - - , i-;ison, No. connects at beima iui ti, r". r matp f OSe COW- j University Station with trains to Chapel Hill, except Sunday Tickets on sale at pnm-JF For rates, local and trough .f applv to any agent of the cP!jvtoi SoiHaas, r 1 JAS ' pas Pas.Agt,Ral ita k...w ,ukv...---o v