THE DAY rHAS THE Largest City Circulation of any paper published in Oxford. THE DAY GIVES All the News of 'the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. )Lume II. Number 111 OXFORD, N. C, THURSDAY, IULY 24, 1890. Single Copies : 5 Cts econd Shipment ! xrapes ! Grapes ! ; Grapes! rapes! Grapes! Grapes ! t Received by Today's Ex press, 20 Baskets of the Very Nicest 51b. baskets 50 cents. 101b. baskets $1.00. These Grapes are raised by Mr. B. Edwards, of Raleigh, and the finest that are shipped. T. W. JACKSON & CO., m. Ave., - . Oxford," N. C. brinks That Cool -BUT - )Q iMot Intoxicate da Water, Limeades, Lemonades. Milk hakes, Moxie, Sherberts, Ice Cream Soda, Acid Phosphate, Ac. the best of all the popular summer? cooling beverages from the Soda Water Fountain of - 1SHAITMTO&S0 rything neat and nice and inviting, ,rery glass rinsed in clean water, and comfortable seats to rest while drinking. YVe use only j8 Best Rock gaudy Syrups FLAVORED WITH PURE FRUIT JUICES, The most palatable to be had and positively uninjurious. No" artificial extracts in our drinks , Syrups made fresh every day. (We recommend orsford's Acid Phosphate, finest nerve tonic and general invigoi or ever dispensed from any fountain. The doctors endorse it. If you feel tired or exhausted from worry or th heat, it puts new life in you. ,VE INVITE YOU MOST CORDIALLY o Pay Us a Call, feel assured you will find everything please you and merit your- patron ge. Being centrally located, next to the post office, our fountain is the most conveniently reached for the general public of any in the city. ."VS. HAITHCOCK & CO . RTGAGE SALE. i. R. Beasleyand wife having failed off the-bonds secured by the deed in 1 from them to the undersigned which i istered in book 32, at pages 19, 20, etc , 1. ill sell the house and lot described th in on Monday, nth August, 1890, at co .house door in Oxford, for cash. Said . ' es in Oxtord, Granville county, North lina, on the west side of Main street, nS R. F. Knott, W. O. Baskervill and s and is the home in which Mr. V. R. -ley and family reside. For an accurate cription of which by metes and bounds rence is made to said deed in trust. Augustus W. Graham, ' '8, iSoo. Trustee. " . : : I-,' MS. S. D. & P. BOOTH, 2i?"OFFICE ON MAIN STREET."S r o'ffice in the future will be at J. G. s drug store, where all messages lo be left. July 22, 1890. . C. D. H. FORT. . CENTAL SURGEON. OXFORD, N. C. . . I ecently had his office refurnished and : arrangements for a new gas apparatus ractiiig teeth without pain. -c laithcock's drug store. ? T " . llaithcock St Co. having made an a? ment f their business to me, their bo and book accounts, and other evi ct: i of debt are now in my hands for col ic c 1. All persons indebted to the said firm w i '. .11 and pay the same at once. Persons 1. g claim against said firm will present 1! me for payment. - ' A. A. Hicks, J 3rd, j 890. - Trustee. NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The -Minor Events About the City as Gathered toy the Alert Reporters of The Day. The rain today is a welcome visitor A fair break of tobacco was sold at the warehouses today. The news of Brower's nomination excited no surprise here. It was not unexpected. The Democrats are well pleased. A knight of the gripsack who trav els extensively says that Winston and Oxford are the two best advertised towns in North Carolina. The Oxford Land Improvement and Manufacturing Company receiv ed yesterday atternoon from a Virginia agent orders for sixty shares of stock. The Democratic convention for the nomination of county officers will be Held in Oxford August 8th. The pri maries occur the Saturday previous, August 2. We notice several small dwelling houses go ng up. All right as a start er, and it is to be hoped that many more will be built. Large houses are also needed. Now is the time to do this building, for there will be a rush of new comers to' Oxford this autumn. The Patriot makes a mistake in say ing that W. T. Riggs, secretary of the Republican Congressional Convention, was from this county. The man re ferred to who had something to say and would -say it was W. H. Crews, Jr., of Oxford. He made a speech here only a few days ago denouncing Brower in vigorous language. PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings and Whereabouts of Some People Yon Know. :, P. J. Collins, of Philadelphia, is in the city. . j John Bullock, of Stovall, is in the city today. Miss Sue Hall returned to the city this morning. A. Strause went with F. S. Meyers to Henderson this morning -Frank B. Hays returned to Oxford this morning from a visit to New York. - 1 : J. A. Webb returned yesterday from a pleasant trip of more than a week to Cincinnati and other Western cities. C. M. Hawkins, of Raleigh, Vice President'of the Oxford Land, Im provement and -Manufacturing Co., is in the city. Col. T. C. Fuller, of Raleigh, came in on the morning train, and was warmly welcomed by the members of the local bar. i J. B. Roney, of High Point, is inj town today making arrangements forj the removal of the Modern Barn j our city. i Mrs.-Henry Crenshaw and child, of Louisburg, who were guests of Mrs. J. Johnson, returned to their home at Louisburg today. Maj. Jolin M. Crenshaw and wife, of Wake county, N. C arrived in the city yesterday afternoon, and are the guests of L. Thomas. Fred. S. Myers, of Myers Bros. & Co., Richmond, spent last night in the city. His plug tobacco factory is one of the largest in the Old Dominion. Misses Martha and Sallie Wyche re turned to Henderson yesterday after noon, after two weeks of delightful stay at the Irwin Place with their brother, Dr. J.' E. Wyche. In its account of ' the Farmers' Alli ance Grand Rally at Greensboro yes terday the Patriot says: VConspicu ous on the sneakers' stand was the pleasant countenance of the next Con gressman from this . District, Capt. Baldy Williams, the'gallant nominee of the Democratic party and a member of the Granville Alliance." Buy the Excelsior Cook Stove. The best in use, at J. F. Edwards'. IN THE GALLOWS SHADOW. John Young "on Trial Charged With the Murder of Dick Landls. The time of Granville Superior Court since yesterday morning has been occupied in the trial of the negro man, John (Young, charged with the murder of Dick L?ndis. t The taking of the . testimony was concluded today just before court adjourned for dinner, and this after noon the lawyers are speaking. The defendant's counsel are Graham & Winston, and SolicitonStrayhorn ap pears for the State. It is probable the case will be given to the jury this even ing. . ' : . ' Much interest is manifested in the trial, and the court house has been crowded since the hearing commenc ed. ,' : . V ' , Two "of Brower 8 Votes. , Hon. Joha M. Brower, present rep resentative from this , district and Republican nominee " for re-election, cast two votes during this session of Congress to be remembered and held against him. One was, in the interest of the Eastern gold bugs to keep the people in poverty anc the other at the dictation of Quay and Reed to oppress and harrassthe Southland stir up strife between tlfe races. - . Mr. Brower voted against--The'rVee coinage of silver. Mr. Brower voted for ; The federarelection bill. The We w Presbyterian Church. The plan and specifications for the new Presbyterian Church edifice have been received by the building commit tee, and put in the hands of contrac tors for bids. The plan is a stylish and handsome one, and is the work of Dorsey & Co., New York architects The structure, including the lecture room, will have a frontage of eighty feet and an elevation of thirty-five feet. Its seating capacity will be between six and seven hundred. It will be built of brick and stone. Bicycle Hiding. Fred N. Day and Tom Smith rode to Henderson on their bicycles yester day afternoon, making the twelve miles in .two hours and thirtytfive minutes. They have -safety wheels. They traveled the short road, which is rough and hilly. 'It is probably a party of six on bi cycles will visit Henderson in a few days, i Oxford Township Primary. The Democrats of Oxford -Township will meet at the courthouse in Oxford, on Saturday, -August 2nd, 'at 11 o'clock, a m., for the purpose of elects ing delegates, to the county convention which will be held in Oxford on , Fri day, A'jgust 8th,. 1890. y . Oxford township js entitled to twen ty delegates as follows : North Ox ford, 7; South Oxford, 9; Salem7 Pre cinct, 4. It is desired that all Democrats In the township attend this meeting. V A. A. Hicks, Chairman Township Executive Committee. July 1 8th, 1890. j . - -, The Last Call.- v Ail delinquent licene tax payers who do not pay on or before next Monday, July 28, will be reported to the Mayor. : - J. A. Rknn, Chief of Police. Messenger Boy- Wanted. An intelligent boy, age 12 years to . act as messenger, with advantages of learning telegraphy. Apply to Western Union Telegraph Office. Wood for Sale. The Oxford Land, Improvement 'and Manufacturing Co. have 3,000 cords of wood for sale. Some already corded. Apply to Dr. H. C. Herndon. BUOWEll THE MAN. THE REPUBLICAN COriVENTION FOR THIS DISTRICT, Held at Greenshoro Yesterday--Uoi. J. M. Brower Nominated on First Ballot ;hy; a Close Margin. We take the 1 following account of the Republican Congressional Con vention for the Fifth District held at Greensboro yesterday from th Pat 1 iot of that city r At 1 2 o'clock to day Deputy Sheriff Peyton. H. Bilbro, chairman of the Republican .Congres sional executive committee, called the Republican convention to order. There had been an immense amount of caucusing and wire-pulling all the morning and there, were whispers of "treachery" and "selling out" 3nd one who was behind the scenes said that Browers strength fell off, Amis also lost and Settle gained. After calling the convention to orj der, chairman Bilbro announced that he would adjourn the convention until two o'clock. This arbitrary and rather unusual proceeding took the breath out of some of the workers, but it was no use to kick and they gave in, some alleging that Brower wanted a chance to buy back his recreant dele gates, others alleging that Settle and Amis wanted: another' chance to buy off a few more. At two o'clock, the convention re assembled and was called to order again by Deputy Sheriff Bilbro, who, without regard to the. kicking against it, appointed a committee on creden tials. Charlie, Reynolds kicked, but itdid no good. Mr. Bilbro develop ed remarkable ability as a presiding officer, as he showed how well a Brow er man can run a convention without rules or secretary. Jessie Hoskins could't hold in any longer and he spoke at length. He, among other wise and statesmanlike utterances, evolved from his mighty intellect the assertion that Baldy Wil liams was a railroad monopolist and tnat Cleveland s administration was no administration at all, only, so to speak j an interregnum between Arthur and Harrison. , ' When the sage got through," one Ore ws, colored, found that , he too was loaded, but Charlie Reynolds kicked, and Oews took a back seat. Directly he felt that he couldn't stand it any longer and again mounted the stand to get off that speech, and then the ' row began. Sharp words were exchanged between the chairman and a delegate and the howl continued. Finally chairman Bilbro ordered the negro off the stand and he sat down. r Crews again mounted the stand and tried to get off his speech, but he was set down on by the chairman. - An immense wrangle then. ensued and there were threats of quitting the party and kicking it to pieces. Then A. S. Holt got off his speech and being" fruitful in illustration he talked about "cat-ball," "marbles," and "strong butter and cheese," with out troubling himself much about ap propriateness or application. Again Crews mounted the stand and this time ne succeeded in shooting off his mouth. , j The committee on credentials and permanent organization then reported in favor of Dr. John Smith, of Rock ingham county as permanent chair man, and W. T. RiVgs, of Granville, and O. A. Starbuck, of Guilford, sec retaries. Nominations were declared in order and the fun began again. Lineberry, of Fcrsyth, placed in nomination the name.of Rufe Amis, of Granville, and in his speech stated that "iifBrower, was nominated, For syth would give; Baidy Williams 450 majority. - , v L. J. Norman, of Surry, nominated the -name J. M. Brower. Josh Murrow, of Guilford, was nom inated by.A. A. Hinton, but with drew his name. Brower's nomination, as well as that of Amis, was seconded by negroes. A ballot was had and it resulted in the nomination of Brower by the following vote : Brower 12, Amis 7 and Adams 2. On motion of a negro from some where, Brower's nomination was made unanimousi: Brower was called for and spoke for sometime. ' He said the reason why he appointed ' Webb census supervisor was because; he was the only applicant. He skipped over the reasons why he didn't appoint negroes to office. He made the roob howl when he told how he would carry their banner to victory. TRESl4 FROM THE PRESS. ; - V:' State and General Items of Interest .from Today's Papers. At the Second Judicial District Con- ; vention at Weldon yesterday Henry R. Bryan, of Craven county, was nom inated to.succeed Judge Philips. Gov. Fowle has appointed Lieu tenant Colonel J. G. Martin, of Ashe ville, coloiel of the Fourth regiment, to succeed Ij. T. Anthony, who tender ed his resignation last week. The Democratic Con vention for the Third District met at Clinton yester day. The twenty-eighth ballot last night stood : Green, no ; McClam ray, 92 ; Aycock, 119 ; Grady, 20 ; Thompson, 5. Necessary to a choice, 169. " . Senator Vance sent the following telegram to the president of the State Press Association, and it was read in the convention yesterday: "I desire through you to express my sincere thauks to the press of the State for their recent vindication of myself, and tender them my best wishes." A damage, suit-f or $10,000 was be gun yesterday at Goldsboro by Kirby H. Smith, of that place, against Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President of the Uni versity, arid Paul C. Cameron, one of the trustees. On the night of June 6th, of lajt year, while Smith was at tending the commencement exercises at the University, some one disfigured the Caldwell monument in the college grounds by giving it a coat of red paint. Mr. Smith was arrested the next niorning charged with the offense, be ing held jn confinement until he was able to furnish bond. The case, he claims, has never been brought to trial as the real perpetrators of the dastardly act have since been found out, bat no prosecution has been entered against them. He has employed a strong team of lawyers. Hates $0 the State Convention. The Richmond & Danville Railroad will sell parties attending the North Carolina State Democratic Conven tion tickets, to Raleigh, N. C, and return at the following rates from points named: Tickets on sale August 18,-19,' 2t returning until and including August 25:, Charlotte, North Carolina4, $7.45; Salisbury, 6.30; Greensboro, '4.30; Durham. 1.65: Oxford, 3,15; Selma, 1,65; Goldsboroj 2-755 Winston -Salem, 5.60. Rates from intermediate points in same pro portion. ;. THE TRAINS. OXFORD. & CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains arrive 10:46 a. m. , and 8:05 p. m. Southbound trains arrive 1:50, p.m., and 4:13 p. m. OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:00, a. m., and 3:', p. m., and 7:40, p. m. Trains depart 5:45, a. M., 11:00, a. M.,and 4:35, p. m. . To Manufacturers. Parties wishins to locate Factories on the lands of the Oxlord Land, Improvement and Manufacturing company can learn sonie thmg to their advantage by communicating witn . 11. e. HERNDON. President Bank of Oxford. Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safes will save money by calling on J. F. Ed wards. He is agent for .Macneal & Ur band's Iron Safes. Large stock Wagon and Buggy materia for sale at J. F. Edwards'. Large stotk f Ianterns, Tobacco Knives and Thermomters for sale at J.F. Edwards.

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