V THE DAY. 000,000 towards the endowment of a - - reat Baptist University as was.report- PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT! j r, -0 SUNDAY! AT HERNDON BLOCK NO. I. I v J & II. W. KHOM1EIMEU, Kdltor, Senator Vance is back in the Sen ate at Washington fiehtiner the tariff r-.-i V . - ' t I o - - ed (o city subscribers by carriers, who will blII and battling for the people against make weekly collections. 40 cents per the mnnnimlictc mouth if paid in advance. I 1 uur advertising rates are very low lor - Hon. Grover Cleveland. one week, or six insertions, about the same vvilrain gton Messenger. . - . . XT Ar . ...1... tune. Having a thorough city circulation. a icauiiig i. leniocrai wi:u and reaching daily a number of post-offices Uoaiehow ,oes not like Mr. Cleveland in this and -surrounding counties, it is a Legal advertisements, such as adminis-meager, ivCp., mat tile ex-n.bi trator's' and executors notices, commis- dent is "the strongest man, politically, toners anu trustees' saies. summons 10 tu ..t..., rru nUmr.m tion residents. tf- will he rharowl fnr-atl legal rates, except when they exceed a cer- y ' must nominate mm in 1592. tain limit of space,' in which case We re- lhouuh not a Cleveland man invselt. serve thengnt hx our own price Ail such j shaU favur his nomination because uuamcs must ;oe, i siu ruK. i in rtu-1 r 1. - VANCE. The charee is very small and we 1 relieve s tne party s strongest ' cannot afford to take risks or wait the candidate, and I believe he could be pleasure ot persons to pay. elected:" There is no doubt whatever "" -r 117 TT IITTXTT H. C. HERNUUIN, rrebiucuu , . ..... ' TEE BANK OF OXFORD, DOES A Bankinff-:-Business-:-in-:-FulP:-Scope. r Wer'wouYd like to have your business, an teed. Try us. . : Active and faithful service gU;ir HAWTHORNE REV. u twHAf THEY VA"rAdCt' r dr; Kiwc's Entered at the Post-Office at Oxford as that now Mr Cltvtlar.'i is very luucli . 1 - . . I ll, ' . . secona-ciass man matter. ino :S rontrvst man in; ine a):.nucnct OXFORD N C 4 jimd preier-ncc of the Deiiiciac. ' ITT -111 r riow.it win De in 1092, we may nor. August 10. 1800. Uindertake to foretell. We expect his Strengtn win rather grow tnan cumin ishvrv- v . - Tuesday, DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR. JUDGE FIFTH DISTRICT: ROBT. W.' WINSTON; of Granville, FOR CONGRESS- FIFTH DISTRICT: A. H. A. WILLIAMS, of Granville. FOR SOLICITOR FIFTH DISTRICT: EDWARD S. PARKER, of Alamance. Granville County Ticket. For Sheriff. Iames A. Crews. For Treasurer. Sol W. Cooper. For Superior Court Clerk. William A. Bobbitt. For Register of Deeds. Robert J. Dan iel. - ' For Coroner. James A: Renn. v For Surveyor. Edwin Green. For the Senate. G. L. Allen. For thev House. W. T. Adams, J. F Cole.. j , This from the Philadelphia Record ' is very neatly put: ."Before engaging in another war in this country its prob able cost would have to be reckoned on a new basis. ;IP our civil war has established a precedent for future mil itary expenditure, after the fighting should haVe ended we would have to wait twenty-five years before', we could find out how much we owe, and fifty years before we could pay off the debt.." , . Dr. Eugene Grissom, who is now residing in Denver, Col., has been in terviewed by ' a paper of that city and says hard things of North Carolina. He denounces the' elections as unfair, and advises "all wide-awake men not 'Unity in City Building. Atlanta Constitution. . "Atlanta is united " cry the people; ','Atlanta is united !" sjjeaks the prrss. It is this spirit of union, say all, which has made Atlanta great; which has made her an example to the cities and the love and pride of her citizens. Another Charlotte "Sensation." Charlotte Chronicle. You canal ways rely upon the Chron icle for news; there was. nothing in the alleged attempt to hold up a R. & 1). train near Lexington, sent out from .Charlotte to; papers all over the coun try. ' - v - - ;. Fine Merchant - Tailoring. ' GENTLEMEN ! Have received and am re ceiving finest line of strictly imported samples ever : brought to the city. Clothing for gentlemen made up in newest styles. Best fits, best make, best trimmings. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge , Prices as low as consis tent with work and quali- tvnforinrls to live in that country, . particularly WM. H. SMITH, Republicans; as ,t ,s not a healthy Merchant. Tailor, - Oxford, N. C. place for them and they would hot be treated with kindly consideration. Dr. Grissom is soured. Next Door to Bank of Oxford. REMEMBER THE DATES I The . best Southern Republicans. mGt Wtft. I&tb. Ml) Mi -1(10. white ana Diack, expressed themselves against the force billl "But the Hon orable John M.'Brower was for irand voted for it. He was willing that the STATE FAIR! 1 ' 1 CENT A MILE. , -,i ii j j. "I ill, VV1A1 UC Ullt UCSL X' till CVC1 races should meet in bloody conflict . . . . . , r ana mat tne. material prosperity oi nis ,v , - t . . . . i. . , the last one guarantees it ! Great r,nv. MrKiNNEv, of Virginia, in an tional and soaal features ! For interview, speaks of the railroad from Premium list and 'information, anrHnnwillP to "K:pvvillf now in auures me oecreiary. xjox-uo, course of construction, and says this Raleign N- C route will shorten the distance for the ; OPENING OF SCHOOL. Piedmont Air Line between' Atlanta m Bettie Tordan and Mrs. and Washington from seventy-five to powen wni open their school for one nunarea miies. , .. . cma hnvs .Wpmhpr 1sf . r j -f - The National Democrathnngs forth facts and figures to show that New Th( followiriff Is' ah extract from' a letter writ--' ten Dy tne wona Kenownea i.vangiiai ; " I returned from Tyler, Texas, on ' the 12th . inst. , I find my wife has been taking Royal Germetuer to the GREAT UPBUILDING of her nhvsical svatem. She is now almost free. . from the distressing headaches with which she Vina Kaati a TUT A DTVD 9 , UMlfl TT VTOafQ SllT! V it has done wonders for her I WISH EVERY POOR SUFFERING WIFE HAD ACCESS TO ..THAT MEDICINE.", . , . . , Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, Pastor First Baptist church, Atlanta. Ga., was cured of a long stand-. ing case of Catarrh. His wife had been an in valid from. nervous headache, neuralgia, and -rheumatism FOR THIRTY YEARS, scarcely 'having a day's exemption from pain. After taking Royal Germetuer two mouths, he writes: I "A more complete transformation I nave never 'witnessed. EVERY 8TMPT0N OF DISEASE HAS DISAPPEARED. She appears to be twenty years younger, and Is as happy and playful as a healthy child. We have persuaded many of our friends to take the medicine, and the testimony of all of them is that it is a great remedy." Dr. King's Royal Germetuer is a boon, to women. It builds ud the strength, increases the appetite, aids digestion, relieves them of the cause of disease, and insures health. -,.. It is an infallible cure for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Paralysis, Insomnia, Dyspepsia. Indi- festion. Palpitation, Liver, Bladder and Kidney liseases, Chilis and Fevers, Catarrh, all Blood and Skin Diseases, Female Troubles, etc. Prompted by a desire to reach more suffering reople, the price has been reduced from $2.50 to 1.50 per concentrated bottle, which makes one gallon of medicine, as per directions accompa nying each bottle. For sale bv the ATLANTIC GERMETUER CO. Atlanta, Ga. and by Druggists. If your Druggist can not supply you, ifcan besenfby express. , Mf Send stamp for full particulars, certif icates of wonderful cures', etc. , , ,4 ; , J0J3 0Si30Ri Merchandise Broker, OXFORD, N. C.: THE KANKINu nMUol! urj. wuivav ifg BANKING HO USE , OF J. - C. COOl'ER & SONS, J)0ES A GENEIiAL BANKING: BUSINESS -SOLICIT THE ACCOUNTS OF Banks, Merchants, Farmers, Corporations, House-keepers and others. Kvtr accommodation consistent with sound DanKing exienueu to customers. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO C: G, STONE, Manager. PIANOS. RALEIGH, . C. OR OXFORD, N. C. ORGANS Standard Pi anos or Organs at remarkably low prices and easy terms. The "Kra n icli & Bach"; Pianos have no supe- nor. i Send for cata logues. fi Oil lirgri!1 wjMl Is I'll ') lf '"gfi" tri 1 1 fj i I. r: Ah M -r ? W i jj ' ' J KA J of I r ' - - - It 'II will cos! a postal you card to write u; for prices. it T n we .win savi i you from 25 ti 75 per. cent. 01 Pianos and 1: to 40 per cent on Organs. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO EMERSON'S PIANOS. Are the best in Price List or Samples of Mola?es, Sugars, Cakes, Crackers, Candy, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Peanuts, Cabbage, Potatoes, Peas,-White Beans, Tea, Malega Grapes, Crockery ware, Tin and Stoneware, Meal, America for the money. Write Drain Tiles arid Fire Clay Chimneys, Stove for prices and pipe inimoiesana unimney lops, Mommy and Grits. Bulk Meal by box or car load. Lumber by car lots dressed or otherwise Rubber Stamps of every description. terms ' 11 11 in 11 -r:fc"VBmT " " i iipi'Him LZ.L ' ' ' f. ' '-it-'' PIANOS from $1G0 up. ORGAN'S ?fU:frb:n $3O.O0np. H VJCL uui piKtsiy ;all. means; vc will save you money. SPECIAL .ELECTION. Mayor's Office, Oxford, Aug. 5, 1890. York was stolen by the Republicans in Aa efetl"Z l2e "oam ot i,ommission- J r ers of Oxford, this day held, a petition was 1888. That will not disturb the se- presented, signed by 42 electors of the . r: rx ;' t;.i r.... town, praying that an election be held to renity-of Harrison, Reed, Quay and ascertain whither- or not the electors of the iheir followers. : Their reputation for town were willing to authorize the Issue of t. . , , . .. , ' x.. . bonds to the amount ot $50,000, . to run 50 political thefts is . already established years, and carry not exceeding 6 per cent and known of all men. - - - interestm order to secure loan of $50,- , . v 000 fot the purpose of providing the town : ; ' with necessary waterworks; ; tipon consid- THE citizens of Chicago ire quar- eration whereof it was ordered as follows ; ,. , , ;. " Ordered " that an election be held in the relhng fiercely among themselves over town of Oxford, at the Mayor's office, Mon- the site for the World's Fair, instead dav. ?ept 8th, 1890, -odfetermme'wlietiier ot being busily engaged in the erec tion of buildings and making other necessary preparations for the great event. - " ", The Standard Oil magnate, John D. "Rockefeller, will not contribute 20,.- rowed by the- town for the purpose, and upon the terms, and be secured in the man ner indicated in the said petition as above set forth, at which those electors "favoring said proposition will; deposit a: ballot wHh "approved" written "or printed on it and those not favoring will deposit a ballot with "not approved ' written or. -"printed on it. By prder pf the Board of Commissioners. ' F. B. HAYS, City Clerk. ' - . ' - . . . . . u-.V Furniture of Every Description. "MOME : SWEET HOME" IS A SWEETER HOME WHEN , Prettily Furnished, . TAND- - ', - Jos. A. Webb Has the Prettiest Furniture 5 and the largest stock and greatest variety ever shown here which he is offering on the most liberal terms. - ; Fancy Chairs, Bookcases Dressers, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Everything. Parlor and Chamber Suits of newest de signs. I will accommodate and please you if you will Wt me. I have tocr many things to talk about. Come.to see me. - Jos. A. Webb. H. T. HUGHES' -TONgORIAL PARLORS I-- Under Herndon Block No. 1 Com. Ave. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO Thc 44M1L WK SOLD MOKE I F1ANUS In the past 12 m o n ths than e v e r v other dealer in North Caroli na combined. Get our prices. TgHrojiiwaHimroiHiBMHij Xg flp il i Hi It ! ;i I i i K v& 1 in in iMiMi iiiirMij wl n 1 r" "Llirnr Tiiiiiiir 11 r r r ji 1 LER" is the leading Or gan of the world, The '"KIMBALL" is the best Or gan I in the .world for the! money. Try met Vj 3.'i"??v.fi- i us. N O RTH : ST AT E : MUSIC CO., . RALEIGH, N. C, OR OXFORD, N. C. TNTTTSTA .IVr If A TT T? TTr Tl JSC I -DEALERS IN- MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES I have combined rny two shops and my present quarters are in two large adjoining ! rooms. Have added to my furniture,; am having electric lights put in and fixing: up generally to provide Oxford .with elegant and comfortable tonsorial parlors. "With what I have ordered and now on the way I i will nave everytning wnich pertains to. a ' FIRST CLASS- Barber Shop; Will have a full complement of competent assistants in a few days. Will spare no enorts to give my customers com plete satisction. . . . ' i and all kinds of marble. ; Give the very best work, and use the very best material. All work put uf free of charge, and perfect satisfaction assured. , ' 1 WO Town Lots FOR SALE The Very Lowest Prices Always. DURHAM, Ma -:-D0 YOU WANT A-:- , 1. A lot fronting 115 feet'on Gilliam St. opposite Centre Warehouse. -- c 2. A lot 94x143 feet on the Kingsbury property, opposite Davis & Gregory's new warehouse. '. The Granville Warehouse is for rent. Apply to C. F. Kingsbury. JPicttare Framed? I have a large assortment oi picture frame moulding, and will frame any size picture as well and as cheap as any one. ' I also do a general business in Cabinet-Making and Upholstering, and solicit a share of the public pat jonage. - H. J. COUNCIL, Hunter's Old Stand, Oxford, N. C. C TRAYHORN & WARLIC& Att ORNEYS AT Law- Person and Caswell county. Office at W Hargrove s old law ofrce. . J. R, ROLLER & SON, i AGENTS FOR THE BEST FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIK umce, nernaon jjiock ino. i.

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