THE DAY 1 I I V . - -HAS THE GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. A Largest City Circulation of any paper published in Oxford. ; lume II. Number 137 OXFORD, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23r 1890. Single Copies: 3 Cts ' STILL LEADING! STILL LEADING! STILL LEADING! BEST ICE COLD DRINKS! J1I-ST ICE COLD DRINKS! 1).:ST ICE COLD DRINKS! AT AT . AT i W, TACKSON & CO.'S. T. W. JACKSON & CO.'S. T. W. JACKSON & CO.'S. lanas, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes," Apples and Water melons. rCwEAM Cheese. A nice lot 11 Cream Cheese received to School I ipplies. . Paper, Pencils, Tab BSrlets, Pens, Ink, Copy tTBooks, Slates, Com V Exposition Books, all : firkinds of Text Books, Blank Books, Draw JBing Paper, Erasers, JBSTColored Pencils, ERullers, Blotters, Oxford I Book Store ! . , 2 Commercial Avenue. ON'T LEAVE HOME ITo ZEave ZEPirst- Class i : CTo-ilorirLS Cone I 1 1 wish to state to the gentlemen of Oxford that I have made arrangements with one of the largest woolen houses North to prepare for me an extra line of samples for the Fal! trade, which will be the finest ever in this market. -They will be on exhibition at my place of business about the ioth of August. Do not place 3'our orders until you have seen them or you may regret 't. I Guarantee a Good Fit and i First-Class Work or no Sale. I have already engaged the services of l orae of the hnest workmen in the country. Hiking you for past patronage and hop o merit a continuation of the same, I urs truly, O. O. WHITE, lie: rant Tailor, - Oxford, N. C. v ater Works ! Havi .g this day been appointed Regis rar f the election to be held on the 8th day fSe; mber, to ascertain whether $50,000 i ill I borrowed for the purpose of build ; v rworks for the town, I hereby give 1: lat the registration books are now Furman & Hays drug store, and ain open until the 2d day ol Sept., e. F. B. Hays, Registrar. CE. ' ' ; Haithcock 4Sc Co. having made an lent of their business to me, their md book accounts, and other evi of debt are now in my hands for col . All persons indebted to the said firm 1 and pay the same at once. Persons ; claim against said .firm will present le forpayment. A. A. Hicks, -d, 1890. Trustee. NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS, The Dlinor Events About the City as Gathered by the Alert Reporters of The Day. The atmosphere has a suggestion of ice in it today. During the past ! few days several visiting capitalists were in Oxford with a view of making heavy investments here. The Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufactuiing Company has an office fitted up in the Bank of Oxford building, on Herndon Avenue- W. E. Borden is in charge. The Republicans of Granville coun ty are meeting in the courthouse this afternoon to elect delegates to the State Convention which will be held at Raleigh on Sept. 26. The Oxford Literary Society met last night at the residence of Dr, M. V. Lanier. There was a good attend ance, and the exercises were of a high ly interesting and instrurtive charac ter. Four or five names were added to the membership roll. J. C. Hundley, who knows more about waterworks than any other man in Oxford, wrote two excellent articles on the waterworks question. He pre sented strong arguments in favor of the improvement, strong enough to con vince any man who is -open to convic tion. Yesterdav afternoon's mail brought orders for twelve hundred dollars worth of stock in the Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufacturing Co. Good sales are being made daily, and it may be necessary to close the sub scription books'even earlier than the day annouoced. The contract cal's for the comple tion of the Farmers' Alliance Ware house by September 15, and Messrs. Hundley Bros. & Co., the buildeas, say they will have it done in time. It is an immense building and a hand some one. The Alliance has now under consideration the erection of a big brick prizehouse on an adjoining lot. Writing of the base ball game at Winston Wednesday, in which Win ston defeated Charlotte, the llvin City Daily says: "But to Charley Jones belongs the honor of pitching a very fine: game. Although the ball was wet he held the visitors down to two hits. His most excellent capture of a hot ground ball in his left hand was the most graceful play in the game." Charley's admirers gave him some handsome presents, including a pair of fine trousers and a box of cigars. Babe Lanier, the finest amateur ball player ih the State, caught Jones. Seven Orphans Run Away. The orphans at the Asylum are much attached to Dr. Dixon and his family, and part with them with the keenest sorrow. Some of the children show a disposi tion to rebel, and because their belov ed superintendent is to leave, they want to leave too. Several runaways have occurred in the past few weeks. This morning seven boys disappear ed and struck out for parts unknown at present -Search is being made for them, a d they will very probably be found and brought back. : V Manchaca, Tex., Jan. 23. 1890. . Radam's Microbe Killer Co., Austin, Tex.: After spending large sums of money for the treatment of my daughter, who had suffered intensely for five years with a tarrh ofthe head and throat, without any benefit whatevet, I was induced to try your great discovery, the Microbe Killer, and I truthfully state that it has entirely cured her, after using one-half of the jug bought from you a few weeks ago. Your remedy is indeed the ''greatest discovery of the age," curing as if by magic. I cheerfully recommend it to suffering hu uianity and advise all to use it. Yours truly, " J. S. WlLKINS. For sale by J.-G. Hall. PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings and Whereabouts of Some People Yon Know. R. W. Winston went to Henderson today. J. TV Mallory, of Durham, is in.Ox ford today. J. Y. Paris left on the Henderson rain this morning. Ex-Sheriff Jas. I. Moore, of Frank lin county, is in the city. G. C. and Z. T. Hampton, of Flat River, N. C, are in the city today. W. W. Jones is confined to his bed with sickness, we are sorry to learn. Miss Laura Saunders, of Durham, arrived in the city on the morning train. Robt. P. Taylor, formerly of Ox ford and now of Mecklenburg county, Va., is in town. H. F. Jones, of Warren county, is in -Oxford, and is staying with his uncle, Dr. C. D. H. Fort. Sheriff and Mrs. C. M. Rogers are home again after a week spent at their plantation in the county. Miss Evie Webb, of Boydton, Va., was in the city yesterday evening, the guest of Miss Annie Smith. Glad to see H. J. Council, who has been quite sick for some weeks, able to be out on the streets again. Mrs. L. E. -Amis, who was in Ox ford several days, return ed to her home at Bellevue this morning. Tom Lewellin, after spending a few days in Oxford, left today for Warren county, where he is now residing. Miss Lula Russell, of St. Louis, Mo., who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Webb, is spending the day in Hender son. ; . j . L. F. Pierce and family, of Wind sor, are in the city, on a visit to Mrs. Pierce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wood. I j , M. F. Hart left this morning for New York, to purchase a heavy stock of fall and winter goods for Hart & Lawrence. Mrs. Paris, Miss Addie Paris, Miss Blanche Murchiscin and Miss Nemmie Paris left this morning to return to their home at Ja jGrange, N. C. Miss Annie Webb, of Louisburg, and Miss Birdie j Davis, of Stovall, arrived in Oxford from Louisburg yes terday evening and were the guests of Mis Annie Smith. They left this morning for Stovall. ' Religious Srvices Tomorrow. Baptist Church. 9:45 a. m., Sun day school. 11 a. M-, sermon by Rev. J. S. Hardaway, pastor; 8:3b p. m., sermon. Presbyterian Church. 9 a. m., Sunday school. Methodist Church. - Sunday school at 9 a. m.;J. W. Hays, Esq., superintendent ; 11 a. m., sermon by Rev. W. L. Cuninggim, pastor ; 8:15 p. m. , sermon by Rev. J. 1 H. Hall, pastor of Oxford Circuit. Episcopal Church. 9 a. m., Sun day school; 11 a. m. , sermon by Rev. J. M. Horner; 8:30, p. m., sermon. Wynona, Miss., Jan. 10, 1890. Mr. Wallace O'Leary: Dear Sir I wish to. say that I have been a great sufferer from hay fever for twenty-four years. I have tiied many remedies without effect and found no re lief until I heard of your wonderful reme dy, the Microbe Killer, of which I never heard until, last summer, and I immedi ately commenced to take it. I have taken Tour jugs. I got through the fall and win ter without stopping wjrk, instead of that fearful seige of suffering that has followed me so many years, and I would like to recommend this to all sufferers, feeling it my duty in gratitude to Mr. William Ra dam as the discoverer of this wonderful remedy. I was also suffering of a severe attack of acute rheumatism when I began to use the Microbe Killer. Now all symp toms of hay fever and rheumatism "have disappeared, but I intend to keep it by me so as to keep myself well. I remain yours trul)-, Miss Emma Stark. For sale by J. G. Hall. Wanted. Several men who understand tobacco growing to work farms in Southampton county, Va. Most liberal terms. Anolv to Col. T. J. Drewry, Oxford, N. C.. - J THE LATEST NEWS. SIFTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE BUSY READER. Happenings in North Carolina and Elsewhere as Gathered From Today's Exchanges. A chewing gum factory has been established at Kinston. ( The Governor yesterday paid 1 a re ward of $200 to Geo. Hendry for the capture of Steve Jacobs, the notorious Croatan outlaw and murderer. , Among those killed in the railroad wreck on the Old Colony road nea; Boston, Mass., this week, was Miss Eva Ballard, of Asheville, N. C. It is given out by the census office at Washington that the population of Wilmington, N. C., is 20,008; an increase of 2,658 or 13.32 per cent. lit is rumored that Durham is to have a land improvement company with a capital of 500,000,. and that a $150,000 hotel is to be built on the property. The steamers City of New York and the Teutonic are engaged in another race across the ocean. They lett New York Thursday morning within thirty eight minutes of each other. The Teutonic gained seven minutes on her rival in the race to the ocean. A Danville special says : A public exhibition has been made at Danville of a new machine for casing leaf tobac co. It saves labor and sweetening, and docs its work much faster and bet ter than can be done by hand. The machine is the invention of a Danville man A. WinstonNs always ahead, says the Winston Sentinel, and then- explains: "The telegraph wires were extended to the base-ball grounds Monday and this week, during the games between Charlotte and Winston, an operator sent the news to Charlotte at the end of each inning. That's progress!" The Win ston club won three straight games from Charlotte The Raleigh correspondent of the Durham Globe relates this: A young man of this town told me yesterday that he had just been shown a photo graph of another young man and a young lady, taken just in the act of osculation. It wasn't a snap shot either the photo, not the kiss but was taken deliberately at one of the sum mer resorts. Is that the correct thing, too? Six hundred million dollars would complete the Panama Canal by the year 1910, estimates the New York Sun. Before the year 1900 the cuts already wrought upon that isthmus will not have left so much as a scar. Fes- toons of vines, well grown trees, a matted jungle, flocks of noisy para keets and troops of monkeys will be the visible scene where France's mil lions have vanished as one of its own exhalations. The Grant Monument Association Executive Committee has adopted an address to the people setting forth that they will take no part in any discus sion as to the removal of General Grant's body from New York. The fund amounts to $150,000. It is pro posed to build with this a structure having a finished appearance, and to add to the monument as the funds in crease. No design has, as yet, been selected. A choice will soon be made. 1 In October last the warehouse at Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Va., was fired by incendiaries and burned to the ground, together with several oiner , Dunaings. j nere was 1 1 i 1 ' rni strong reason to believe that the building was fired by negroes because the owners refused to allow General Mahone to speak therein and afterwards allowed the Democratic speaker, to occupy it. Four n egroes, Geo. Early, By rd Woods, William Brown, and Woods were arrested on suspicion, tried and convicted, and sentenced to be hang ed. Geo. Early and Byrd Woods were exected at Rocky Mount yester day, and the. others will be executed September ,19th. AN "ORDER OF BUSINESS." LThe Tariff" Debate to Close on the 30th --Final Vote by Sept. 5th. Washington, Aug. 22. The con ference committee appointed at last night's meeting of Republican Sena tors (Messrs. Hoar, Allison, Evarts, Spooner, Plumb, Hale and Allen), met this afternoon in the room ofthe committee on the judiciary, and put into form the resolution establishing an order of business which it is pro posed to adopt. The resolution pro vides for closing debate on the tariff bill August 30th (the understanding being that a final vote will be had by September 5th.) The measures men tioned in theQuay resolution (includ ing the pure food and lottery bills) are to be disposed of before adjourn ment. . Tl.e election bill is to be made a special order for the first Monday in December, the day when Congress convenes, with the understanding that a vote on it is to le ordered not later than December 20th. This resolution is to be circulated among the Republi can Senators, and when a majority of the Senate from the Repub lican side) have signed it, it it to be laid before ' the Senate formally for adoption. There is little doubt than the requisite Senators who have been demanding a change in the rules regard the adoption of this reso- lution asa substantial victory, as it will require a change in the rules to permit the previous question to be ordered on the election bill,' December 20th. Rates to the Republican State Conven tion. Raleigh, N. C. The Richmond and Danville Rail road will sell parties attending the Republican State Convention tickets to Raleigh, N. C. and return at the following rates for the round trip from, points nannd, tickets! on sale Aug. 25th to 28th in elusive, I good un'il and including Aug. 31st: From Charlotte, 7.45; Salisbury, $6.30; Greensboro, $4.30; Winston-Salem, $5.60; Dur ham, $1.65; Oxford. I $3.15; Selma, $1.65; Goldsboro, 2.75, Rates from intermediate points in same propor tion. THE TRAINS. OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains leave 11:02 a. m., and 8:25 p. M. . . Southbound trains leave 4:00, p.-m., and 3:30, a. m. : OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:15, a. m., and vo. p. m., and 7:45, p. m. Trains depart 5:00, a. m., 11: to, a. m . , and 4:25, p. m. " Bicycle for Sale. Columbia standard make. Good as new. Sold at a bargain. Appty. to this office. , . i Htl "; Wood for Sale. The Oxford Land, Improvement ami Manufacturing Co. have 3,000 cords of wood for sale. Some already corded. Apply to 1 Dr. H. C. Herndon. ; To Manufacturers. Parties wishing to locate Factories on the lands of the Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufacturing Company can learn some thing to their advantage by communicating with , H. C. Herndon) , ' President Bank of Oxford n 11 -ay .11.1.1. i ... mm, ii. t Bring your orders for tobacco Hues toj. F. Edward? Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safes will save money by. calling on J. F. Ed wards.! He is agent for Mactieal & Ur band's Iron Safes. Wanted at Once. Ten t good Carpenters and Twenty-five good laborers. Hundley Bros, a Co. x For Kent or Sale. The Beasley cottage on Main Street. Lib eral terms to purchaser. Apply to J. B. Roller. Large stock Wagon and Bujrgy materia for sale at J. F. Edwards'. Large stock "f Lanterns, Tobacco Knives and Thermomters for sale at T.F. Edwards . Buy the Excelsior Cook Stove. The best n use, at J. Edwards'. Wanted at Once. Ten good Carpenters and Twenty five good Laborers. Hundlky Eros, a Co. ; ,. . . . . ... Rubber Belling and Packing At J. F. Ed wards'.