TPIK DAY THE DAY UrtU-V ES All the News of the day and is furnished at lQcts. per week. ; HAS THE gcst City Circulation mv paper published in Cord. I V o :e II. Number 138 OXFORD, N. C, MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1890. Single Copies : 3 Cts I STILL LEADING! STILL LEADING! STILL LEADING! BEST T ICE COLD DRINKS ! ICE COLD DRINKS! ICE COLD DRINKS ! AT AT AT i . W. JACKSON & CO.'S. iV. jACKSON &! CO.'S. W. JACKSON &' CO.'S. nas, ranges, Lemons, Grapes, Apples and Water melons. off: -day Cream Cii els K.-yA nice lot l! Cream Cheese received to -O hool applies. ESrPaper, Pencils, Tab CSTlets, Fens Ink, Copy 2TB6oks, Slates, Corn- Imposition Books, all f"kinds of Text Books, re?"Blank Books, Draw ; lining Paper,! "Erasers, fSTColored Pencils, ESTRullcxs, Blotters. Oxford Book L KJ re D Commercial A veil tie. ON'T LEAVL HOME , - ' ' f Tailoringr ZDczxe ! , I wish tostate to the gentlemen of Oxford that I have made arrangements with one of the largest woolen houses North to prepare for me an extra line of samples for the Fal! trade, which will be the finest ever in this market. They will be on exhibition at my place of businessabout the ioth of August. Do net place your orders until you have .seen tht-:n or you may. regret t. I Guarantee a Good Fit and First-Class Work or no Sale. NOTES OFTHE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS, Tlie Minor Events About the City a Gathered My the Alert Iteportert ot The Day. The ntw park in South Oxford will be known as Herndon Park. j The hammers of the carpenters1 make merry music the live long day. ! New houses are going up on every side. Frank Meadows, a ; young farmer, says Saturday he picked one hundred and fifty ripe tomatoes' off of one? bush. i J. P. Steadman, representing jthe Oxford Land, Improvement andjMan ufacturing Company,1 is canvassing Raleigh, j "Oxford isn't a finished town!" r of the ibnow re marked a gentleman, looking around at the many new buildings in conrseof erection, j : j J It is learned here, that Dr. HVffi. Thorp, at his plantation in Nothern Granville, was thrown from a horeind severely hurt. ! 1 ! This morning a colored man Inam ed Hall had a heavy rock to fijl fon right wrist, cuting him badly. 'f he wound was dressed by Dr. V. lO. MaskervHI. 3 Modern Tobacco Barn, is in ttf city today to locate the new factory build ing He will remove his company's ex tensive plant to Oxford about Novem ber, ist. ; , r Haywood Day, an ex-contracpr on the Lynchburg & Durham Raft road, has been employed by the Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufactur iv.g Company to grade the streets on their property. He has started with a good force of hands, and is doing first-class work. Hundley Bros. & Co. are putting in. according to actual cou't, -over one nail every second in the Alliance Warehouse. The nails are three inch es loner. 108,000 inches of nails are being driven in per day. This .firm savs that the warehouse will be com pleted September 15th. J. S. Mai lory is ad vertising another excursion to Asheville, leaving Ral eigh at 6. a. m., Wednesday, Septem ber 3, and returning to Raleigh at midnight Friday, f-pending forty-three hours in the City of the Sky. The In ternational Gin Clubs, to whomj$i, 500 in prizes is offered, meet in Ashe ville the 3, 4 and 5. Oxford people wishing to go on this excursion can take the early morning freights and make connection at Durham. Fare for round trip from Durham jonly $3-5- I The PURELY PERSONAL. Doings alid Whereabouts of Some The 'ew Avenues Named, i 1 The new avenues on the Oxford Land, Improvement and 'Manufactur ing Company's : property have jbeen named after prominent cities and towns in North Carolina and Virginia, citi- having zens 01 eacn place navmg mvesiea I have already engaged tTTSJes of j heartil y jn t'ne comrany's stock. some of the finest workmen in the coun-. L 3 1 J . . .. , T' -inkiusvou tor past patronage and hoW I here are ten avenues, and Raleigh, Aichmond, Wilmington, Fayettevile, Norfolk, Lexington, Lumberton, Greenville, Newbern and Salisbury are honored. i The cross streets are numbered First street, Second street, etc. People You Know. Jas. Collins spent Sunday in Ral eigh. j . ' i W. E. Luns.brd, of Durham,! is in the city. Miss Annie Powell js visiting friends in the country. Dr. Dixon returned to Oxford on the morning train. j W.I. Wilkinson is back from Virginia where he spent a few days. G. E. and J. A Gill, of Wake For est, spent Sunday in Oxford. Miss Tucky Meadows, of Hender son,! is visiting friends in Oxforcl. Miss Nannie Jeffreys, "of Flester, N. C, is visiting Miss Sallie Hobgood. Miss Lizzie Spencer got back Sat urday afternoon from a visit to Clarks vilie, Va.. . ' ? - jj: j .'. j : . Maj. C. H. Scott left this morning to be absent several weeks railroad surveying. ; j V. C. Thaxton and family went to Durham Saturday afternoon to spend a few days. Mrs. Dr. -Young, who was here for several days, returned to Henderson this morning. Ti J. Strayhorn and family returned to Oxford Saturday evening from a visit to Roxboro. Mrs. Dr. Baskeryill and little daugh ter, Miss Mattie, went to Buffalo Springs,! Va., today. , W. J. Long, after a week or more spent at Buffalo Springs and vicinity, returned home Saturday afternoon. Miss Venie Ballard, of Franklinton, arrived in the city Saturday afternoon, and - this morning, with Miss Annie Smith, went on a visit to the country. Mrs. J. J. W. Harris and children, ot Raleigh, spent Sunday with Mrs. S. W. Cooper, and took their departure this' morning for a visit 'to Panacea Springs. ' . ' The Richmond Tobacco Market. Correspondence of The Dav. Richmond, Va., Aug. 23. Irregu larity and rather duller market all around has characterized this week's sales publicly and privately, though no decline in prices is perceptible and receipts are light. Fillers are mostly sought after, and some sales were effect ed to North Carolina manufacturers. Crop reports from ill points show fine condition, and curings are of best LIVE OXFORD. GRANVILE'S EN ERGETIC AND PRO GRESSIVE CAPITAL. to the merit a continuation of the same. IK urs truly, O, O. WHITE, iant Tailor, - Oxford, N. C. a (or Works ! Resris ins; tlns'dav been appointed the election to be held on the 8th da .ember, to ascertain whether $50,000 t borrowed lor the purpose of build terworks for the town, I hereby ive that the registration books are now t Fnrman : Hays' druij store, and nain open until the 2d day o. Sept., ve. Y. H. Hays, Registrar. ICE. . . Hait'icock t Co. having made an nent of their business to me, j their and I. ok accounts, and other evi--4 of debt are now in my hands for col Y. All persons indebted to the said firm .11 and pay the same at once. Persons g claim against said pn-seni me for pay meat. j A. A. Hicks, 3rd, 1S90. ' Trustee. Twelve IlniKlsome Houses. The Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufacturing Company has de cided to erect a dozen handsome resi dences on their property. , Contracts will be let immediately, and thev are expected to be finished w t bv the time the szrand sale, drawing and excursion comes off, October Sth. The houses are to be of the latest and prettiest modern designs. Twelve houses building at once, is going it at a rattling pace that we like to see ! quality. An easier; wrapper market may follow flattering reports, but with good crop outlook in the South and good orders in manufacturers' hands, no permanent decline is looked for yet. L : ! : Many tobacco men are j out of city. ! ' Mr. John F. Allen, the founder of the Allen & G inter factory, is extreme ly ill, and not dxpected to live. Heavy, rains, followed by cooler and colder weather within the past two days, has been experienced here. Sun cured sales have given out, with high prices rjLiLng to date. ' w. e; d. The Great Golden Belt City Alive With New Energy--Tle Land and Improve i meiit Company--Tobacco Interests. Raleigh News-Observer. It is always a pleasure for the Ne7vs Obsen'er to note the progress of a live, progressive North Carolina town. Surrounding the brick and mortar and business of the town of Oxford has al ways appeared an atmosphere of that delicate refinement and social quali ties which can only come from educa- tion and mental training. Oxford now, as never before, seems be asserting and not only asserting, but' making good her claims as a thor- oiighly progressive, wide-awake busi- ntjss town. The time of waiting and doubting has past, : but through new enterprises and more progressive methods-success is now assured. The LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Has infused new lite and energy throughout the entire town: nor has it been confined to those living immedi atelv in the towri. The streets here every day show by the increased nam ber of people who come here, that the farmers and citizens in the county are manifesting a substantial interest in m 1 - 1 the rapid improvement wnich is so marked and which promises to be so successful. Every one is now anxious ly looking forward to the 8th, 9th and ioth. of October. This is the time at which the one thousand lots, and also the elegant and desirable "Grandy Residence," will be disposed of. The public know how vvell and how exten sively this sale has been , advertised. At least ten j thousand -persons are ex pected to be in Oxford on this occa- sion, and tor tne purpose 01 securing this end cheap excursion rates will be had on all the railroads leading into Oxford. T iearn that the stock has all or very near all been disposed of arid that the books on the 18th day of Sep tember will be closed. Col. Scott, a practical engineer, has been engaged for several months making maps and drawings of the lots preparatory to the sale as above stated. : market This ity of 5 1 s warehouse. Itjis good alike for the buyer and also for the seller. Good for the seller, fur the reason that a large number of buyers always od the market is an absolute guarantee that hii tobaccorwill brintj the higher price. " ' warehouse is to have a enpac- ,000 packages of tobacco, which will on stated days te offered to buy ers on foreign markets, by sample A bonded inspector will be selecftd by the tobacco company to sample the tobacco for salei Among others who are the proprietors of this enterprise are W. "A. -Davis, N. A. Gregory jno. Hi Bullock, W. Z. -Mitchell, .' li. Roller, T. D. Waller, R. V. Minor, John Johnson and W. C. Reed. FRESH FROM THE PRESS. State Splendid Returns from Tobacco. The Wilmington Messenger, of Sat urday last,! says : I Sheriff E. M. Johnson,, of Pender, received his return from his first ship merit of tobacco, on Thursday. The sale was made in Oxford, and the highest price realized was $60 a hun dred pounds. He sold onlv the pro duct -A one-third of an acre and real iz d 109.20. Mr. Johnson savs that it was tne sorriest of his crop, and on .1- '! s trse-same l ais n is twenty acres - ot to bacco wili bring '"iin over.;S6,ooo He received the higl.jst price that tobac co 1 as sold at in Oxford, so say the enterprising proprietors of Meadows' tobacco warehouse, who sold the to bacco for Mr. Johnson at their spacious wur I. uu-c; TOBACCO WAREHOUSES. I see here six warehouses now in op eration, at which sales are had every day . Tobacco is now coming .in by the! car loads,! and brought by wagons from the extreme western down to the eastern border or the bright tobacco belt of the State. I saw today on the warehouse floor of Davis & Gregory some beautiful lots of fine yellow to bacco which; was grown in the coun ties of Franklin, Nash and Pitt. j NEW WAREHOUSE GOING UP. Capt. A. F. Spencer, an extensive contractor arid builder, tells me, that never in the history of the town was there such a demand for buildings. I notice that the roof is just being put on the new 'Alliance Warehouse" which I suppose is the largest house of the sort in the State, being 80x225 feet. The work on this building is admirably done. It will contain two handsome offices in" front and the very best accommodations for the farmers who bring their tobacco here to be sold. This building is on Main street, easyjof accepfrom all -directions, and is near the B&k of Oxford. On an other principal stand, and near the celebrated Kingsbury property, is an other warehouse 200x75, feet being built by Mr. Owens but which will be opened this season by Messrs. Davis & Gregory. j . In addition to these we see new prize houses going up on all sidts, one by R. W. Winston, Esq., 80x50 feet, one by Dudley Bullock of the same di mension, and still another by Messrs. Adams & Scrtt, 120x80 feet. GOOD ENTERPRISE NEW DEPARTURE. One of the best enterprises possible to have been conceived by the tobac co men of Oxfoid, is now an assured fort. That is the building of the storage .1 -t .. - J)rummer Evangelist Fife concluded a religious reviva nutl Genernl Items of Intel cut from Today' Paper. 1 e nas just eious revival at 1,111 cojnton. There - were five hundred converts. j . Saturday's session of the -.United States Senate was devoted to eulogies onjthe late Senator Beck, of Kentucky. Mr. Blackburn gave a beautiful sketch of iVlr. Beck's life. - Tributes were also paid" by Messrs, Ingalls, Vfst, Allison, Evarts, Vance, Hall, Morgan, Plumb, Hampton, Gibson, Coke, McPherson and Carlisle. At the close of Mr. Carlisle's address the Senate adjourn ed. j " :;. ' A Readings Pa., telegram of the 22 inst. says: The American Farmers' Encampment was continued here to daj'. Col. L. L. Polk, president of the; National Farmers' Alliance, made an jaddress. He traced the progress of thd new organization in its wonderful growth in the South and Southwest. The officers elected today are . Presi dent, L. L. Polk,; North Carolina; vice- president, B. H. Clover, Kansas; sec- Jf retary, J. H. lurner,- Georgia; treas urer, H. W. Kickman, Missouri. THE TRAINS. OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE K. R. riortuDound trains leave 11:02 a m. , land 8:25 p. Mv . Southbound trains leave 4:09, p. m. and! 3:30, a. m .'; f '? ; I OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:15, a. m.", ard p. m. , and 7:45, p. m. rr 1 t rains depart 5,00, A. m., 11:10,, a - m. , and 4:2s, p.: m. A;Card. I do hereby xespectfully solicit the pat ronage of the citizens of Oxford for the Oxford Female Seminary. would gladly call on all who have daughters to educate, if I knew them; but being a sttaner to j most of them, I haralj'' know whereto begin. I therefore hope none who would l:ke to patronize the school will hesitate to seek an intro duction in person, or indi ate in some way a desire to do. so, and I will cheer fully call to see you. We want your pat ronage, and are willing to give fair and reasonable terms. jYery .'respectfully, 4;- "' N. Pknick, j President of Seminary. ! . - - - - - f j - - - j Waii led. Several men who understand tobacco growing to work farmsj in Southampton county, Va. Most liberal terms. Apply to Col- T. J. Drewry, Oxford, N. C. , j . j ' Wood; for Sale. I The Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufacturing Co. have ,,000 cords of wfol for sale. Some already corded. Apply to i Dr. H. C. Hkkndon. j To Hnimfacturf r. Parties wishing to locate Factories on the lands ' of the Oxford Land;lmprovement and Manufacturing Compaliyi can learn some thing to their advantage by communicating: with l. CI flEKNDON. President Hank of Oxford Bring your orders for : tobacco flues F. Edward? ; ! ' ' to J. Ten Waiitcti: at On .-. good Carjeniers !and "Twenty-five good laborers. ,Hu.ndley Bros. & Co. ! For Kent or Sale. The Beasley cotfage on Main Street. Lib eral terms to purchaser. Apply to J. B. Roller. i -j -- ; Large stocK VVagbn and Buggy materia for sale at J. F. "Edwar'is'j. -' : - I' 1 : Large stock f LanjernK, Tobacco Knives and Thermomters for sale at J.F. Edwards