THE DAY HAS THE TH Ef DAY GIVES ! All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. S - I, per week. . ! v Largest City Circulation !;'of any paper published in Oxford. Volume II. Number 141 OXFORD, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1890, Single Copies : 3 Cts y STILL LEADING!! STILL LEADING! STILL LEADING! '. BEST ICE COLD DRINKS ! BEST ICE COLD DRINKS! BEST ICE COLD DRINKS ! AT AT AT T W. JACKSON & CO.'S. " T. IV. JACKSON & CO.'S. T. W. JACKSON & CO.'S. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Apples and Watermelons. D -Ckeam Cheese. A nice lot of full Cream Cheese received to day: Chamber Suits. Chamber Suits. Chamber Suits. Sideboards Sideboards . Sideboards . Sideboards XVMENTURY Chamber Suits. ANTIQUE OAK. The Newest. Handsom est Furniture on the Market. CHAMBER SUITS IX WALNUT AND NATURAL CHERRY. Desks. Desks. Desks. Decks. Sewing Machines. Sewing 'Machines. Sewing Machines. Sideboards V a 1 nut, An tique Oak, XVI Century. Rolled, Cyclinder and Flat Top Desks. Rotnrv Shuttle Standard Sewing Machines. J. A. AVEBB, THE Furniture Dealer. School Supplies. Paper, Pencils, Tab ESlets, Pens, Ink, Copy CSrBooks, Slates, Com- position Books, all fiSrkinds of Text Books, sar Blank Books,1 Draw- Spring Paper, Erasers, &2T C o 1 o r e d "Fe n c i 1 s , BSTRullers, Blotters. Oxford Book Store ! CST Commercial Avenue. D IS OLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. We !. reby announce to our patrons and the pu: : c generally that the firm of Feild & Koyst.r, hitherto engaged in the insurance and re ! estate business and the practice of law, 1. i this day been dissolved by mutual con?e by the retirement of Mr. Feild, who in th'j f ture will devote his entire tim tr jr.' lice of law. Mr. Royter will con - t. i practice of law and the insuiance r estate business at the old office. ') is taken in the most friendly spir - purely a matter of business. Alex. J. Feild. Bkv. S. Rovster. :gth, iSqo. NOTES OF THE DAY . THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. the tim: .at: 1 Thi il a: Au I t frier niy t inch: spec: pat j In i .am! the: El.:; Ai: '. this opportunity of thanking my t their kind patronage. Having sold e interest in the insurance business, ; the goad will to Mr. P.oyster, I re y ask my friends to continue their e to him. future I shall devote my entire time rgies to the practice of law, and for 3nt I will have my office in Herndo:i o. 3, next to Dr. J. M. Hays' office. Respectfully. 1S90. Alex. J. Feild. The Minor Events About the City nu Gathered by the Alert Reporters of The Day. Many doctors of the county are in Oxford today attending a meeting of the Granville Medical Society. Another handsome Columbia high wheel bicycle arrived in town yester day afternoon. It is the property of Alex. Roseman. We learn that Rev. J. I,. White, of Durham, will conduct a series of meetings at the Oxford Baptist church during the month of October. The plans have been selected for the twelve dwellings houses to be built for the Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufacturing Company. They will be pretty modern stvle, no two alike. We have" positive information of the perfection of a plan which will give Oxford another big boom. No one sided affair, but .a regular double- masted, free-sail boom, with jibs and top sails thrown in. , . Secretary Reed tells us that severa thousand dollars worth of stock in the Oxford Land, Improvement and Man ufacturing Company has been sold in he last few days. Orders are pouring in every day unsolicited. W. H. Smith, the tailor, showed us today samples of beautiful import ed cloths for men's clothing. He can hold his own with tailors any where in quality and variety of goods, as well as workmanship and fit. Un tins page today appears anew ndvertisement of los. A. Webb, the furniture dealer. His XVI Century- antique oak, walnut and cherry suits will please people of eood taste. The Standard is the latest improved sew ing: machine, and to see it is to want one. 1. Maliorv. the manager, was highly omplimented on his first ex cursion to Asheville. Good order was preserved, everyone was made comfor table and the trip was generally enjoy ed. The next excursion, September 3, wiM be just as well conducted. Round trip ticket from Durham only $35- Much interest is felt in Oxford as to who will be superintendent of the Orphan Asvlum. The directors meet here next Tuesday. They have a deli- cate and important duty to perform, but as they are good men and true we feel sure that everv interest of North Carolina's favorite institution will be carefully guarded. . The New Congressional Candidate. "Who is Charles H. Moore, nomi nated for Congress from this district as the colored man's candidate ?" ask ed a reporter of The Day of one of the most prominent of Oxford's color ed citizens. "He is a good man," was the reply; "one of the best colored meh we have in the State. He is in the race to stay. He is not of the kind who can be bought to run by one side or bought off by the other. We do not expect to elect him, but we are determined that Brower shall be defeated." Order for Election on Waterworks Withdrawn. Mayor Smith informed us this morn ing that the order for an election Sep tember 8, on the proposition to ex pend $50,003 for a system of water works tor Oxford, has been withdrawn. Instead of issuing bonds and the t town owning the plant, the board of commissioners will proceed to make Other arrangements for waterworks. PURELY PERSONAL. THE LATEST NEWS. The Dolnes and Whereabouts of Some People Yon Know. A. A. Hicks is out or town tor a few days. A. Strause is of for a trip of several weeks to the North. Misses Pattie and Bessie Renn went to Henderson this morning. C. J. Hulin was a passenger on the northbound train this morning. SIFTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE BUSY READER. Happenings in North Carolina and Elsewhere as Gathered From Today's Exchanges. V Mr. James H. Pou, or Johnston county, who was nominated last week for Democratic State Senator, has an- nnnnrpH that hpHprli'npH tn run nn the1 J. Y. Paris returned yesterday from groUnd of his brother having been nom- a trip to eastern North Carolina J F. Woody, of Person, deputy, revenue collector, is in the city today. Geo. Smerdon and his son, Jas. Smerdon, arrived in the city this morning. inated for Solicitor. The Danville and New River Rail road (narrow guage) was sold yester day at public auction. J. Wilcox Brown, of Baltimore, was the purchas er, and it is . said the road was purchas ed for the' Richmond & Danville Rail- Mrs. W. A. Davis and children left this morning for a few weeks' stay at road Company. Chase City, Va. The latest news from Soutfc Caro Mrs. R. Broughton and infant are Una is that the straightout Democratic visiting relatives in Durham and conference at Columbia adjourned at Orange countv. N. C. h? o clock yesterday morning. Sena frc w r ThvtA,, oni Hrirpn tor Butler came down from Was 1 ington, and it is said smoothed over things. All danger ot a split is now passed, and Tillman will be the next Governor of South Carolina. A. Woodruff fell in love with a charming yourTg country girl of Grand Rapids townhship, Mich., but she would have none of him. Saturday he made a final appeal, and being flatly refused, he whipped out a revolver and fired twice at the object of his affec tions. She fell, but through fright. in the city last night from Connelly's Thinking he had killed her, he turned Springs. N. C, and returned to their the pistol on himself and lodged a bul home in Louisburg this morning. let iust below the heart. He cannot D'Orsey Jones succeeded yesterday recover. j in getting a prizehouse and left on the A Knoxville, Tenn., special says night freight for Danville, Va. He John P. Smith, the eleven-year old willi return heie with his family in son of State Superintendent of Public visit of a few days toDurham. IM. btrause, 01 Henderson, was m town a short while this morning, andi left for the North with his brother, A. Strause. ' Capt. A. PI. A. Williams passed through the city this morning from Ral eigh enroute to Milton, where he will speak tomorrow. Judge T. T. Davis and wife arrived! A REPUBLICAN BRAWL. about two weeks. That Passenger Station. - i ne contracts lor the new passenger stations of the Richmond & Danville Railroad at Oxford and Henderson very sick by the same drug, which was hnw hppn nvvnrHrl tn RnnHW' Urn administered for a cold in mistake for Instruction, F. M. Smith, -and a boy named Hutchins, died yesterday from a dose of morphine. Three other children of Smith, who had unfortu nately taken an oveidose, were made & Co , of this place. The buildings will be of wood, of the same size, pat- t . m 1 tern ano cost. 1 ney are to ue com pleted in ninety days from date. THE TRAINS. OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE R. R. JNorthDound trains leave 11:02 a, m. , and 8:25 p. m. Southbound trains leave 4:09, p. m. and v-o, a. m. OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R I mine !?mvp TnTf A TVf ann p. m., and 7:45, P. m. Trains depart 5:00, a. m., ii: to, -a. m., and 4:25, p. m. . A widow, with long experience in both public and pnvate schools, desires a situa tion to teach in a school or private family. References exchanged. Address Teach er," 1320 Lanvale bt., Baltimore, Mary land. A Card. I do hereby respectfully solicit the pat ronage of the citizens of Oxford for the Oxford Female Seminary., I would gladly call on all who have daughters to educate, if I knew them; m 1 if' quinine. I he mistake was made Dy the druggist in filling the bottle An Asheville, N. C, special of yes terday to the News-Observer says News reached here this evening of sud den death at the Haywood White Sul phur Springs hotel at Waynesville, of ex-Governor Bonham, of South Caro lina. After leaving the parlor last night apparently as well as usual, he was seized this morning with a violent hemorrhage, caused by the bursting of a blood vessel, and died soon after wards without the knowledge of any one. . A Card Oxford, N. G., August 27. I take pleasure in declaring myself a candi date, and in doing so I most: earnest Iv solicit the support ot every one whether white or. black, rich or poor vounsr or old ; whether JJemocrat or Republican, Prohibitionist or indepen dent : whether in favor of waterworks or what not.' I assure vbu that if I am honored with your vote, I will work tor the in terest of every such one. In other words. I will prove to you thai? I am Hiif- hoi'nor n chin cr or frv mnct rf- Vi mm T hardly know where to begin. I therefore tne right man in the right place. hope none who would like to patronize the school will hesitate to seek an intro- auction in person, or inai ate in some way a desire to do so, and I will cheer fully call to see you. We want your,, pat ronage, and are willing to give fair and reasonable terms. Very respectfully. N. Pknick, President of Seminary. JNow to the point, it you are tn needoi a Wagon, Platform, Dray or even a Busrtrv. von cannot do better than call on 1 me. And if vou want anv kind of reflairin? done, whether wood work, blacksmithing, painting or trimming, I am confident that it will be decidedly to your interest to come to see me. I use material unsurpassed by any one in this place, . it not superior Wnntfil. Several men who understand tobacco growing to work farms in Southampton countv, Va. Most liberal terms. Apply to Col. T. J. Drewrv, Oxford, N. C. To Manufacturers. Parties wishing to locate Factories on the lands of the Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufacturing Company can learn some- nith totheir advanHScbHRniDONiCating Any work entrusted to me. will receive President of Ovfor-i prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed both as to Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safes work and price F Ed- T'VionL-f'iil (nr iiact farrrz nnrl cnli Ot VJI . T ning a continuance, 1 am, yours to serve, is. b. iaylor. P. S. My shop is next to the new Alliance Warehouse, in the rear of Messrs. (Owen, Barbour & Smith's and J. F. Edwards' hardware stores. will save nione- by calling on J. wards. He is agent for Macneal band's Iron Safes. Large stock Wat- a and for sale at J. F. Edwards'. Buggy material Large stock f Lanterns, Tobacco Knives and Thermomters for sale at .F. Edwards Bring your orders for F. Edward? tobacco Itues to J. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stove. n use, at. I ,.r . tawaras . The best Members of Cougress Use Rough Lan guage and Blows Exchanged. The following is from the telegraph ic report of the. proceedings of the lower House of Congress yesterday the debate was on the Compound Ird bill: ' I y Mr. McAdoo, bf New Jersey, heap ed denunciation! and ridicule upon Mr. Cannon's statesmanship and his torical knowledge and his love for the farmer. Then ensued the stormiest scene of the session. Mr."(?annon rose to reply. He admitted that he was not a great statesman, and also admitted the superiority of the gentle man from New Jersey in that respect. He concluded Svith a coarse, remark. There was instantly great confusion and disorder in jthe hall. Mr. Mc Adoo shouted out that he wanted the words to go upon the record as a spec imen of Mr. Cannon's vulgarity. Mr. Caruth, of; Kentucky, suggest ed the propriety of clearing the gal eries of ladies. While Mr. Enloe was clamoring for recognition on the question of order, again Mr.McAdco shouted out to Mr. Cannon ; "If you can afford o let that go on the record as a specimen of your stable jockey wit, -I cannot afford to have it there, j I cannot indulge in blackguardism with you. You ought to argue with a stable jockey. That is your size." i Finally Mr. Enloe was recognized on his point of order and demanded that the words be taken down. Mr. Cannon Oh, if it annoys you I will withdraw it. After a brief discussion the Speaker overruled the point of order on the ground that Mr. Enloe rs proper course would have been to call the gentleman to order and not to raise a point of or der, . ' Mr. Enloe appealed from the decis ion and the clerk proceeded ! to call the roll on sustaining the decision of the Speaker. But a storm was brew ing. Its mutterihgs were heard when Mr. Mason (Republican from Illinois) coming down the isle near which Mr. Cannon (Republican from Ulinois)was sitting, in a tone audible only to those who were in the immediate vicinity, begati to denounce that gentleman in no measured words. He declared that if Mr. Cannon's family were in the gal-, lery he would not have uttered the words he had. His (Mason's) family was in the gallery and he would not sit tamely by and hear them insulted. Some of the gentlemen in the vicinity say the lie was passed, but before any thing more serious occurred the stoim broke out in another quarter. Mr. Wilson, (Rep.), ,of Washing ton, taking occasion to defend Mr. Cannon aroused .the ire of Mr. Beck with, (Rep. from !; New Jersey). Hot words were exchanged, the -lie, was passed and a blow; was given. Friends seized both men, sand finally quieted them, while every Democrat was on his feet thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of the family quarrel. Mr. Enloe, (I)em. from Tennessee) suggested that the. House should adopt the London prize 'ring rules. . It was many njinutes before order was restored,' and, it required a vigor ous wielding of the Speaker's gavel, be fore the clerk could proceed with the roll call. The decision of the chair was sus tained yeas 10,! nays 78.; 1 Mr. Cannon then rose land briefly apologized for the remark which he had made. Dining Room Suit. Antique Oak. Sideboard, extention table and six chairs for $25.00 at . 1 Jos. A. Webb's. Horner School. A preparatory class will be started Mon day, Sept. 1st. Boys entering this class will be taken at reduced rates. Apply for terms. . Rubber Belting and Packingat J. F. Ed wards'. I ? . Bicycle for Sale. Columbia standard make. Good as new. sold at a bargain. Apply to this office. - - .

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