THE DAY. PUBLISHED nVKKV AFTEkNOON (KCEPT SlND.-.V AT HERNUUN BLOCK NO. I. li. W. KUOM1KIMEU, fcMitor, Subscription i 10 cents a week. Furnish ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will make weekly collections. 40 cents per month if paid in advance. Our advertising rates are very low for one week, or six insertions, about the same is dunked by weekly newspapers for one tuiu. Having a thorough city circulation, an ! 1 aching daily a number of post-offices in t u anil surrounding counties, it is a f?Ilon. lid advertising medium. ' icgal- advertisements, such as adminis trator's and executors' notices, , commis sioners' and trustees' sales, summons to lion residents, etc., will be charged for at legal rates, except when they exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we 're serve the right fix our own price. All such business must 'be PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. The charge is very small and we cannot afford to take risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pay. Entered at the Post-Office at Oxford second-class mail matter. as OXFORD, N. C. Saturday, August 30, 1890. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. KOR JUDGE FIFTH DISTRICT: ROUT. W. WINSTON of Granville. FOR COXGRESS FIFTH DISTRICT: A. II. A. WILLIAMS, of Granville. FOR SOLICITOR FIFTH DISTRICT: EDWARD S. PARKER, of Alamance. Granville County Ticket. For Sheriff. James A. Crews. For Treasurer. SolW. Cooper. For Superior Court Clerk. William A. Bobditt. For Register of Deeds. Robert J. Dan iel. For Coroner. James A. Renn. For Surveyor. Edwin Green. For the Senate. G. L. Allen. For the House. W. T. Adams, J. F. Cole. The Democrats of Ohio have adop ted a thoiough Democratic platform, and go into the battle with colors fly ing. They declare, says the Philadel phia Record, for a tariff for revenue only, and denounce protective tariff as dishonest, wasteful and corrupting, crippling agriculture, retarding manu factures, creating trusts, destroying commerce and corrupting our law makers. They favor legislation for the suppression of trusts and of combina- - tions to enhance prices; the free coin age of silver; and they denounce the Force bill and the Reed rules. The Democracy everywhere represents the great majority of the people and their interest, against the greedy Republican minority and their thieving,oppressive legislation.- ' mmm The recent Republican State Con vention at Raleigh was a rowdy affair, but the conduct of its delegates 'was not so bad as that of the Republican Representatives in Congress a tew days ago. At Raleigh rough language was used and the lie was given, but at i Washington indecent wit was indulg ed in by the leader of the g. o. p; in the presence of ladies, and foul oaths were tittered and blows, passed. noir, did well. Hon. W. H. H. Cowles was renominated on the I47tn ballot. m ; ; it is emimaticauv denied uv int A. Greensboro North State that that pa per has been sold to Representative Brower. The Republican State Platform. Raleigh cor. Durham Globe. The convention adopted a platform which thanks congress for passing the silver bill and the president for approv ing it; deplores the action 01 the Sen ate in failing to pass the Blair bill and urges members of congress to secure the passage of a similar one; denounces the legislature for passing the present registration law; renews the demand for the repeal of the county govern ment system; sympathizes with the farrrlers of the State in their efforts to secure relief; demands free elections and a fair count, and urges the passage of a federal election law; indorses the reciprocity views of James G. Blaine. What, Indeed J Wilmington Star. If lard can raise such a rumpus in Congress, what would a whole, thoroughly-equipped hog do if it was turn ed Joose ? Chas. H. Moore will receive the votes of colored men who do not pro pose to allow Brower to insult them with impunity. They, think that a man whom they have honored with a High and lucartive office ought. to show some gratitude and at least treat them with rjspect. There are many hundreds in the district of this way of thinking, and they will express themselves with effect at the ballot box. A Card. Oxford, 'N. C, August 27. I take1 pleasure in declaring myself a candi date, and in doing so I most earnest ly solicit the support of every o::e whether white or black, rich or poor, young or old ; whether Democrat or Republican, Prohibitionist or indepen dent ; whether in favor of waterworks or what-not. I assure you that if I am honored with your vote, I will work for the in terest of every such one. In other word's, I will prove to you that I am the right man in the right, place. Now to the point. If you are need of a Wagon, Platfonn. Dray or even a Buggy, you cannot do better than call on me. Aud if you want any kind of repairing done, whether wood work, blacksmithing, painting or trimming. I am confident that it will be decidedly to your interest to come to see me. I use material unsurpassed by. any one in this place, if not superior. Any work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed both as to work and price. Thankful for past favors and solic iting a continuance, I am, yours read) to serve, B. F. Taylor. P. S. My shop is next to the new Alliance Warehouse, in the rear of Messrs. Owen, Barbour & Smith's and J. F. Edwards' hardware stores. THE TRAINS. LI r I X. TV r 1 v ftfHNGSc: GREAT pJ Li Ln fL In Lr ft ROYAL GERWETUER Oue fact is worth a thousand arguments, and Dr. King's Royal tiermeiaer aenio.s- n sfj-.atps evprv dav that it is making more U curfs than any other medical preparation - in the world. .... " a ri.inirhtor nf Mr- P. .Inrdah.OI Atlanta.' w w.s cured of a serious case of stomach and fli n bowel troubles. . . . '-! air. rs. 1 . jonnsun, ui uuu i , .ti i in nJ THE BANKING HOUoE M J, L. luui'LK & 5OX$ HE BANKING HOUSE OF J. C. COOPER & SOX DOES A GENERAL BANKING BU$jA; SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF .l.a in: Banks, Merchants, Farmers, Corjorations, House-keepers and ot accommodation consistent with sound banking extended t) i!s c n n of a long continued ana severe cwe u K catarrh winch was sapping nis me :vv. .-.j . k Mrs. M. Farmer, of West End. Atlanta, l- was n romnletelv cured of a ten years' case -r of inflammatory rheumatism. x " ' Ilev. A. li. vaugnn. uanion. .. .--7 u r cirefl of facial neurnlaria.alsoof a liver and n t iidney trouble of many years standing. m i invalid 14 Vears, but Germetuer cured her. It, I - Afrc W 'V TTprmlon. Atlanta. On., snf- ! n r'o'-prl "with acute catarrh. One bottle 01 !J Pi Gormetuer freed her from this dread: ul M L" disease. ..Ri A daughter of J? 1. Jrosius. or Aiinnui. uj !- hr.d trieil everr Known remedy ror ipt- ni p! arravated dyspe'psia. Two botties ot Ger- m me tuer cureu tier. Ui vr T.u-.via Rpnnett. Atlanta. Gft.. H; sMi'-ifflVr-tPfl with indicrestion fortMrerr? L coninlicated with diarrhiea. Three-fourtlis r, i r n t,.tTiu fnrmi him sound and vve.l. : Tiitiia:i.:iria nf voluntary certificates teru fli tify to tho remarkable curative virt"-s of n; Tt hnilris nn t orfe. r t- wooes "nature's soft nurse " ro;reshhi t sl ep, stimulates the appetite, aids uiOi " tion. soothe. the nerves and insures good P ho.'ilth. For weak womn, cl'H-, oolr L keepers, milliners, stenotrr'inhers. !"mso H; wives, is the tionuaivil ol ail rein- -- odios. As a blood purifier an I rta izbv p.', ni atins: tonic it is witlio-it a riv -I. Tr ! nr I7 I. TMtv;: ill i uj 1 1 i 1 i- ..... . -, p d iases by removIn?c the wtti:u. i'rire. Li ?1.30 ncr coT":it.rate(i bo.f.''. which wili Ft a Hi r ce; QBGA:,: fo NORTH STATE M USIC C. G. STONE, Manager. PIANOS RALEIGH, N. C. OR OXFORD, N. t. Standard Pi anos or Organs at remarkably low prices and easy terms. The "Kranich & Bach" Pianos have no supe rior. Send for cata logues. 1U th ri 4.. glilliA I S you MPS&alii A V T hi1 Jor -prices. m e Hot you io,-; r) v per etr; Pianos f j0 to 40 p' fjt full part I cm 11.1-,. voii.d'rfi!'c"rr. etc. A Fi-f sab? hv dni?Kitl3 inl by Xino's p ril Ukvai. (Jkkm'eti'kh Co.. Atlanta, Ga. i -i LI K EYSTONE WATCH CO. . Capital $600,000. . A. M OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains leave 11:02 , and 8:25 p. m. Southbound trains leave 4:09, p. m., and 3:30, a. m. OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10:15, A. M.and 3130, p. m. , and 7:45, p. m. Trains depart 5:00, A. m., ii:to, a. m. , and Ai2K. d. m. AVood for Sale. The Oxford Land, Improvement and Manufacturing Co. have 3,000 cords of wood for sale. Some already corded. Annlv to Dr. H. C. Herndon. English capitalists are endeavoring to buy the iron works of Pittsburg and the cotton mills of Rhode Island. Manufacturers control of the politics of the country now, and if the factories ass in the hands of these aliens, who will say that American independence. is n-t in danger of coming to an end? a m mm m ' In tight weeks Oxonians can light ihe bonfires and give vent to their enthusiasm over the election of Repre sentative A. H. A. Williams and Judge R. W. Winston. The Democratic convention for the eighth congressional district,, at Le-i EL T. HUGHES' -TOfPRIil, PARLORS I- Under Herndon Block No. 1 Com. Aye. I have combined my two shops and my present quarters are in two large adjoining rooms. Have added to my furniture, am having electric lights put in and fixing up generally to provide Oxford with elegant and comfortable .tonsorial parlors. With what I have ordered and now on the way I will have everything which pertains to a FIRST CLASS- Barber Shop. Will have a full complement of competent assistants in a few days. Will spare no efforts to give my customers com plete satisction. JOTICE. S. S. Haivhcock & Co. having made an assignment of their business to me, their hooks and book accounts, and other evi dences of lfct are now in my hands for col lection. All persons indebted to the said firm wiH call and pay the same at once. Persons hoHing clad m: against said -firm will present thtfsame forayment. f- ' -.. 's A.- A. 'Hicks, Jujy 23rd, iSoo. ' "r Trustee. Our $43 Railroad Watch is specially con structed for the most exacting use and is the best Railroad Watch made. It contains numerous important patented improve ments of vital importance to accurate timing Patent Dustproof, Patent Stem Wind, etc., which we control exclusively. It has 15 Genuine Ruby jewels in settings, and is accurately adjusted to heat, cold and isoch ronism. U is fully equal for appearance, accuracy, durability and service to any $90 watch. Price 5543 either all cash or in clubs, $1 a week. Open fare or hunting. Our $1 a week Club System, while as convenient to the buyer as any installment system, is a wholesale spot cash system to us. The Co operation of the club members sells us 43 watches in each 43 Watch Club, and we get cash from the club for each watch before it goes outi though each member only pays $1 a week. This is why we give you more money than any one else and why we are doingthe largest- watch business in the world. JOB OSBORN, Special Agent, Oxford, N. C. WOOTTON'S PATENT WIRE Tobacco Hangers I ARE, THE BEST, Simplest and Cheapest Wire Hangers in the Market. ures The Ixeaves Only I We claim that these hangers are cheaper than any other; are detachable, and any number can be used per stick; insure a unfc form barn of tobacco; more tobacco can be cured per barn; tobacco brings better prices; does not bruise; stalk is not cuied, saving fuel and time. Any barn can be used. Sara- pie sent with pamphlet for 5 cents postage. Inquire lor them ot your storekeeper or agent. If they do not keep them send to us. Price per 1,000 with sticks. . . $5.00 Price per 1,000 hangers only ..... 4.50 AGLNTS WANTED. TqMggo Hanger Manuf g." So., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. Two Town Lots FOR SALE 1. A lot fronting 115 feet on Gilliam St. opposite Centre Warehouse. 2. A lot 94x143 feet on the Kingsbury property, opposite Davis & Gregory's new warehouse. The Granville. Warehouse is for rent. Apply to C. F. Kingsbury. NORTH STATE .MUSIC EME RSON'S PIANOS. Are the best in America for the money. Write for prices and terms . NORTH STATE MUSIC from J from $30 Gctourpr1 all fbeaa' will sannil moncT. v' 1 t.if Ala; tine WE SOLD MORE PIANOS In the past 12 m o n ths than e v e r y other dealer in North Caroli na combined. 1 Get our prices. n v Tlie w, LIT ?xn: 1 10 ucbowh 11 " gan- if15 wont , ma is the!1"'1 world ii;tv lll r c NORTH STATE MUSICS RALEIGH, N. C, OR OXFORD, N. C. DURHAM MARBLE V V Ay lViH -DEALERS IN- )U in -M0NUMENTS,-:-T0MBST0Nt; AND A-LL KINDS OF MARBLE. n in Give the very -best work, and use the very best material. All wort free of charge, and perfect satisfaction assured. Iri The Very Lowest Prices AlwV DURHAM; Nli C. Pine MerGhut ; Tailoring, GENTLEMEN ! Have received and am re ceiving finest line of strictly " imported samples ever brought to the ci. Clothing for gentlemen made up in newest styles. Best fits, best make, best trimmings. Satisfaction guaranteedor no charge . Prices as low as consis tent with work and quali ty of goods. WM. H. SMITH, Merchant Tailor, - Oxford, N C. Next Dor to Bank of Oxford. st tx t OTRAYHORN & WABi f Attorneys at L ' Will practice in the courts of Person and Caswell county. Hargrove's old law offrce J. R. ROLLER & AGENTS FOR TH Ei:EST v FIRE,LIFE arid ACCllu INSUKANCK -COMPAQ Office, Herndon UiorkJsoJ; DMINISTRATOR'S NOTltE r Letters of admHiistration oee cum testemento annexpujwn county, notice is hereby given ( , indebted to said estat e to come f make immediate paymeiu . cum testemento annexpujwn Peterson Thorp, deceased, nav been grantsd to me . bv H. .-, Clerk nf tlr Siinerior Court M persons holding claims agamst y usi present tiiem i v- tt:s(.' nd day of August. 1S91, orw r. m 22 be plead in bar of their recover?- Vf ;A. U,- Administrator de bonijs non c . toannexo of Peterson Tm. This Aug. 22nd, 1S9Q.

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