i THE DAY HAS THE . ; f arlrest City Circulation THE DAY r GIVES AW the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week; i of any paper published in Oxford j 1 Vol i'jie III. Number 8 OXFORD, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1890. Single CoriES : 3 Cts. j(y T. W. JACKvSON & CO. ecelred. To- TD-y : f Cases Oranges. 15 Bus. Scup'pernong Grapes. 10 Bunches Bananas. 500 Cocoanuts. 20 FEET !0F SHOW GASES KILLED. WITH THE 1-LTEST -:- CANDIES j " ''". -r- ..... - EVER " . Siio7"3a. In. Oz-cford.. T. W. JACKSON & CO. OXFORD, N. C: ' We Are Ready ! ARE YOU ? WE ARE READY T,,how you a brand new complete stock dg'jotls that will please you in price, style, racial, durability, assortment and in ewy other particular. ' WE ARE RfeADY To show you the latest and most fashion able Dress Goods atid.Trimmings.- WE ARE READY '... To show you a well-selected ' line of La cks' Wraps j Cloaks, Capes, Jackets and such. ! ! WE ARE READY '.j To show you the best an4 handsomest line of Ladies', Men's Boys and Children's Shots, made especially for us and unequall -td by any in this market. . WE ARE READY To show you Men's and Boys' Clothing of all kinds. Fit, make and style equal to custom work. " ' " ' WE ARE READY Toshow you Hats, made on the latest D.inlap ana Youman blocks. Soft and stiff Hats. j WE ARE READY Toshow you the greatest assortment of Men's and Ladies' Underwear. WE ARE READY . To show you the cheapest line of Carpets and Rugs evrr offered in Oxford or any where else. WE- ARE READY To show you House Furnishing Goods of everx description. WE ARE READY i ; To show! you Dinner and Tea Sets of decorated china. WE ARE READY To show you Trunks, Valises, Umbrel las, etc. WE ARE READY To show you a beautiful line of samples fr custom i work. Fits guaranteed or no sale. NOW IF YOU ARE READY Give us an', immediate call. We will do ur best to please you. Paris Bros., Herxdon Block No. i, Main Street. D R. J. E. WYCHE, IDZEILSTTIST, Oxford, North Carolina. Pure Nitros Oxide Gs administered for the painless extraction of teeth. ."Office in He'r-'on Bank Building. in Street D R. C. D. H. FORT. DENTAL, SURGEON, oxfordJn. c. Has r-.cently had his office refurnished and nv Ssapp'aratus for extracting feeth with tut fain.! Office over Haithcock's .drug NOTES OF THE BAY . THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The Minor Events About th.e City a Gathered by the Alert Reporters of The Day. A tall granite shaft is being erected inthe cemetery to-day to the memory of the late Abram Venable. Oxford is climbing steadily and surely. In the expressive slang of the day not this Day but some other day she ''get's there!" The warehousemen are up to their necks in business preparing for the opening of the new tobacco season, next Wednesday, Oct., i. . There will be fun, pure, fresh and unlimited, -at the "Colored Aristocra cy" performance next Wednesday night. The house will be crowded. The handsome pressed-brick front of the new bonded warehouse will be completed today. This building adds much to the appearance of the east side of College street. , j We have just received a beautifuliy executed coiored map of the West End Hotel and Iand Company of Winston; N. C. A number of most desirable lots will be put on sale October 7. The enlisted members of the Gran ville Grays Cornet Band t are request ed to meet in the courthouse tonight for the distribution of instruments and other business. The band will start practicing Monday night. Rev. W. L. Cuninggim will preach a special sermon to the ladies at the Methodist church tomorrow morning. Rev. J. T. Harris, superintendent of the Orphan Asylum, will occupy the jjulpit at the nigh: services. - J. L. Ludlow, a we", -known" civil engineer and waterworks contractor, is in correspondence with the city com missioners of Oxford, and is expec ted here soon on business in connection with a system of waterworks for our town. . - , :- The opera house has been rented for the next three months by A. S. Hall, F. B. Hays and H. W. Kronheimer, who promise to give the public a live theatrical season. A number of first class ompanies has been already booked. "Colored Aristocracy" at the Opera House next Wednesday night. Octo ber 1. A screaming, original burles que farce performed by first-class white comedians. It is something new un der the sun. Reserved seats are on sale at Furman & Hays' drugstore. Religious Services Tomorrow. Baptist Church. 9:45 a. m. Sun day school. 11 a. m., sermon by, Rev. J. S. Hardaway, pastor; 8:30 p. m., sermon. Presbyterian Church. 9 a. m., Sunday school at Opera House; T. D. Clement, superintendent. Service everY first, third and fifth Sundays, at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m., by Rev. Jos. Rennie, pastor. Methodist Church. Sunday schoolat9-2, a. m.; J. W. Hays, Esq., superintendent; 11 a. m., special ser mon to the ladies, by Rev. W. L. Cuninggim, pastor; 830 p.m., sermon by Rev. J. T. Harris, superintendent of the Orphan Asylum. Episcopal Church. 9 a. m., Sun day school. 11 a. m. , sermon by Rev. W.W.Walker, pastor; 8:15 p. m., sermon. A Bad Blow on the Head. L. T. Carnal!, a white man, and Roger Yancey, a negro, were "playing marbles near the city yesterday after noon, when a dispute' occurred and Yancey struck Carnall a blow on the head with a stick, splitting the .skull an inch or more and wounding him severely. Yancev was arresftd by Chief of piiVf T?pnn. and released on bond to t I1V.V. -A - - J appear for trial today. Guiis7rificsand pistol at J. E. .Edwards'. PURELY PERSONAL. The Doing mid Wh&boutt of Some : People Yo jllCnow; ' R W T. H. days. T. B. Clay is in fjjxford today. Southerlan&is home for a few Scott left this morning for Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lewis went to Henderson this morning. Job Osborn returned this morning from a short-trip to Durhan. Mrs. J. A. White an-d children are on a visit to relatives in Fayetteville. Bob Allen came back last night from a visit to eastern North Caro lina. W. A. Wilkinson came back after a week's stay with his father's family in Virginia. ;" ' Capt. A- H. A. Wilh'ams;,returhed to the city on the accommodation train last evening. f Misses Lizzie and Mamie Hobgood returned last evening from a shortj visit to Raleigh. Capt. John A. Williams, after a few days in; R?leigh and Durham, 'came T home list : night. ' ' . i Missi. Jessie Lewellin Arrived here from -Durham last night, .to spend. a few days' with her paren ts. - Miss- Maggie Kingsbury, of Wil mington, arrived in the city yesterday on a visit to relatives and friends. W. T. Adams, Democratic candi date tor the lower house of the State Legislature from -this county, was in the city yesterdaysafternoon. E. A. Hancock, of Hancock Bros. & Co.. large plug manufacturers of Lynchburg, Va., was in Oxford sever al days and left . yesterday to return. home. I r. Hancock is i- member of the firm of E. O. Bransford & Co., leaf dealers of Oxford. A Grand Opening. . The magnificent mercantile estab lishment of A. Landis & Sons will be handsomely decorated next Tuesday and Wednesday, September 30 and October 1, when the grandest opening ever had in Oxford will take place! Millinery good's in endless assort ment and most fashionable kinds will be shown.- Three hundred different shapes of ladies' and children's hats will be exhibited. Also ladies' dress goods, cloaks, wraps and jackets and dry goods of everydescription.. High art furniture carpets and rugs will be an important and beautiful part of the display. Do not miss it. An invitation is extended to everybody to attend this grand opening. Rates to Land Sale at Oxford. N. C. The Richmond and Danville Rail road will sell parties attending the Land Sale at Oxford, N. C, tickets to that point and return at follow ing rates from points named: Tickets on sale Oct. 9th, good returning until and including Oct. .13, 1890:., From Charlotte, $7-7J Salisbury, $6.45; Winston-Salem, 5-75; Goldsboro, $;.4o; Greensboro, 4.55; Durham, 190; Raleigh, $3.15; Selma, $4-55J Henderson, 70 cents. Rates from intermediate poiDts m same proportion. : : . . Winona, Miss., Jan. io, 1890. Mr. Wallace O'Learv : Dear Sir I feel that I am in gratitude bound to tell you how the Microbe Killer has benefitted me. For several years past J have been a great sufferer from indigestion and chronic diarrhoea and general nervous prostration. After having taken two jugs cifWm. Radam's Microbe K Her I find my self restored to health in ray nerves and my digest'on, and can eat vegetables without suffering any trouble. .1 most earnestly re commend it to all sufferers in that line as the i best remedy I have ever found, and will testify the same to any one who wishes to hear more from me,-as I have lived here in this town ten years and have a very exten sive acquaintance. Hoping all may be benefitted by this truly wonderful remedy, I remain yours truly, Vm. M. Coghii.i.. For sale byj. G. Hall. THE LATEST NEWS. SIFTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE BUSY READER. Happenings, In Nortli Carolina' and KUeyiheri1 ag Gathered front Today's Exchanges. - f The new census gives Danville, Va., a population of 10,285; an increase of 2,750, or 36.66 per cent. According to the Chicago Globe the men who hold offices- in connection with the World's Fair draw $70,000 salary. The foundations for a new furni ture factory at High Point have been laid. One building will be 120x80 and the other 100x80. The Egypt coal mines have been sunk 617 feet, and the coals has de veloped into a hardness and quality beyond all expectation. A bill has passed Congress providing that naval vessels of the first rate shall be named after States of the Union, those ot the second rate after cities, those of the third rate after important events or names connected with the naval history" of the United States, and thoseof the fourth rate after lakes and rivers. A special from Lexington, Va., last night says two cadets at the Virginia Military1 Institute, frank W. McCul locb, of Texas, and W. T. Taliaferro, of Gloucester county, Va., engaged in a personal encounter, in which fif teen rounds were fought. Two hours afterwards Taliaferro died, it is pre sumed, from the punishment received at the hands of McCulloch, s The affair has cast a gloom over the entire community W. P. Pickard, editor and president ox the j4ge--tlerald company, isirming ham. Ala., was this mornine arrested on a warrant charging him with pub lishing advertisements of the Louisana Lottery Company. The United States Commissioner held that each issue since last Friday was a separate offence and put him under a bond of $5,000 to await the action of the grand jury The bond was promptly given. Only onexopy of the law so far has reached Birmingham, that being in the hands of the postoffice inspector, who swore - - out the warrant. Millinery Opening. The ladies will be interested in the new advertisement in The Day of Mrs. O. O. White, announcing a grand fall and Winter millinery opening, Oc tober 1 and 2. The display will be most attractive, and will show a complete and elegant line of hats and bonnets of the latest designs and shapes, silk and velvet caps for children, fancy goods and the like. Mrs. White's reputation as a milli aier of taste and thorough knowledge of her business is well established in Oxford. The ladies are cordially in vited to attend the opening. Found. , . Quite a sum of money in the town of Ox ford. The owner can get the same by a description and paying for this advertise ment. Apply to C. P. Powell. At O. & C. 'Depot. Large stock sporting goods at J. F. Ed wards'. Will le Here September 29. Barney Wertheim, representing "the Bos ton" Clothing house, Schwarschild & Co., proprietors, of Richmond, Va., will be in Oxford on or about Sept. 25th to solicit or ders for Clothing, Hats, Furnishing, etc. Powdershot and loaded shells at J. F. Edwards'. Spirit Turpentine by the bottle, quart, gallon or barrel at the Oxford Drug Score. John P. Stedman. .. , - : , . Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safes will save money Jty calling on J. F. Ed wards. He is agent for Macneal & Ur band's Iron Sales. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stove. n use. at I. F, Edwards' The best SIX WAREHOUSES For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco t o be Hun Here Next Year. ' There will be six immense warehous es for the sale jqf leaf tobacco operated in Oxford the next tobacco year, which begins Vedttesday, October 1 . A team to run the sixth the Centre was formed yesterday, and is com posed of B. H. Cozart, T. C. Rogers and U. H. Cozart, who will do busi ness under the firm name of Cozart. Rogers & Co. j F. M. Meadows has been secured as auctioneer, and W. A. Wilkinson . wifl have charge of the books. . This new concern is live, energetic and will get its full share of patronage. The other five houses open another year, with their proprietorships, are: The Johnson, Da vis & Gregory; the Minor, R. V. Minor & Co.; the Meadows, Hurt, Cooper & Co., the Banner, Bullock & Mitchell, and last, but by no means the least, the Far mers' Alliance,-F. R. Knott manager. ' A New Railroad Invention. The Rockingham Rocket tells of a new invention- by J. A. land J. B. Wright, of that place. It is a machine which is placed inside the coach, at the front end, and automatically ex hibits a card, as the train approaches a station, bearing the name of the sta tion, how long it will remain, the change of cars; if any, to be made, &c. The machinery is very simple. It con sists of a large box in which is two smaller ones, one above the other. In the upper of these ' smaller boxes is placed the cards with the names of stations, &c., printed on them in bold letters. Wheti; the train gets within about a mile of a station it passes dver an incline that has been pinned to the cross ties. A rod projecting beneath the train touches the incline and sets in motion machinery connected with a box which rings a bell and displays a card bearing the name of the station just ahead. As the train leaves the station the card is automatically with drawn and deposited in the box below ready for the return trip. Rates to Cabarrus County Fair, Con cord, juorfh Carolina The Richmond & Danville Railroad will sell parties attending Cabarrus county Fair tickets to Concord, N. C, and return at following rates for the round trip from points named. Tickets on sale Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, good until and including Oct. 4th, 1890 : From Charlotte, 65cts.; Greensboro, $1.50; Winston-Salem, $2.00; Durham, 2.60; Raleigh, $3.20; Selma, 3.80; Goldsboro $4.20; Hen derson, $3.20.1 Rates from intermediate points in same proportion. v . ; -1 Rock Hill., N. C, March 24, 1890. Dr. J. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C: Dear Sir-I have been almost a life long sufferer from hereditary asthma, and after trying all known remedies from the patent medicine catalogue, and a great many phy sicians, I had almost given up when vou recommended the Microbe Killer, last De cember, and -1 have not had a paroxysm since. Wouldn't take $100.0 for the good it has done me. p Yours tr,u!y, ames A. Gill. For sale by J. G. Hall. . Rubber Belting and Packing at J. F. Ed wards'. . . . . , Do You Use Lamps I Have you seen those beautiful new parlor lamps at John P. Stedman's Oxford Drug Store? . ; - John P. Stedman's stock of drugs, medi cines, spices, toilet and " fancy articles is complete. Give him a call. New goods received every day. Boarder Wanted. Prof. Hobgood stthe Aiken house offers table board at $17.50, and with room, $15. ' ; . Candlea, : Lemons, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Bananas, re ceivedat the Oxford Drug Store. John P. Stedman. Be sute'to call and see the Mantel Bed stead at J, A. Wkbb's, The Furniture. Dealer. --re.

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