J L. pfHE DAY THE DAY GIVES " All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. HAS THE . I t qrest City Circulation 1 L'"1 111 i of an v paper puDiisnea in Oxford. UME III. Number 30 . OXFORD, K. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1890. Single Copies: 3 CtsI (U Iff) . y . S &5 CASES-' r ACKERS ! Lunch Milk, Cream Spray, , XXX Soda, Mushroom, Knic Knacks, Graham Wafers, Ginger Snaps, r - ; : ,e carry the only First-CI line of Crackers in the City ass alifornia Pears, alifornia Peaches, Malaga Grapes, Catawba Grapes. Delaware Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, CHESTNUTS! nvKitid of Candy. Gum Drops 10 cents per pound. T. V. JACKSON & CO., . Ifcrndon Block No. 3, Oxford, N. C SAUSAGE ! HECEILER'S Fine Pork Sausage RECEIVED DAILY AT B. M. OVERTON S GROCERY. First-Class Groceries, Fancj' md Staple, always on hand. NEW GOODS! A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SIL VERWARE, SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS. A!soa new stock of watches of all kinds. If you are iu need of a reliable timepiece call and secure it from JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER: m COAL! S. W. PARKER,! DEALER IN Anthracite Coal. Nutt, Egg and Stove. Pocahontas Coal. Lump. Gay ton Red Ash Coal. Free of Dirt and Trash. Leave your orders now for vour winter's sPpIy. Office and yard on McCiannahan street. 100 FARMS 100 Houses and Lots, FOR SALE IN Mecklenburg taty, Virginia. BY LAND AGENTS, Coydton, Mecklenburg Co., Var 8rYrite to them for particu lars. Wedding presents. New line of Silver-Plated Ware. Finar than I have ever carried before. Call and see them. FRED. N. DAY.'Jewblbr, commercial Avenue. - Oxford, N. C. I NOTES GF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. T l . lr 1 . A . - ... - . - . . a- - cvnii Aooui 1 ike city a uauicren uy tfte Alert Reporters of Tlie Day. Tlr; weather has cleared off beauti fully. A masquerade bail in the near fn ture is spoken of. R. S. Usry's two new brick store houses are being roofed. Many Oxford people went in bug gies to Berea today, to attend the big Democratic speaking. Oxford has few if any loafers. Everybody here is a, work and there is work for everybody to do! Dr. B. F, Dixon will lecture on "Moths" at the Opera HouFe tonight. Everybody is going to hear him. ineyare butting more ana more dry wood under ihe political pot, and it is not far from the boiling point. Weather wise men say that as it cleared up in the night we will have more rain within the next two or three days. We see from the Orphans' Friend that Miss Sue Hall is instructing an art ciass at the Asylum every Saturday afternoon. The owners of good bird dogs are very popular just now. "Jest want to borrow your dog awhile tomorrow ken I have him V The new bonded warehouse build ing is almost finished, and will son be ready for the storage of thousands of hogheads ot tobacco. The tobacco sales warehouses today had well-filled floors and the farmers went home with well-filled pockets. That is a way Oxford has. B. M. Overton, the Commercial Avenue grocer, announces in our ad vertising columns that he is receiving daily Heckler s fine pork sausage. How about putting signboards on the corners of the streets, city com missioners? They won't cost much and they are needed. It is a pretty hard thing to do now to direct a stranger about the city. Capt. A.. H. A. Williams friends here are in good spirits oyer the news irbra the district. Everything is fav orpble to his election by a big major ity. Williams and Brower will speak at Greensboro tomorrows Coming Events. i 1 - Our brother of The Day announces a few more marriages to come off soon. Whose ? Orphans Friend. We would like to oblige our sister of the Friend by giving the informa tion asked for, but really we must not, you know ! Custom throws the veil of secrecy over these tender : affairs until a few days before the nuptials are celebrated, and, if we get inklings of the coming events, we are forbid to tell them in Gatb or whisper them in Askalon. But, believe us, the wedding bells will ring oft and merrily in Oxford town ere the roses bloom again.. Dr. Dlxon't Lecture on "Moths." Dr. B. F. Dixon is here and in the best of trim, and will tell the Oxford people something interesting and in structive about "Moths" at the Opera House tonight. The lecture will begin at eight o'clock. Let us give the doctor a rousing big house. He deserves it, and besides the proceeds will go towards building a new parsonage for the M. E. Church, Oxford Circuit. Reserved seats 50 cents, for sale at J. P. Stedman's drugstore; general ad mission 25 cents; gallery 15 cents, y- Guns, rifles and pisto1-at J. F. E v. snV-V PHANTOM PARTY. A Ghostly Assembly lu Armory Hall Last Niglit--Plenty Fun. Armory Hall could have held a few more people very comfortably last night The attendance was not large, the weather being bad; nevertheless the Phantom Party was a success finan cially and in the way of enjoyment. The ladies and gentlemen were wrapped in white sheets and wore white masks, and it - was difficult to - - - "spot" a particular person or even dis tinguish the sexes. Some amusing mistakes occurred, of course. One young man looking on was fooled several times by disguistd men whom he took for women. Finally when a young1 lady really approached him and offered to shake hands1; he, thinking she was a man, told her to go to the -place of fire, sulphur and brim stone. She gave a feminine shriek and he collapsed with horror. V Another looker on jn Venice acci- dently stepped on a masker's foot, and bowing most profoundly, said: "Miss i numDiv keg your pardon tor my "Ft awkwardness.". The sheeted figure leaned over and whispered in his ear in a masculine voice : "Go to thun der, dog gone you !" .' ' At about eleven o'clock the sheets were taken on ana the anair wound up with agerman. Many of Oxford's fairest young ladies ajnd most gallan young men were on the floor. There were also a number of visitors. Tables with ice cream and cake were at one end of, the Hall and were liber ally patronized. Between thirty and forty dollars was raised for the Gran' ville Grays Cornet Band. ; ; To Help Rebuild Rutherford College. Rev. Dr. R. L. Abernethy's lecture on "The Human Soul and Mind," at i the Opera House last night, was a very fine one, and appreciated by the intel ligent audience present. It showed deep thought and research. His chart showing the faculties of the mind was original, and . his explanations lucid and entertaining. Dr. Abernethy told of the destruc tion by fire of Rutherford College in August last, of the heavy loss he sus tained, of the charitable character and work of his institution, and appealed to his hearers to help him rebuild and start again the; education of indigent vouths in North Carolina. A number of contributions were made, out we are not ?d vised of the amount raised i mmm Stoves For Sale. Prof. Hobgood has a large lot - of second hand coal and wood stoves for sale. Apply lo him. Chewing Tobacco. "Matinee" You all know the brand. Five boxes received today at - The Oxford Drug Store. John P. Stedman. . mmm Three or four boarders wanted. Three dollars a week. Rooms furnished. Ap ply to L. E. Wright. Lost t Np.ir the Eoiscooal Church a watch charm. Please return to C. R. Blackley. Grapes, 25 cents a basket, drug store, next to postoffice. at Couch's 50 Harvey's Elementary Grammars- -45 cts., at the Oxford Book, Store. 100 Harrington Spellers Oxford Bookstore. -20 -cts., at the Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safe will save money by calling on J, F. Ed wards. He is agent for Macneal & Ur baud's Iron Safes. . : 25 Webster's Primary V Dictionaries 25 cts., at the Oxford Book Store. Large stock sporting goods at J. wards'. F. Ed- THE LATEST NEWS. SIFTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE BUSY READER. Haiipenfngg In. North Elsewhere as Gathered Carolina and from Today's Exchanges. Mrs. Grover Cleveland opened" the Birmingham, Ala., fair on Monday by pressing an electric button at Lenox, Mass. The Police Board of Baltimore has ordered a recount of the population of that city, to be made by the police , in November. It is officially announced that the Soldiers'Home at Raleigh is now open for the reception of a limited number of needy Confederate veterans. The First National Bank of Durham, which was burned out yesterday morn ing, resumed business this morning in Blackwell s old drugstore, corner -of Main and Corcoran streets. Gov, Gordon, of Georgia, last night received an appeal for troops from the sheriff of Coffee Co., who telegraphed that the negroes were shooting down the whites. The scene is twenty miles from the nearest telegraph station and no particulars are obtainable. The Governor has authoiized an ex charge of courts between Judge Graves and Judge McRae, by which Judge McRae, will hold Cumberland county court beginning Nov. ,10, and Judge Graves will hold Person and Caswell courts Person beginning November 10 2nd Caswell November 17. Earnest C. Row, a young newspa per man of New Haven, Conn., arrived in San Francisco Tuesday night with a safety bicycle, .which he had ridden clear across the American continent, as far as Ogden, with the exception of about 700 miles r over a .rough, almost roadless country when he walked. The journey was commenced August Henry Gillman, United States Con sul at Jerusalem, has informed the State Department that three locomo tives of American make have arrived at Jaffa for the Jerusalem and Jaffa Kaiiway. "it is 01 interest to our - - - citizens and indeed, the entire world," says Mr. Gillman, "to know that the nrst locomotives ever used in tnis an cient land were made in the new world, in the United States ot Ameri- ca. W. R. Herndon, of Durham, has been indicted bv the grand iury of Durham county for the murder of Sis Meacham. He is, in jail. Wednes day, says the Durham Globe, the stove pipe in his cell got loose in some way and the smoke poured in upon him in volumes. He yelled and called until he exhausted himseit and oecame so weak that he could scarcely move. By some good fortune, he was discovered in his almost perished condition and rescued. Dr. Johnson remained with him a great part of the night. An Asheville, N. C, dispatch says : Rhoda Morrison was killed in a brutal manner by her husband, H. T. Mor rison, near here last Thursday. Ihe couple have Jived : in Asheville for a year, navmg come irom Anderson county, S. U. 1 hey quarreled several days ago and she left him, going to the house of her brother, Will Sullivan. Morrison went. to the house Thursday evening while Sullivan was away and, after, beating his wife, dragged her away, rier oody was tound on ijeo. Vanderbilt s place, two miles from her brother's house, Saturday morning. There were, two bullet holes in the breast and one in the temple. Her hroat was horribly cut. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stove. The besl in use, atj. tdwards' Be sure to call and see the Mantel Bed stead at J. A. Webb's, The Furniture Dealer. 50 Harvey's Revised Grammars 70 cts., at the Oxford Book Store; Potato onions and sets at R. H. McGuire's. "Delineator" Fashion Magazine fr N'o- veinber, at the Oxford Book Store. PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings and Whereabouts of Some People You Know. R. T. Smith was in Raleigh yester day. ; f, " Richard Saunders, of Durham, is in the city today. jV ; Capt. R. V. Minor returned last night from a visit to Durham. Rev. Dr. Black, presiding elder of this district, came to I Oxford this morning. j Wm. RhinedolJar, of Bajtimore, Md., the well-keown commercial hus tler, is in the city today. Mrs. Hicks, who was. here visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. j.Landis, took her departure this mornjng. Rev. Dr. B. F. Diion, of the Greensboro Female. College, arrived in the city oh the mornjng train. H. Fields, who has large building contracts at Roxboro, is spending a few days with his family in the city. J. W. Mark ham ran over from Durham this morning! to see how things are gitting along at his store here. , ..!.'.; Miss Pannie Stainback, of Rich mond county, N. C, has returned to the city, and is the guest of Mrs. Dr. J. M. Emmitt. ' 1 - 1. Gen. W. R. Cox came in on the morning train, and left a short while afterwards for Berea to deliver an ad dress. It is said that ex-Gov. Jarvis and Hon. E. C. Beddngfield, who are also booked to sjjeak a Berea today, got off the train at Stem. A New Boole. Southern War Songs, j. Camp Fire, Patriotic and Sentimental, collected and arranged by W. L. Fagan, of Ala bama. Numerous illustrations. Price, $3.50. New York: M. ,T. Richard son & Co., Publishers, 1S90. This comprises by .all odds the most complete collection of Southern War Songs "ever brought together in one volume; in fact no attempt ever seems to have been made to present even a limited number of these songs in a manner worthy of their' merits. The illustrations, by one of New York's most talented artists, are ' numerous and spirited. The author in his pref ace says : . ' , ."Emotional literature is always a correct exponent of public sentiment, and these songs index the passionate sincerity of the South at the time they were written." The book is endorsed by many distinguished Southern ihen, includ- ing Senators Carlisle and Blackburn, of Kentucky, Senator Brown, of Geor gia, Senator Pugh, of Alabama, Hon. Chas. F; Crisp, of Georgia, -General Beauregard and General Longstreet. Senator, Brown says in his comments on this elegantvolume j "Whether the reader belonged to the Federal or Confederate army, he will find in the songs a deep vain of patriotic sentiment, which must com mand his ad .-ni ration." Senator Cot k rell, of Missouri, says : "'Tis the first and only collection of the sort I have ever seen that is complete and satis factory." A group of Con federate, flags in col ors forms the frontispiece. This book seems particularly adap ted for birthday and holiday pres ents. ; Women and men possessed of a good address ought to 'do : well selling' this attractive work. Old Government McGuire's. Java Coffee at R. H Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gare her CaMoria. When the was a Child, she cried f or Castori, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, 6he caTe them Cast erla. Bananas 30c. doz. at Couch's drujretore, next to postoffice. . Tablet billheads 36 totabletio cents. at the Oxford Book Store. Orapees 30c. doz. at Couch's drugstore, next t6 postoffice.