TH1S1 DAY. ARIJAIQIf HG, THE G. O; P. 3 H. W. KRO.MIEIMEIl, Editor, CJxildron Cry fo PITCSKB'S .GMtodaJa W.3FeBJJted p chndron that I jvcttmraendit as superior to Any -prescription ktuwn to rmv"- . , ., H. A. ARCfllR. M. P., Ill Soullx Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y ruBusHEp every afternoon (except! in apeecp in JMcJMBjey s district suNpAT, at hrnpqh .swjck no. x. in Qhid Governor HillJdf New Wtirk. thus" arraigns the Republican party : "It ha'ifirrmir1 its mninritv in th SUDSCHDllon locentii a week-. Fnm h. . . ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will House of Representatives by arbitran- Z , u -r vu"CCUOBS-1 40- penis per jy ejecting Democrats Irom therreeats; i Oar advertisins rates are verv inwfnr I has stolen the renresenUtionoL .one time. . Havin? A thorough itv rtrrnlgtlnn I rhf 'TTnirtf-i'.QHtf whrtc- nntw 0lrrt and reaching daily, ft njuinbejipfjrat-offices , j ; .u u -n n I X3atsJhi my jetfqe,p 40rjdit in this and surroundingunties; it is a admission, is that tjiey.will, swell Re-l.spocjtkaak" TSSi adieTssrrr-H .. flm;;j pubIican tratorts-and executors notices, commis-sentation to Democratic territories "From errsoaal knowledge I can w,that sioners" and trustees MW'.summnn ,tn I i i j r o..t rbutoriaisa most excellent medicine for cnu- non-residents. etc.. will be rharaedLfor ii "uu" .iw oiwcnqqa A-P-apS, legal rates, except, whenbey exceed a cer- 1 91 n !imi I nf rwooo' " . b!l. . - J business must h JPAin PHD IM inJnn;1 J i ri overcomes VANCE. The charged very small and we T T r T r " " TtraTthe cMlT isler Ihy ite rannnf afford : I the Sneaker of the Hnnsf ? has snnnn.l inus me cnua is renaereu awuuijr ouuiw H.ufci peryonstqpar, . ; dered the. treasury, surplus by extrava-1 atorphiiie or .other narootij prppertiy. .-1" 9 i Lowell, Mass. k promote Jlffm, and Tlatulencyv OonsfapatjioB, flour Entered at the PostOfiace.. at Oxford aslerant aDDronriatioris to rnnriliate nar- sernn1.rl mall : 'i ' - , , -;"r . r , .;i tr nuertis : nas enaciea a rannj OXFORD, N. jC. Saturday, I bill which will supply corruption funds October 24, 1899J I for BlecQl?s ; na3 conducted the .cen sus, qenouncea every wner.e as useless, and manipulated for counting Repub lican, population up and Demacratic population down and has threatened the enactment of the force bill, which will put an end to State authority in the certification ,of federal elections, and make Congress not , represen tati ve cjf the people but ,the creature of what- A DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR JUOOE FIFTH DISTRICT: ROBT. V. WINSTON, of Granville. FOR CONGRESS FIFTH DISTRICT! A. H. A. WILLIAMS, of Granville. FOR SOLICITOR FIFTH DISTRICT: EDWARD 8. PARKER, of Alamance. 5i POUNDS OF Granville Comity Ticket, For Sheriff. James A. Cjkws, ' ..A AC... mm CV IIP For Supettor Court Clerk.WiLLUM A. eyermen federal officers may .choose to For Register of Deeds. Robert T. Dak- CQUnt in jj l . For Coroner Jambs A. Renn. mr.( , Fnr .nrvpvnr TrnurYr no rn- YV install Sentinel. For the Senate. G. L. Allen. : 1 The farmers Alliancei speakincr rw Uie . riOUSe.---VV. X. ADAMS. I. K Ithmnnh tm hntan ;;.4 COLE. I .0 T-i 1 organ,, oecxetary ujcaaingneiafaecwresj :nnai mere is no; -.point.. ot inction or cause, of conflict between the masses. of Ills FOR SALE BY A KADICAli TRICK. J ol.) ()s )orn Solicitor Strayhorn is out Jn a card of North Carolina and the announcing hirnself a& an independent Democratic party and he- urges all canaiaate tor re e MERCHANDISE BROKER. not seen his card, luuu,: u agii(-u4iuiai ;inuubtry 10, , iay, Something Ele- price. but see. .from ths UciHftnoiitiVai m w9r.,n A amaniv . fZInir thaf Via irmnMaio u: 1 i -i . . i" 10 ' --' uii-v aJU, uouwou pi cuiiCLtlUUS, . mm party and alludes to his being a farmer.- sustain and support the party which gfJl X. 3. What a tran5TvTtit trir kof in every emercencv. on all occasions O . . Si the1' sfh0" SSffi Buy at once or yon bean all the way thrcoigh, and, recqg- gling masses. , The appeal, comes at U. , . mting , me nopeiessjiess at running opportune, moment in the affairs of rjrciv r)0 tOO 13.LG under his true -rolors. tr iiinnrt J our 'common country, when1 all "mm I. -J 1 wink' the people. :But h'e cannot fool must ee that the legislation of the anyone with three grains of sense. Hryl rjii- r ,j 6 t , sectional, and that it behooves North The. farmers won y even ni bljle such Carolinians to stand .together, , for the - OF NEW YORK. "'SIX,. ADAMS, i . cial district AgeDt Assets Over $io3ooo,ooo.oo. T. L. ALFRIEND, Manager, Richmond, Virginia POIJCIBSQNrFaREEITABLE ANDr INCONTETABLETmj MOST LIJBMI. POLICIES ISSUED. ( . : ' . .1 ..; . . ' . iJtOver 82 per cent of. entire Assets Invested in Real Estate bonds and mortgages a larger proportion than any other Co pany. ; ' i i t"Thou shalt insure thy Life, for the benefit of (thy family," anj "The Washington ' ' is the Company. It ranks with the best, and points .with pride to its record of .thirty years. Claims pin jrfROMFTJLY. m w m mm SOMETHING EXTRA CHOICE. I i PRICE CEWES. FOR SALE AT ALL OF THE STORES, For Them. Try Them. 'HE BANKING HOU3E OF t. C. COOPER' SONS ' HE .BANKING HOUSE QV J.. C. COOPER & SONS, DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSIN SOLICITS THE; ACCOUNTS OF- if Banks, Merchants, Farmers, Corporations, House-keepers and others. Even ' j . ' . . . i . . ....... . - . ' accommoaation consisient witrt.sounq banking extended to its customers NORTH STATE 'MUSIC CO C. G. STONE, Manager. a bait. common good of our Statp anH spr. It takes a lawyer jtofill the position toh,and for the gerierat welfare of one WOOTTON'S PATENT WIRE Tokceo laapps ! of solicitor, and a good lawyer at that! Capt. Edward $ Parker is head end countycww. shoulders .above Mr Ike.Strayborn m 1 i,,c:n oc"c canaioarqs : m ARE THE BEST' everv resnerti nH h; U th. nnm;n.; V""-7 r.anq iiegisiativo v . , ; ' of .he Di ipany: Haods SSa simplest, and Cheapest Wire fairly and sauarelv ';bef6re the beonlel . Youne'sX Roads. MnhHav.Ort i 1 Hanp-ers in the Mnt-lrf . Q ' .Ka.MAkVVt fairly and squarely before the people Young's X Roads, Monday, Oct. 27, by Capt. Parker. He is -wbrthy ! b , " Wednesday, Oct. a9. undivided sup: The.,, i:;; rsays: We will pit; our candidate Oxford, Saturday, Nov.' 1. against him (Mr. Strayhorn) as-a farm- ' -rut? VdVimb" ' er or lawyer; any day. 1 hat we. wul, Um Tlie Leaves Only ! wan. We claim that.these hungers are cheaper man anjrmner; are aetacftaDle. and -any iiMi u&cw,pctvic; jnur&ar;Um JVt-M AV. - I V and any unbiased man will decide . in , oxford & clarksville r. r. Capt. Farter's tavori I. mJ V "" - cured, wnbarnr tobacco brihbeetrW 1 ... ,:M.bruis vr.jB.vri'w. - I .- 4uu. t". ol. . I luei anuuiue. 'Any Darn can De used'. am- and a. m. . vvriy ixilxm k. . aorent: If thev da not keen me nx Mrun pampniet.ior 5i cenl&.poetage. Inauire for them of vour stnrptppnpr nr IS. . ,',. , :f-I- : j agenu- umey aanociceeptnem sentl to i to misrepresent the Republicans, and 1 rains arrive 10:15, a. mm and 3:30, Puce ooc tpoowith sticks. r. . ,$5, we therefore quote t.hefolbwing:frpm p- M., and 7:45, p. m. : Price per 1,900 hangers only . . . . 4 a recent issue of'rrR.Vhmnm 7,Wr: V&1 QQ 5q M and. 4:25,. p.. m. :.rof. a. "Some time aeo the 7imes comment ed upon an editorial which was at- Children -Cry for -Pitcher's Castorfa. tributed to the Philadelphia. .V'f.c.bit terl v Hennnrifltorv of thp-PJonth. Sfnr; CharnbeT ' r -.,1-- ..j..w; then the Vwx has announced that the ' editorial neyej i&pear iL in itsolumns.; ,a? c AGENTS W ANTED. The-JJWj takes-tms xpporttmity off 1 ? i. J,. . Chamber it unwittingly gave circulation." s We- saw trrattrle tin-' the Ttfktrs, rferS reproduced it our columns, and had Sjdebotvrds . . -uz... : tJ. nr. Sideboards u ' ..rj-..- Sideboard to prove it, that the legislation of the Republican party is intended to des troy Southern industries, and ;kill; out commercial rivalry from our section. The McKinley tariff bill and the lxxJge election bill, were framed, with.that ,en d in view. ' Chamber Suits. Hanger ;Majiafg.r:&5.; Houston, Halifax Co., Va ; ' Desks.': Desks; j Desks. Desks. Sewing Machines. Democrats, stand , together ! We can and WILL carry Granville! .Machines., Sewing Machines. ANTIQUE OAK The Newest, Handsome est Farniture on the f i' "Market.- ; ; ;. ;; ;;;OXFORI;N.X;: , Wili5tnakesurvevs.rif anv :kinfi.' .uritYi chamber suits in walnut maps plans ana estimates. ' ' ;'" and natural cherrYa, tUtface at Osbornr House. . I Srdeboards W a l nut,' Anr tique.Oak, ;XV1 Century. Rolled, Cyclmder and Flat Top.lJesks - ; Rotary Shuttle- Standard iewing JVlactunes. J. A. WEBB, THE--. Furniture Dealer. First-glass 2tioeniakeiii: I JESSE RATLEY, -- THE SHOE MAKER. ' ,7 have recertlv moved to Oxford, and ask a share of your patronage. Best of work. Shop in Minor, building over J. VV. Fuller's 1 siore. . - RALEIGH, N. C. OR OXFORD, 'N; C. otanaara. ri- H- Tl 4 . -jf . m ; -1 v 1 a. - IWAI M A' k MTrTQTr. anos or Organs at remarkably Ipw prices and easy terms. The "ItraiLicrh & Bach? Pianos have no supe rior. Send for cata logues. J will cosi you a posta' card to write for prices. We will sa.Yf . . .. " 1 - I you from 25 b 75 per cent., of Pianos and IS tn 4) oer cent on Organs. CO EMERSON'S PJANOS. Are the best in Americca; moneys ? Write fox prices and terms . 1 PIANOS from $160 ORGANS from. -$30.00 dp- Getouroncesj all means; M will save l rmoney. we sold more PIANOS t - j In the past J " 12 months than every other dealer iii. North Caroli-? na combined. Get pur pri- 1 ces STATF. MTT.qTr. CO NQR1 m mm iii t The "AlU LER" is 1 acknowi ed leading rnn : of ? world. h "KIMBAW is the best Of' world C money. VJ T1S. ?-H STATP K4TTcrr i"C KAI.MGH, N.C., OR OXFORD, N. C.