r THE DAY THEDAY HAS THE largest City Circulation Sofanv paper published in ; Oxford. GIVES All the pews of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. me III. Number 42 OXFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 189(V Single Copies: 3 Cts. 425 C3LSESJ0- r ACKERS ! Lunch Milk, Cream Spray, XXX Soda, Mushroom, Knic Knacks, Graham Wafers, Ginger Snaps, Rented to-dy t r, carrv the only First-Class fine oi Crackers m trie lty. nlifornia Pears, California Peaches, Malaga Urapes, Catawba Grapes, Delaware Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, CHESTNUTS ! 10 cents perrpound. T. W. JACKSON & CO., lerndun Block No. 3, Oxford, N. C. 100 FARMS 100 Houses and Lots, FOR SALE IX feilenkrg Kounty, Virginia. BY HORP 6Z CUBTIS, LAND AGENTS, Sojdton, Mecklenburg Co., Va. iWrite to them for particu lars. SAUSAGE ! Fine Pork Sausage kECEIVED DAILY AT B. M. OVERTON S GROCERY. First-Class Groceries, Fancy Staple, always on hand. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIPTED A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SIL VERWARE, SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS. Also a new stock of watches of all kinds. ''VOU arp in nrl rf a rliah1f timpniece and secure it from W. H, LYUGH, 'fW'ELER AND WATCHMAKER. 0. II. LEW ELLIN, IERCHANT TAILOR, OXFORD, N. C. . 4iUC lut j7a.11 ciiiu m the latest and most fashionable Satisfaction Guaranteed. cleaning ana pressing in tne neatest and most eieganc WCheapastbe Cheapest! !,Up stairs next door north of restore. ' NOTES OF THE DA?. i THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The Minor Events About the City! as Gathered toy the Alert Reporters ! of The Day. The man who does not enthuse over the election returns is not a good Dem ocrat. - B. K. Hays entertained a party of gentlemen friends with a sumptuous supper at his father's residence last night. The Oxford Literary Society will meet to-night at the residence of J. W. Hays, Sr. " King Lear" will be dis cussed. ! The Oxford Book Store has samples of very handsome and stylish engraved stationery, and is taking orders for these goods. The ordinance of baptism will ;be administered to quite a number o candidates at the Baptist church to morrow evening at 4 o'clock. The West Oxford Land Company is disposing of its stock very rapidly The daily average is between one and two thousand dollars' worth. It was against the city ordinances to set off fireworks last night, and al though the policemen kept a sharp lookout, they didn t catch many o the boys who violated the law. The Public Ledger will change back to weekly. This is done at the request of its farmer subscribers, the majority of whom only go to the post office once a week for their mail. Ten thousand dollars' worth o stock in the cotton factory of the Ox forJ Land Improvement and Manufac turing Company has been sold to peo pie in the city in the past week. Good sales have been made elsewhere, lit will not take many weeks to place al the shares. PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings and Whereabouts of Some People You Know. -R. I. Rogers, of Durham, is in the city today. Miss Eva Whitfield went to Warren county today. A. G. Gump, of Baltimore, Md., is in Oxford today. Fred. J. Crews and L. Thomas came from Raleigh this morning. J. B. Roller returned yesterday af ternoon from a visit to Chase City, Va. Col. John Wimbish, of Halifax county, Va.. is in the c ty visiting his son, r. 13. vvimDisn. B. F. Taylor left this morning to see his family, who are staying at Franklinton until his new residence is completed. Williams' Majority. Capt. A. H. A. Williams' majority is increasing, it is learned omciany that he carried Forsyth by 472, Guil ford bv ai a and Caswell bv 12. At j 1 . j this rate of gain over the figures here tofore reoorted. his maioritv will reach 2,00. i Brower,! with all his boasting and harp political tricks, couldn't carry a single county in the district. I A Mad Cat. A cat, supposed to have been mad, . . . I . 1 if .L j 1 was killed near me lvieauows Warehouse this morning. The animal attempted to bite every person it came across, and iu its frenzy even bit sav agely at the wooden fences along the street. It succeeded in getting its teetn into a colored child before a bullet from a pistol put it to eternal rest. . . - j For Rent. Two rooms on first floor. Suitable for dressmakers. Apply to this office, j ; ; j ' Just In. Handsome line of Seal Plush and Astra- kan Capes just in store. See them,' j I1AKT Oc lAWKtiXl.t. SERENADING THE VICTORS. Music, Fireworks and 'Enthusiasm Speeches toy Williams and Winston. The Democrats had something of a jubilee over their great victory, in Ox ford last night. The Granville Grays' Cornet Band headed a procession of enthusiastic citizens and marched to the residence of Capt. A. H. A, Wil liams, Democratic Congressman-elect. When his beautiful 4wn was reach ed, the band struck up a patriotic tune; the boys sent upky -rockets, fired ro man candles, and exploded giant- crackers, and the men broke into wild yells and cheers. After everal pieces of music were rendered, there was a great cry for "WilliatA," and the gallant Captain appeared on the front porch. He made a brief, graceful speech, expressing his appreciation of the hon t r conferred upon him. He said it was not a gang of revenue officers and marshals, such as would have visited his competitor if successful, he saw before him, but patriotic, liberty-loving people. He congratulated them up on carrying the county, and gloried in the party's success, State and national. Y In 1892," he said, amid shouts of applause, "we will put Grover Cleve land in the White House again !" Dr. E. T. White, Chairman of the Democratic County Executive Com mittee, S. W. Cooper, Treasurer elect, Capt. John A. Williams and B. S. Royster, were called upon for speech es, and each responded briefly and happily- Then there was more music, and the band and people marched over to the other end of the city to pay their respects to Hon. R. W. Winston, next Superior Court Judge from the Fifth Judicial District. Again fire works illuminated the skies and hearty hurrahs awoke the echoes of the night. Judge Winston came out in obedience to the invita tion of the crowd. Of course,he said, being elected to a iudicial office he could not make them a political speech. He spoke pleasantly a few minutes and retired. This ended the. demonstration. The procession returned down town and dispersed. Telegram to Mr. Brower.. An Oxonian sent the following tele gram yesterday evening : Oxford, N. C, Nov. 6, 1890. John M. Brower, Mt. Airy, N. C. You are found guilty by a jury 01 the Fifth Congressional District of the indictments charged by Hon. A. H. A. Williams, of Granville. I Jno. B. Booth. New Pawls. lot torchon lace opened today at Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safe will save monev bv calling! on J. F. Ed wards. He is agent for Macneal & Ur band's Iron Safes, j ; For Sale. tiful chestnut ! sorrel mare, eieht vears old. centle. sound, any body can drive her: with a trood harness and phaeton: for sale cheap for cash.) Apply; to Rev. Joseph Rennie, Chase City, Va. Samples of Carpet. I will have on exhibit for ten daj's a large and beautiful assortment of samples of car pet, from one of the largest) manufacturers. Prices way down. isuy now, ior carpets will be higher. : i Jos. A. Webb. Mrs. Wood's S Infaliable Salve at J. Couch's drugstore Best in the World. Guns, rifles and pistol at Ji F. Edwards' it i: ..' i For Sale. ! I will sell on reasonable terms, my cot Lanier street. tage residence situated on It is nearly new. j J. A. Lewis, Uxlord, N. C .Grapes 10 cents alb. Couch's drugstore. SUMMING IT UP. GREAT DEMOCRATIC GAINS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. The Triumph is Not a Sectional One --It is a Tidal 'Wave, SureSeven Senators Probably, Gained. The Raleigh News-Observer this morning sums up the result of the election as follows : New Hampshire Democratic on popular vote. Democrats gain Gov ernor, both congressmen, and elect the legislature, securing a Democratic Senator in place of Blair. Massachusetts Democratic on pop ular vote. Democrats gain Governor and four congressmen. Rhode Island Democratic on pop ular vote, gain both congressmen. Connecticut- Democratic on pop ular vote, gain two congressmen. New York Gain five congressmen, and the Legislature, securing a United States Senator in place of Evarts. New Jersey Gain two congress men. , Pennsylvania Democratic Govern or and gain three congressmen. Ohio Gain nine congressmen, and beat Mclvinley and Foster. Illinois Gain five congressmen, elect the legislature, which secures a Democratic successor to Senator Far well. Indiana Gain one congressman. Michigan Gain Governor and six congressmen. ' Wisconsin Elect Peck Governor, four congressmen and a legislature, securing Vilas as successor to Senator Spooner. Minnesota Gains Governor and four Congressmen Iowa Elect Democratic Governor and gain four Congressmen. . Kansas Farmers' Alliance elect a Governor, gain six opposition Con gressmen and legislature, which will elect seme good man successor to In galls. Nebraska Gain Governor and two Congressmen. In South Dakota the Farmers' Alli ance have the legislature, which elects a successor to Senator Moody. In Colorada, the Democrats claim tne legislature, wnicn elects a succes sor to Senator Teller. Qur count makes the House stand 96 Republicans; Democrats, including the Farmers Alliance, 235. One va cancy in Rhode Island, where the election did not count. The Demo crats have 130 majority. The Republicans lrse seven United States Senators apparently, with Call fornia yet to hear from. Rates to Laying Corner Stone at Trin ity College, Durham, N. C. For above occasion the Richmond & Danville R. R. Co. will sell tickets to Durham N. C, and return, at fol lowing rates for round trip, from points named. Tickets to be on sale for trains due to arrive in Durham on af ternoon and evening of Nov. 10th, and morning of Nov. nth, limited, returning Nov. 13th, 1890. From Charlotte, $6.75; Greensboro, $2.95. Winston-Salem, 4.30; Hen derson, $2.45; Raleigh, $1.65; Selma, 2.(k: Goldsboro. i.8e:. Rates from intermediate points in same propor tion. Handsome line of Envelope Openers in ivory, cocoabola and ebony, at Oxford Book Store. ! Turner's N. C. Book Store. Almanacs at the Oxford Shannon's Standard File and Pen Ex tractor combined 25 cents at Oxford Book Store, i Bananas 25 cts. store. ; ' I . i a dozen. Couch's drug Shannon's Single Arch at Oxford Book Store. File 40 cents- Big bargains: in tinware at Rawls. j - j : . Buy the Excelsior Cook Stove. The best in use, at .1. Edwards' If you want a frame made for a crayon oil painting, or any kind of pictura, go to Bj-inkley's Photograph Gallery, FRESH HROM THE PRESS. Happenings in North Carolina and Elsewhere From Today' Papers. Chicago is puilding a Masonic tem ple eighteen stories high. - J. B. Suttle a student at Wake For est, attemptec suicide last week. A grain elevator at Buffalo, N. Y., was burned yesterday. Loss $250,000. The Teutonic, with Henry M. Stan ley and party Ion board, arrived yester day morning in New York. , Two of the leading hotels in San Francisco, Cal.,' were destroyed by fire Monday. I Loss, $1,500,000. : Headmsan Clarkson is at Asheville, N. C. He blames bitterly the admin istration for the Republican defeat. It is expected that the Governor's Mansion at Riileigh will be completed and ready tor becupany by January 1. The Greensboro Daily Patriot will suspend tomorrow for want of suffi cient patronage to sustain it. It is a good , paper, .nd a valuable one to Greensboro. ; The Philadelphia Record put the Democratic niajority in the next Con gress at 141. Such another victory never occurreel in the political history of the United States. The annual consumption of timber on railways in this country is comput ed at 5oo,oooooo cubic feet, requir ing the cuttinjg of the best timber from over 1 ,000,00b acres of forest land a year. The most significant point about this is tjhat 20 per cent of the total annual j consumption is taken from the yourjg growth, and that 60 percent of all railroad ties are oak, most valuable bf all our timber. The new sewerage system of the city of Worcester, Mass. , s is said to have been derponstrated to be an un qualified success. The sewerage is collected in large tanks, and when the work of che nical precipitation has been accompl shed the effluent, which is dischargee into the Blackstone River, is so ptire that chemists say it might be drunk with safety. The sys tem is in use n European cities, and the general verdict there is that its efficiency is unquestioned and its ad ministration Economical, j A special jfrom Greensboro to the Charlotte Chtonicle. Nov. 6, says : At half-past five this evening, as.the crowd from the cir&jjs was entering the city, Sergeant WHittington attempted to arrest a negrofwoman in front of the Benbow House. A lively fight ensued, the policeman coming out the winner. This enraged the large crowd of blacks that had corr e up to witness the fight. Several negro is joined in the fight, and as many whitejs; and fora time it looked as if there would be a serious riot, as pistols, knives and sticks were brought into service, out coolness on the part of the police to some extent quieted the crowd. Children Cr for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, -yre gare her Castorla. When Bhe was aiChild, she cried for Castoria, When she because Miss, she clung to Castoria, Wer Phfthrvl CljiHrrn. re -avetbem Castoria. kvanted. 25 more girls! to Work in Knitting Mills. Also ten small girls from 10 to 15 years old wanted. Light pteady work and good pay. Board and rooms furnisher to these who may want to move in from untry. Furni ture for room furnished 01 ..ands can bring their own furniture. Board very cheap. Apply at once to Oxford Knitting Mills. CheWing Tobacco. "Matinee" You all know the brand. Five boxes received today at The Oxford Drug Store. John P. Stedman. Oranges 25 cts a dozen. Couch's drug- store. Large stock spotting goods at J. F. Ed- wards'. Coyr For gale. A Fine Cow, with young calf : gives thrae gallons of milk a day ; price 35. Apply to J. 1JAVIS, Near Oxford. Go to Rawls for bargains in shoes. Apples jo cents a dozen. Ccuch's drug- .store. 1 ' i i

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